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The Boudless Blossom! 1/2 (TS_42)

"I wouldn't recommend it to you, let alone him! Do you have any idea of what could happen?" he frets in that white vest of his, contrasting with his tanned skin and dark hair, as if it somehow gives him the upper hand.

"Of course I know what will happen. I understand how dangerous it could be and I also know that it might be a lot worse without it. That's why I'm doing it." I opened my hand in front of him. "Give me the bottle, Bastien. Now." he reluctantly inserted an elongated vial of black liquid into it.

"Do you remember the dosage?" he asked suspiciously without letting go of the bottle. I've had enough of this questioning. I know damn well what I'm doing and I don't like it any more than he does.

"Damn, you think these formulas are sold in the bazaar? I made it up."

"The dosage," he repeated.

"Two before, one after if needed." I hid the bottle in my pants pocket. "I'm not too excited about it either, but I can't watch him all evening. And I can't risk it. Not with his life." I took a few steps towards the tall, otherwise white door when I stopped. "Kathrine will be down there, but please be ready."

"Sure, it's not like I have better plans for the evening or my life."


"It is done." Thalus started, before I could close the door behind me, I had no idea he's already waiting here. He surprised me. "He took it a whole lot better than I expected. It surprised the locals lot more. They didn't expect the position to be available again. I mean, who could blame them, after so many years. He became a part of our world here." the new watch on my wrist is frantically counting down the last few dozen minutes I have left. I was upset that I lost the old ones, not that I cared about them, but I thought I could make a difference and prevent them from breaking. Obviously I made the wrong decision. And that really annoys me. Either because I was honest with Steven or because everything around us is changing. "He demands one of his sons takes his place and you'll never guess which one." Thalus came to life at the brink of war. Some vitality managed to find a way to the old, tired body. He even jokes now. I'd prefer if he didn't.

"He wants Luke." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and it is. He doesn't have much of a choice. "Come on Thal, give me something harder."

"I would say that we have the right to choose for ourselves which one it will be. If any, you can call the whole position off. If we can't trust Edgar, why should we hand over the powers to one of his sons?" Thalus waved his hand and moved us both a few corridors closer to the hall we were heading to. He obviously still doesn't enjoy walking. Another tall door began to move. These are much larger and decorated to match the place. Overly decorated, with a complicated geometric pattern with hundreds of triangles, representing rays of Light. I absolutely love the pattern.

"People have gotten used to the fact that one Steele sits in the Senate and we like to accept advice from others, I wouldn't change it. That way it will raise a lot less questions. He is just a human, he has already given up his crown, now his place here. We'll just make them understand he's just old and tired." no one can start complaining that it's just the four of us deciding everything. Or question why exactly is Edgar leaving the position. "I think Luke's fine, he'll do exactly what's expected. And besides that, Luke will establish peace, try to prevent unnecessary bloodshed and other quarrels. He was always too calm for Steeles."

"In other words, he's an idiot and we can use him." Damien's voice came from behind the door. I didn't know he’s back. Maybe tonight won't be such a disaster.

"Well, I was going to say that Emmett is obsessed with that bar, for which I thank you very much," I glared at him, even though I know it won't take his stupid smile off his face. "and Steven doesn't even know his way around here, if we left him on the training grounds, he wouldn't find his way back here." I laughed. Damien shook his head in disapproval. "So the choice is pretty clear, but in a way you're right. He is the least ambitious of them and will be the easiest to get along with."

"This is how you talk about your fiancé, what would he say to that?" he scolded me with that same smile.

"You won’t miss a thing," he gave me an enthusiastic hug and then checked the ring. He nodded his head several times in admiration. It is a very nice piece of jewelry.

"I am so happy for you, Princess. Both of you actually." I knew Damien would be thrilled, I just hope Jonathan feels the same way.

"Thanks, Jim." I smiled at my uncle. I want to talk to him about what happened and what’s about to happen, but time is passing faster than I would like. "Is Jonathan back yet?"

"I have no idea where he is right now. What is he doing there and with whom? Didn't you talk to Emmett?" the smile almost disappeared from his face. He glanced angrily at Thalus next to him and folded his arms in self-satisfaction. I'll have to ask Jon what happened between them because Damien is in no mood to explain.

"Fine. Where is Stephan?"

"He returned to Mil'Adorei." he explained calmly. Now I turned to Thalus, he just shrugged, which leads me to believe he doesn't know anything about it.

"How come he went back?" I asked in the same tone Damien had put on. I feel like going to the damn place he's hiding in and dragging him back. Now is not the best time to indulge in nostalgia. And I don't even have his report.

"He voted against, remember? He probably didn't feel like he's needed here." he doesn't like his brother's behavior either. Yet he's still smiling, that's what works best for him after all. Only his disappointed tone gave him away.

"So this is how voting works now, huh?" my ice cold voice returned. I don't feel like faking in front of him and pretending I don't mind one bit. "Just disagree with one thing and you don't have to do anything?" I checked my watch again. Why are they moving so fast? "It's real fucking perfect."

"Are you in a hurry?" Thalus asked, making his way to his chair. He always sits third from the left and I have no idea why. Grandfather had to sit in the lead, but Stepahn is always on the other side, so Andra was next to him and…? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Damien or my father.

"Take a guess." I leaned my hands on the back of the nearest chair. "Do you both agree with Luke?"

Damien just shrugged, which if I remember correctly is the exact same reaction Edgar got before he joined us. Thalus looked up from the stone table top. "Should I tell Edgar that you agree with his latest proposal?"

"No, I'll tell him myself, I'll see him at the celebrations anyway."

"I wish I could see his face when you tell him. And you have to tell me what he looked like when he found out you are to marry his son. Again." Damien laughed loudly.

I rolled my eyes, I know what Edgar will look like. For him, it is just another proof of the fulfillment of his vision. Besides, I can't tell him anyway, Steven is talking to him right now, so I won't see his expression and I don't care about the description. "Anything I should know before I go?"

"Well, it probably won't surprise you that Steven has a lot of enemies, after all it was to be expected from someone in his position. No one fully expected that the youngest of them would stand at the head of Athran. There are more radical Nobles, so I would watch out for that, and there is also one of their superior leaders, or whatever the bastard calls himself. I sent our people to Dithune to find out more, but I can't promise anything, the celebrations are enormous.The celebrations take place in almost the entire lower floor." he tossed his head angrily. I know the celebrations are stupidly big, but it cannot be stopped. Steven is unnecessarily stubborn and adamant about the celebrations. Actually, not only the celebrations. He has strong opinions just about anything and everything. "I don't know if he's in any immediate danger, but expect him to be."

"I really don't want to use this." I took the bottle out of my pocket.


"He's like us, isn't he?"

"Yes, but there is a difference between power and body."

"I hope not. See you there?" I need him to say yes. Lately I've been desperately short of allies I can trust. At least a little bit.

"I hope so."

I went back to his apartment, one last time I went through the list of things I wanted to arrange before the festival started. If I missed something, I won't have time to fix it anyway. I talked to Ethan this morning, he will be waiting for me in the hall, along with Michael, Cayden, Miles and Yess. I made Steven agree to have my guard accompany him everywhere. He doesn't like the idea of ​​having two lions hot on his heels on the day celebrating the founding of an independent Athran, but I honestly don't care. Some things I simply refuse to discuss. The only compromise I made is that his guards will wear his uniform. Just the idea offended Ethan, but I didn't care either.

Then I spoke to Rhian, he’ll take over Will. Edgar can be incredibly and mostly disgustingly vindictive. He probably wouldn't go all the way to a horrific murder at his son's party, but like Damien said, those festivities are big and one can't secure everything. And Rhian is more than capable of standing in for Will, at least I hope so.

And I still had enough time to squeeze a meeting with Remis into my busy schedule, the general canceled his participation at the festivities at the last minute and didn't give me much of a choice. I needed to hear directly from him how we stand. According to Remis, the two armies are separated by a mountain range at the moment, and occasional skirmishes alternated with long hours of silence. The scouts are reporting ever-increasing numbers of enemy soldiers, and we both agreed that within a few days the numbers will be leveled. It is also more than clear the enemy army is heading towards Alryne, there is no doubt about it. Meaning Athran is the next stop.

Bastien's bottle is safely tucked away in my trouser pocket, I'll have to make sure Steven has a drink before we leave. It shouldn't be that hard, he's dangerously trusting. And he insists that I keep my things around his apartment, so I can easily hide the bottle among other things. Safely out of his sight until I need it.

I went back to the living room, the last item on my list is to talk to Jonathan. I imagine all kinds of versions of what he wants to tell me, from the worst news to the good news. I secretly hope that he will surprise me with a miraculous solution to all the problems, while realizing that nothing like that will happen. I know what happened between him and Damien and I don't want to admit it. Not tonight.

I put the paper I've been staring blankly at for the last few long minutes on the table. I looked carefully at the old language on paper, with all its apostrophes and commas. I'm probably the only one in all of Dithune who can write a coherent sentence in this language, and I feel like anyone can read my notes on Stephan's report anyway. It’s like my thoughts are on display. Staring at the page, I let the bottom corner flare. No one needs to know where Stephan’s thoughts lead. For now, I'll leave him with his assertion that we must proceed with caution. The fire slowly spreads to the other corners, licking the edges of the page while the center resists. I watch the letters disappear one by one in the orange flames. Not even ashes are left behind. The paper simply gave up in a futile battle with the fiery wall of ancient magic. If only it were that easy to get rid of all the evidence against Edgar. Just let them burn, I would do that.

I checked the watch on my wrist for the last time, the silver hands on the black dial inexorably approaching the small bar representing twelve. Only three minutes left. Three minutes of silence before it all starts. I unbuckled the leather strap and placed the watch on the table, carefully aligning it with one side of the table. Few hours, with all these people, mages and nobles, members of his Council and mine are ahead of me. And somewhere in between will be Jonathan. What can go wrong in a few hours? I know from experience quite a few things.

The door flies open, I don't even have to look to recognize Steven's voice, even though he's speaking Athran and getting upset about something. Again. He marched halfway across the room before he finally noticed me. "You're here on time." he got out in surprise.

"It's nice to see you're so surprised." I replied offended and rolled my eyes. He hates it when I do that. "I gave you my word." why does everyone think I'm always late. Meanwhile, his secretary hypnotizes me with a look, I don't know why. It makes me quite nervous. Maybe I should bless him or something to calm him down. But it's not the first time he's seen me. What is the name of the old man with the gray eyes and the sweet smile? I should remember that, people around me remember me. I should repay them the same. Jonathan does it. As the only one of the four of us.

"I just didn't expect it. Sorry. I've been running around all day." he took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa.

"So, sit down and relax. I know you want it to be perfect, but you're not going to enjoy it like this at all." a glass of their blue alcohol appeared in my hand, everyone here likes it so much. I find it too sweet. I pressed the glass into his hand. "You only have capable people around you, so trust them a little." I winked at the secretary. He smiled at me with relief. Steven must've been driving him crazy all day long, he's such a perfectionist. And unlike me, he can't tell him to lay off.

"I just," he started, I quickly stopped him with my hand.

"Let it go, Steven." I gently put my hand on his shoulder. "Everything is set and you have to accept that something can always go wrong at a party this big. Something will go wrong, but we can handle it." he took a breath, but as soon as I smiled, he shook his head helplessly. He resignedly put down his glass and dismissed his secretary. "So now that we're finally alone." I pulled myself closer to him.

"We have to go get ready." he took my hands off him. If I didn't know him, I'd almost think he's nervous. "I still have time for a shower."

He disappeared into the bathroom so quickly I didn't even have time to object. I went back to the bedroom, sat on the bed and looked at the red dress that has been waiting for me all this time with disgust. They smile at me slyly and constantly remind me of what I should be. But all I see in them is a stupid representation of the sun, which does not even describe the warm light. At least his dark suit has small wolves and silver decorations and thus literally resembles Athran and his ruler. We're not going to look like a couple at all.

"Everything alright?" he asked as he returned from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. This gives me a perfect view of his body and that hideous Ecrana scar. How could he think he didn't need weapons? Not that he couldn't take care of himself, but still. What did he think? "An?"

"Why does everyone in Zessia thinks slapping the sun on something is enough? It's supposed to symbolize something else entirely." I complained.

"Would you like to have a philosophical debate about the symbol of your empire right now?" he's trying to sound nice, but I can clearly see that he's upset just thinking about the conversation.

"No," I stated firmly. I have a completely different plan. "I want to be done with all this nonsense."

"And you have to do it today?" now he doesn't even try to hide how irritated he is.

"I don't have to," I glared at Steven and stood up with a sigh. I have no intention of wearing the dress waiting for me on the rack. I took off my clothes and stood naked in front of the mirror. Steven looks at me suspiciously. He had already managed to pull up his pants.

"You don't have to, but you'll do anyway, right?" now it just sounds desperate. I shrugged disinterestedly. There is nothing he can say that will change my mind. I started by saying that I won't change anything. I thought I could just continue his work. Turns out I need things to go my way.

My already firm body was tightened by an even tighter bodice, covering only the most important parts of my body. Two black triangles cover the chest, the short skirt ends just below the butt. Gold embroidery ran across the fabric in an intricate geometric pattern, forming tall triangles. I noticed Steven give me an admiring smile. A golden belt wrapped around my waist, a long skirt made of semi-transparent fabric fell to the floor. The upper part of the dress remains to be conjured, the long, tight sleeves of the same fabric as the skirt are cut halfway up the arms by a stronger piece of fabric. The last thing is missing, the little accessory that completes the whole thing. A golden lion clasped a piece of cloth across the chest.

"Please tell me it's not just an illusion." doesn't he like the idea of ​​me going there naked? To greet all his guests and friends?

"Believe me I'm not as much of an illusion fan as the rest of the Hales."

"So no more sun?" he assessed, brushing my hair to the side and kissing my exposed neck. I basically stay away from all tradition, no red, no collar, no sun.

"Just the Light." I laughed. It's about time to create something new. "Hair up?"

"Keep them down." he whispered, kissed me again and went back to dressing. I looked at the watch on his hand, it's the perfect time. I let him get ready and went to the living room. His glass is still waiting on the table, an elongated bottle of black liquid appeared in my set palm.

Two drops now and with any luck I won't need the third. The black liquid disappeared quickly in the blue drink. I know from experience that it is bitter and easy to recognize, but the sweet taste of any Athran drink should mask all traces. Besides, Steven probably wouldn't know what to attribute the taste to anyway. A second almost identical glass appeared next to his. I picked up both.

"You seem nervous to me, more so than at the coronation." he's still fighting the tie, desperately losing the fight. "Can I help you?" he gave up and turned to me.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just not in the mood to pretend I'm happy to see everyone all evening." he took the glass I handed him and put it on the nearest cabinet.

"You don't have to pretend all evening, just get the official part done and then we can just dance. Because did I mention how much I love dancing with you?" both ends of his tie came up, one twisted around the other, intertwined several times, one end threaded through the other and pulled around his neck in a perfectly aligned knot, sadly an athran one, but not less perfect. Steven smiled, I use regular charms a lot more than he does. Partly because it annoys me to do something, partly because it's more efficient.

"I hope the official part will be over quickly."

"Well, that will be up to you, Your Majesty." it still bothers him when I'm the one using his title. Perhaps even more so than if I call him by his middle name. Like he didn't pick the job.

"Did know you're the funny one." he rolled his eyes. He should drink instead. I need him too. I heard footsteps in the next room. "Someone came."

"I know, I'm funny, old and the one with higtened senses. I'm going there, get dressed." he is wearing only a shirt and a tie. He is still missing his vest and jacket.

The maid is waiting by the door with a large blue pillow on which his crown rests, she immediately launched into a long explanation in Athran as soon as she caught sight of me. Something about the secretary not having time because of the problem with the flowers, which is why he sent her with the crown. She talks so fast that I started to worry she would soon run out of breath.

I raised my hand to stop the flood of words. The maid lost her voice completely. The very sight of me scared her, when she realized I am aware of her presence, it got worse. She respectfully bowed her head and handed me the crown. It annoys me when people do that. I took the stupid pillow with the crown and thanked her. It turned out to be a bad decision, the colour drained from her face, it seems like she's going to pass out at any moment. My subsequent, and I think kind, smile made it worse. She reached for the doorknob apologetically and ran off before I could say anything. And people say I have no respect here. Unbelievable.

"I brought you your favourite thing." I waved the crown in my hand. I lost the pillow on my way here. These things are practically indestructible.

"Did you talk to Basil?" that is his secretary's name, Basil.

"There was a maid here." I pulled out a pair of high-heeled pumps from the closet. I'm enjoying this get your stuff yourself a lot more. It's an awfully long process in Palace with all my servants under Helena close supervision.


"Because of some flowers, Basil’s takes care of it. She looked rather frightened, as if she hadn't even expected me here. After all these months, it must be quite a surprise that I'm here in person." a confused look crossed his face, I quickly stopped him with my hand before he could ask another question. "I don't know what flowers or what the problem is with them, but it doesn't matter now. I walked over to him, brushed his hair off his forehead and placed a crown on his head. Somehow I like him less like this.

"You know what just occurred to me?" he asked with a strange smile. "I've never heard you speak Athran."

"That will be because I never speak Athran." I took a step back and smiled.

"But you obviously know the language." I reached for my glass. He's still just holding it, but he hasn't drunk. He has to drink the whole thing.

"Obviously." I nodded. "I speak all the important languages."

"Athran I'intrepen?" he raised his glass for a toast. He can't think such a cheap trick will work.

“To an independent Athran. I confirmed. He laughed and finally turned the contents of the glass to himself. He doesn't seem to think the taste of the drink is any different. This is comforting and terrifying at the same time. Anyone can add something to his drink and he won't even notice. I put my glass down and walked into the living room before he could notice my worried expression.

What if I missed something? Something important and this is my last night with him. It may very well all end today, for good. Everything depends on the next few hours. The thought of it made my heart race and made my stomach contract painfully.

If I screw up a single decision in the next few hours. I'll let him drink something bad. It will end. It'll all be over before it can even begin. If I screw it up, it'll be like I killed him myself. Simply because I should've protected him.

"Is everything alright, Your Majesty?" Riley appeared in front of me from who knows where, wearing the uniform of a diplomat. A dark jacket with a high collar and gold stripes with a red tie. He pissed me off a lot with that. Why didn't I kill him long ago? What am I even waiting for? Steven's permission?

"Everything is perfect."

"You have different clothes." he gasped in surprise, looking at me. And he already has my favorite thing ready in his hand.

"Yes, I have a different dress." I answered tersely. Can't believe he noticed. It must be hard not to confuse red with black. Although he's leaning towards other colours nowadays.

"Why?" he continued to ask, in that obnoxiously high voice of his.

"Because if anyone else brings me anything with the pattern of the sun, I'll send them somewhere where the radiation of any star can't reach." I said angrily. Riley looked at the gold ring in his hand. It also represents the sun, sort of. How else? I walked over to him and took the crown from him with a sigh.

"Your majesties," he addressed us respectfully after Steven stopped next to me. "although I must congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. It may not be appropriate to announce your engagement today. Given the historical event we are celebrating, it is not very appropriate to talk about reuniting the two countries." he finished the thought and straightened with relief and a smile.

"Who talks about reuniting anything?" I frowned. Steven's eyebrows shot up in an unspoken question. "Just introduce me and Steven separately. Don't talk about any reunion. I have no plans to unite Zessia with Athran and neither does any other Hale as far as I know. Our little empire is big enough without the North. Which reminds me, Addington, the Duke of Parlass is planning on stopping by tonight, be ready for it." Riley nodded, bowed, and left. Perfect.

"I guess we'll have to talk about this some more, huh?" he took my crown and put it on me for a change. He leaned down and kissed me. I happened to forget my lipstick.

"I'll be right back," I ran to the bathroom. I don't need a big mirror, or lipstick as an object, magic can do everything for me. I need to check myself one last time and make sure I can make it through tonight. My reflection in the mirror made me think that if I didn't astound the Nordic court and all its guests like this, I never will.

It also made me realize I'm really good at pretending. I can smile with a faked calmness while thinking about everything that threatens him. Everyone I stand against. The image of how he dies. These are perfect prospects.

It will be a very fun evening.

Moreover, Steven is no longer alone, Edgar is waiting with him and they are both laughing at something. So I can clearly see that Steven is not going to stop believing his father just based on my assumption or evidence, whether it's true or not. My accusations are just mine right now. And I can't imagine what that will do to him when he admits that I was right all along.

"Andrea," the smile faded from his face. In an all-black suit, he doesn't stick to tradition either. But he doesn't seem to have been harmed by the Twins, he's not missing a limb and looks as sharp as ever. They aren't content to let someone disobey the order, but maybe Edgar has found a way to do it. After all, he had that body left. So the question remains - did he pass on my message? "I couldn't believe you were really running this whole thing."

"Well, I could show you what it means to be Hallies Successor and send you straight to the cell, but I guess that would ruin this carefully planned evening for your son. I hope it helps you believe that Luke will get your place. Just as you asked." I walked over to them without taking Edgar out of my sight. "And you will enjoy my last warning as well. You don't have much left, do you?"

"I'm glad he's getting the spot." he smiled. He put his arm around his son's shoulders and walked towards the door with him in his arms. "I should congratulate you both, it's great news. I'm sure everyone will be thrilled." the guards were already waiting for us in front of his apartment. And just as we agreed, only Yess and Cayden have the Guard uniform.

"Everyone will be thrilled, including your wife. She'll be jumping with joy." I folded my arms as both of them followed me. Together we made our way down the grand stone staircase, covered with a blue carpet. From the rest area one can see all the way down to the first hall. I'll never understand why his apartment is so close to everything.

"I wouldn't worry about it, she won't be here tonight." he turned to me, a devilish glint in his eyes. That must have been quite a fight. Their relationship has been heading for the bottomless pit for quite a few years now, and so far Edgar has always found a way to save them both from falling. But now he's too busy with his own bullshit.

"And as per usual you're wrong." I smiled back at him. The elderly blonde is already waiting for him with an angry expression on her face. Edgar cursed softly and it actually made me laugh. There are things that just don't change. Basil rushes up the stairs towards us with an agitated expression. This time Steven cursed. "I'll take care of it, you have fun with your parents." I pushed past them and went to meet his secretary.

"Your Majesty," he whispered in fright, half-bowing, and then seeming speechless.

"What's going on, Basil?" I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and began to force his body to calm down. It will be easier that way. Mainly for me.

"They delivered the wrong flowers, it's a disaster. They're not white, they're light blue." he got out of himself. He leaned softly against the railing and waited for my reaction. Steven and Edgar passed with Michael and Milles right behind them.

"What flowers?" I asked, even though I think I know the answer. At this celebration, the floor is always covered in a flood of blue and white flowers to commemorate the first celebration. That's how this whole festival is called, the festival of Boundless blossom. They are absolutely everywhere, starting who knows where without a seeming end.

"Just the little ones that are supposed to fall on the floor. The guests are already coming, that's..." I stopped him with a look. It's not a disaster, as he's about to say, it's just a small problem. An inconvenience. He looks a lot like Riley, in the same cut jacket, not even a blue tie can save it. I motioned for him to lead me. Basil took me down a long corridor along the hall to a room where a small army of servants had gathered. A large number of them ran away when they noticed me, with respectful obeisances of course.

"I don't know how this could happen, it's such an important part of the celebration, Your Majesty. I don't know how to fix it."

"You're stressing yourself about it for all the wrong reasons, I'm sure it won't be that bad." I smiled amiably at the gray-haired man. I don't want you to worry about it, it seems like such a small thing.

“Here they are,” he pointed at the giant boxes filled with tiny pale blue flowers as several mages around it jumped aside. According to the withered flowers in their hands, they fail to change their colour. For Steven's sake, I hope there are more capable mages at the party. Although… Athran doesn't have its Academy yet, so it's up to me. Damn it.

"Why don't you use an illusion instead of living flowers?" I picked up a few flowers and looked at them. The delicate petals curl inward, I don't know what kind of flower it is, it smells nice and is full of magic. Therefore, they fail to manipulate their colour.

"Live flowers have always been used, it's part of the tradition." he explained carefully. I nodded, I don't want to interfere with their tradition. I looked at the two mages helplessly holding the withered flowers. They must have come up with some genius idea that involves an unnecessarily long equation. Such a delicate task requires a completely different approach.

The warm feeling filled my eternally cold palm, the soft light coming from my hand engulfed the flowers. Just for a little moment. The blue disappeared and only snow white blossoms remained. Same as the mountain tops behind the castle. I don't even have to say the name of the rune, the magic-infused flowers work with me. They want to submit to my wish. Like everything full of magic.

I took one of the flowers and handed it to the secretary. He looked at it in astonishment, mumbling something in surprise, probably in Athran. I didn't catch any of that. I didn't pay attention to him, I only have a few white flowers in my hand and I need to transform eight full, not very small boxes. The flowers rose from my hand, turning into a glowing cloud that dissolved over the large boxes and drifted down. The flowers in the boxes changed one by one, the blue disappeared, only white remained. Spotlessly clean and perfect. It's all done in a matter of moments. It's really not a disaster. Barely an inconvenience.

"You just can't help yourself and have to show off." Emmett's voice came from behind me.

"It was this or watching Vivian and Edgar reunite. And she looked really pissed off." I turned around laughing. "And so did your brother when he was charging after them. I didn't want to get trapped among the wolves." as soon as I saw my friend leaning against the door, everyone else in the room seemed to disappear. There is only him, in an elegant dark coat, with all the bright magical elements and silver details, with a crooked smile and bright hazel eyes.

"That excuses you, I guess." he laughed and looked at me. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to be wearing red?" he straightened and nodded for me to follow him out.

"Don't you like the way I look?" I asked concerned as we walked out and closed the door behind us. The flowers are no longer my concern. Emmett smiled at me with a certain sadness and hugged me after making sure we're alone. I mean, besides the guard. I frowned, I don't like this kind of secrecy. I have no plans to hide how much I like him. Not here or anywhere else.

"You know damn well how beautiful you look. You don't need to hear it from me." he took my hand and inspected my new jewelry. He bit his lip, the smile leaving him as quickly as mine. "You have the ring." he stated sadly.

"I do," I confirmed. "so you can get angry."

He looked me over in silence, carefully evaluating every piece from the ring, through the dress, to the crown, before finally shaking his head. For a while I thought I wouldn't even get any reaction. "I let you go and then left. It's not your fault. I can only be angry with myself." his smile hasn't returned, but the look in his eyes isn't as hard. "Did you talk to him?"

"I did. I told him everything about the vote. About your father and him losing his seat in the Senate." his gaze changed again. He's usually not that cold. "I don't think my word would be enough for him."

"I know that, but he has to prepare for it, you know? It's a good start." he took a step back and smiled. It's an absolutely fake smile. He wouldn't convince me for a second, but that wasn't the point. He made his way back to the giant hall full of guests. "To be honest, I just wanted to see you before I left for Sáules." he said quietly, has he decided to leave now?

"I thought you were going to stay for the celebration." I don't want to say goodbye to him yet. "You owe me a dance."

"How about next time, huh? I couldn't last here with my father, and I honestly don't feel like celebrating anything." he doesn't want to leave either, I can see it clearly written on his face. It's not just because of Edgar, I doubt he'd want to watch me and Steven all night.

"Emmett?" I addressed him and waited for him to turn back to me. He looks so much better than usual. And at the same time he dressed like that to no avail. "Promise me you'll be careful."

"I'd like to promise you that," his expression changed, he laughed. "but if something happens to me, instead of feeling sorry, you'll kick my ass."

"You can count on that." I confirmed his words. I wonder if Edgar's deal includes Emmett. He said he would not lose another son. But he has the word of two complete psychopaths without a drop of mercy and their henchmen. It's a perfect guarantee of nothing.

We reached the end of the corridor rather quickly. Emmett stopped first. "Tell my baby brother I'm already gone. And make sure he enjoys it here, even with the crown." he winked at me and walked away in the opposite direction that I needed to go.

"You didn't tell him!?" I called after him. Emmett just threw up his hands and disappeared in one of the corridors. Well sure why would he bother…

I stood there for a while and watched all the people passing by. Most of them are wearing colourful robes with a lot of unnecessary jewelry that doesn't even match the chosen dress. The last peak of fashion convincing me it's time to head to the hall was a woman in a bright red dress topped with a purple scarf and a tiara with green stones. Steven should have insisted on a dress code for the guests as well, not just diplomats and courtiers, it's getting unbearable.

"I was just about to start looking for you." Steven emerged from the crowd right in front of me. Although it seems like a wrong label, people avoid him the same way they do to me. The only difference is that they took a step or two away from him, it would be at least five from me, and somehow they'd managed to take a deep bow. My guards behind him are smiling for no reason. They are begging for another service.

"Well then… you don't have to." I smiled, took his hand and let him lead me wherever he wanted me. Everyone around me is always talking about what I should do and how, but I usually don't care if it's not about him.

He led me through the prepared aisle of blue carpet among all the people. The hall decorated according to his requirements left me completely speechless for a moment. Blue does not predominate today, as in all other celebrations, it gently complements the bright decorations and lets the banners with the wolf stand out. And everything here seems so simple and elegant, I feel like I'm back at home in the South. "Emmett wanted me to tell you that he's already gone to Sáules." I whispered as we stopped at the front of the hall where all the important people were already waiting, like Steven's parents, his brother and his wife, and members of his Council with their entourages.

"Did you see him?" green eyes twinkled.

"And how else would he tell me?" I answered with a question. I don't understand why he's even asking that. Steven paused for a moment. Whatever he wanted to say, he changed his mind because he just waved his hand and turned to face the people gathered in front of us.

Steven, while resembling his father in many ways, if not outright copying him, did not inherit one of Edgar's defining traits, much to the relief of everyone in the room. Steven's speech to welcome the guests and thank them for their visit took only a few minutes as opposed to the usual half hour lecture. I didn't even pay attention to it, just like I didn't pay attention when we were being introduced or I didn't pay attention to all the people staring at me. His speech could not surprise me, it's the same every year. Edgar was the only one who managed to outsmart the Heirs, raise our own army against us, or the part of it that he swore to lead, got his own kingdom, and grateful people covered it with thousands of little blue and white flowers that don't even grow freely here today. These small avalanches of flowers seemed to have no end back then, and that is why today we remember that event with those small flowers. Even after the one hundred and fifty-fourth, it is no different.

But it's my favorite part of the ceremony - the little flowers - I could do without the speech, calling out the glory of Athran, its king and memories of the old days. With a calm heart, I would skip their oaths to the new king and his vision of a new era for the country. I look forward to that one moment every year. The flowers come down throughout the evening, but nothing compares to the moment it begins.

The first tiny flowers appear near the high ceiling, which, thanks to a clever illusion, seems much higher and almost disappears in the distance before the eyes. The small flowers drift towards us one by one. Their beautiful scent, similar to jasmine, fills the entire hall before they land on the ground. The moment that I so enjoy and wait for every year as a little girl lasts only a few short moments. And this time it seems to me that he became a memory a little faster. Steven put his warm arms around my waist, pulling me to him slightly, so I could rest my tilted head on him just as the flowers started to drift down. Right when he whispered that he loved me. And the more I wished I could stop time, the faster the moment passed.

Steven let go of me, took a step back and held out his hand to me. "Shall we dance while we have the chance?" he asked with a completely irresistible smile. I feel the eyes of everyone in the hall on me, a little more intense now. Everyone is waiting to see what I will do, even though they know what will happen next. And perhaps for the first time in a very long time, all those looks feel uncomfortable. I don't want them to watch. I just want to be with him.

"Your Majesty," I gave him my hand and bowed deeply. "it would be my honour." I found his gaze from under long eyelashes. I haven't seen those excited sparkles in his eyes so clearly for who knows how long. The slow music echoed through the hall. At first I thought it was sad and serious, but as soon as the singer's voice and other instruments joined the notes, the atmosphere in the hall changed. The celebration under the baton of the new king is completely different from all the previous ones. Much more fun and full of new experiences.

At first he held me tightly, turning around the hall with me. The green eyes hasn't left me. He slowed down, we almost stopped, as the music died down, only to spin me violently the next moment. I heard a commotion as people started clapping and shouting enthusiastically. I could only focus on his smile. We don't have to watch our dance steps, we don't have to think about anything, for once we have a little moment where we can just have a good time. Until reality comes with the first problems.

Loud applause snapped me out of that perfect moment. We both bowed obediently. I expected him to let me go, so we would both go our separate ways, attend to the guests standing around… he pulled me back to him, took my face in his hands and kissed me. In front of everyone. How typically possessive. Not that anyone could miss the huge ring on my hand, but he had to confirm it in front of everyone without announcing anything. And I enjoyed it. Every single second. "We should get back to work."

"I guess we should…or you can leave the work to me and enjoy the celebration, your friend Azäir is around here somewhere." he offered instead. Sounds pretty tempting, but I'll probably skip it.

"Charles will have to wait." I grunted.

"Shall we dance?" the new prospector asked in a perfectly polite voice. He held out his hand to me.

"How could I refuse?" I really can't think of a single good reason to turn down his offer in front of all those people. I have no choice but to smile and take Edgar's hand.

"Play nice," Steven whispered before disappearing from my line of sight.

"You look rather dashing tonigh." Edgar began the conversation and the damce politely. I'm interested to see where this all goes, but if nothing else, he's a great dancer just like his son. And that's something that isn't true for everyone present, so at least I can get that out of it. "When will Jonathan arrive?" he asked, seemingly disinterested. The only thing that revealed his curiosity was that he looked around. He can't wait for his friend. Maybe he hopes Joj will help him somehow.

"You know he never tells me such things." I replied with the same feigned disinterest. I thought he would be here for the speeches. "Jonathan only shows up when it suits him. If it suits him at all."

"Are you mad at him?" this time he does not hide his interest.

"No," I smiled, genuinely surprised by the innocence of our conversation. I slowly turned around him before getting a chance to answer. "you know him. He'll show up without explanation or apology when it seem convient to him. Besides, shouldn't you be the one to be mad at someone here?"

"Aren't we getting a little old to be jockeying for power?" we're a bit old for most things, but I don't think power struggles are one of them. We will never be too old for something like this. And if we happen to admit we are, it will be the end of us. "Have you seen Emmett today?" he continued his questions.

"I have," I hesitated if I should tell him what we were talking about. "just before he disappeared again."

"I was hoping he'd be here with us today. I wanted to talk to him, the last time I saw him was a few days ago. I was planning to have dinner with Steven but his brother showed up instead."

"That must have disappointed you." I didn't forgive myself for the remark. Edgar frowned slightly.

"Exactly the opposite." the disappointment on his face replaced with a smile. "I love all my children. Equally. Just…"

"Just each one a little different?" I suggested before he could finished his sentence. Edgar has been claiming for years that he loves all of his sons equally, but we all know that's not entirely true. After all, only one of them is his perfect Heir.

"I was going to say that it's just hard to agree on anything with Emmett." he corrected me. He has nothing to complain about, character-wise Emmett inherited the most from him. Both are equally adamantly stubborn and stand by their decisions, even if they are generally bad decisions. "It's a lot easier with Steven, but I don't have to explain that to you." he added with a sad smile."He's really happy with you. More than I thought he could ever be."

"Yeah, I know. Despite your behavior, I have no plans to break my word. Steven is safe, Edgar. Let it go." I stopped. I know what the numbers he sent Teyber mean. And also the fact that Stephan won't give up and removing Edgar from his position won't be enough for him. "Don't screw it up." I added quietly to him as we both bowed.

"Same goes for you." Edgar immediately handed me over to his eldest son. He probably thinks I shouldn't get out of here so easily.

"I promise I won't torture you with difficult questions." he laughed when he saw the desperate look on my face.

"You may not…” he seems to be in a good mood. His light eyes checked me out, somehow they don't match the dark suit. He never quite fit in with the wolves. So why would he want to change that now? "You understand I have to ask you if you really want the position."

"And surely you understand that I will answer you the same way I always do. I only want what will keep this family together." he smirked as he added. "And I doubt our little genius would want that place. Where is he anyway?'"

"He went to Saulés, to form an army." I announced, Luke frowned. "He's not in the mood to celebrate anything."

"And what spoiled his mood?" I just shrugged. There is no point in explaining to him that his father is riskong everything. It would only spoil his mood too. And mentioning the ring probably wouldn't help either. "What about Steven?"

"He was frowning just like you. I guess it runs in your family." he frowned again when I added. "Almost like you, it suits him better. He's adorable, you know?"

"Of course." he smirked. "He surprised me quite a bit, with the crown and everything around it. I just hope he can handle it all. This war could not have come at a worse time. And I have this nagging feeling that father associates him too much with George. Don't you think?'

"I didn't think about that, even though it explains a lot. Have you told Steven about this?'

"No, I haven't. I think father is afraid of what decisions Steven will make. Maybe not being able to stop him in time." Luke paused. I think he's onto something. Something I completely missed. Edgar is horrified at the thought of losing another son, he keeps repeating it, but the fact that Steven could choose to go into a battle he already lost takes him right back to the past. All of us. "Not exactly a conversation I'd like to have with him."

"And who else should have such a conversation with him?" I asked confused. "Be his big brother for once and have a nice talk with him."

"Be a good fiance and explain it nicely to him. You know this family better than I do anyway.” He smiled mischievously. "Our family soon enough. It's a fun thought, don't you think?"

"So fun." I answered between turns. It's not that funny, I'm already responsible for everyone and as he said himself, very soon Edgar will legally be my problem too. So much for the prospect of a perfect future. "How are your daughters, I haven't seen them in a while."

"That's not exactly a difficult question. I expected both of them to be here, but I guess I was wrong." he scanned the hall. Maybe he's looking for his descendants, maybe someone else entirely. "I'd like to know exactly where they are, but the truth is, I have no idea. According to Laine, I'm too fussy and should let them find their way home on their own. It's a terrible piece of nonsense, at least as far as Lucille is concerned."

"I've always found your wife to be more anxious. After all, you're the one who voluntarily placed the young children in Emmett's care." Luke laughed out loud, so I joined him. Maybe it won't be so bad after all that he succeeds his father. Finally something changes in a place where nothing changes at all. Like the dance, the rest of the conversation with him was enjoyable. We all usually overlook Luke, but when he's in a good mood like today, I almost want to keep dancing with him, but I'm busy. He led me to his Council, I didn't even get to greet them properly when I saw Ethan.

"You look great today." I said admiringly, on my way to him. A dark jacket hugged his body tightly, the bottom of his uniform under his shirt. And he also took the guard commander's gold ribbon with him. "You don't look like you at all." I laughed, Ethan frowned even more, making his scar stand out.

"There's a lot more people here than I expected." he folded his arms and carefully examined the guests, one by one. He assesses how much of a risk they pose. Certainly.

"Yeah, there's plenty of them here." I confirmed. There must be a few hundred chosen in this hall alone. "So how's it going so far?"

"I just lost Riley, he's like a weasel,” he finally looked at me. Apparently Riley gave him some reason to really dislike him. "pretty nasty slippery weasel."

"What happened between you two? Addison isn't exactly popular, but you really don't like him."

"Nothing worth mentioning." he looked away again. He threw off a flower that landed on his shoulder. He frowned even more than before and shifted his weight to his other leg.

"Isn't Riley supposed to be followed by Adrian?" Ethan wouldn't stop trusting his own people so quickly. Would he? I hope he's not trying to make this a personal crusade against Riley.

"Well, yes, but he can only watch." he grunted in annoyance.

"Do as you think, just try to find out how well he knows Edgar and when he was last in Narral before," all the words left me. Like Ethan, I surveyed the guests in the hall. Among all these people flashed a well-known figure, in a cream dress with long brown hair.

I left Ethan standing where he was. I didn't pay attention to his remarks. I ran after the ghost of the past. I wouldn't be able to mistake her for anyone. Never. There are a lot of women around, some with similar hair colour, light clothes, or slim figure, but none of them look enough like her that I could mistake her for them. I added to my step, she was only a few meters in front of me when I saw her. I have to catch up with her every now and then. I floated through the guests, I didn't even touch them, I didn't slow down, on the contrary, I kept going faster, but she was already gone. I don't see her anywhere. I'm almost across the hall, she's not here. My path to the corridor was blocked by a muscular man who doesn't fit in the least bit with his surroundings.

"Wall?" shocked to see an old friend, I completely forgot I was looking for someone else.

"What are you so surprised about?" he laughed loudly, picked me up off the ground and hugged me enthusiastically. "Why didn't you expect me here? I'm here every year."

"I thought you were too busy provoking the emperor." I really didn't expect him to be here. It is strange to see his long curly hair and braided beard among all the polished diplomats. "How did you come up with the idea of ​​starting to build portals right on the sea?"

"Has the news reached you yet?" he smiled proudly, proud of his crazy plan. How could the news not reach me, it's not like he's not in my part of the world. "The bans and edicts are ridiculous. It's pretty risky, but I'm not going to give in to him. This way my ships avoid his waters and I don't have to deal with him at all. It's genius."

"You think it's genius to have your fully loaded ships sail around your islands, have them go through a portal that swings on the waves, skip over Zaik's territory, and have them land in one of my ports?" I looked at him in disbelief. He can't seriously think this is a good idea.

"I know, it's so great and a lot faster." he waved his hands enthusiastically.

"Genius indeed, but you know what would be even faster, Cadwallen?" I asked with such a dose of sarcasm that he must have had it by now. "If you left the ships out of it altogether, it would be even safer."

"But then it wouldn't be fun." he put on another of his charming smiles.

"Fun..." I shook my head disapprovingly, having to smile too. Cadwallen has his own view of the whole world. More than anything else, he only cares about the people entrusted to him being happy. It is a rather isolated view of the world, with which I disagree on most points. But from his point of view it works. "Your father would never agree to something like that."

"Lucky he's not here anymore huh?" he burst into loud laughter again. "Where is your king?" in his hand appeared his flask with a horrible liquor.

"He's not my king and I have no idea where he's gone." I answered truthfully. I am well aware that I cannot be with him all evening. And it scares me. I took Cadwallen's flask and drank. The vile liquid burned my entire throat, again reminding me of acid. "I bet you'll run into him sooner or later."

"Probably, I can't wait," he nodded, taking a drink as well. Unlike me, he doesn't mind the horrible burning. He gazed admiringly at the ugly thing of his and drunk again. "will you stay in Athran?"

"Hardly. I do not like winter. And I have this persistent feeling the local people are not exactly thrilled with my presence.” a few guests looked away when they realized I was looking at them, others continued to stare.

"I thought everyone loves you, that's how you always said it." he added a little more seriously. I prepared to explain to him what I really meant when the woman flashed through the crowd again. It has to be her.

"Excuse me, Wall." I didn't let her out of my sight for a second. I just want to find out what she's doing here and then tell her to get out. A passing group blocked my view, just for a little while, and she still managed to disappear. I ran into the corridor, it's the only direction she could go. The long corridor is brilliantly lit, but she has disappeared again. Nobody's here. Only pictures lined the stone walls, decorated with blue flags, supplemented in places with white and blue garlands.

I crossed the blue carpet and sat down on a stone bench with a high cushion. I clenched my fists in anger. I haven't gone crazy, not yet. I know there's a chance she'll show up here. It has to be her. She always appears at the least convenient moment with complete banality or worse, a crisis that only I can solve. But it's never about me. Not when she's around. I'm not important in that case.


"What's happening?" Yess asked scared as he and Caydan caught up to me. Yess ran a hand through the hair sticking to his face while Cayden leaned against the wall with a nonchalant expression.

"I thought I saw," I started before realizing that even if I tried to explain who I was looking for, they still wouldn't believe me. Besides, it would violate my agreement with the other Heirs and I would sound like a complete loony. "it doesn't matter, nobody's here." I waved my hand. I'll have to find Jonathan, he must know.

"No, no one is here, but someone is coming." Cayden stated calmly, straightening up and letting the newcomer pass. A young man in a bright turquoise tunic is approaching us really fast. Why do my spies have this annoying need to wear garish colors in public? All of them can change their appearance, including clothing, on command, but even so, they could use a little discretion.

"Madam," he bowed elegantly, the tunic billowing as he did so. He took a small letter out of his pocket and hurriedly handed it to me.

"So what's the situation?" I asked, opening the letter, going through the lines. Terrick returns immediately to Nerkam, not that he bothers to tell me why.

"Everything is going according to the plan so far," he said dryly.

"Did you find the woman?"

"There's no one like that. I don't think she could be overlooked." I cannot agree with that statement. If anyone knows how to stay unseen, it's her. And it doesn't matter how experienced my spies are. I lost her myself just a little while ago.

"Where's Steven?"

"His Majesty is in the drawing room, opposite the second hall. He is watched by three of our men and the young Lady Pelletier." Rhian smiled after saying her name. I frowned, not only is she just as naive as Iohanna which makes me angry, but on top of that she is in love with the young king and that bothers me a lot more. He knows this very well and still continues to play their stupid friendship game with her. It starts to be pathetic.

"Why her?" I stood up, Rhian is taller but he backed away under the weight of my angry gaze.

"As a member of the Council, she gets a lot closer." his self-confidence left him.

"Hmm… and how close do you think she has to be?" I asked in a cold voice, I don't understand where all the jealousy in me is coming from. I know Steven has no interest in Pelletier. He is almost unhealthily obsessed with me. Which I can't blame him for, the others have been fascinated by me since the very beginning, but it was only with Steven that I experienced that feeling myself. It's not the least bit worrying. Cayden shot a look at his partner in the same uniform.

"I'll see to it that someone makes her occupied with something." he stammered quickly. Maybe I was hasty, but I can't help it.

"That'll be best. Is Jonathan here yet?" I asked forcefully, none of them would have missed that. Rhian shook his head. "Anything else?"

"Emperor Querishi has arrived." he finally announced. "Will says he's up to something." it's the message he should have started with, but I'm not surprised he kept it for the end. That's always what pisses me off even more.

"So… if he asks, you don't know where I am," I smiled and nodded my head so that he would disappear. I turned to Cayden and Yess, both of them smiling goofily. It is clear to me that they are teasing me. "The same goes for you two, I need a break and if anyone asks, you don't know where I am. In fact, you'd be best off going to check on Cadwallen. If the Emperor is already here, it's only a matter of time before something happens." a cigarette appeared in my hand. I can't decide if I want to light it or not. I glanced over the giggling guards again. "Just so I don't forget, you're both on extra duty, all week."

It wasn't until I was outside with a puff of steam at my mouth that I realized what a bad idea it was to go outside for a smoke. And I didn't even light the stupid cigarette. I just came here to cool off. In the courtyard there is a pleasant calm and fresh mountain air, but also a terrible cold. The news about the beginning of spring and the approaching summer has apparently not yet reached the mountains. It looks like it's going to start snowing here soon. I threw away the unlit cigarette and folded my arms. I angrily looked at one of Edgar's hundreds of statues. Why the fuck does he have so many? Not even my grandfather had so many built. And his ego did not immediately fit into several worlds.

"Are you hiding here?" said a condescending voice with a rough accent behind me. A gust of wind brought the scent of cloves and saffron to me.

"If I were hiding, you wouldn't find me so easily." I slowly turned around, now I won't run away from him so easily. "Zaik." I smiled slightly and bowed.

"Your Majesty," he bowed as deeply as if everyone at court was watching us, even though we are alone here. Several times I asked him to call me by my name, as I called him. He always refused. "every man's heart will stop at the sight of you tonight."

"It doesn't look like your heart stopped. I remarked. If I had at least knocked his breath out, it might have given me a way out, but he is standing perfectly still, a short distance from me. As always. The tall, tanned man laughed a harsh laugh. "May I ask when you arrived?"

"You may do anything," the condescending tone again. He took a step towards me. "I arrived a little while ago, I don't enjoy these celebrations, but for your sake I will endure a little of the Athran bragging."

"A bit of bragging is in order, they have deprived Jonathan of a significant piece of land." I objected, waving my hand as I did so. The red stone on my left hand glistened in the lamplight. The Emperor grabbed my hand in one swift movement to inspect the ring. He turned completely red. He almost caught up with the colour of the stone.

"Looks like that's not all they're trying to rob your father of!" he raised his voice, anger filling his brown eyes. He let go of my hand only so he could grab my shoulders with both hands. His palms burn uncomfortably on my cold skin, covered by a thin cloth. "You can't do this! You can't marry that Athranian! It's not right." he keeps raising his voice, but his grip remains the same even when he gets angry. I was almost afraid I would have to defend myself, but I misjudged him. He probably couldn't hurt me. In the past, I've seen him brutally punish people for absolutely trivial things. He never exactly hesitated. He is always more than friendly towards me and always very respectful.

Maybe that's why I didn't even think to back off and get out of his reach.

"Get your damn hands off my daughter. Now." Jonathan's stern voice gives him no choice but to comply. He simply sets his demands without the possibility of compromise.

The emperor hesitated, I could see in his face how he was thinking, his upper lip lifted slightly. His eyes continue to focus on me. He finally had to come to the conclusion that he really had no other choice, he took his hands off me but didn't back down. He stayed in the same place. Right in front of me. He took a slow breath. "Don't get involved." he finally turned, the long purple robe rising from the ground, gracefully following the curve of the movement. The dark braid of thick hair, on the other hand, didn't even move. "This is none of your business, Duke!"

"Of course it's my business. You'd do best to turn around and go back to your dry little empire while you still have some. You're forgetting who you're talking to." I can't see Jon's face, but I know that tone very well. The Emperor has touched something Jonathan hates to give up - me. It's the one rule Jonathan doesn't bargain about. The only one he thinks he doesn't need to defend infront of anyone. "Those endless sand plains might as well be all you'll have left when I'm done with you, eminence."

Without another word, Zaik obediently walked around Jonathan, through the door, slamming it loudly behind him. "You just pissed him off, thanks dad." I shook my head sadly and laughed. I surprise myself with how happy I am to see him. I'm still angry, but the anger fades into the background when I look at him. A white suit and a red waistcoat are his favorite combination for this celebration. It suits him. Brown eyes look at me anxiously, but he still looks perfect.

"No Jonathan today?" he asked incredulously, expecting me to be angry. He came to me with his arms outstretched and trapped me in his embrace. He acts like he hasn't seen me in months, not a few weeks. And I don't smell any tobacco, just the scent of sandalwood. One just can't be mad at him like that. He does everything right and I can't even blame him. "You're so cold, Annie. Like a block of ice. Have you forgotten you're in the North?" he admonished me as soon as he let me go.

"How could I, with all the big banners and giant mountains." I remarked sarcastically. "I'm not cold." I protested as he tried to wrap me in his jacket, it's pleasantly warm and soft.

"Yeah, I know… how could you." he laughed, with a perfectly melodious laugh. I looked at him in disbelief again, he seems happier than usual. I expect him to pull out a cigar from somewhere and light it, but he just folds his arms. That isn't like him either. He behaves somewhat obediently and very much like my father. Which is odd.

"Where have you been all this time?" I asked before he could start. "I know it wasn't on Lemford."

"So you know exactly where I've been. So, it's rather pointless to ask." he's still smiling, he's suspiciously happy, that's not at all like him. Most of the time, he sticks to his melancholic mood. "What do you want to know?"

"I wonder why you ignored me."

"Ignored? Don't be melodramatic, Andrea." he shook his head disapprovingly. Of course, I'm the one exaggerating and he's innocent. As always, he pokes me, but he's not to blame. "I just needed time off."

"You needed time off? Well, that's fitting." I took off his jacket and handed it to him. I'm not even a little bit cold anymore.

"I understand you are angry." he began calmly, dressing and grooming carefully before continuing. "You're mad because I didn't sit next to you and hold your hand while you made up your own mind about what you wanted, but you know damn well that's not my job. It never was." he threw up his hands, the ring on his left hand glinting in the light. He never takes it off and I've never understood why.

"I made the decision? Well, I'm sorry. So far I feel like I'm just being manipulated by my own family. By a dead man, most of the time." I clenched my fists and lowered my voice. We are not alone here, we cannot be. Edgar wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this, and if Steven is half as smart as he looks, neither would he.

"You know very well that you always have to make up your own mind," he objected. Jonathan knew about the library, probably the journal. I can only guess what the real reason is that he was looking so hard for it. He didn't want it himself, maybe he just wanted to get rid of it and hope I never find out.

"But a little warning would do, did you know about the visions and this?" I held out my hand in front of me and let a golden glow illuminate his face. He looks at it with some astonishment. He paced nervously, but he didn't look surprised, so he knew that too. "For fuck's sake, dad! Your secretiveness will kill me someday. Once and for all." I sighed. Jon just looks at me guiltily. Whatever his reasons are, a simple warning would do me good.

"My secrecy keeps you safe. Has been your entire life." I let out a desperate breath and shook my head. "And stop cursing, for fuck's sake, Andrea. You have the bloody crown for a reason."

I'd rather change the subject, he won't tell me anything new anyway, even if he does know something. And starting an argument now is the worst idea ever. "Why is Jim mad at you?"

"You want to talk about my childish fight with Damien?" he always finds a way to point out to me that he doesn't like the nickname. "What happened between you and Edgar?" he asked in return. He's probably right, this topic is much more important than the argument with his brother, but we can't talk about it here. So why is he even asking?

"You talk to him. You know exactly what happened. We should go back. At least I should." today I can blame the fact that I don't have a watch on my clothes. It just doesn't fit them. I'm sure I've been gone too long though. It's getting rude and I can't keep an eye on Steven from here, which makes me nervous.

"I will accompany you. Will you do me the honour and dance with your old man?” he asked with another charming smile, holding the door for me and offering me a hand once we were inside.

"Old man… right." Jonathan is anything but old, he looks no more than thirty-five, a beard can make him look older, but he's been shaving clean for the past few years. And even his much younger friend looks much older in comparison. Bright sparks of light appeared again in the brown eyes. This is how he last looked when I came back from the last war in one piece and conscious.

"I'm really happy that you accepted Steven's offer. After all these years, you seem so happy to me."

"Did you know about it?"

"And if so, does that change anything?"

"Aren't you the least bit afraid of losing your little girl?" I was teasing him.

Jon thought about it. "I will never stop worrying about you, Lion Cub. I wouldn't forgive myself for that. But," he walked silently beside me down the cold stone corridor before finally continuing. "looks like I'm putting you in the right hands. And I believe with all my heart too much won't change. Steven enjoys our small, family gatherings. Doesn't really mind your titles or arguments. And honestly, I really like him. Much more than the others." we stopped in front of a hall full of people, blue and white flowers continuing to drift down from the ceiling. "Where is he anyway? I wanted to talk to him."

"He wanted to talk to you too." I looked around. I see several members of his Council, including a tall brunette, surrounded by several lords and a baron. My Council is on the other side of the hall. As usual, the Athrans and the people of Zessia keep their distance. As far as it goes. And Edgar and Vivian are in the hall too, they're not even arguing, they're just standing there. Only Steven disappeared. And that seems strange to me, apart from his insistence on the perfect evening, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to talk to every single guest. And I suppose he hasn't done that yet. "I don't see him anywhere."

"I guess he has work to do." Jon said so casually, a glass of blue drink appearing in his hand. Soon he starts complaining that it's too sweet. "This is still work for him, you know?"

"Don't you dare start joking. Everyone he could deal with is here. And so are his friends." I looked around again. We didn't go down to the hall, so I have a good view a few steps up. I wouldn't miss a man with a shining silver crown on his head. And what's worse, I don't even see the guards who are supposed to guard him. "Excuse me."

I didn't wait for Jon's answer, I went down the stairs. One of my spies is standing a little below them. I don't know his name, but I remember his round, freckled face with gray-green eyes. "I need your commander."

He looked at his watch. "He should be with the band now."

I passed through a crowd of people, the loud laughter of one group momentarily pulled me out of my thoughts. They are my subjects. I know them well, they all visit Nerkam regularly, most of them for business. They bowed obediently and offered me to join them. I hastily declined, I shouldn't have stopped in the first place. Why did I stop? What attracted me so much to the group? Damn it.

There is no one at the band, except for the dancing couples, who with their graceful movements revolve around me and the musicians, but they are of no use to me. Ethan emerged from the crowd ahead of me. "What wrong?" he asked quickly.

"Where is Steven and why can't I see Michael and Miles anywhere?" I whispered quickly back to him.

"I sent them to see off the emperor." he replied like it was nothing. I opened my mouth. Zaik is no match for Jon, but maybe he's dumb enough to take on Steven. "Nothing happened, they just exchanged a few words. If I had to guess, I'd say the king went to get a drink."

"Fuck!" I shot out of place like lightning. That's it, I thought. The vision warned me against that. Zaik's people are all over the place, as are mine. Steven sent the guard away. And he is so careless that he will drink anything anyone gives him. And I'm talking to Jon like an idiot, I should have gone straight to the emperor. I could calm him down myself.

I started walking again, only to stop immediately and stand as if transfixed. The woman I was trying to catch stopped right in front of me for a small moment. A woman with tousled brown hair in a cream dress with dull green eyes. She looks straight at me, her face devoid of all emotion. She looks exactly like one of her statues, just as cold and hard. A woman with exactly the same features I have, with the same posture, with the same ability to disappear into a crowd. In the blink of an eye she was gone again.

I know what I saw and yet - my first thought was that I must be crazy. All evening I did not meet her, but someone else. It had to be someone else. Someone who looked a lot like her. And at the same time, I know for sure that it is her, I knew she would be here, but I couldn't prepare for it. I can't believe that I saw her, that she saw me. That she was standing only an insignificantly small distance from me, and yet she was as far away as at any other time. Hundreds of meters and years away from me. A woman who is so similar to me and yet completely different.

Ethan stopped next to me, his look told me I wasn't crazy, he saw her too. And like me, he can't believe it. She was really there, in the flesh. In the same room as me. "Ethan, get our people, tell them someone tried to poison the king and start with the emperor's people. Let Rhian start with the diplomats. And find the two Athran brothers who are guarding him, they can be trusted.” I finally commanded as I recovered a bit.

Everything here distracts me. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the only important thing. I have to find him before it's too late. What was it like in that vision that kept waking me up? I saw him, his green eyes and tired face, that's not going to help me too much. There must be something else. He was trying to tell me something, he was trying to tell me that he was hot. I looked for him and when I found him he said he was hot. And he was alone. So he had to leave the hall, somewhere that's not so hot. For air like I did before. Window! I saw a window behind him. But which one? There are hundreds of them. I need some more help. I tried to ignore those eyes. I love looking at them so much, but I don't have time right now. I need to get to him and I need to see that I'm wrong. I remembered the garlands, similar to the ones I had seen in the corridor I had come from with Jon, but different. The garlands were hung differently. It was another corridor, the one on the other side of the hall.

I turned to the right, Ethan managed to disappear somewhere. I added to the step. How much time do I have? Two drops of Vallar slows down the poison, should give me enough time to find it, but can I count on it? If I knew how long I had been talking to Jonathan, it must have been only a few minutes.

I finally got out of the hall, it seems like forever. I found myself in the middle of a long, poorly lit corridor. My instinct told me to go right, I always go right when I'm not sure. However, a new feeling leads me to the left. I don't have time to make decisions and think for a long time. I just ran to the left. The blue carpet under my feet provides a solid enough foundation for me to run in heels. The row of benches along the side is completely empty, all of them are empty. I almost ran to the end of the corridor and there was no one there. I stopped. I'm definitely running in the right direction, so where is he? I looked around again, all the windows here are closed and there is only a door across from them. The rooms on the right do not have windows, because of the layout of the whole building - it just does not work. So it must be the last door, at the very end of the corridor.

I took hold of the doorknob, lightly pressed it. The door opened. It's dark and cold here. It's not cold anywhere else. I snapped my fingers and a small ball of bright light immediately rose up and lit up the room that resembled a small lounge. Instead of looking at the furniture, I ran over to the window. Steven is sitting on the wide windowsill, his head resting on the pane of glass. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. His eyes are closed, he's burning, but he's not sweating a bit. I was scared that he had passed out, but my cold hands woke him up. He opened his green eyes. I didn't wait for him to try to tell me something, I already know this part.

"Bastien!" I called towards his office as I sat Steven down on the bed.

"I'm hot." he mumbled. I keep supporting him with one hand so he doesn't fall over.

"I know, I'll take care of it." I replied, reaching for a glass on a nearby table. Before it even landed in my hand, there was already water in it. I let it hang in the air, I took out a small bottle from my cleavage and pulled the cap off with my thumb, I heard it clink as it hit the ground and rolled away somewhere. I carefully tilted the bottle so that only one drop dripped into the glass. The black drop dissolved immediately, I swirled the glass just to be sure. "Take off your jacket." I told him, Steven either didn't hear me or he doesn't have the strength to do it.

Bastien took my glass, I didn't seen him coming . With my hands free, I was able to undo the button and pull Steven's hands out of the sleeve. He tried to help me, but he did the opposite. Bastien pushed me aside and poured the contents of the glass into Steven's mouth. I have no idea how he managed to do it without spilling a single drop. Though it's probably just centuries of practice.

He put the glass down, looked at Steven and mumbled something. With experienced movements, he first unbuttoned the sleeve, pulled it up and collected blood in several ampoules. "Are you sure this will stop the poison?" he asked with doubt in his voice. He turned and ran over to his desk, a few meters behind me and the other beds.

I just now looked around, all the other beds are empty. It hasn't looked like this here in a while and it's not a good sign. It never is.

"I know for sure it won't spread anywhere, but it all depends on what it's already hit." I answered him. Varral is a pretty nifty little thing for people like me who heal over time and don't really need an antidote. But I have no idea how it will work for him. I just went with the fact that anything that can stop the poison from spreading is good and will give us more time.

"This could end very badly. I hope you realize that. It could affect his heart or lungs." he assessed clearly unsatisfied. "Just keep him conscious, I'll be right back." Bastien stood up and ran off with the note papers and ampoules.

"Steven? Are you listening to me?" I bent down to him. I don't have to support him anymore. I take that as a good sign.

"Yeah," he gasped, leaning forward and resting his head on mine. "I'm not supposed to fall asleep."

"Well, yeah, sort of." I stroked his hair. He doesn't have a crown. He had to leave it in Dithune. "Open your eyes." I want it to sound urgent, but I can't bring myself to it. I just want to comfort him. Convince him - at least - that it will be okay. I can't lie to myself. Steven just shook his head.

To my own surprise, I find that I'm not scared at all. I should be, but I'm not. All I feel is terrible rage. I'm mad at myself for getting distracted and not following Steven. Everything there distracted me, I let everyone distract me. This is just my fault. I had perfect warning and what for? I left him alone.

I am unable to ensure his safety even here. So how do I do it elsewhere?

"I don't know what you're doing here, but you have about ten minutes before Edgar realizes I lied. He's burried in his own bullshit, but he's not stupid." Jonathan appeared a few steps ahead of me.

"That's cool and all, I'll just tell his son to die faster." I glared at Jon. Does he think I took him here just for fun? I pinched the back of Steven's neck, he wiggled again but didn't protest.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes." Jon threw up his hands.

"What jokes?" I pinched Steven again, he didn't even move, he just grunted unintelligibly. "Steven, if you don't open your eyes, I'm going to keep doing this." I warned him, I didn't get a reaction and I pinched him again.

"What happened?" Jonathan continued. "You know who,"

"I don't know anything, just that," I pinched him again. "that I should have been with him all this time. And I wasn't."

"Andrea, can you explain something to me?" Bastien walked back into the room, looking up from his notes only to greet Jon. He stopped by me, handed me a paper full of complicated formulas, and checked on Steven. I thought I was merciless when I pinched him, but I'm far too gentle conpare to Bastien. "I've done the tests several times, I'd say the poison is Emrecitte, which just confirms that he's hot, but this doesn't fit," he jabbed his finger into a chart on the paper to show me the high value of Lurtelenn, one of the proteins, which holds mages together and allows us to use magic. And only a few things could get her that high. "as if it wasn't even part of the poison, but it would affect the antidote. And if he tried to cast a spell,"

"It's not part of the poison. And that's why he hasn't passed out yet. My fucking Light..." I threw away the notes he gave me. Rage took over me. I looked at Jonathan again. He stands there pretending he doesn't know anything. "Lurtelenn would be driven up so high in such a short time by a certain mushroom that normal people have long since stopped using! Amanita." I pronounced the name as if it were poisonous in itself. "Bastien bring the antidote. Now, please."

"Anie, before you get mad," Jon began.

"Too late," I cut him off in an icy voice. "too fucking late, dad. If I wanted a family meeting, I'd send a letter."

"You don't understand," he took a step towards me but stopped.

"No, I don't care either." I shook my head. "Steven, listen to me, I know how to fix this. You just have to trust me. Okay?" I bent down to him, lifted his head, leaned it against my own forehead. "Open your eyes, please." at first he just shook his head, then he finally listened to me. The green eyes are unusually dark, exhausted.

"I trust you," he whispered, almost inaudibly.

"I love you," I cupped his face in my hands, kissed his hair and straightened up. I drew the first rune before I saw Bastien, the second one lit up in the space in front of me before he came to me.

"What are you doing!?" Jon cut me off.

"What does it look like? I'm trying to save him." I snapped, drawing a third rune, placing a hand on Steven's shoulder. A blue glow illuminated his shirt for a moment before he collapsed into my ready arms. "Bastien, when he wakes up, give him the antidote and make sure he doesn't try cast any spells because it will probably kill him." I very carefully handed him the limp body and walked over to Jon. "We need to talk, all three of us."

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