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The new bar in Aré! (TS_17)

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

"Ans!" Emmett flew in through the door with a huge smile on his face. He doesn't bother knocking, just like everyone else. This leads me again to think about why the door is there in the first place. Maybe I should get rid of them altogether. Just a hole in the wall would be better. "I have to show you something!"

I put down my pencil and stood up. Of course, he decided to stop right at the door, so I have to go to him across the whole room. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time, little sparkles shine in his hazel eyes. "Lower your voice," I laughed. "you will wake up the whole Palace."

"So what! I have an absolutely amazing building!" he shouted again, ignoring me. Typical. He squeezed me in his embrace, lifted me into the air, and spun me around. He smells strange, different than usual, it almost reminds me of roses. "Please tell me you have the time. I have to show you," he added as he set me back on the ground. "pretty please, Anie."

"The Council meets in the afternoon and I have to be there, but I have a free morning." I hardly slept at night, and by five in the morning I was sitting here. Not that the argument with Steven didn't hurt, but it pissed me off more than anything. Who the fuck does he think he is? I will not be lectured by someone who does not understand the first thing about runes and the magic governing our world. He still is just a kid, not ready for any of this.

On the other hand, I managed to go to the training ground, deal with all the correspondence on the table, strengthen patrols on the border and I still had enough time to go through a few contracts, familiarise with the terms and prepare them for Jonathan. And just when I was starting to think I'd have to find a new pastime, Emmett showed up.

"Ans, please, this is vital to me," he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Life or death kind of situation."

"Life or death, huh?" I patted him on the back with a laugh. "That's big."

"Close your eyes."


"Shush," he covered my eyes with his large palms before he finished. I can hear him laughing. Even with my eyes closed I see the smile on his face.

The ambient temperature has changed, dropping a little. Doesn't seem like Lemford. I'm lucky to still have a coat from the morning on. The cold wind tickled my cheek. I can hear distant conversations of people and steps. A lot of background noise actually, so it's a big city. "Ready?"

He removed his warm hands from my face. I hesitated for a moment to open my eyes. Sweet, unnaturally fresh air compared to my apartment filled my lungs. This is going to be really interesting. I slowly opened my eyes. We're standing on a wide street, surrounded by tall colourful houses. On the ground floor of buildings are shops, pubs and other services. A single glance is enough of a hint. I don't even have to turn around to confirm that there's a large statue of my grandfather. As if his ten-metre-high representation could somehow balance what is happening here pretty much every night and major parts of the days. "What happened to Lemford?"

"Nothing, there was just the meeting," he laughed with a deep laugh as a group of young girls in nice, dark uniforms walked by. Emmett winked at them. All of them started giggling.

"Aren't you a little old for Aré?"

"On the contrary, wait ‘til I'm done with it," he pointed in front of him.

At the very end of a street full of people stands an asymmetrical building of smooth stone with a large glass façade. It must have at least eight floors. He wanted a bar, what does he need such a large building for? "It's huge."

"I know, isn't it beautiful? I'll show you from the inside," he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

The large, unfurnished lobby is just the beginning of everything. The main thing is hiding in the hall behind that. A few tables and chairs are pushed against the wall. A scratched wooden floor with a few loose planks creaks under our feet. On the bare walls, remnants of blue wallpaper are bravely holding on to the last few places, but I can't read any pattern from it. The metal railing on the gallery on the second floor is damaged, missing in some places completely, and so is the chandelier.

We stopped at a time-marked bar, the granite slab has more depressions and holes in it than I can count. And even in this miserable state, the atmosphere of the place takes my breath away. "It's just missing the music."

"I know. Give me a few months," he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "and it will be the best bar in Aré. Maybe in all of Zessia and the rest of your pesky little empire, it'll lay down Jim's casino." I smell the roses again. Emmett enthusiastically shows me where he wants to put an aquarium and piano and all the amazing original elements he wants to preserve. But I can only concentrate on the smell. I have felt it several times in the past. And it never led to anything good. I looked at him again. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time, hazel eyes shining. The facts he's wearing a formal suit could be explain by his visit to Lemford, but not the perfume. Yet, he bought a bar he has been talking about for years. In Zessia, not Athran. Right here in Aré.

A city famous for several days long celebrations and the highest consumption of alcohol and drugs per person. It has already surpassed Lemford. It's a modern city, full of young people who just crave new experiences. So it's definitely a cause for celebration, but it doesn't explain his enthusiasm.

What's wrong with him?

I hugged him, hoping to interrupt a long monologue about tiles. Blond hair hides under the collar of the jacket. I quickly brushed off and let go of Emmett. "What is it?" he asked, confused.

I looked at him again, I don't know what I expected to find. Perhaps proof his life's worst decision had come back? But I don't see any other evidence. My friend is just happy and I'm paranoid. Surely there are a number of blondes who use perfume with the scent of roses. I smiled and pulled a dusty bottle from behind my back. "I remembered something."

"Andrea!" he shouted, snatching the bottle from my hand and dusting off the label. I know exactly what it says: Vril'Ze, a proud product of the imperial province Vril, selective and unique in every way. I think it's a pretty bold statement. "Have you been hiding it all this time from me?"

"I hid it for you, not from you. Besides," I wiped the granite slab with my hand and jumped up to the bar. "the deal was that we'd open it when you got a bar."

"But that was like fifty years ago," he shook his head in disbelief.

"Not my fault everything takes you so long. I just kept my word," I took the bottle from him and poured the dark red liquid into the glasses. Surprisingly clean for local conditions. I thrust one into his hand and picked up the other. "I have to admit, even as an Immortal, I didn't expect to live to see the day, because my dear friend, making one simple decision takes you all the time we just might have. But when that moment is finally here, I couldn't be happier. I know this is just the beginning of something incredibly amazing. And therefore I believe, with all my heart this place will make a difference. To you, Em."

"Thanks Ans, to this bar!" the edge of his glass clattered against mine. We both drank. At first I felt a strong taste of herbs, only then I recognized the sweet taste of red fruit. It's a really good bottle and it tastes even better considering how we got it. Emmett jumped on the counter as well. "I still can't believe we stole the bottle. I mean, you're the fucking Heiress, you're not supposed to do that."

"Hey! We didn't steal it, we just proved to the Duke Donkey Arse that you can get into any vault, no matter how secure it is," I put down my glass and looked into his brown eyes. "Especially when the Duke emphasises in every other sentence that it is secured magically. He's been begging us to just walk in there. And me, as an Heiress, I had to figure out the truth… it’s all we care for."

Emmett snapped in half in a fit of laughter. The Duke's large, sumptuously furnished house was then full of guards. Or so it should have looked like. The Duke didn't want to pay extra for their training, and the only thing he took care of was the same uniforms for dozens of untrained soldiers in a large house. So instead of complicated, proper plan, all we had to do was lure the patrol away from the vault with falling armour in the next corridor.

"I had to lie to Jon about it, do you know how hard it is?" he keeps laughing. I love his laughter. He deserves to be happy more than the rest of us. "The idiot didn't realise he was missing something until a few days later. But Jon figured it out in a matter of minutes." either it was our quick departure or the way we giggled on our way out. But yeah, father has a good sense of knowing what I'm doing.

"From the way Edgar was acting, I'd say lying to my father is beyond you. I needed his results for work, and instead I got sermon after sermon," I filled our glasses again. "he said he would understand if you thought it up yourself and dragged me into it, but he never dreamed of it being my idea. And I couldn't stop laughing when he said that. He really thought it was our stupidest idea."

"I know, like the Dithune thingy. If he ever finds out you're dead." we're both gasping for laughter.

"You mean if he founds out that he had been wearing a worthless copy of his own crown for a whole month because we wanted to win a bet?"

"And we did win! In fact, it's an achievement we have to toast to!" he shouted again. "Too bad Jon didn't have a crown then." I had to put my glass down and wipe away my tears. Laughing with him is so easy and it makes all problems go away. I should spend a lot more time with him. I miss him so much. With all the new responsibilities and time I devote to Steven, I feel almost guilty.

"I'm going to have to name it here."

"Yeah, I guess," I nodded after a moment.

"I would like something that is meaningful to me. Did you know I decided I want a bar on that bridge? It became the only thing that made any sense to me after everything." he had never mentioned before he had made a decision the day I left him. I mean, he always wanted something else than the life he was born to. But I kind of assumed the bar was always there. "But I don't want it to be called Bridge, you know. That's just dull and plain, right?"

"Mhm… Jonathan missed you at dinner yesterday."

"I sent a stand-in to represent our family, that should be enough." he reached over me for the bottle. "Where did you leave him? I hope not with Jon."

"No, that would be too cruel. It's unbearable with him when you have a hangover… I hadn't seen Steven drunk until yesterday."

"He behaves differently. Pretty relaxed and chilled. So, like a normal person." he looked around. As if Steven was going to appear right here at any moment. "But seriously, where is he? He should see it."

"I think Steven only understood yesterday what my Immortality means," I took a slow sip. It's a great bottle, but I'm not in the mood to celebrate anything. Somehow I quickly got a taste of yesterday's memories.

"Let me guess. He freaked out, panicked, and said he had to think it over?" that surprised me. After all, Emmett probably knows his brother. I sadly nodded. "Give him time. I know you don't get it, but it takes a while for one to process it. I can talk to him if you want."

"That would be great. If he didn't think the two of us..." I paused. "I don't really know what he's thinking." sometimes he seems to understand, and other times he acts like a jealous idiot. I thought hard about it all night and couldn't come up with anything. I don't know where I went wrong or how to fix it. He said he was ready for it and I knew he wasn't, but that's about it. Either he accepts it or it's over.

"I know exactly what you mean. Do we look like we're sleeping together?" he sighed sadly. "If so, we'd argue a lot more." is he trying to imply that someone is jealous of him too, or that he just understands his brother?

"I mean," I wanted to ask him. I immediately forgot my question.

A tall woman in a loose dark shirt, probably Emmett's, entered the room. She didn't even bother to fasten it, she just tied it at the bottom and put everything on display, including the stupid ring that swings as she goes on the long silver chain. Her blonde hair tied into a high bun. Her icy blue eyes never leave Emmett. And the smell of rose perfume precedes her.

I clenched my fists, my stomach tightening. Somewhere deep inside, a long-buried sense of hatred awoke. I can't believe Emmett would be so stupid to pull her back into his life. It must just be some sort of a terrible dream. And I have to wake up any damn minute.

"Some guy wants to talk to you all morning, I'm tired of keeping him company." even hearing her melodious voice, didn't seem much more real.

"Tell him to come back later." Emmett jumped off the bar counter top and walked over to her. He embraced her with one hand in a perfectly automated movement. "I don't have the time now, Cat."

"Actually, I should be going," I put down my glass and jumped down too. With the hard impact, I realised how high the bar top actually is. It also reassured me that this is not a dream, but an ugly reality.

"No, wait," he quickly let go of Blonde and reached out to me. "I barely see you now, I'm supposed to have you for the whole morning, remember? I don't want you to leave angry."

"I'm not a thing you can have," I didn't want it to sound so cold. "I really have to go and prepare for that vote. And I'm not angry," I hugged him quickly to cover up my lie. He won't believe me anyway, but maybe he'll feel better about it. "keep an eye on her. If she gets caught, I won't interfere," I warned him.

"Or you can withdraw the warrant," he suggested immediately.

"Even if she hadn't killed me, I wouldn't," I turned to leave, remembering what else I wanted to say to him before her and her boobs got in the way. "Em? I think Lae-B would sound nice." I don't know if he finds it as nice, but I don't want to find out now.

With quick steps I left the hall, went out in front of the house, and leaned against one of the smooth walls. That brief meeting with her has upset me so fucking much I can't even concentrate on the spell and return home.

My heart is racing. I need to calm down. A paved path leads me away from the house.

I have to sort out my thoughts.

What is she even doing there? Why would he go back to her? And how come she's not dead? I gave Emmett my word I wouldn't hurt her, but I clearly remember putting a bounty on her head. And a pretty fat one. Is everyone around me so incompetent? Or were they serious about not interfering with the prince's personal life?

Damn it!

I took a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm myself.

A violent blow to the back of the head brought me to my knees. The stones somehow approached me. People from the neighbourhood disappeared. If they were here at all. Maybe I turned into an empty alley when I wasn't paying attention.

Although it couldn't be that empty.

Could it?

Thoughts fled. Only a stone road remained. And then it disappeared too. It's dark everywhere.


And peace.

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