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The Coronation and other Catastrophes! (TS_11)

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

I left the guards in the hall and walked through a dark corridor all alone. The black belt carpet muffled my steps, but the skirt rustles loudly with each step. I stopped in front of the massive door, hesitated for a moment. Maybe I shouldn't disturb him. If he's like me, he's wondering how to get out of here. No… he's not like me. He probably can't wait. I knocked quickly before I could change my mind, the door opened with a click.

Steven sits on a dark sofa with a glass in his hand. His hair is cut shorter, but he hasn't shaved, which makes him somehow look older and wiser and I'm not sure I like it. He wears a dark blue suit, embroidered and with silver ornaments. Like all Athran outfits, the shoulders of the suit are highlighted. "Nervous?"

"Not at all," he put the glass on the table, stood up and straightened his jacket. It was only close to him I noticed the tiny, carefully embroilments. The shirt and vest are not decorated, but still look very elegant. "Isn't that strange?"

"Not really," I replied after a while. The smell of his perfume got me as usual. "Even with your brothers in line, I can't imagine anyone better suited for the job."

"Hmm..." he smiled, I wonder what's going through his mind. Before I got the crown, I felt like I was on a swing, one moment I couldn't wait and in the next one I wanted to run away from new duties. It was a mixture of conflicting feelings. But he doesn't seem to be bothered by any of this. "You know, you look absolutely astonishing today." even with high heels, I have to reach out to kiss him. His arms wrapped around me and held me closer to him. I wanted to warn him we were both going to wrinkle each other's clothes and even as rulers of our kingdoms we’ll be admonished for it, but his kisses had driven those fears away.

He opened his eyes and looked at me in silence. A mischievous smile appeared on his lips. With a quick movement, he pulled one of the strands of my hair out from under the crown. "Steven!"

"Now it's perfect," he said.

"It's almost time, but I can come later," came from the door. I immediately recognized Edgar's annoyingly velvety voice. I rolled my eyes and turned around. Somehow I forgot his father is still a part of it all.

"That's okay, Dad," Steven replied, holding me with one hand.

"Andrea, we haven't seen each other in a long time, despite the fact you've been spending a lot of time here lately." Edgar looked at both of us and smiled to himself. He must be delighted by the fact that his vision of the future is being fulfilled. Whatever it is.

He's right though, we haven't seen each other in a long time. I didn't miss him one bit. All dressed up and with a proud smile, he still looks half crazy. "It may be, my dear Edgar," I took off Steven's hand and moved to his father. "you're obsession with fate. You’re trying to hard to prove something so silly exists, you aren’t leaving the Study. Don’t you miss the cold mountain breeze?"

"Fate is right, and you two are proof of that," he insisted.

"Fate… is a bitch. Just like her predecessor, she makes mistakes. Or would you rather hear the thing about the broken clock being right twice a day?" his hazel eyes focused on me. "But maybe the cold is too harsh for the old body. A little sun would benefit you. Maybe we could assign you some meaningless function. Slurzin, perhaps?"

"I'm still a member of the Senate."

"Exactly, so act like one. Be rational." I patted him on the shoulder and walked to the door. "Steven, I hope you'll enjoy the ceremony. We are all naturally so happy within the family, but none of the Heirs is happier to be here and watch the first Athran successor take the throne than me." I said, then turned to Edgar for the last time. "Stay away from my diplomats, Ed."

"I won't even touch them, Vivian is here," he smiled smugly and turned to his son. Before I closed the door, I overheard their brief conversation. "Your brother is here."

"Which one?"

"Take a guess…"

The Athran throne room is completely different from the one in Nerkam, the main difference is its size. It is about three times smaller and there’s less and less room with each arriving guest. I completely understand why the builders stopped at this size, the entire lower floor of the castle is carved directly into the mountain.

A row of glazed balcony doors lets light and cold mountain air into the hall. Dark gray stone walls are decorated with blue steel pillars. The Steeles’ decided to be the only ones to grant themselves permission to use their own blue steel for such a useless purpose as decorating the pillars. The wolf's sign is on each one of them. Artificial fire illuminates the entire room, while creating a false feeling of warmth. And complicated bouquets of white flowers, which I can't name, are in tall vases scattered throughout the hall as their fresh scent develops around them.

Incoming groups of guests are greeting me and at the same time keeping a respectful distance from me. Business as usual. I don't know most of them, or more likely I just don't remember. Normally I would just repeat their greetings according to what Riley dictates to me. But the bastard disappeared somewhere. So, I’m on my own. Jonathan would remember the names of all these people without a hint -if he had already met them. Damien, on the other hand, wouldn't even bother to say hello, and Stephan isn't expected to answer, ever. He just is present like his statues. So I'm going to take my uncle's example, smile and nod without a word.

Among all these people, there is only one person I want to see. Well, I hope he's here. I hope the brother Edgar spoke of is Emmett. I'm pretty sure of it, but I don't have a way to verify it. And to my misfortune, I don't see either one of his brothers. Instead, another familiar face approaches me.

A tall man with heavily tanned skin makes his way to me across the hall accompanied by several guards. A long, yellow and violet tunic, decorated with rows of gold chains, ripples with every step he takes. Several gold bracelets wrap around strong arms. Long hair is held by a clasp with golden feathers. His face is dominated by a wavy nose, but it is quite a pleasant face. I can't take that from him. "Your Majesty," he began with a deep bow, his guards obediently joining in. "only your presence brings the soothing Light to this gloomy place and fills every dark corner with a unique beauty." he speaks with a strong accent, but I’m actually surprised he took the trouble to learn a different language. I was ready to talk to him with their gibberish, as usual.

"Zaik," I bowed too, but my guard didn't. "I didn't realise you would attend the coronation as well."

"I couldn't miss something like that," he said with a smile. It seems to me that he is looking for the right words. "I don't understand why King Edgar chose the youngest son."

"Well, why not? Have you met?" I wonder what my neighbour across the sea thinks of Steven. I guess he has a lot of reservations -as he does against everything on this continent- except me.

"We’ve met, he seems too ordinary to me. Same as his father." he stood right next to me, perhaps too close. For some time he watched the incoming guests with me. I was hoping for someone to take me away from him. He's probably thinking about another flattery. "The rulers of great nations like the two of us should stick together. So should powerful families."

"Oh my dear Zaik, you only think that because he's not trying to conquer his own continent. But you’ve seen his eyes. Powerful families do stick together." I know his brutal expeditions to new countries all too well. I have suggested several times that we should stop him and change the line of succession again. But according to others, his endless wars are good for something. He brings a number of new ways to his new countries, and although he leads his people hard and the word compromise tells him nothing, for most he has improved the conditions in which they live. And even I can't argue with that. "He's more than capable of changing the world for all of us."

"Maybe, one day in the future, if he's lucky, but I've already changed it." I looked into his brown eyes, hypnotizing me. "Together we would own half the world and we would take the other half," he closed his eyes and smiled provocatively. Is he picturing that future? Did he forget who is he talking to?

"Is that supposed to be an offer?" I feel the tension growing in my body. I backed a little and turned to him. He interpreted it as a challenge, and turned to me. Brown eyes undressing me. Suddenly, I feel the red overcoat reveals too much. It's uncomfortable to stand so close to him, in a hall full of people, I don't have enough allies.

Zaik lightly put his hand on my shoulder and pulled himself closer to me. The smell of cloves flooded over me. I’m trying to stay relaxed, but all my muscles are straining. I can hear the guard behind me, they took a step closer, the glove of one of them clinked something metallic. Probably a pommel of a sword. With my free hand, I stopped their hastiness.

Zaik leaned closer one last time. His hot breath burns on my cold skin. He's too close. He crosses the lines and knows it so fucking well. I'd love to hit him. Or send him to his knees. I want to get far from him, but I can not do anything, today is one of those days -no scandals. Not on my side. "Any man here would give anything for the opportunity to spend a single day by your side. Would give up eternity and Light to spend a single night with you. And I'm not just any man. Nothing would stop us. You should reconsider my offer," he finally pulled away, enough for me to take a breath without being choked by the smell of cloves.

"You know how this game works, my dear emperor. The world is ours, you are an emperor of your own nation out of Hallies’ will. Don’t make me change that." the Emperor bowed deeply again, turned around with a broad smile, and disappeared into the crowd with his entourage. His suggestive, pandering voice will ring in my head for some. Damned Querishi!

"Drink!" a hand with a leather wristband appeared in front of my face, offering me a flask with who knows what inside. I obeyed and drank, immediately regretting it. The islanders compare their own brandy to fire, it reminds me more of an acid. I hate how it slowly eats away my throat. With great effort I swallowed and returned the bloody container to Cadwallen. "Too strong?" he laughed loudly and drank, acting like he likes the taste of his horrific drink.

"Too smooth" I coughed up. Cadwallen pays no attention to my gasping. He looks at the decorations in the hall with considerable interest. In a hall full of people with long dresses and ornate suits, the islander stands out more than others. In his white shirt with rolled up sleeves and something strikingly reminiscent of leather armour. What really gets me is a golden twig with a couple small, red flowers. He keeps on the tradition of his people and yet, shows his support to my family. Like he has for all the years. I love the man. "Damn, you're so old, Wall."

"Said the relic… what did the slime want?" his Norse accent is much easier to bear than the Emperor's.

"I think he offered me marriage," as he had done so many times before. He'll never stop trying or leave me alone.

"I'm going to kill him! He behaves like everything belongs to him, he raised the tariffs for no reason," he drank again, raising his voice progressively. "and now this! What the fuck does he think, hmm? Do you know why he owns such a huge piece of land? Because no one else wants it, it's hot there, people can't tell a pencil from a fucking piece of sh..."

"Wall, that's enough..." I interrupted him in a fit of laughter. All the guests in here as well as the newly arrived people are watching us. "No scenes, not today, remember?" I admonished him, gently poking him in the ribs.

"That's right, you don't care about some emperor…" he took another sip, at this rate he will soon end up under the table. "You're interested in someone much more civilized, closer to home." I didn't say anything, I just feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and I know if Cadwallen notices, he won't give me peace for the rest of my life.

"You can't believe everything you hear," I turned my head to the other side and bit my lip.

"You're blushing!" he laughed again. If only he'd shut up. "That's serious!" he almost jumps on the spot with joy.

"That's the alcohol," I snatched the flask from his hand. "You shouldn't drink, either."

"It's so cute… lion and a wolf… who would’ve thought." he stood in front of me and shaded my view. Whether I want to or not, I have to look into his eyes as blue as the water around his islands. "As a happily married man, I think it's time for you to find someone."

"Lord Surrtson is right for once, Majesty. It's time." Riley emerged from the crowd around us, where the fuck had he been all this time? Even so, he did not forgive himself for a biting remark. As if he knew something about the right timing.

"I hope something’s wrong, and you’re not late just for the fun of it, Addison."

"It’s settled, the Duke of Parlasse changed his mind and decided not to attend." I had no idea he was supposed to attend in the first place. "I will accompany you to your seat."

"I think I got it," I shoved the flask into Riley's hand and turned around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cadwallen taking it back from him.

The long hall has already filled up and it does not seem that the avalanche of incoming guests has any end. Which is quite surprising given how quickly the whole event was planned. I wonder how difficult it can be to find a seat in such a hall. It's going to be in the front and probably pretty close to the Steeles’. Lukas pushes people out of the way and Cayden watches my back. As if any of this were needed, people avoid me in a wide arc. I am the Immortal attraction, after all. Very interesting and here just for the views.

"Majesty," a tall woman with bright orange hair bowed slightly and joined me on my way through the hall. I envy her tight-fitting dress, my rustling ones are driving me crazy. "I wouldn't have thought so many people could fit in here," she said, her green eyes moving from one guest to another. All her people are already here, very nice. "It's an eternal shame, though," she stopped at a vase of white flowers and lightly touched the petals with her long fingers. "there is not a single flower from the South."

So I don't have to look for Iohanna here any more. Great. The woman straightened up, smoothed the folds on her dress with her hand, and smiled again. Pleased she has delivered her report. "There's always a problem with flowers, as they start to bloom, they're no longer of any use." I looked into her eyes, they seem terribly wild to me, green mixes with yellow, creating a special shade. As with all her people. It's not a natural colour.

"Oh well... it will get worse. A northern whirlwind is coming," she laughed softly and disappeared into the crowd. How she was able to disappear so quickly even with that bright hair is beyond my comprehension.

"You're taking your time, as usual..." with her hands on her hips, another woman stopped in front of me. A tight, bright dress skilfully covers every piece of her skin. The only jewellery that adorns her are two rings and a necklace. Her light hair is tightly pulled back, her blueish-gray eyes are looking at me. Strange that the colour doesn't resemble his at all.

"Vivian, I'd almost forget you're going to be here as well. Still part of the pack I see." I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. If I didn't want to meet someone, it's her. I'd rather go back to Zaik and his pungent scents and annoying offers.

"Where else do you think I should be?"

"I don't know where Edgar puts his used toys." I'm really not in the mood for her. "While we're at it, we can ask him."

Edgar leaned over to his wife, seeming to be very careful not to touch her by mistake. He dealt with the message and pulled away. To be sure, he took a step back. "I really don't understand what my sons see in you," she turned to leave.

"You’ll have to tell me what’s it like one day, Vivian."

She frowned, visibly confused. I enjoy it so much when she looks like that. "What is what like?"

"Knowing you've finally given your husband what he wanted," I smiled at Edgar. "and yet, you have to watch your youngest son do the job you hate so much?" she left it unanswered as she turned and marched away angrily. "Is it just me or does she look much older than you?" I know I'm right. All members of my family use exactly the same spell to keep us young and alive. Not the Steeles, each of them is kept alive by a different spell. I find it incredibly stupid. And Vivian is obviously ageing the fastest. Arguably because she's the weakest one of them.

"I wouldn't provoke her in your place. Steven cares about her opinion." the last few weeks have changed Edgar. Whatever he believes in, it obviously won't allow him to sleep or rest. I've known him too long to fool me with a new suit and haircut. Wrinkles around the eyes and circles under them can not be disguised even by magic. How did I not noticed sooner?

"It's starting to take a toll on you." what's wrong with him, he can't even do such a simple spell correctly. Edgar shrugged his shoulders. Damn, he doesn't even care. Without his son here, he stopped pretending. "You know, I'm sure he cares deeply about your opinion as well, but you know how it is with parents. One idealizes them too much, sees them as heroes, and then learns the truth about them. And it's never the same." I whispered, I don't want anyone else to hear me. "If you excuse me, I should go."

I took one step before his hand stopped me. He holds my arm way too firmly. His eyes finally came alive, he returned to his old self. "I give up everything I've built, everything I’ve worked for, because I believe it will save my sons. All three of them. But I don't like the fact that everything will be on the youngest one. And the only thing that brings me piece is knowing he will be with you. And you will make sure nothing happens to him, Andrea. Because if something happens to him, I'll find a way to make your immortal, heiry ass pay."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" the cup of my patience is just a drop away from overflowing. I can't forgive myself for smiling. I can't kill Edgar for a variety of reasons, but I'm really toying with the idea of breaking his arm. I could do it with a single thought, but what would Steven say? Would he forgive me?

"Take it as a promise," he let go. He stepped back and smiled. It's a wonderfully fake smile, but it doesn't have to convince me of anything. It's about the audience around. He offered me a hand, I let him take me to my place.

My heart was pounding even as I sat down. For the first time in a few weeks, I was talking to Edgar and not the half-crazy puppet he had made of himself. And for the first time in a few weeks, it sent shivers down my spine. It's time for someone else to be in charge of Athran. I'm more than sure.

The dull pain in the left arm slowly subsided, making room for new thoughts. People around me sit on silver chairs with blue pillows, talking loudly and laughing. They're just in that good, festive mood that eludes me. I should be happy, mainly for Steven, but I can't force myself to it. Just the very fact he is Edgar's son makes him an ideal target and to make it worse he adds the crown and starts with me.

I would like to believe that this ceremony will bring me to a different set of thoughts. If only I knew what to expect. Steven is only the second monarch in a row, so whatever Edgar invented for today is yet to become a new tradition.

But I didn't expect it to start with a long and heartbreaking speech about the country's history. Actually, I should have guessed, he would have done it just to annoy me. And here he has an audience full of people who can't ignore him, nor can they leave. He tries to wrap everything up in formulas that can't offend anyone, and yet he only describes the fact that as long as Athran was just a province, no one in Zessia cared much about how its inhabitants. As long as they dutifully worked in the mines, we were happy. Bastard. I should have broken his arm.

All around me were the ladies pulling out handkerchiefs and wiping their tears. It's not like Edgar is going to disappear somewhere, so what for the love of Light are the tears for? He almost spoiled my mood.

And then the moment finally came. Everyone in the hall stood up and bowed to the incoming successor. I can't take my eyes off him for a single moment. The whole time Edgar was talking, Steven was smiling at me. Edgar took off his own ring and in front of everyone destroyed the small silver trinket very spectacularly in a cloud of black smoke that gradually turned into a wolf's head. It looks terribly ostentatious and irreversible, and yet it's just a gimmick. The same one we taught him. Fucking hypocrite.

I decided to concentrate on the new ruler. I smiled at him and he smiled at me, despite all the excited screams and gasps. As if none of those present had ever seen anything like it before.

The gaze of the green eyes turned away for a moment, the black wolf's head hanging over their heads came alive with new colours. It turned into a firework of blue and silver which in the grand finale brought his own ring into his hand. Steven took a short oath, before the Model put on his crown.

And just like that Athran has a new king. I hope for myself to be less a stubborn one. But I guess that’s not going to happen. Between shouting glory to the independent Athran and his new king, his stubborn intransigence is the only thing I can bet on.

His Majesty disappeared a little after all the addressing. So I was left alone in a room full of people who might want something from me. And because I don't want to stay long with people who might want something, I disappeared at the first opportunity too. I slipped out of the hall to one of the balconies and lit up a cigarette.

"His crown didn't even glow, strange right?" he said calmly. Damn, his smile is so terribly irresistible. One corner of his mouth is higher than the other.

I shrugged my shoulders. I can't decide if I'm still angry or not. At first he plays the saint, then ignores me. And now this. He stands here in a perfect suit, for once looking like the man of his status, in dark blue colours he fits perfectly with the rest of the family. He swapped the ornate tie and dark shirt for a white ones, but I bet one person chose their clothes. And I bet that person is his mother.

"If you're expecting an apology, Ans,"

"Like I've ever gotten one from you, but I have all the time in the world..." I came to him. Looking into the hazel eyes, I have to laugh. I want to be angry with him, but I can't. "Is it not enough for you that Edgar has given up the royal seal?"

"It'll probably have to do," he laughed, taking my cigarette. He inhaled the smoke and blew it into my face. My eyes are stinging, I feel like punching him. It is clear to me he will not return the cigarette to me. And he has the balls to call himself my friend, I should have left him to Damien.

"I guess..." I replied. The large skirt really annoys me, I tend to smooth it all the time. "I didn't think you'd actually show up."

"Are you kidding? I've been waiting a really long time for this." my eyebrow went up. "Officially, all of this is his problem. I don't have to worry about anything any more. I can finally buy a bar and get out."

"You can't be serious, he's always going to be your little brother and therefore your problem. Don't you know how a family works?" I tell him as if it means something, but what do I know if it still means something to Emmett. When his little brother was born, he was more than overjoyed, and the older Steven was, the worse it got between them. Emmett rarely talks about him. I never wondered why. Until now.

"Do you love him?" he threw away cigarette butt without extinguishing it. Typical, he is lucky the rock all around can’t caught up. The brown eyes didn't leave me for a second as he bit his lip. If I don't come up with an answer quickly, he'll chew it up.

"I think so." I don't think so, I know it. But I can't tell him.

"You think? Well that's just fucking perfect." he shook his head in disbelief. This time I don't find him so angry.

"Em," I wanted to apologize, he's already laughing.

"Come here," he squeezed me tightly in his bear hug, as he had done so many times before. I realised how much I missed him, so much so that I felt a little sad when he let me go a while later. "I don't want to care, you know? What you do, with whom, but I can't help it. Not when it comes to my baby brother."

"Is that supposed to be a warning?" I asked, taking a step back. The skirt rustled.

"Not at all, I'm not playing these games with you guys, remember?" he laughed. His laughter sounds almost the same as Steven's, only it's a bit deeper and more sincere. I should stop comparing them. Ideally right away. His expression suddenly became serious. "I want you to be honest with him."

"Honest? I didn't lie to him about anything." for the first time on this damn balcony, I realised how cold it is here. Long sleeves and a coat are quite useless in materials better suited for the South.

"You didn't tell him about us. You didn't tell him we were engaged." there's something about his tone. What the heck is his problem? If he's jealous, that's not my problem. He has no right to make any demands about my relationships. I'm not getting involved in his either. "Ans, tell him or I will," he added when I said nothing. I'd love to hit something. I'd love to hit him. All I can do is clench my fists.

"You’re giving me an ultimatum!?" I slammed the stone railing with my fist.

"I just think he'd be interested." I don't need to hear it. His whole family is crazy, I have enough of them. Edgar, Vivian, there's definitely Luke somewhere with other demands. No thank you.

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