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Old mansion gathering... (TS-24)

Updated: Feb 11

I returned home only to find everyone was busy preparing for the impending war. My presence is a nuisance to others, I never asked them to behave differently around me, rather the opposite, but everyone only sees me as a woman with a crown. Which slowed them down and annoyed me. But I really have nothing to complain about, they can avoid me simply because I'm an Heiress.

At least I had time to talk to Riley, I handed him the new, already signed contract and let him send it to Athran. With any luck, Steven will simply sign it, without further comment.

And a little free time is good for me. I missed training several days in a row and now I have a unique opportunity to stretch and let all thoughts disappear. Finally clear my head a bit. In case someone tried to interrupt me in the Palace, I moved to the Senate instead of the training ground during the beating of practice shots. The illusion of soft turf, blades of grass swaying in the light breeze, an abundance of weapons and the ability to fight illusions of various monsters are all one could need for training. Moreover, in the marble fortress, high above the lives of ordinary people, I can practise with my own sword. And for once I don't have to worry about someone knocking it out of my hand. All I have to do is remember what I saw at Edgar's and I immediately want to hit something.

The first two rows of separate practice seats are occupied. It doesn't surprise me at all, there is always someone here who wants to improve, relieve themselves, or simply has nothing better to do. As soon as I turned into the third row, I was immediately drawn to a huge mountain of muscles. He just turned around and thrust his sword into the grey dummy's head. He pushed back his blond hair and started laughing when he saw me. "I haven't seen you here in some time, do you know which side to grab that sharp thing by?" he breathed heavily, he must have been here for a while. His tight, light-coloured gym wear completely drenched in sweat.

"I don't know Marc, do you want to risk it?" I didn't wait for his answer and jumped into his box. I enjoy friendly matches more anyway, training dummies are so impersonal.

“No cheating.” he immediately attacked, I remembered all the hours I spent with him as a child. First I begged him to teach me how to hold a sword and show me the basic steps. After that, I dragged him out of bed every morning to go exercise with me. And in the end, he was the one who mercilessly woke me up in the middle of the night just to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.

Practising with him is completely natural, he lets me practise one attack after another. Even years later, he corrects me, though I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong, I still tried to improve, just like he wanted. He also practised defence with me, his blows coming from all angles with great force. I was only able to cover a few before my hands started to burn. I preferred to avoid them.

My favourite thing about practising with Marcus is our conversations. He doesn't ask me complicated things, he's not interested in politics or business. He talks to me about books, music, places he and Katherine have visited lately. And of course he is also interested in my relationship with Steven. To my surprise, he didn't mention I replaced the brothers, and he doesn't seem to care how the young king's country is faring.

"You treat him differently than the others," he finally summed up in a tone that could not be contradicted. I treat him differently and I have never claimed otherwise. "And you look at him with such interest. I'd say this time, it's serious.” he laughed, I blushed.

“Marcus,” I know exactly where our conversation is going. It's headed down the beaten path, straight to pissing me off.

"So, is he joining you?" and there it is.

"Marcus! I swear by the Light itself and my entire family, if anyone mentions today I have..." I was about to explain to him how I actually see the whole thing, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonathan approaching us. He wears a bright white suit, complete with a red waistcoat embroidered with gold. This is not a good sign, something is up. I let my sword disappear and wiped the sweat from my forehead with my hand. I’m done here.

He stopped right next to us, his outfit looks even better up close, I could see all the fine details on the vest. A lion embroidered with gold thread looks directly at me with its mouth open. His pants aren't completely white either, I almost feel like they're glittering gold. Whatever is coming, it's big and it involves my family.

"Andrea," he said, his hands behind his back, giving me a stern look. Suddenly I feel like a little girl who has done something. Instinctively, I straightened up, squared my shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "We need to discuss this whole matter as a family, the whole family in the old mansion."

My heart skipped a few beats, I was right, something big was about to happen. Family meeting of the remaining Heirs. We have met only twice in the last five hundred years, and both times were memorable for many reasons. The first of which was the meeting takes place in the original mansion, which was the most impressive piece of architecture I've ever seen, created by magic in a place that quite possibly doesn't even exist. The second reason is the fact that the oldest of the living Heirs, Stephan, and my second uncle, who avoids everyone on principle, also attended the debate. And the third reason is the length of this meeting. Not only does time pass differently in the old mansion, but the three brothers could literally debate the possible consequences of our decisions for days. Well, actually only two, it doesn't bother Damien as much.

"When?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. Jonathan had already dressed.

"As soon as you get ready, Marcus will arrange everything necessary here. Including businesses in Zessia." without further questions, Marcus wished me good luck, walked past me and disappeared between the lines of training soldiers. For the first time in here I realised how noisy it was. Jonathan didn't wait for anything either, he just took us to my old room.

Dark red wallpaper interwoven with gold ornaments welcomed me home, an open window lets in fresh spring air. The sizable desk by the window almost bends under two columns of thick books I once placed there. Now I can't even remember what books they are. My favourite blanket is draped over the small sofa, strange it has survived all these long years. Nearby is a painting easel with an empty canvas, I haven't picked up a brush in years. The giant four-poster bed behind me looks exactly as I remember it. Dark wood is completely covered by a light fabric. Soft pillows tempt me to rest my heavy head on them. The blanket is just thick enough to keep me warm but not suffocate with its weight. And new clothes are already waiting for me at the foot of the bed.

I wasn't the least bit surprised that Jonathan chose them. He always does it, he loves dictating to his little girl what to wear. I picked them up to look at them. The firm, flexible material is pleasant to the touch. The dress is naturally white, but a place was found for a red strip of fabric. And I certainly can't say that my father has bad taste.

"I know you're angry, but you also know I always do everything just to protect you." the tone of his voice changed completely, as it always does when we're alone. Suddenly he became my father. Loving and willing to do anything for me or so he always claimed.

“I know you believe that. I also know you tend to complicate things and make them quite difficult for me.” I turned back to see the look in his eyes. He looks at me with this strange look, as if he doesn't know if it's time to admit the truth and apologise or if he should get angry and continue lying. "But I'm not mad, we're both just doing what we think is best for this family and others." I smiled slightly and put my clothes away. I'm painfully aware that I've gotten to the point where I can't even trust Jonathan. Sure, he tries to protect me, but he makes unforgivable mistakes. Like when he didn't tell me my mother was alive and let me believe my own delusions. And like he should have warned me about the Twins and instead let them do whatever they wanted with me. He made the same decision now, leaving me out of everything and claiming he's doing it for me.

"I'm glad to hear that, Annie," I hate the childish diminutive of my name. I am no longer a little girl. And he damn well knows it. "just don't forget that." he smiled, I returned his smile, even though I don't have the slightest desire to laugh. Like him, his eyes betrayed him once again. We play such an interesting game together, full of fake smiles.

A few minutes later I was ready to leave, a quick shower did the trick, magic did the rest. The dress fits me perfectly. Clips in my hair always annoyed me, so I let my long hair fall over my shoulder to my waist. Like hairpins, makeup annoys me, I'll settle for mascara and black liner. Finally, I reached for the perfume, the scent of the lotus flower filling the room.

I went down the huge carved staircase, Jonathan and Damien are already patiently waiting for me under the stairs. Neither of them speak, they smile when they look at me, but it's not their smiles. Like mine, theirs are borrowed from past selves, from better times. They must be as nervous as I am, the Heirs only meet when necessary, which suggests only one thing, we have reached a point where we must intervene from the highest position. Most of our family gatherings are pretty formal, but this one doesn't even compare. Plus, I can't shake the feeling that this meeting is going to turn out differently than any of us expect.

And who knows why I remembered the red diary I tried to read in the past days. I made a long list of notes on the first four pages. I'm sure we'll get to that journal.

The old mansion welcomes us from afar with its magnificence. The stone path composed of hundreds of octagonal cubes under our feet is perfectly flat, even in high heels it is pleasant to walk on. The three of us walked around the round mermaid fountain in silence surrounded by several water creatures I can't quite name. They resemble humans, but their scaly body, gills and fins clearly distinguish them. They somewhat resemble the creatures that live in the deep waters of the ocean, but this is more of an artistic rendering of them, as they look much more human and less scary.

Wide white stone steps lead us to the front door. These are hidden under - compared to the rest of the mansion - a small canopy, supported on the sides by pillars several metres high. As if on cue, ornate doors reinforced with gold and silver squares and triangles swung open to let us enter a long welcoming hall.

The white stone on the floor is covered by strips of red carpet; a few pillars, just like in the palace, provide a place to fix the lights. Even though I think a place like this didn't need ordinary lights, it could just shine without a light source. I no longer know what is real and what is just an illusion. Stone walls and polished floors don't have to exist at all.

Another door opposite us opened, this one is a bit smaller, decorated with the same geometric shapes. A tall, slim man emerged from behind the door. At first glance, two striking features separate him from Jonathan and Damien. Unlike his brothers, he doesn't look like he has a single muscle on his body that he can use in a fight, even though he is an excellent fighter. And even though he's stuck in time like them, he appears to be a good ten years older than they are. At the same time, he and Damien are separated by much less time. Otherwise, he fits perfectly into the template of our family. Dark, straight hair compliments light brown eyes, sharp features, narrow lips and a straight nose. He also suits us with his choice of clothes. He complimented the white suit with a high turtleneck.

“Somehow I didn't expect all three of you to come at the same time. Dam didn't seem very enthusiastic.” he chuckled softly at his own joke, his sense of humour is somewhat special. I realised I hadn't seen Stephan in person for a few months, maybe longer. I was hoping he would come to my coronation, but either I didn't see him there or he really wasn't there. And besides, we kept passing each other. Instead of his presence, he preferred his illusions at various meetings. Not only did Stephan not seek out the company of other humans and mages, he no longer enjoys the company of his family. At least not in recent years. I used to be able to talk to him for hours. Now his aloofness almost makes me nervous. I would hug Jon and Damien again anytime, hug them and joke with them. But Stephan?

"I just said I had enough other work." he's fighting back and we haven't even started yet.

“All of us have other work, meetings to attend, problems to solve.” Stephan stopped in front of me, ignoring the brothers. "Well, let's see, my little niece."

"I'm not little," I'll have to write it down somewhere so that all three of them can see it all the time.

"Of course you are." he looked me over like my father does. And just as lovingly, he hugged me.

"I missed you, Steph." his answer is his laugh. He should spend a lot more time with us. Outside his remote home and faded memories.

The four of us silently made our way to the Golden Hall, where Thalus was already waiting for us in a shining, white suit. I wasn't the least bit surprised that, like us, he accessorised his suit with gold details. My grandfather's obsession with gold representing his Light does not end here either. Probably precisely because it all started here, so all the effigies we passed by on the way to the hall were here first. And he couldn't give them up later, so he passed them on to his closest family and friends. And then to the whole world.

A round table in the middle of the room is already waiting for us, surrounded by tall, black chairs with gold-inlaid frames. In the centre of the large table is a sun made of thin rays, golden strips of different shades connect in its centre and stretch to the very edge. The idea is that once the Heirs take their seats, the space around them will light up and newcomers might think there aren't people sitting at the table. But otherworldly beings, deciding the fate of others. The only flaw in an otherwise perfect plan is the fact that almost no one ever comes here. Except for Thalus and others like him. We can only impress our closest advisor who helped create this whole place and its people who know us well.

Everything here always seemed too formal and megalomaniacal to me. For a select few, there is a personal palace here, which they are so exalted over and rarely visit. Mostly when we have to go to a similar meeting like this one. After all, we are primarily a family, so we should be able to meet at the new mansions for dinner and discuss everything without delay. However, it is not in my power to change it. All four of us would have to agree to that, and I know that's not going to happen, but it would be a nice change. I was the first to sit on an old and very comfortable chair, Jonathan sat on my right, Damien on the left, and the place opposite me was left to Stephan. There was one last step left before we could take action.

“My dear Heirs,” Thalus began in his ceremonial voice. "allow me to welcome you to this extraordinary assembly. It is an honour to see you all at this table. I am ready to hear your oath.”

“The Four Heirs at the Golden Table,” Stephan began, his voice pleasant, not too deep.

“Four Heirs despite place and time,” Damien continued.

“The Four Heirs sit together,” Jonathan recited beside her.

"Four Heirs ready to decide." I finished.

The sun in the middle of the table changed colour, golden rays began to shine, the dark room took on a life of its own. The curtains disappeared from the windows, letting a warm light into the room, golden goblets of wine and cut glasses of transparent alcohol appeared on the desk. I watched it while leaning back in my chair. That ritual poem scares me, it makes us look like some kind of cult. I always wondered what would happen if one of us made a mistake. Most likely, nothing and we'd have to start all over again, but it's still not a nice thought. Damien wouldn't stop reminding me.

For the first few moments I sat in silence and nodded while Stephan and Jonathan went over the events of the last two centuries. They are separated by many more years than Damien and Jonathan, but the youngest and oldest brother get along great. And they like to discuss events forgotten in history in minute detail. Thalus carefully writes down their words. And Damien, like me, has nothing to add to their conversation. And so he just waits. There is nothing to add to that, apart from us, no one even remembers events that seemed important two hundred years ago, except maybe Edgar. And my father and uncle are dissecting it anyway, discussing it, dissecting it from all angles and consulting what could have been.

After the first hour it became unbearably boring. After another hour it was unbearable. I leaned towards Damien, who would occasionally make a witty remark towards me or share a drink with me on an occasion neither of us attended and this was how we could celebrate after or at least that's how we present it to others. “If you kill me now, I'll be back before those two finish.” I suggested.

"Would you leave me here?" he asked with a laugh.

“Without blinking an eye.” talking to Damien is a little easier than just sitting in silence and listening to them. I must have thought about how many more useful things I could be doing and how much time has passed back home. Marcus will probably tell Steven where I am, but I'll have to explain it myself.

"So now it's time for the coronation, Andrea?" Stephan looked at me with narrowed eyes, a thin folder in his hand. He pulled me out of my thoughts about the problems that are approaching us unstoppably. "You were the only one of us there."

"And that makes it somehow special?" I asked after setting down the glass of wine. I haven't had such good wine in a long time, sweet and full of flavour. It tastes unreal, like the perfect illusion that it probably is. "I won't tell you more than what you have in your message, which I wrote precisely so that we don't have to come back to it." we waste precious minutes discussing such things. "It was a nice celebration, Edgar should shorten his speeches and Steven could pay more attention to his guests next time, but that's about it. The important thing is he has the crown now.”

"Don't you think the Immortal's presence is special?" Stephan wondered, almost offended, reaching for his own cup.

“It's not about what I think, it's about how people see us, right? They treat us as equals and,”

“That brings us to the situation in the east, doesn't it?” the gaze of the light brown eyes turned to Damien. "Our family's influence is declining there. It is unacceptable.”

"And why are you looking at me? Am I our family?!” Damien folded his arms. Of the three brothers, he’s the one who gets angry, offended and explodes the fastest. “Contracts have always been Jonathan's job. If he can't handle it, it's not my problem.”

"You're kidding? The whole family is responsible for the contracts, just like everything else. And you wanted Mergo, explicitly. It's your problem whether you like it or not.” I leaned back, as did my beloved uncle. "As long as you're Hale, you're out of luck."

"It's so nice to see the passion you both have for this family," Stephan commented. “Nathan, what about the contracts? Independent cities should belong to us. Submit to us.”

“Stephan, why do you, like Damien, believe that the independent cities belong to us? They are independent after all.”

"Because they do. It sounds so nice independent cities,” Stephan put on a wry smile. His voice is full of contempt. “they are only as independent as we allow them to be. Your whole independent Athran idea is ridiculous. Say what you want, feel free to believe it, but there is no such thing. It's a concept we've allowed because it's convenient that we support until it's time for everyone to bow to us. And we all know they'll do it if we want them to.” he paused and looked at us all one by one. "And yet the situation in the east eludes us. Why…"

“Because you forbade me to proceed effectively. We would have gotten this under control a lot faster if the North hadn't gotten involved.” Damien looked at the papers Stephan pulled out with disdain. If it were up to him, he would let his people handle everything the worse way.

"It would go faster if Andrea signed the cooperation papers." Jon replied calmly, adding more papers to the table, carefully hidden in the folder. Stephan threw up his hands in confusion. "Athran requests our cooperation in the east, theirs and ours,"

"They're not asking for cooperation," I interrupted Jonathan. "they want unlimited access to our cities and resources, open cooperation and exchange of information." I opened the file on the table and looked into them, it's exactly as I said.

"And what's the problem?" Jonathan apparently agrees to the terms.

"We can't share information from Mergo, and the contract obliges us to." I have to stand my ground. Stephan frowned and took the contract, silently studied its contents. “Our operations in the east do not always coincide with our general position on certain controversial topics. Edgar was never interested in that. But we simply cannot allow information about what we are doing there to get beyond the borders of Mergo,"

"Sign it." Stephan sent the papers across the table to me.

"It raises a lot of questions," I objected.

“A series of questions with our allies or your new friend?” he asked seriously.

“Stephan, you don't understand. Steven may be an idealist and sees everything very optimistically," I wanted to add that he was one of the few who saw my family for what they really are, as a family of hypocrites who hide their intentions behind nice propaganda, but I kept that remark to myself. “but he's not the only one in Athran who can ask.”

"Come on. If you can't get him to stop asking about things he has no interest in and take care of others, we'll solve it.” he decided for me. A pen appeared next to the papers. "Sign it." I took the pen.

"Edgar has learned not to ask certain questions," added Damien.

"No, Damien, he just stopped asking you." I ran my eyes over the one sentence that annoys me so much in the whole documentary for maybe the hundredth time ‘...both parties undertake to exchange confidential information regarding operations in the Mergo Hensya area, breach of these conditions will lead to the initiation of proceedings to terminate the cooperation of the said parties.’ "I'm telling you, you don't understand." I looked up from the papers to Stephan. “Steven is not like Edgar. It's not what he asks, but what he does with the answers. He has his own opinion on everything and stands up for it, and unlike his father, you can't silence him, just like Emmett. I won't force him to do anything and neither will you. Whatever he asks you, just answer him, just be prepared for him to act accordingly. That's what I'm trying to tell you. You can't fight him off for obvious reasons." I pulled the file closer to me, put my name on the last page in elegant handwriting, and finally pushed it away as if it was done. "Much more interesting than these contracts is the vision. It all started because of it, and because of it are we here or am I mistaken?” Stephan just smiled and nodded.

"What do we actually know about it, what do we care about damned vision?” Damien took another drink, tapping his fingers on the wooden table top.

"That's not entirely true, Jim," I protested, Damien watching me sharply, Jonathan piercing me with a look when I used the nickname. "You know what it's all about very well."

"I know we have a problem. One vision doesn't mean anything, it's bullshit.” he explained irritably. It's nice to know his opinion on these things hasn't changed. But how will he react when I tell him that I see bits of the future like his sister?

"Souls trapped between two worlds, the war with Narral, the inevitable death of the new king of Athran, these are very nice prospects," Stephan summed up as if it was nothing at all. "Did I miss something?"

"You forgot to mention how the Twins fit into this, but otherwise you summed it up pretty well."

"Well, how do they fit in, do we have any evidence tha…" Stephan stopped mid-sentence as I tossed the paper Trevett had with him onto the table. He reached out. Sighing, Jonathan handed his brother more papers. The smaller, crumpled one must be Hamilton's drawing, the other could be a letter that came in the night.

"Anything else?" he asked, putting the papers down again.

Before I answered, I scanned Jonathan's face, unusually silent. He looked almost focused. He's waiting for something. "Someone used the body of Councilor Jasce to get a look at me. I don't know who it was, but it's definitely related.” remembering that gruff voice made me freeze. “Steven saw Julien in Tayonne, he was there for Katary's diary but he didn't get it. And then there are the undead.”

“He recognized him!? Does he know about the Twins?” Damien spilled both questions in the same breath.

"I already told you he doesn't know about any of this. They think everyone else is dead except the four of us. And I would like it to stay that way for a while."

"And Elizabeth?" he asked in surprise, I gave Damien a look at the mention of my mother. Instead of answering, I just nodded and took a drink.

“Before he lost consciousness, he saw a tall blond man from behind. And then when I was kidnapped, Ethan mentioned a blonde woman.” I put my glass down and folded my arms over my chest. "I should have figured earlier, but somehow I was hoping that when he came back, my own father would warn me since he promised me." I avoided Jonathan's gaze. Damien guiltily picked up his glass, instead of taking a drink he started to spin it on the table. Thalus stopped circling us, stopped and waited. If I didn't know him, I would have thought he was nervous too.

"I promised none of this would happen again. There was no word of any warning.”

"Really dad?" I stopped the glass Damien was playing with in one swift movement. It's so freaking annoying. "That's the best argument you can come up with?"

"We all agreed it’s for the best. It's not just his fault." Stephan calmly interjected my father. "It's the safest thing we could do for you."

“Well sure, being kidnapped and having my blood taken for who knows what is the safest thing. Thank you very fucking much, Stephan...” I mumbled. I don't need their protection. Didn't need it then, don't need it now. I would have a much better chance if I could prepare and take care of it myself. "I bet you didn't even start looking for me." I looked irritated first at Stephan and then at Jon, neither of them looking like they wanted to add anything. "Perfect. There's still the Nerkam library thing."

"Well sure, the library.” he spat out the last word as if it were poisonous. Jonathan remained silent, Damien stood up and walked to the door. They opened before he stopped by them. I saw a figure with black hair standing in them, I immediately recognized Daniel.

I stood up, Daniel smiled at me and entered without a single word. He put the white suit aside this time, wearing only a dark tunic and black trousers. The door closed behind him, both Jonathan and Stephan rose from their seats, Thalus taking his place at Daniel's side. Perhaps to protect him or to let him know he is not completely alone. Jonathan finally decided to speak. "I warned you to stay away."

Giving one of his smiles to Jonathan as well, Daniel put on his irresistible voice and started. "I said it was time for a change. You can't hope the truth will remain hidden forever.”

“Truth…” Stephan spat out another word, shaking his head in exasperation. I'm starting to get lost in what's going on around me. He obviously knows something I'm missing. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. We don't need someone like you telling us what to do. The truth is ours alone.”

What the fuck does that mean? There is only one truth and it does not belong to any of us. The truth is that my grandfather saved me and everyone but me knew about it. It is also true that the Twins are responsible for the capital fire, that they are trying to kill me, but why? What good would it do them if I died as a child?

The headache returned, sharper and more intense than before. It runs through every cell in my body. At least I have the feeling I am falling and at the same time I feel I am standing firmly on the ground. I feel myself passing out even though I can clearly hear Jonathan's voice. He is arguing with Daniel about something.

Suddenly everything stopped, and became silent. I'm standing in a field tent, the white canvas is topped with red flags, the cold wind hits the sails and loudly tries to get my attention. Still, it's pleasantly warm inside. The white armour is already waiting for me, the golden sun is waiting for its chance to shine on the battlefield. A white flag with a red rune symbolising the number five waits patiently next to the armour. Whatever is going on outside is serious enough to call in our most powerful weapon, the Fifth Army. That's why they wanted the meeting, my father and the others, they wanted to wake up our army.

There is noise around the tent, but I don't hear the sounds of a fight or anything that follows. They must be soldiers preparing for the coming battle, exchanging their last words before the battle. Maybe the last words ever. The sail moved and outside light came in for a moment, the sun slowly getting closer to hiding behind the horizon and disappearing for several long hours. We decided to fight at night, why?

Steven walked in. Black, shiny armour wraps around a muscular body. The blue cloak falls over the shoulders and down to the ankles. A sword slung at the waist, an ordinary blue steel sword. Green eyes looked at me with a completely new, foreign look. It's not the warm look he always gives me, but a cold, almost angry one. “We will attack from the east, we are only waiting for your order.” even his voice sounds almost hostile.

"As far as I'm concerned, you can attack now, I've passed command."

"Passed, why?" my single sentence changed his look and tone, the disappointment in him hit me in the heart. "That's because of..."

“No, not because of that.” my gaze drifted to the bound palm, searing pain spilling from the palm to the fingertips. I must have had the blood-soaked bandage there for some time, the dirt clings to the white paint. Odd that I would need a bandage for so long to get it dirty. "I have to be somewhere else."

“…and now you can't even stop it. He chose her over all of you.” I heard Daniel's voice again. My gaze slipped back to my palm. It is perfectly fine. Jonathan watches me warily. How much of their conversation did I miss? Did they even notice?

"Chose what for?" I asked confused.

“I don't want my little girl at the centre of all this.” Jon took a step towards me. "I honestly don't care what he wanted!"

“Nathan! She was always in the middle of everything, if you haven't noticed.” Stephan speaks calmly, but I'm sure he's raging inside.

"No, not always," Damien argued. "Father arranged it all nicely to get her where he needed her."

He talks about me like I'm not even there. They make decisions about my life without me. They chose for me. No, my grandfather chose. He could have let me burn and instead saved me to later make me pay a debt I never asked for. I thought Stephan was the one he chose, but he's just acting that way because he doesn't have a choice. The diary, the library. None of them found it and it just appeared in front of me. But why the visions, he didn't see the future after all, that was his most precious ability, which he was brutally deprived of. So he just replaced her with another Immortal? So even after all these years he's dead he pulls the strings. Damn Immortality.

I reached over to the table for a glass, I had to drink. Jonathan is arguing with his brothers about something. I can't focus on every single word of that conversation. Thalus leaned into Daniel. All I see is Daniel's triumphant smile. He knew it all along, pushed me all the way to the library, and now he's safe. Because he's my friend. Because he was the only one who led me to the truth. I hate being manipulated.

"Stop arguing." didn't do much, they keep bickering among themselves about who gets to have the last word at the damn table. I drank again, the golden liquid burning my entire body like fire. Wasn't it clear before? What am I even drinking? I sighed and threw the journal that had appeared in my hand a moment before on the table.

The red book landed on the table with a thud, instantly ending their argument. It loudly attracts the attention of everyone in the room. The three gold initials scream right at them.

"Where did you find it?” Jonathan asked desperately, puffing out a smoke. When did he manage to light a cigar? It's a complete mystery.

I came as if in a dream, a rather bad dream. I didn't pay attention to the details or what was happening around me. All I knew was that I had to show them the book and let them fully trust me for once. “He showed it to me when I was in the library. I think it was a memory he left there for me.” I explained. Damien shook his head in disbelief, Jonathan turned white and looked like he was going to pass out at any moment, and Stephan waited with clenched fists. Thalus and Daniel waited tensely nearby.

"Do you know what that means? For you, for us?” Jonathan continued, if I didn't know him I would say he’s scared. I know exactly what that means, the look in his eyes sums it up clearly. Nothing good, at least not for me. Nothing simple and at the same time absolutely necessary. It’s surprising me how much I want it all. None of this is really my choice, but I want it.

“It means you can stop arguing. Daniel, leave us, we'll talk later.” I said in a tone that couldn't be contradicted, I sat down again and waited for the others to settle down as well. The door closed behind Daniel with a soft click. We can finally move somewhere. I have no idea where all this confidence in me comes from, but it's there. One book changes everything and I can't even read it well enough. I suddenly know exactly what to do.

"Andrea stop!" Jonathan demanded sharply. “That book means nothing at all. It doesn't have to change anything at all.” he continued quietly.

"It's a little late for that, don't you think? Andrea is ready, this is just more proof.” Damien added, at least he's on my side this time.

“What proof? It's a bloody book, full of father's opinions.” he protested angrily.

“A book that none of us have found in the last five centuries. And it just appears in front of her.” Damien was undeterred. "It's not a coincidence. And besides… you're the one who believes in all these signs and some plan of his.”

"His plan is for the Heir,"

“Andrea is the Heir!” Damien interrupted. "She's the only one of us who has at least some idea of ​​where we should be going. A plan we should follow as a family. Just like he and our sister had!'

"Dam, that's enough." Stephan tried to stop him, I knew it wouldn't work. He’s already angry.

"No, that's not enough! You asked us to protect her and keep her away from everything until she was ready. We did everything and it still wasn't enough. Even now it won't be enough, we need someone who can control the Light, lead it here. And that someone is your daughter! You got five hundred years from us and you solved nothing! How much longer do you want to wait, Jonathan?” Damien progressively raised his voice, I feel like shutting him up, but then I'd have to argue with Jonathan myself.

"We'll wait until she wants it herself," he replied quietly. "Just say you don't want it, Anie."

"Why!? So you can keep leaving me out of everything?” I shook my head in denial, I can't accept the thought of letting this go. This is my chance to do everything my way and right for once. “You want to put this family back on top of everything, so stop arguing and hiding your little secrets from each other. Damien is right, there is nothing to wait for. We must act now. We must stop the Twins, at all costs. And we have to make sure no one is forced to stay between life and death again.” all three are silent, either testing me or having nothing to add. "But before that we need to find out exactly what they were doing in A Dun'Amanh."

"We tried before, but by the time Thalus checked your message, they were gone." Damien leaned back. He’s glad that we’re finally talking about the important thing.

"We only know they spent about ten minutes there, didn't talk to anyone, didn't leave anything there. It was the strangest walk.” Thalus confirmed Damien's words.

"It suits them." Stephan smiled as Damien folded his arms across his chest. As if he was relieved that he didn't have to worry about it anymore. Now all he has to do is nod. “So you're suggesting we get rid of the Twins?” his brown eyes look directly into mine. I nodded. "I suggest we move to a vote then."

"About time." Thalus smiled, putting down the first of his notebooks and pulling out a second, quite different one. The black boards are not decorated with anything at all, the inconspicuous book hides all our decisions over the past years.

“Father wished for them to become Immortals, to take action against them would be against his wish. We cannot break the only rule we have set for ourselves. Enough killing. I'm against it.”

“We're just trying to make up for our father's mistake, they're not part of our family, they never were! Everything that happened, happened only because of them! I'm in favour." I only partially agree with Damien, because only the family can correct this mistake.

I turned to Jonathan, he bit his lip, he is looking at me with a glassy gaze. "What do we care what he wanted, fuck. At first he played god because he couldn't bear to screw up his son. He couldn't save Andra, or his own marriage. He let your son die.” Jonathan slammed his fist on the table, stood up. Stephan didn't even move, after all these years he believes his father made the right decision. “And now he's trying to pin it on Anie. He continues his crazy plan through her. If I came across them, I wouldn't wait for someone's approval. Not even yours. I would happily banish them from this world and all others. If only they would stop hiding like rats. They directly threaten us and the Legacy.”

"That's three votes for. However, I will need the approval of all of you. We have to be united on this.” I closed the vote, Jon put his hand on my shoulder. He stroked me gently. "Which brings us to finding them."

“Even before we find them, we have to prepare for it.” Damien tapped his fingertips on the cold counter, growing nervous. He drank slowly. "If they have a hand in it, they're behind everything and it's not going to end well. I suggest preparing the Fifth.'

"We have a responsibility for the world below us and all its inhabitants, I think we can all agree on that. And it's clear from the reports that you're having trouble stopping those changed. We can wake up the commander now.” Stephan agreed. I remembered the vision, if we wake up the commander now, there is not much time left for the battle. I feel my heart pounding. Everything somehow picked up pace, not so long ago I was just walking around the city with Steven by my side and now I'm preparing for a battle with the undead and a meeting with the past. "I'd start with Witty."

"No," I reached for a glass, the alcohol would help calm me down a bit, but the liquids in the glasses weren't real, they couldn't be. They taste like that, but I don't feel any different. They are just illusions without a drop of real alcohol. "Lessius is more reliable and doesn't ask questions." I stood up. I've had enough of our meeting, deciding fate, chatting. I need to think things through calmly. “We will prepare for the awakening of the Fifth, but unless we find out more, there is nothing else we can do. I propose to return to our usual duties. First we'll close the Mergo matter, find Teyber and find out what he knows.”

“Actually, there's one more thing we should discuss.” Jonathan smiled. “There are too few Immortals, for quite some time now. If it comes up in the future... It's about Steven's Immortality, I'm all for it.”

"For." came first from Stephan and then from Damien, Stephan looked like he didn't care and he probably did, Damien didn't look exactly thrilled but agreed anyway.

"No!" I said forcefully. "Steven is none of your business, so leave him out of it." I picked up the diary, along with the contract, from the table top and walked towards the door. I don't want to deal with them anymore. I'm completely exhausted from all the talking and cranky because I know time goes by so much faster here. I could have been gone for more than a day, even though it only felt like a few hours. And who knows what happened in that time. I turned to them for the last time. “I respect all of you and I don't think Daniel is right. We don't have to change anything at all as long as we trust each other and treat each other like the family we are."

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