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You can't lead an army... 2/2 (TS_48)

I returned to camp just in time to hear the first siren. The enemy is already in sight from the first position. So Remis was right, the battle would take place today, the sun is sinking a little lower towards the horizon with each step they take. It can no longer be prevented. I really hope I didn't make a mistake.

My tent hasn't changed a bit in that short time, but it feels different. It's different from the vision I'm trying so desperately to avoid. Steven bursts in any minute to let me know he's ready with his army. I'll tell him I've handed over command and we'll part ways. But how will it all turn out?

Standard of the Fifth is still not here. I expected it to be here by now. But why should it? Lessi and the others already know I won't lead them. It would be of no use to me here. That is one thing that has changed, but has it changed the outcome enough? I'm sure my tent should have been in Sáules, not here. How do I know I've changed enough?

My armour is patiently waiting for me, that's the same. For the last few hours it has been waiting for me, reminding me of what lies ahead. Should I wear it? If I come across the Twins, it will just be a nice addition. And I'm not sure it'll work against the spell Edgar used to bring me to my knees yesterday. I remembered the expanding pain, what kind of magic was that? It was spreading so fast and violently, it had to be fed by something. Probably me, my power. That's why it was so aggressive. And he will definitely use it again.

My gaze drifted to the injured palm. My bandage is still clean. That's different too. How much do those details matter? What has changed so much? If I leave Steven in command of his own army, if I myself am far from the battlefield. Will that change anything? I definitely won't see those green eyes if something happens to him. But is it enough? I can't let anything happen to him. Not because I gave my word, but because I can't stand the thought of something happening to him. More than anything, I want to make sure he lives.

The tent tarp rustled, I heard footsteps, I should turn around. I don't want to face the look of the green eyes, I don't want to give in to it. Let the pain of the hand and everything else disappear in his arms. I want to listen to the calm beat of his heart and I want him to hold me and not let go. That way we could both forget about the battle and everything that happened. Would I be able to keep him away from all danger? No, not if he's with me. I always end up endangering him. Who I am will put him at risk. That's why we're here in the first place. Because of my family. And because I can't let it go. Not when I can lose the whole city and who knows what else.

“We will join from the northern border." he began quietly. Northern? It only now dawned on me that we had turned the whole attack around. According to my vision, he was to lead the first attack. He was supposed to be in the lead and attack the east, but now his brother will lead that attack. I slowly turned around. He stands there in black armour and doesn't look angry, more sad and tired. At least he took the armour this time, it will come in handy. And he looks really good in it. "We only await your instruction."

"I've handed over command." I recited a learned sentence that I had already played over in my head a million times.

"Handed over?" he frowned in surprise.

"I..." he doesn't stick at all to what he should say and how he should look. Everything about that conversation has changed and yet it remains the same, it leads to the same end. "I have to be somewhere else."

"An," he just looked at me for a long moment. My heart cannot cope with those eyes. I'm dying to know what he's thinking. And what was he thinking about the night before. That's another question I don't have time for. I don't want an answer. I should focus on what's important. "I want to explain it to you, but"

"No but, please." a new pain came over me. Much worse than the one in hand. Stemming from the emptiness inside me. It's eating my whole body. Our paths diverge here, and not just for the next few hours. It has to be, my decisions lead to his end. And I can't allow that. "maybe it's better this way..." I've never been good at saying goodbye and I'm even worse at breakups. Several loud noises came from outside. Like a sword cutting through the air, only a hundred times louder. There were screams of surprise and the battle cry of the Fifth. 'Then, now, forever!' Steven half-turned, never having seen their perfectly aligned ranks and shining armour. And I'll miss it this time too.

My gaze drifted to the rack. It's almost time for me to get ready. I have to prepare myself for the next journey. Another nasty long night, I guess. "Where are you going?" he turned back to me. I know that look he put on. He would prefer to stop me. But does he dare to do it now?

“It's none of your business anymore.” trying to get my cold voice back. I have to get rid of Steven. The battlefield will probably be safer than Alryne. Maybe that's the problem. If he went with me, the Twins would get right to him. That's the you have to stand side by side. Julien craves his blood. And Edgar believes too much in something that plays into the hands of two psychopaths.

If someone were to skillfully modify the vision that Edgar believes so much… to point Steven directly to them… even Riley knows Edgar isn't the only one waiting in Alryne.

I took a slow breath. I'm pretty sure I get it now. That I have to leave alone. Before the courage to go to Alryne leaves me. I headed for the exit, Steven grabbed my arm. Surprisingly strong.

"It is my business, damn it An, I love you. And I know you love me. It can't just end like this. You can’t just leave." green eyes suddenly so close. What does it matter what happened? I have to pull him closer. Kiss him. I miss his soft lips and the way he’s holding me. All my thoughts are focused only on how he makes me feel. Everything is so much better with him and worth shit without him. The world wouldn't be worth shit without him. And if there's anything I can do to make sure that here stays in it, I'll do it. Alone or with someone else, it doesn't matter. "What happened to your hand?" he asked as I pulled away.

I took a small step back and then another. “That's none of your business anymore, Atwell.” I almost turned around before I added. "Do something for me, stick with the Fifth and don't get killed. Tonight’s not worth it, besides at least one of us should get back and lead the empire."

I left the tent and joined the other soldiers, slowly marching to the battlefield. They instinctively dodged out of my way, thanks to which I quickly got ahead. To smaller tents and prepared infirmaries. It's clear to me that I won't be able to have a single talk with my commanders. I have to get to Edgar before those two do. I'm sorry I won't be able to tell Remis to be careful and give everyone here one last cheer. All I can do is give them courage without a single word. Creating the ball of warm light is much more difficult this time, I have to do everything with one hand, and the bigger the ball, the more excruciating the pain in the injured hand. I can't settle for another failure. Through the pain, I let my Light illuminate a good half of the battlefield. I need to prove to those who rely on me that I am with them, even if I am not standing next to them. I need them to believe we have a chance to beat them. Because I myself have my doubts about it. And should the Barrier fall, my Light will give them a little head start.

The golden glow above me and everyone in the camp created a great distraction. Everyone is dedicated to the happenings in the sky. That way I can get lost unnoticed in the sea of ​​other portal. Before I left, I saw Ethan, he ran towards me, but he couldn't catch up with me.

Thanks to Riley, I don't have to walk through a dark city hoping to run into my opponent. I know exactly where he will be, although I don't understand why. What the fuck does he want to do in the Written Archives, deal with documents? Establish a contract? Check the latest decrees? There are no magical artefacts or anything fun like that, it's just a building full of bureaucrats.

Bureaucrats whose lives are in danger right now. But I can't warn them, they might panic and scare the guests I'm expecting.

The lights from the vast building illuminate the darkened street, it is not unusual for the building to be open even under these circumstances. There is always someone working here. Deeds pour in here day and night, from all over the country and adjacent provinces, or rather from every corner of the world under our control, and someone has to sort them, check them, file them, and trace them back again. In other words, the work must not stop here, because then no one would catch up. So maybe Edgar decided to break up my country in this style, one paper at the time.

I ran up a giant wooden staircase. The archive is probably the only place in this city to have stairs made of real wood, elsewhere we relied on illusions and ordinary stones. Alryne was never our priority and never served to represent. So why waste materials? The Hall of Athes is part of the Written Archives, the blue stone in the hall is laced with veins of pure magic. As they had throughout Alryne, they had spread here. This city was built by a complete idiot, in the wrong place, with the wrong materials, and Jonathan consecrated it. I have a strong feeling this is where the brighter paths on the wall are a bit more pronounced. If the damn rock is to blame…

I follow one of the lines across the room. I'm not mistaken, it glows much brighter and began to pulsate furiously as I reached for it. It tries to get anywhere it can be useful. Or destroy something.

At the far end of the vast room, a figure is kneeling. It almost looks like he's praying, but there's no point, there's no altar or icon. I fasten my pace, there is an open book on the floor in front of him, it does not resemble any holy text in the slightest. On the yellowed pages are strange characters drawn in dark ink.

"Looks like I'm early. I'm going to ask you to give me the book one last time. While there's still time. You obediently go to the cell and I'll wait for the two." I started amicably, getting him out of here before he shows up will make things so much easier. And if he gives me the book himself, I can take it as an extenuating circumstance when he stands before the Senate. Maybe then we will really allow him to visit. Once every fifty years should suffice.

“No one will come,” he announced with a smile. “not until I tell them to.” he looked up from the pages of the old book. There is not a single trace of sanity in him. That's too bad. I've never seen him like this. He had never been so far beyond the limits of what was still permissible.

I had to laugh at his naivety. "Why do you think someone like them will listen to someone like you?"

“Because I have the diary.” he announced excitedly as a circle of inscribed characters lit up around him, they weren't runes but Katary's imaginary alphabet he had placed all his hopes into. Edgar is going to use the diary himself. Why?

“Seriously Ed, give it back to me before you hurt yourself. I took a few more steps towards him. "It will do you no good." what does he even expect to happen when he uses it? Edgar is a mage, just like me, and there is only a limited amount of power his body can handle. He can draw more in, sure, but not here. And that stupid diary will kill him before he can use any of it. He’ll create a crater the size of a city, but for no reason.

I highly doubt he knows how to let power flow through his body without pumping it up.

“You're wrong, Katary was a genius.” he adds more characters to that circle. He's trying to complete some crazy formula of his from that book. He's definitely lost his bloody mind. I have to stop him. "He did something you never thought of!" I raised my hands in front of me. I've never been good at negotiating with crazy people. And I probably won't be any better at it this time. I have to slow him down somehow. And if I could actually use both hands, that would be amazing. Real gamechanger.

"Mhm… A genius who tried to kill his own family. And I'm guessing you don't want that. Based on your personal beliefs." Katary partially succeeded in this attempt, as far as I know, only one of his daughters survived. His new alphabet is an unstable group of characters that cannot be controlled. "He was desperately clinging to his own nonsense and lost his mind in the process. Which you probably don't want either, because mindless killing is next." I took a few more steps towards him, he seemed determined to finish the spell he chose. And I can't stop him completely. He resists me. "I certainly wouldn't follow his example. Not if you want to save someone." I try to warn him. The veins of magic on the wall pulse furiously, slowly retreating towards him. So the athes stone had nothing to do with it, he does it. He tries to draw all the power in or commit a rather spectacular suicide.

"He figured it out!" he’s so sure he’s right. I have to stop him. Now.

"He figured shit, you're going to kill yourself! Rather pointlessly." I am only a few steps away from the glowing circle. Edgar attends to the text on the page. I must hurry before the first of the snakes full of power on ground touches his body. I've been trying to slow them down all this time and it's partially working, but it won't be enough. Not if I only have one hand to do so. "You can't stop them, not even with all that power. Listen to me, let it go and trust me. I can explain it all to you, but not here. You have to stop this! " it would help me a lot if he would stop what he is doing. I'm not sure I can handle everything that's around, but there's one thing I know for sure. “Edgar the Twins are Immortals, just like me, just like Jonathan. You’re not going to hurt them with some extra power.”

"Really? What is an Immortal without the body?" he shouted. The first of the snakes touched his hand, a brilliant blue light continuing up his arm. It must be excruciatingly painful, judging by the way he yelled.

I wanted to explain to him that even without the body, an Immortal is quite a terrifying threat. Mainly because we’re still alive. And much angrier than usual. In addition, the two would only  benefit from getting a new body. Since the ones they have now don't work as good containers for storing magic. But there was no time left for explanations. He cried out in pain again.

I tried with a rune to break the spell that he started. I heard a loud crack, but I didn't break the spell. A wave of released magic flung me aside. Armour comes in handy after all. It slowed the painful impact and kept me conscious.

I stood up and walked back to him, trying the same thing again, ready to stop the wave of energy. Another loud crack, must have come from that circle. I was surprised by the new threat, a green blast shot out of the circle, right at me. I stopped it at the last moment. It was closer than I'd like. Edgar paused as the rush of magic flowed into his body. He doesn't resist my spells, the book does it for him. Katary really wasn't a genius, but a paranoid idiot. And because of that, I won't be able to stop the spell in time.

A blinding light filled the room. Magic from the surroundings flows into the circle, right into its centre. Alryne is the worst place he could have chosen for it. The book itself serves as a well, allowing its owner to drain the last drop of power from the immediate surroundings. And Alryne overflows with magic. Anything can go wrong now and wipe not only this city off the map, but the army behind the walls with his sons and endanger other cities in the vicinity. That book turns Edgar into an efficient and uncontrollable bomb with the potential to destroy everything and everyone. Except for me and our real enemies.

That's why the diary is worth so much to the two. Not because of the gibberish lines of an old fool who believed he had a monopoly on wisdom. But because of the power it allows one to draw. And that's why they wanted to get so close to Alryne. The closer they get to the city, the closer they will be to all that power. Every metre they managed to get closer would be priceless to them as it would represent more power to seize. And now that Edgar had used the book, it would be nothing more than a worthless pages to them. That was his plan, crazy no doubt, but somewhat understandable. But why didn't he just destroy the book? He knows how to get rid of such an artefact. Why does he think he can stand up to them with just this?

The light receded. The circled figure collapsed to the ground. He can't be dead, the accumulated energy stayed in place, in the centre of the circle, and didn't release. If he's unconscious, I have a chance to get him away. Probably a unique chance. "Edgar?" I reached out to check on him. Another wave threw me across the room.

A loud bang drowned out everything. I bumped into something painfully, bounced and fell to the floor. The armour didn't absorb the impact this time, not even a little. Did he managed to somehow break the runes on the armour? I almost lost consciousness. I took a careful breath. My head spins, thoughts disappear into the darkness and return to me reluctantly slowly. The only thing keeping me awake is the excruciating pain in my side. I must have hit something. I want to turn around and check the extent of the injury, but I can't move. That's a very nice start and maybe the end of my persuasion. All I can do is look at the large blue tiles on the ground just a short distance from my face.

That didn't go well. Seriously, not a bit. I had no idea he could ever be this strong. I usually repel an incoming attack with just a thought. And if not my armour will absorb it. It won't stop kinetic energy for the most part, but it will dampen everything else.

So what just happened?

And how should I fix it?


I have to get up and stop him, but I can't.

I hear some voices. I have to concentrate to make out the individual words. Really focus and for once think about everything I do. “…you have thwarted our work of the last century! You had such a primitive task and you failed so miserably!” I added a face, an unnecessarily cruel look and light hair to the female voice. Is she here? Did she personally come here to take the diary? That's not like her. She can't be here.

Just the thought of her arrival made my head spin faster. But if she was here, she wouldn't leave me on the ground, without attention. He would, but his sister wouldn't resist.

"I'm not your henchman. I want you to keep our agreement.” I reliably identified the second voice as Edgar's.

"There is no agreement. You should have kept her, far from this out and you brought her here instead. You brought her to us and you probably don't care. You brought here his Successor and you don't even know what it means. That is of no use to me.”

“She's helpless, I took care of that.”

"You didn't take care of anything. You don't understand how it works. Her power or ours. Nor you understand the old power, what can it do." there was silence for a while. I have this nagging feeling that the two of them are talking about me. I'd like to join their conversation, but I can't. Breathing alone is a difficult task. My body is reacting differently than I need to. I need to calm down. Slow down my breathing. "Come to think of it, you're of no use to me either. Our cooperation ends here. If she kills you, it'll just save me the trouble. And if not… it's in your best interest that we don't meet again. You single-handedly sealed your own son's fate. Now all that's left is the battle.”

"You can't!" he shouted angrily. "If you break your word, I will find you." his voice turned to threats.

"Try it. Not even the Heirs can do it."

More silence. An ominously long silence.

I realised she's not here. He only had to talk to her image. She wouldn't risk coming in person. He's not here either. Their plan didn't work, there's nothing left for them here, and now they're retreating again. They start working on a new plan and disappear. All this was for nothing. I'm at the beginning again, just like them. Only because of his artifice to interfere in everything. I'd like to punch something, but I can't raise my own arm, let alone anything else.

Which is pretty weird. Something paralyzes me. But what? How?

Invisible hands helped me move, lifted me off the ground, straightened me and stood me in front of him. I can barely keep my eyes open. It's just like last time. "None of them are here!" he shouted. The grip that holds me, tightened around my body. I feel it squeezing me, crushing me and pouring new life into me along with it. "I have to find them..." he mumbled more to himself, on his way to me. He ripped a sharp piece of wood from my body, covered in my blood. That explains the pain. And probably everything else.

"What did you do?" I gasped. Drops of blood do not fall obediently down, but fly towards him. "Edgar… you gave them Steven…" I whispered, exhausted. They didn't care about him because of his stupid deal and now… they can get to him anytime and show him their own cruelty. They can go there now that I can't do anything about it. I won't save him even if I changed everything else. I was right and my crazy friend was wrong. "You condemned him."

"It's your family!" he shouted, not listening to me at all. "Why does it not work?" what should work? What is he trying to do? “Is it your blood…” my blood? Because we're family… the Twins, he expected them to be here. He tried to lure them with the diary. I finally figured it all out. He found out enough about them, their connections in Narral, their status. Their Immortality. He figured that they had something against the Heirs and also that they had something in common with us, he probably took the easiest route and concluded they simply wanted power because they were entitled to it. And he completely misjudged their personalities. He expected to just lure them out for a simple artefact. He thought he would face them alone. And he settles all by himself when me and Steven are far out of town. Well, relatively far. Because we were supposed to be together.

He doesn't want to kill me or his son. He just brings us both pretty close to it. Because he acts like a crazy maniac.

"We're not as close… as you think." I whispered with a laugh. That idiot got it all wrong and ruined everything. "They will find him because of you..." he has no idea who the two actually are. This makes everything worse. Fuck. "Let me go and let me keep my word. I'll get him to safety."

"No!" I have to stop the bleeding and do something about it while I still can. I have to get out of here.

I have to warn Steven. Get him away.

The grip around me tightened once again. Edgar took a few steps back, muttering something to himself. It seems he too has to go back to the beginning with his plans. At least it will keep him busy for a while.

I have overcome this several times. I closed my eyes. I have enough time, I must have. Just need runes. One at a time. First curved ypsilon - Vitta, cross with dot - Rath and modified X - X'ev. One more rune is missing. I'm getting tired of all this thinking. Or maybe it's that I'm just running out of strength and blood in my veins. Painful darkness is already knocking at the door. Something like K? No, it has to be a different letter. One that could be included in today's alphabet. Ones I try desperately not to think about. It is completely different from all the others. It has its own colour and smell. M? No, a different colour… it appropriated the colour of the new leaves on the trees in spring. It borrowed the captivating scent of cedar.


The grip around me loosened, I slowly descended to the ground, awakened by a new wave of energy. I took advantage of Edgar being distracted by his own nonsense and sent him high into the air. He hit the wall hard a short moment later. I took a deep breath. The air full of magic is energising. I can't heal my own hand, but the bleeding wound should be fine.

"Can't you see we're on the same side?" he stood up quickly and attacked immediately. I was ready for it. He's always so terribly impulsive. He is subject to his own feelings like a slave. His green beams of energy didn't even reach half the distance between us.

“The same?! You're like an unguided missile!” I attacked too, the ball of light left my hand, I didn't have time to think where I wanted to hit him. I hit his shoulder. The orb tore through the fabric and bit into the flesh beneath, almost ripping out a piece of it I'd say. He grunted angrily, but I expected something more painful. “You betrayed the Senate!” I headed towards him. “You betrayed me and the Heir!” another ball found its target on his forearm, this time definitely doing some damage. Blood poured out. "You betrayed yourself! Own family!”

Edgar approaches me from the other side of the dark room. “I always fought for my family! I always will!” he playfully parried another of my attacks. Like I didn't even try.

"Are you kidding me?" I stopped, close to him. The last few metres separate us. "I've been trying to cut your son out of this all this time and when I succeed, you'll send the Twins straight to him." my hand flew up. Edgar stood motionless. It's not his choice. He grabs hus throat as my hand closes. "This is why I took this stupid job. I became his Successor in order to stop it! I prepared the Fifth and made the others agree to break our only rule!” Edgar gasped. I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time. “All because of your idiotic vision that didn't even happen. You were wrong the whole time!” I shouted. I want to wrest from him all the power he has wrongfully appropriated. "You should have trusted me and not interfered." I need to get my injured hand involved. "I always kept my word! You had no reason to doubt!”

The bandaged hand does not want to cooperate. I turned my stiff wrist, one rune at a time lit up in space. Together they formed a new circle, my warm light hiding Edgar. The pain in my hand returned, just like before. I feel the pain cutting back to the surface and everything else giving way. I will need new stitches. I repeatedly lose control of the spell due to the searing pain, unable to keep my hand extended and open long enough. And because of the ever-increasing pain, I can lose control completely at any moment.

"Didn't I?" he shouted. My spell gave way, slipping like a noose and letting go of him. I still haven't gotten enough of the power he's appropriated from him. And my hand can't handle it anymore. "How can you know? You just let him go to that battle!" we both attacked at the same time. The two bands of magic met, biting into each other with a loud thud. "It may be too late!" his attack is so much more furious, I had to jump aside. He really is awfully impulsive and I can't count on him getting tired now.

"It's not about the battle, it never was. He shouldn't have been here! With the two." everything has changed and he refuses to understand. “He shouldn't have been with them.”

"That's not possible, he's going to die out there!"

"Strange you're not the least bit worried about Emmett, he's out there too!" the new attack ended the same as the previous one. His fury is directly reflected in his every move. All I have to do is face one of his attacks and wake up a few hours later in a completely different place.

Waiting for the next attack, Edgar grabbed his head and dropped to his knees. All that power must destroy him, tear him apart from the inside. Now I have the perfect chance to stop him. "Edgar!" I ran to him, he didn't even move. I put my hand on his shoulder, he's shaking all over, but he's cold, frozen like. Out of nowhere he started to move. He raised his head and opened his now bright blue eyes. It's not quite him. Scared me to death, though.

He grabbed the hand I put on him and pulled me to him. I'm not sure if he had the sharp object in his hand before, I didn't notice what it was. It went through the armour like it wasn't there. It went through the skin, deep into the flesh.

Strange how many types of pain I have to go through in a single evening. This one hasn't been here yet. It is as icy as those alien eyes. I can't see anything, I've never felt so cold before. It has spread throughout my body, it feels like a blizzard, inside my body.

I force myself to open my eyes despite the terrible pain. I force myself to breathe. The surrounding air must be warmer, anything else must be warmer. I opened my mouth, slowly, lightly inhaled the air full of magic. My lungs fill with that sweet air. It's the best feeling I've had in a while. I'm always floundering in the dark, and this feeling is just the opposite. It fills me with light as I lose my footing again.

Edgar still hasn't gotten up, it feels like forever but it's not even seconds. The confusion in the blue eyes reflects my own feelings. My hands glowed, his ablaze with bright blue flames. The two opposites of old and stolen magic met again in an even louder crash. I hear the walls cracking around us, the athes tiles starting to peel away, slowly falling to the ground around us. We both stubbornly maintain our charms, neither of us willing to give up on the other and put ourselves at his mercy. My new power dies away as the blood leaves my body again, much faster this time, destroying his use of a power that is not his in the slightest. And yet neither of us is about to break our spell.

I held on to the idea that I was here to get him in a cell. Back to the Senate, put him on trial and put him out of sight for a long time. Now I'm coming to terms with the idea that I might not get the chance to take him away. Either we both go our separate ways or neither of us. There was another crack with a new rush of energy between us.

Maybe if someone else was here, Jon or Emmett, they could convince him. Maybe Steven could do it. He would come up with an idea to get him out of here. He's really good at that sort of thing. If he was here, he would know what to do. He would stop this madness. I want to believe he could do it. I think he would be much more successful at my job.

Edgar's spell weakend, or so I think. I gave up, I ran out of strength to continue. He looks away, talks, but not to me. I stopped being interested in him.

My gaze slid to my armour, the bright white replaced by bright red. I want to stop the bleeding. I should do something about it. It's just that there's so much of it everywhere, it's on my hands, it's running down my leg. My own abilities to protect me are not working. I need some runes, any quick.

The room flipped over. I hit one of its walls hard. Or maybe it's the floor, either way it's cold and uncomfortable. I took a slow breath, I hope I did. I can't be sure. Reality dissolves into darkness as my body says goodbye to the service. Something is happening around me, I should stand up, go back to the fight, but I can't. Blood quickly leaves my body, taking consciousness with it.

This is not the type of injury that can be simply stitched up. I'm slowly realising it and adapting to the idea. I'm getting to the point where I can no longer feel pain or control my own body. I can hardly keep my eyes open. The room turned around again. Someone is holding me, I'm pretty sure of it. I want to see the face of whoever is with me. I can't open my eyes again. I hear a voice. Deep, soothing and yet terribly sad, desperately sad. I know it well, but I can't put a face to it.

I lost.


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