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The hot day and dark night (TS_44)

The sun-drenched sandy plain that stretches out in front of the portal is a perfect example of what this giant continent has to offer. Tons of loose, hot sand, in a few places intersected by brave palm trees the hot sun has not yet had time to burn, and of course giant oases full of humidity. All this under the guise of a hot climate, heavily spiced food and alcohol that is not even worth mentioning. In other words, I really hate this part of Aet'Reon.

Just one such oasis stretches out behind me. An oasis in the form of a sprawling city in which the all-important moisture and magic go hand in hand. Compared to the surrounding desert, the giant city seems completely insignificant. It seems almost unbelievable, because only the entrance gate of the city is a good four metres high, and the walls that cross it are more like a small wall - a thin ring - around all the important buildings and their inhabitants. Naturally, I am only interested in a single building, in the heart of the city. But since I'm here, I decided to take care of everything hand in hand with our protocol, as is expected of me.

"We can go in." Will informed me quietly. I originally wanted to go alone and just pick up my package, but in the end I changed my mind. Because I don't have to talk to the locals like this, using their gibberish, which they pass off as a noble language here. And Will fits in much better with those pointy ears, orange hair, and colourful clothes. Definitely better than me, in the white uniform.

From the sight, the heavy wings of the stone gate opened, the spikes behind them lowered, clearing the way for us. Strangely, the giant door is not decorated in the slightest, it is only there to serve its purpose. That wouldn't pass for the builders back home, there it's at least a kilo of gold per square metre by Damien's standards. I entered the city first, with my entourage a few steps behind me. Thanks to my clothes, everyone inside the city jumps out of my way anyway and forms a bowing corridor around us. I wonder how long it's been since any of us were here officially, but it must have been quite a few years. Other than me, members of my family don't make such trips, and I don't enjoy official visits one bit. The last time I was here had to be fifteen years ago, when the laboratory opened and it wasn't official.

At least Zaik is sticking to our agreement and the people here respect our rules and customs. Good enough for the savages of Aet'Reon, as Damien refers to the locals.

The long street, perfumed with the strong smell of spices, ends at one of the temples. If I remember correctly, there are a total of three main temples here and I don't plan to stop at every one of them. My devotion to the Light has its limits. With the crowd that had formed around me, it would be foolish to just walk past. Something Damien wouldn't forgive me for. Not after I sent him to Andrawen where he has to go through it several times a day.

The statue of my grandfather casts a shadow a few meters ahead. And because of the way the city is built, I have to step into that shadow. I stopped at the pedestal itself. As always, the gold-inlaid runes reassured me I was in the right place. Once I have them at eye level, I can slowly bow. Stephan made me repeat it - that one damn move - so many times until it was flawless in his eyes. For me, it has become an automated action I don't even need to think about. Even the words I've been reciting from memory since I learned to speak don't demand my attention. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if my very first words were "as long as the Light is with you," or something like that. I have no idea what the three taught me as a child, probably just stupid things. I straightened up again with a slight smile, it's not so bad to be a part of Hallies Legacy after all. Everything I do is repeated by the people behind me. Obediently and without prompting. I'll show him savages.

I made sure my uniform was as perfectly aligned as when I came, before turning to the crowd. This is another, already automated movement my loving uncle insists on, but surprisingly my father does not. The people in front of me are slowly getting up one by one. Some quickly finish their prayers and recede into the background, others just stare at me. No change.

Will and her people surrounded me again, perhaps to create the illusion I needed their protection. Maybe she's trying to represent the Guard. And maybe she wants to clearly define the space between those people and me. Like before, it's only useful so I don't have to talk. I don't need her protection or anyone else's. Several of the gathered people decided to take a closer look, taking a few steps towards me. According to the rich colours of the long, masterfully decorated tunics, these will be the wealthier of the townspeople. And they certainly have something on their minds. People always need something. Want something, a miracle, a little help…

I'm only interested in one person. With quick steps, she makes her way through the crowd with her own entourage. A simple pastel green dress stands out among all the fabrics and patterns. She looks as fit as the last time I saw her. Her face has changed a lot, the smug smile is gone, the first wrinkles have appeared, and there are even darker circles under her dark eyes. As if the climate here did not suit her. It's spiteful of me, but I was amused and pleased to find out. I edged past the tall man in Will's group and waited for her to come to me.

"Child of Light," she bowed deeply, as did her entourage of three shouldered threshers. Two of the men at her side look around disinterestedly, the third mesmerizes me directly with his gaze. The dark, tanned skin on the bald head makes the pointed ears stand out. I don't like him one bit. Something doesn't sit right with him, he doesn't fit in with the rest of the group. And I don't like that, I just don't know why yet. "it is our honor to welcome you to our humble city."

Irm'linde is anything but a modest town. It may look ordinary with a few ornate temples and better looking buildings, but it is not. The most important to me is the lab, bur there's a university, four mines and a ton of bars and clubs. This pretty oasis is a giant metropolis full of life.

“I suppose everything is ready.” I motioned for her to lead the way. I don't want to waste time facing the hot sun. Not only that, I don't want to waste time anywhere on this continent. I have other plans. Today is a special day. The tall woman obediently turned around. The days when she talked me down are apparently over. But one can never be sure. I put my hands together behind my back, Damien insists I don't cross them in front of people in uniform. He says it doesn't look well. I think the main advantage is that those in front of me can't see what I'm doing with my hands behind my back. Like how many fingers I'm pointing at my people.

"Of course everything is ready. We were expecting you in the morning." the domineering tone tries to return. Her stooped gait and the fact she avoids my gaze indicate otherwise. She half-turned when she noticed some of my entourage leaving in another direction. What can I say, they have different orders.

"This is not exactly an urgent meeting. Things may be changing around us, but I am certain you will not leave this town, not even for a moment." I also had much better things to do in the morning. It wasn't hard to talk Steven into staying in bed a few hours longer, all I had to do was ask nicely and smile. Dark eyes wandered cautiously towards me. "Or am I mistaken?"

"No ma'am." she replied quickly, lowering her gaze, picking up her pace slightly. Her behaviour towards me has completely changed when she doesn't have her protector by her side. But her penchant for lies persists. It would be weird if everything just changed. People stay the same at their core.

A small building sandwiched between two larger ones drew attention to itself with red banners with a lion's head. It stands out quite clearly among Zaik's purple rags with sharpened swords, if only because they are so much more elegant. Fortunately, inside, it resembles my home a lot more. In the cool hall made of marble blocks, one would almost forget they are on another continent. There is pleasant light here, the smell of spices has been overcome by flowers, and naturally everything is a little gilded. "We followed the instructions down to the last detail." she announced, her bodyguard stepping aside and letting us pass to the stairwell. I could have sworn I smelled saffron for a brief moment as I walked past the bald man. Just a hint. And that always smacks of the emperor. Absolutely every time.

The building we entered just looks small. Its underground part extends under a large part of the city. The soldiers saluted under the stairs and opened the door to the laboratory for us. Soldiers in my uniforms, because despite the Emperor's protests, I'm not going to leave my research under his supervision. I remember this lab a bit cleaner and with fewer people, but that's to be expected after a few years of operation. “My people have been working under strict supervision the entire time,” she motioned for me to turn between the long tables of toxic extraction equipment. "all pendants are numbered, have their respective runes and can be traced back. Exactly as instructed."

The open box is already waiting on the next table. Thirty-two gold pendants in the shape of the sun laid out on blue satin. They look similar to those worn by all believers close to their hearts, but they are diametrically different. These innocent-looking trinkets soon turn into devastating weapons. It's not something anyone wants to hang around their neck and walk around with all day. They should look more dangerous, they lack a proper warning. At least - hands off. I picked up one of the golden suns, it's a lot heavier than I remember. I could have sworn the pendants weighed next to nothing the last time I held them, all their weight comes from what's inside and who knows all about it.

I returned the unusually heavy trinket to the others. Controlled by my magic, the lid of the box moved, the straps secured themselves. Just to be sure, I secured the valuable cargo with a rune. No one can be trusted here. Not even my people. Not in this case. "Can we talk alone?" my hostess opened another door.

With a nod, I entered the spacious office. The white walls with giant ocean view illusions really worked. But they were no match for her previous office view on the top floor of the Taltron Academy. "A new office?" I asked on my way to the table. I didn't get an answer, just a soft click as she closed the door. She has a number of interesting things here, a shelf of books in a language she doesn't really understand, that is if I remember correctly and she hasn't found a dead language teacher. A conveniently placed dagger, on the bookcase, and another on the other side peeking out very conspicuously among the other decorations. Probably for occasions like this when an old acquaintance visits her. And on top of that, here stands a vase of large flowers that normally appear in the imperial court and I've never seen them in a place that wasn't connected to his smelly fingers. They are his personal flowers, which he probably bred himself. With the same heavy, intoxicating scent that clings to him.

I wonder what she's working on out of sight of my people. Would she break the rules again after everything that happened? The unnaturally tidied table top makes me think about what she might be hiding. Normal people don't clean up like this, they have no reason to. Not, in a research laboratory where ideas are supposed to flow. She halted halfway across the room. "As I said, my people worked on the whole contract with me, but none of them came close to the contents of that box. I took the liberty of checking the calculations and put the substance in myself."

"Substance?" I repeated her designation of the magical thingie shrouded in mystery. I took the liberty of changing her false view to the Taltron Gardens. To her old, much-loved view. She must miss it. “You know what was inside.” I want to make sure that she hasn't changed a bit. People like her don't change.

"That's none of my business. My job was to get the required substance safely into the locket's core." she frowned slightly. Her gaze went to the false window, stopped there for a moment, then returned to the floor. She plays damn well. “I did my job, ma'am.”

"Ma’am? Don't play the hurt and innocent, Aristea." I improved her view again. For something she must miss far more than her office. The view of a colourful island directly from his bedroom is certainly more pleasant than an impersonal ocean. "You're not doing it for those people, you want to be the only one with complete information. Just in case there's something to be gained from it."

She raised her head, for a moment it looked like she wanted to tell me something. A piece of land flooded with colorful signs robbed her of all words. She watched in awe the bustling streets of Lemford, the way Damien's suite looked out, with all the fake people, the ships on the horizon, and the rising sun. “I don't want to get anything out of it.” she snapped after another moment of blankly staring at the wall. It's just a fake picture and she'd rather get lost in it.

"But you won't win his favour either." I opened the first drawer. There is not a single sheet of paper in it, not even a stupid pencil, nothing. The same in the one below it. No one cleans his carefully. Except maybe she was just pretending to work here.

"The substance," she finally looked me straight in the eye. "it's not allowed."

"No it is not." I confirmed with a smile. The third drawer holds what I'm looking for. Behind the silly charm is my answer. When will people learn that their spells leave traces and the rest can be deduced from them. Creating her own unique lock isn't much use to her when she uses the same formula as everyone else. I took out a notebook in leather boards.

“You can't manipulate it.” good old Aristea is slowly coming back. I used to consider her almost an equal rival. She could be resourceful and really unpredictable. Maybe it will come back, I want to have some fun.

I flipped through the pages of the notebook. She didn't disappoint. Everything is here. My order, exact instructions, material delivery date. My signatures and seals. And a breakdown of her work, proof of her participation in this whole operation and the sealing of the eyewitness account. “Not even I can order thirty-two pendants with this inside.” I ran my finger over the formula page several times. Back and forth until I'm happy with the shape. "What will Damien do when you bring him this notebook?" I put her precious evidence on the table. I stepped away from the book, she can take it. I want her to reach for it.

She approached the table, never taking her eyes off me for a second. "I don't want to hand it over. He wouldn't do anything to hurt his niece." it took a lot of work for her to say it out loud. But she's right. Damien wouldn't do anything with that notebook even if he got hold of it. I'm not the only one breaking our rules, that's the beauty of our hypocrisy. We have nothing to blame each other for. And we have so much dirt on each other that not even my Light can clean it. The white uniform may deceive the eyes, but our hands are covered in blood underneath.

"You're absolutely right," I smiled again, she has a portrait of him here. I reached for the frame, not for the picture. She also kept his dedication, he always writes it on a card next to it so he wouldn't spoil the drawing. Aristea is just as in love as she was then. Surrendering to a man to whom she has nothing to offer. "but he's not the only one. Nobody's going to do anything about it." the words stung her. She reached for her evidence. The notebook dissolved the moment she touched it. “Our little secret will not leave this room.

"You think I was waiting for you to come and deprive me of everything again?" she asked sharply.

"Not in the slightest." I left the card with my uncle's sweet words alone. This is exactly what I was waiting for. "I think you're still the same." I slowly walked around the table that separated us so awkwardly. "Still the same conceited," I took another step. "still as poor." being so close to her I noticed how much she had aged. It can be at most ten years since he dumped her and she's put on like twenty. I am quite surprised. I always forget how quickly people age given the opportunity. "I would expect you to learn from your mistakes. You keep putting your trust in the wrong people."

“I don't understand what you mean.” I would almost believe her. If it wasn't for flowers and she hadn't taken a step back.

"What does Querishi know?"

"The emperor?" another step back. "Why would," I stopped her in her tracks before she could reach for a very conveniently placed dagger just a single step behind her and do something silly. "he doesn't know… anything." her eyes widened in fright. I can't help but tighten the grip of the magic around her neck a little. Purely just for the joy of it.

“I'd swear you were much better at lying when you were playing with Damien.” Aristea began to gasp. I walked around her while she was choking and took the dagger she so desperately wanted. I pressed the hilt into her stiff hand and looked into her frightened eyes. "That’s what you were looking for, wasn't it?"

I released the grip that kept her away from oxygen and the ability to move. She headed to the ground without even trying to attack. Which is quite disappointing. She just coughed harmlessly on the ground. So she is as pathetic as I remember. Good to know I wasn't mistaken. But I'm really sorry she didn't at least try to kill me. Then I would have a reason to return the favour and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't miss.

"I'll see you when you come up with a better plan, hmm?" I gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder and let her catch her breath. Killing her is a tempting idea, but I enjoy her attempts to achieve something much more. Besides, death brings with it a peace I don't want to give it. Yet. And then there's the whole Damien thing, whose attention I don't need right now.

I got out of her office just in time, the bald guy was back. To my surprise, he's alone. My soldiers are still standing between me and Will, but his intentions are quite clear, his hand slowly moves to his waist. He still can't stop staring at me. And it's not the respectful look I'm used to, this one only sees me as his enemy. Ready to react if I made a move. He pulled something out of his pocket, it's too small for a gun. A folded piece of paper, I figured. So… he probably doesn't want to attack, my bad. He placed the paper on the table beside him and took a step back.

The paper, with its purple wax seal, moved into my hand. I have an inkling of what awaits me inside. He wants to talk to me because of what's going on here. And I was hoping I would avoid visiting Zaik. The question is does he know anything about my order or is my old acquaintance keeping him in the dark. “Will, go back to the capitol, take the package. I still have one meeting to attend." I crumpled up the message without opening it and tossed it aside. The people around me started to move, Eric begun to open the portal, two men were guarding the bald man and two more moved towards the box. That single movement bothered our new friend, as he started to demand his own terms very loudly.

Will immediately turned to me. Her orange hair fell to her face. Once again making more room for her ears. "Says, that,"

"I know what he's saying, Will." I stopped her. I don't need an interpreter and I don't feel like taking orders from anyone. Certainly not Zaik. Who does he even think he is? To demand anything. His laws are just ridiculous recommendations. "I just don't give a shit. Get rid of him and get the package out of here." Will protested, but I'm about as interested in her protests as the logistics of how are they going to get the crate out of here. I turned on my heel and went back to the damn office.

Aristea managed to get off the ground even without my help. Her breathing has returned to normal, she has dropped her mask and is looking at me with that old, familiar look full of raging hatred. I was surprised by her speed. She turned with the dagger I handed her, ready to get the sharp tip between my ribs. Maybe I should stop giving sharp objects to others.

The only flaw in her next great plan are my much faster reflexes. I'm used to people trying to kill me. I know exactly how to achieve this and how to prevent it. I stopped her hand in motion, twisted it back and took the weapon from her. She could still hurt herself and I don't want that. I put the blade to her throat and pulled her a little closer to me. Self-defence seems to mean nothing to her, and the chances of her trying to escape are not very high. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing," she whispered. "I wasn't supposed to meet him until after the handover." why does everyone always lie, she could have made it easy for her. She could have just told me the truth and stayed here.

"You will take me to him," I demanded in a cold voice. "now."

She managed to open the portal on the second try. Her hands shake as she writes the characters. I'm starting to worry we'll end up somewhere else entirely. She needs to know how to get to him. Into his personal space. That's why she has the flowers here. She can't keep Damien with her, so she tries someone else. And the emperor has a weakness for women who can command him. Weakness or deviation. More likely the latter. He is so strange at times.

I could smell the pungent scent of cloves and saffron even before I stepped out of the portal. The stench is so annoying it overpowers magic and everything else. With her still in my possession, I took the last step towards my goal. I need to avoid all his guards and people who might hear us. None of what has just happened and what will happen will ever leave this sweaty continent. It can't let it get away. It's my little insurance to save people back home. Especially one particular person. And I refuse to risk it again.

The drawn curtains in front of me cover a room I definitely never wanted to enter. As soon as I pulled back the fabric, a light-filled room appeared before me with colourful tapestries on the walls, dominated by a bed with dozens of small pillows and pre-prepared chains. It doesn't surprise me in the least how and where Zaik spends his free time. It's exactly the kind of fun you'd expect from him. Perverted and probably not entirely voluntary for the other side. But standing here, and in my uniform on top of that, just insults me. Maybe it's time for a new emperor. For the new dynasty he so desires.

“He's in the other room.” Aristea whispered. She seems really scared to me, and I haven't even threatened her yet. On the other hand, even the last time I put the dagger to her neck, I didn't get anything better. Her actions always take a backseat to big words. “I'lltake you there.” she did, around his other toys that I didn't want to see, ever… or name or even think about. I got myself into this position. So what am I complaining about?

The other room, as she called it, is a regular harem. With large mattresses all over the floor, giant vases of his flowers, open, ornate windows, and a pile of orange, sand-like powder on the table.

The emperor is indeed here, surrounded by three women. None of them are downright ugly, all of them are beautifully tanned, and all of them are dedicated to his pleasure. I can't see the face of the one on her knees, on the ground in front of him. And I'm actually glad for that, all I can see is her long, dark hair, braided, quite similar to the one I have right now. The other is holding prepared fruit on a tray, which I can only guess is not ready for direct consumption. With a little imagination, there's potential. For example, the small, yellow pieces in the bowl in the middle burn pleasantly on the skin. The third woman sits innocently next to him and just talks to him, she has a book on her lap. Who knows why, she is naked. She noticed they weren't alone before he did. And her blue eyes widened.

Zaik did not show his surprise. He can play pretend really well. Neither of his two companions who saw us changed their behaviour. They just look at me and Aristea, scared. “I would expect my guards to welcome you in the throne hall like usual.” he spoke in that nasty, rough accent. I would almost prefer to speak his language, just so he'd stop screwing mine. “This is a pleasant surprise.” he added mischievously.

“I was hoping this would be an opportunity to talk in private.” I have to fight not to sound disgusted. My stomach clenched at the thought of what he would find pleasurable. I usually just find him slimy, now he makes me physically sick.

"No one will disturb us here." he announced with a smile. A repulsively crooked smile. He is not in the least interested in my request. Being alone with him is not a nice idea, but three more witnesses? Together with the woman whose neck is threatened by the blade in my hand, it's already a nice crowd. “You can tell me anything.”

Anything? I decided to let my actions speak for me. I lowered my dagger, Aristea breathed a sigh of relief, too soon for my liking. I just needed to hold the dagger a bit differently, my hand slid down the blade, into the perfect position to throw it. I'm usually very open to new ideas, but some negotiations should just be kept private.

I swung my dagger at his solution, still not sure if I was aiming for her or him. A loud crunch confirmed my strike. Yet, her body barely moved.

The fruit tray hit the ground with a loud crash. The cut pieces rolled all around. Bowls shattered as shards littered the floor. Its owner shook, but didn't make a sound. Like the other one, she continues to sit next to him. They must have seen much worse things here. Like him. Yeah, nothing beats him for sure, I find him disgusting even now when he's dressed. One murder is nothing against that. Zaik carefully pushed the body away, making sure he wouldn’t look at her. And I thought he doesn't mind the murders. He gets rid of anyone who doesn't suit him. “You don't seem to understand how important that package is to me.” I pushed Aristea down, her legs buckled almost immediately. I lean towards her, speaking loud enough for him to hear. "What did you tell him?"

She burst into tears. That's my answer. Her cry. It's perfect. Seriously fucking amazing. What in the Light should I do with it? Fuck. And I still sound like Steven. This can't get any worse.

“I cannot allow you to take away such a delicate package.” the emperor straightened up. He doesn't seem as relaxed as when I arrived. He's not even worried, he's waiting to see what happens next. But something about the way he said it struck me. A delicate package… it's not exactly delicate, forbidden and dangerous perhaps.

"Aristea," I addressed her softly. "is there anyone else besides you who knows about the contents of that delicate package?" her only insurance would be to share the information. Zaik would have something against me, even without evidence it would be a serious accusation and since it came from the Emperor, others would have to take it accordingly. But I have a feeling that in her endless stupidity she didn't consider the advantages of this option.

I firmly gripped the hilt of the sword that had just appeared. Aristea took a deep breath, stopped sobbing. She had to come to the same conclusion, this is her chance to save herself. "It is," her last words were cut off by a sharp blade. The head rolled to one side, the body landed on the other. Zaik stood up sharply. Enraged either by the loss of his new friend or by the blood that spattered his light tunic.

"That's enough!" he shouted angrily.

"You don't have the slightest right to allow or forbid me to do anything, Your Eminence." I crossed the body. Lucky he has curtains everywhere, I can wipe my sword right away. I won't save the uniform anyway, but that's something to be reckoned with. And the gloves didn't take it either, today is a special day.

"This is my country!" he shouted again, one more time, and I'll rob him of that voice, and probably his head too.

"You are quite sure of that, aren't you? You wanted your throne and I helped you get it despite some obstacles. Therefore like your father, you are not irreplaceable. And my patience is not endless." I looked at the two bodies on the ground. I still can't see the face of the first woman. It's starting to annoy me. It's so impersonal.

Aristea's head is looking right at me, and even without the rest of her body, it annoys me just as well. I'll have to keep this a secret from Damien for a while. He'll be pretty pissed off when he finds out. Or I can throw it at my new scapegoat. Just to get him in that position. I smiled sweetly at the emperor. "Your father and I had such a nice deal. You'll have to consider that as well."

"What deal?" he asked a little more calmly. I went over to him, I had to cross both bodies on the way back. He just hypnotises me with his gaze. Just like the bald man, he can't look away. Only his look encourages something else. I know what he was thinking and it couldn't be further from the truth. The smell of cloves and saffron almost blew me away, and next to him, it's unbearable. I took one more step. Body to body, I pulled myself up onto my tiptoes. I slide my hand down his muscular body, pressing the other to his back. My heart is racing. Everything is telling me to pull away before I regret it. But it would be a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity. I should know.

It will only be a moment. And then I never have to touch him again. I finally found what I was looking for. The hard object pressed into my palm.

The emperor's brown eyes are still watching me. The very fact I’m so close to him, touching him paralysed him. Plus my uniform and dark eyes. His pupils dilated even more. Surely his thoughts would not lie to me. They can't be as cunning as his full lips. And I have a few questions that need answering.

I was expecting something colourful and extravagant. A golden throne to sit on. Loud music with uncomfortably high notes. Scorching hot sand as far as the eye can see. Palm trees and those flowers of his. More nudity. Anything. His mind is completely blank. It's just him, me, and a big, fat nothing. Not much of an imagination I see.

"What's inside those pendants?" I asked, looking around. Anything can give me a hint. A stray thought, a pushed out memory. For a moment I caught a glimpse of Aristea's face, a sketch of those pendants. Myself holding her and her body falling to the ground a little lighter.

"Something forbidden," he replied quietly. "something dangerous that the islander can't offer you." he guesses, but he really doesn't know. “Something from this part of the world.” I turned back to him. Brown eyes narrowed to a thin line. He tossed back his long hair to reveal his pointed ears, hung with earrings. Over a dozen hang from each ear. And everything is there, rings, chains, stars, crosses and coloured stones. “You are breaking your family's rules.”

"My family is,"

Jonathan's shadow appeared beside me as he perceived him. Enraged and cold as a block of ice. “Strange how empty this place is.” he said quietly, looking around just like I am. He's right, Zaik isn't trying to do anything. He's not trying to get me out of his mind. He doesn't want to show me anything. He's just waiting. I looked at my father's shadow more closely. Someone appeared behind him. A small figure flashed there. What is anyone else doing here? Why is he thinking about it?

The empty space disappeared, the figure led me to the stone hall. A dark cloak doesn't say much about who is hiding under the thick fabric. But I know very well the hall with the blue flags and the little white and blue flowers floating down from the ceiling. "Who is it?" I added to my step, I would like to catch up with the figure. It disappeared behind the first pillar. I turned to ask Zaik.

"You think you can impress her, but you don't know her at all. You can't understand because it's not personal for you. Just a game." I look into Steven's angry eyes. His voice remained cold, colder than Athran mountains. "But you want to join the play? Fine! Be my guest. I wonder how long it’ll take you to figure it out. You can offer her the whole world and you'll gain nothing. She has no desire to subjugate others… or you. It's that simple."

Steven disappeared, as did the image of my father. Instead I look at myself, in an evening gown with a crown on my head and a ring on my hand. From his perspective, it appears much larger and the colour of the stone here is almost ominous. Zaik appeared beside me. "Why? Why him?"

"Who is the cloaked person?" it reappeared, just for a second, and disappeared again. All he cares about is the ring. A red jewel, hidden right now under my glove. "Zaik, who was that?" I insisted.

“I couldn't see his face.” his gaze turned to the side. How does he know it's a man? The dark figure slipped past again.

"At marlier." a deep voice said. Marlier? What nonsense is this? Ma… matt' laer? The Emperor doesn't speak Athran, but the man does. He is an Athranian. Someone from the North tried to poison him with poison from the West. Why? A similar poison would be found in Athran, more potent, more excruciating.

At matt'laer.

Time is running out.

He was betrayed by his own people. Someone who gets closer than others.

Someone Steven knows.

“You have to protect him.” Zaik said through gritted teeth. Inside his own mind I almost forgot he was still here. He's standing next to me, just a bit from touching me. “He's a weakling.”

There is no point in convincing him he is wrong. I was looking for a simple answer and got so much more. Zaik helped me more than I could have hoped. He saw the one who tried to poison him.

I have to get out of his mind before he exceeds my gratitude. The dilated pupils contracted, the brown returned to its place. The smell of cloves came with it. And the emperor's scorching heat.

"I don't need your protection. I know how to take care of others." it almost sounds threatening. I leaned closer to him.

“It makes a big difference whether you are on my side or not, my dear Emperor.” I whispered in his ear. I had to turn his precious gift in my hand twice before I found the bloody fuse. I pressed against it with my fingernail until the latch clicked into place and made a soft tick. Zaik's body tensed. He must have run out of what I borrowed from him. I'm just going by what I know about his father and Zaik himself. He might make my life miserable, but so can I make his. So it would be easiest if he stayed out of my way. Just like his father. Completely and without further notes. "You all need my protection. But only people on my side won't be harmed by this toy."

"Stop it!" he ordered sternly. Good for him for not raising his voice.

"It doesn't work like that, I don't like stupid games. And we've been playing ours for too long." the ticking sped up slightly. He tried to move, not even noticing that I drew a rune on his back with my other hand. He is so careless. “You have to choose.” I let go. I want to see the look in those dark brown eyes. I want to hear him say those words. He knows which ones they are, he just has to say them. “This will either be your end or our new beginning.” the ticking speeded up, he had about fifteen seconds left. That is enough time to make a major life decision. He can swear obedience to me, here and now, or he can bid farewell to all prospects for the future.

“I am,” his gaze left the golden scroll in my hand. He fights with himself, he doesn't want to submit to me. And at the same time, he desperately wants to stay alive. After all, like everyone else. This is the greatest weakness of all men. Their life. And the need to preserve it. "ready to serve the will of the Heiress."

The ticking sped up for the last time. Five seconds before the chamber opens. Four before a greenish cloud appears. Three before it spreads to the surrounding area. Two before we all inhale the sweet, lung-eating scent. "One." I finished counting out loud and threw the little container away. The chamber clicked open, the deadly contents spilling out.

I released Zaik from my possession. He instinctively held his breath. Our beloved Emperor has just sworn his allegiance to me, with everything. He resisted the same thing for years, not wanting to give up his last vestige of freedom because he believed he had some real power. And all it took was a little puff of gas, just its threat, and he, like his father, surrender. Why didn't I do it earlier? "The difference between life and death can be seconds. And yet it's so easy to avoid. If you know which side to join." we both watch as one of the women who was with him begins to suffocate. She tried to clear her throat. She arched at the waist and dropped to the ground. All in a few quick heartbeats.

The door behind me opened. Someone called the guards. The second - or rather the third - woman I don't see anywhere. She must have disappeared when I wasn't looking. The four men with curved swords parted, and she stood between them, the woman with the blue eyes. Zaik stopped them with a forceful instruction. The poisonous cloud quickly dissipated under his guidance.

I went to the newly arrived group. Without taking my eyes off the woman, I extended my hand to her. She hesitantly grabbed me. She has enough common sense to be afraid. I led her back to him, she is a bit taller than me. I stepped aside so he could see me. I want proof. I need to make sure he understands his own oath. "Our conversation should remain just between us." I looked at the dead bodies. The blue-eyed woman guessed what was going on. She started begging him not to do it. She tried to tell him he had a choice, but it wasn't true. That's probably why he talked to her. She is the only one of the three with a brain in her head. What a shame.

The emperor did not hesitate. He unsnapped the small dagger from his waist and in one swift movement plunged the blade into her chest. He wants to get it over with as quickly as possible. But he did it. He follows my wish. And he didn't hesitate, he didn't bargain. He didn't even look at me. He tossed the dagger aside and turned to the window. Perhaps for the first time in all the years, he has nothing to add. He doesn't want to win my affection. Perhaps for the first time, he has had enough of everything. “It will all stay between the two of us.” he growled.

"You should know your new friend was my uncle's favourite toy. You do not want him to find out that she broke in your hands. It is in the best interest of both of us, my dear Emperor." I bowed even though he wasn't looking. Unlike him, I had a decent upbringing and I have good manners. My whole reputation and the reputation of my family rests on how others see us anyways. They should admire us and they should fear us. That's exactly the impression I left on his guards. The muscular men jumped out of the way of the little girl with the long braid.

Yeah, there really is something about being Hale.

The colourful fish in the aquarium are hiding in the long bright green leaves as is their habit. Sometimes it seems to me they absolutely deliberately hide whenever I'm here. According to Steven, they swim back and forth around the glass all day long. I've never seen them do anything like that. Even Achitta is hiding. Most of all Achitta, and that's after I named her. Damn fish. I often wonder what the reason is for him having live fish here. The illusion would work just as well and be less work to maintain. He could change it at any time. Add or remove anything. It's just decoration for him, he doesn't see the little creatures as his pet.

He appeared beside me without warning. He almost scared me with that. I thought he would come through the door as usual. "Basil said it was urgent. What's going on? Are you okay?" the dismay in his voice amused me. Maybe I went a bit overboard with how much I needed to see him.

I turned to him, pulled him closer with my hands, and pressed my lips to his. “I urgently need your attention.” I giggled.

“You can't do this, I have work to do.” he laughed. The scent of cedar surrounded me. It took me a long time to get rid of the stench of Aet'Reon and his emperor. So I take it as a very positive change. "Besides, you scared me."

"I have work to do…" I repeated quietly. The buttons on his shirt are as stubborn as he is. They fight me more than his hands trying to push me away. "Can't I come to the man I'm supposed to marry and steal all his attention?"

"You had my attention all morning. And all of yesterday. And the whole week before."

“But everyone kept distracting you.” I laughed. His Council for example, the five most annoying people here.

"Why are you in such a good mood all of a sudden, hm? What have you done?" he wondered. He narrowed his green eyes. "And aren’t you back too soon? You said it would take you all day."

"So many questions..." I finally undid the last button. Steven's personality is perfect and I love most of what he does, but I can't complain about his looks either. Every bit of his body turns me on and then there are those eyes. "Isn't it enough if I tell you that it went really well? I have everything I need and more." I started kissing him again. The fabric slid to the ground. "And that I want to celebrate with you?"

"And my work?" he doesn't give up. As in the morning, he can't wait to sign a few more contracts. And give out more orders. Admirable as it is, I don't enjoy it one bit.

"You'll have a lifetime to do this." I'm serious, the papers won't just go away on their own. They will wait on his desk. Patiently, with no complaints. So will the Council. And other Athran crap. Everything can wait. “A tall'vir Denth is only today.” laughing, I handed him a small, black envelope. This time personally, his people cannot be trusted at all. Not only do they try to kill him, but they also fail to deliver the message.

"What does it mean?" he looked at it in surprise and pulled out a golden card with the number thirteen. A suspicious gaze shifted to me. He has to admit that a short white dress with long sleeves and hundreds of gold triangles suits me. He's completely melting. "Where are you going?"

“Where are we going.” I corrected him. I motioned for him to follow me into the bedroom so he could get dressed. "It's Wishing Day and in many ways a new beginning. One of the meteor showers that came through before I was born is coming back and all of Lemford will be watching. It's a beautiful celebration, my favourite holiday and my friends will be there too." I pointed to the white suit I had prepared for him. “And nothing would please me more than to have you there with me.” just to mention, I want him to be somewhere and he will submit everything to that. At least most of the time. This time I really want it, I need to spend some time in the company of people I don't feel like killing. Or our own rules forbid me. And I would like to forget for a while what happened at the emperor's place.

"Do you want me to wear white?" the doubt in his voice surprised me. This is what he fought all this time for. For people to see him the same way they see me. To see us as a couple. Why is he asking me like that?

“You can choose anything black.” I figured. Maybe he sees it as too big a step. Steven took a breath, something inside me decided before he could. "Wait, no. I want you to wear white." I flipped out quickly. “I want you to be unquestionably mine, on Lemford or anywhere else.”

A magically sweet smile lit up his face. I have never seen him get dressed so quickly before. He can't wait until we're on the island and he can claim me, in front of all people, in front of all my friends. He was in such a hurry that I almost didn't even time to braid my hair. "You look better with loose hair," he commented quickly.

"I know, but I don't really have a choice." Damien would be furious and so would Jonathan if either of them showed up. I don't count on Stephan's presence, but his tolerance for breaking such basic rules is even smaller. "Ready?"

"I never know what to expect with you." he admitted with a smile. At least he's having fun, he can't take that away from me. I'm keeping an eye on him while he leaves all the northern businesses behind, perfect trade.

Suite Thirteen, in the heart of the Grand Casino itself, is just waiting for us to join the guests inside. Everything here has been immersed in dark colours and very unusually perfect white is not predominant. Hidden behind dark stripes of fabric and strips of carpet. Thanks to this, tiny lights stand out, representing the stars in the night sky on the walls, ceilings and even the floor. Steven had grabbed me as soon as we showed up in the lobby and I assumed he wasn't going to let me go. Even though all the other guests wear black according to our dress code and don't suit us, none of them avoid us. That's one of the reasons why I like the Lemford celebrations so much. Why I like this place. People around me know me and I know them. We don't have to play long introductions and be respectful, go through  all the courtesies like we do in Nerkam.

We stopped right at the door leading to number thirteen. A table with several deep bowls blocks our way. Each of the containers is marked with the corresponding flower and its lengthy description, telling stories about its origin and power. The descriptions are naturally true, but there is only one correct answer. Two white, two dark blue flowers, all similar in size and shape of petals. For the uninitiated, it is a completely impossible task to choose correctly. And most guests choose the hit or miss method. “All four have some power, but only one of them fills the night sky and can shine even after all the other lights go out.” I whispered to him. “You guess it correctly and your wish will be added to the others at the end of the night. Making Lemford shine again.”

"And if I don't?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the table.

"Your flower will wither and with it the chance of fulfilling that wish."

“That's not exactly fair. The odds are not in my favour.”

“More than you think.”

"One in four? I'm more likely to miss." he grunted. He is very competitive, about as much as I am.

"It's not mathematics, Steven. Don't guess and think. I know you know all these flowers." I pointed to the first bowl. "Attalej grows all over the continent, but finding it is quite complicated if you don't know where to look. It is constantly in everyone's eyes and can disappear just as easily as the stars do in daylight. Then there's Karka, cities are full of it because it replaces the light people have given up under the built-up sky." I moved to the third bowl. "Farvetta symbolises the moonlight for centuries, it blooms at night and is able to light up the whole meadow with just its single bloom, with the first rays of light its flowers close again." I pointed to the last bowl. "And Danna-tanna, the shining flake of the North, hidden in the white snow, until someone plucks her and her flowers turn dark." Steven frowned and folded his arms. “I'll let you choose.” I kissed him lightly on the cheek, turned and headed straight for the bar.

I've been looking forward to this. Nothing blue or overly decorated with an unmemorable name awaits me here. Everything is much simpler here. I missed the dark liquid with a clear streak of glittery substance. People usually call the drink Glowing Vodka, but I don't like it because vodka is the dark part and doesn't glow in any way.

"Shouldn't you choose too?" he spins the stone the flower turned into in his hand.

"I know the right answer and besides," I handed him a drink and exchanged my already empty glass for another. "what could I wish for?" I took the stone from his warm palm. There's no way to figure out what he's chosen without magic. Steven narrowed his eyes, thinking of something I might be missing. Something I could wish for. And the answer right now is nothing. "I don't need a wish for us to dance, or do I?"

"The Heiress and the King of Athran and I thought nothing would surprise me today." the tall woman broke in half as she bowed deeply. The dark gown makes her fair skin stand out.

"To expect something like this on Lemford? That is very bold even for you, Cerawen.” I looked at Steven. I have no idea if they ever met. And I can't tell from his fake smile. “Steven, Cerawen is,”

“Eldest daughter of the Duke of Illsley,” he cut in. "we've met before."

"As far as I'm concerned, it was an unforgettable meeting." she smiled sweetly at him. As she did so, flashing her long eyelashes around her blue eyes. I'm starting to wonder how they met. Maybe I should ask.

"I'm sure I'm not the first man to reject you." Steven said the words with such ease it took my breath away. In the piblic, he's naturally the one who can choosenhis companions, but I'm still surprised by how openly he talks about it. He actually turns her down again. “I am surprised the Duke is not accompanying you.”

"That will be Jonathan's fault." I explained before she could. “Oliver is taking care of our gold shipments, he should be overseeing transports from the provinces right now.” his daughter nodded quickly. "I'd say the job keeps him pretty busy."

"Yes, but he just loves the job. And that's exactly why I'm here to deliver his warm greetings." with another bow she disappeared among the guests.

"Am I to take it that tall blondes aren't your type?" he is not particularly picky when it comes to favourable nobles. Or he wasn't.

"I'll be happy to leave them to my brother and his ilk." he smiles mischievously. “Why should I bother with them and give them a few hours or just minutes when you're here.”

"Bother? So your time is somehow more valuable now that you're with me?" does he really see it that way? His time is at least as valuable. Among other things, he proved this to me in the Athran gardens.

"Look around. Everyone's only looking at you, even when I'm standing right next to you. Even when I'm wearing the white. Even when I pull you close." he did it. He wrapped his arms around me. "Even if I keep you close. Everyone's always watching you. And you didn't even notice because you have me." he laughed softly. He hit it pretty hard, I don't care how many people are here and if they're looking at me or Steven. Only he exists for me. "It makes every minute of my life so much more valuable," he finished in a whisper. He kissed my neck and released me again.

"I guess I can't appreciate it properly." he narrowed his green eyes. "A few minutes like this are easily lost in all eternity." I added calmly.

"And I thought you weren't a good liar." he drank with a laugh. "Didn't you say your friends would be here?"

"Yeah I did," I looked around us, I knew most of the people present and especially the mages around us. I'm looking for the funniest of my friends. Someone he wouldn't forget, but who wouldn't tell him many stories. At least not ones I have to explain or justify. I put down the empty glass again, the glowing substance didn't have a chance to show off properly. "the man across from us is Sir Amery, when you see a lovely brunette with him, let me know. She is a good friend of mine who I would like to introduce to you." I looked towards the balcony, Steven must know a lot of those people. Prominent mages and merchants hang around in Athran as they do in Zessia. "There's Ayo,"

"Andrea!" a deep voice behind me easily shouted over the music and everyone else's conversations. I turned around, a giant figure was already making its way to me through all the other guests. This is exactly what I didn't want. "Marc was right!" he laughed out loud as hugged me. Even if Steven was still holding me at the time, he wouldn't be able to stop him. “You look as cute as ever.”

I stare at the guy in front of me without saying a word. For short, messy, dark hair with a few gray streaks. To a face held together by stitches and scars. For a crooked smile and bright bright eyes. "Anie? Is everything okay?" Steven put a hand on my shoulder. I don't know if it was his question or the movement that pissed me off.

I clenched my fist and punched the man in front of me in the shoulder with all my might. "Cute!? I look cute?" I frowned, I punched him again. "We thought something had eaten you a long time ago!"

“That would be a horrible death and terribly boring.” he started laughing again. I wanted to punch him again, but it's not very often that people outside of my family come back to life. Although, he's actually part of my family too, just like Marcus or Emmett has been around me for so long. It's like I have to verify he is really standing in front of me. I let him hug me again. He smells like the forest -always. Maybe because of how much time he spends there. He has already absorbed the smell of earth and trees and cannot wash it off. “I'm Cris.” he introduced himself while I was squeezing him. We haven't heard from him in over seven years. And now he just shows up here? Just like that?


"Nice to meet you. Will you let go of me Snugle?" I didn't. I feel him move with me to shake Steven's hand. I'm afraid that as soon as I let him go, he'll disappear again. People have such a tendency to evaporate as soon as I let them out of my sight. He will disappear and I will be alone.

“I wanted to warn you, but I see I'm late.” it was only Marcus's voice that made me let him go. He instinctively backed away before I could hit him too. Unfortunately for Cristole - I took my anger out on him again. He owes me a pretty long explanation.

“Old friend?" Steven’s obviously having a good time, as is Marcus, who nodded quickly.

"Like I work for Jon, Cris works for Damien,"

"You mean he worked." I frowned. Damien didn't mention it, so he probably doesn't know yet. I have to tell him. He will want to see him. And an old, lost friend becomes the perfect distraction. "Does he know about it? When did you come back? How come you're even alive?"

“You know how these expeditions can drag on.”

"For seven years!?" Marcus handed me another vodka, now without all the other bullshit. "We were looking for you, for two whole years. Until Jonathan convinced Jim to give up." the rage returned. I want to hit him again, I want to scream. I drank instead. If anyone has even fewer friends than me, it's Damien. The list of those he said goodbye to would not be covered in one book. Damn, I just added another name to that list today and I have to keep it a secret. "Cristol, if you had a choice and let him think…"

The white suit drew attention to itself among the people in black. I was hoping it was my uncle, no matter which one. He stopped next to us, looked us over one by one. "All the fun is moving outside. You should go too, Andrea." the last thing I want is to listen to his ideas and tips on how to enjoy it here. I know it very well myself. And I'm still so angry I can't even talk to him. His expression suggests that he sees it the same way and has no desire to work on our relationship. But the thing is that I need him to find the Athranian. It will have to go without words, the gold scroll appeared in my hand, I dropped it into the empty glass in the other and thrust it into his hand. Leaving him behind with both Marcus and Cristol. It's his problem now.

"Do you want to go back to Nerkam?" Steven said, a moment later. After I took him to one of the balconies.

"No," I laughed and pulled him close. I want one night only with him. I want to do something I love and I won't have anyone take away from me. "I just didn't expect to run into someone who was supposed to be dead. Damien sent him to the Isles and he didn't come back. There wasn't much doubt about what happened. And now he's just back?"

"And this surprises you." he ran his finger through the strands of my braided hair pulling one out.


“They are still braided.”

“It doesn't work that way on Lemford.” I grabbed the strand of hair, ready to stuff it back. A single strand restlessly released from the braid, here it means more than one can imagine.

"What about those new beginnings you were talking about?" he pushed my hand away. Green eyes scan me, just like the very first evening. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you look like this?"

"No, but I'd love to hear it sometime." I leaned to him, letting him pull me closer. The loud music around us faded away. It was replaced by much quieter, more rhythmic music on one of the beaches. “I don't want to say that Jonathan is right, but it will be a lot more fun to watch from here.”

"What did you give him?"

"Does it matter?"

"Are you still mad at him?" he asks as carefully as if I should be angry with him too.

"You know, I really don't want to talk about Jonathan, his brothers, my job or yours…" I grabbed his hand, the crowd here is huge as usual for such an occasion. On Lemford, however, everyone is wary of our presence, it is another indisputable advantage of our island. Our home that we built from scratch. Soldiers, although there are plenty of them here, are not needed at all. And precisely because we are on Lemford, we don't just walk past people, we dance with them and move slowly to the rhythm of the music to our destination on the beach.

The light around darkened, with each step we took less of it is around us. It starts on the beaches and harbours around the island. As if ruinfo nning out of energy, one lamp after another goes out. This is followed by houses, shops and other businesses. Everyone is leaving the dark houses behind, going to the darken streets.. More and more parts of the city sink into darkness until there is only one bright spot left. The only monumental complex in the middle of the island, which eventually plunges into darkness.

"Time to make a wish." I whispered, Steven fished in his pocket. In the resulting silence and darkness, I can wait anxiously for the result of his election.

"The only thing I wish"

"Don't say it," I stopped him quickly. I raised my eyes to the sky. "Look up." several bright lines simultaneously crossed the dark sky. I didn't even had time to count them before more flew by. More pronounced and thicker. They attract much more attention, but only for a little while before they disappear into the endless void and are replaced by others. It is a magical spectacle without an iota of magic. Just a demonstration that nature is as powerful as we are. He can send this swarm to us every few years. He shows us his own magic. And then we use them for our own selfish purposes. We bend the laws of nature, we interpret natural phenomena differently. And all because we crave power. It's magically simple and a little twisted. But I can't bring myself to mind. Not with my eyes fixed on the sky, surrounded by the scent of cedar and the warmth of the man I've been looking for all my life.

I grabbed his closed palm. He opened it, the stone is waiting. As impatient as I am. "Which one did you choose?"

"Night Lotus." he laughed softly.




“Because it's the smell of your perfume.”


"Fine. It's also the only flower that doesn't need a boost, whether it's held by a mage or not. As soon as it gets dark, it starts to glow. Simple and effective." as if on command, the stone turned into a flower again. A golden light spread from its centre. “That means all you have to do is nothing.”


"Nothing." he let go of the flower. I'm pretty sure it didn't even touch the ground before it went back up. But neither of us looked at it. We didn't see how the island came to life with brilliant colours and hundreds of lights and signs.

He’s the only one taking all of my attention, as usual.

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