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Mergo Hensya 3/3 (TS)

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

"Any nightmares?" Damien asked when I caught up with him outside the mayor's house. I'm lucky to have found him. He left me a note saying he’s going to Kuzsi to meet some man and he didn't want to wake me up.

"Nothing I can't handle." I guess I can attribute the relatively restful sleep to the Azattico root. "How's the leg?" Damien shrugged without slowing. I have no way of knowing how he is doing in his new uniform. She looks as perfect as ever. And he put on that stupid fake smile too. "You want to explain to me how she got into your head so easily?"

"I'm not the only one who’s head she got into." he objected, pissed off just at the thought of it. He may not be the only one, but he didn't fight back one bit. I thought he had a stronger will. Or more common sense. Or something else, I don't know. He should have the power to resist.

"What do you want from me? An apology?" he stopped and turned on his heel. "I don't know how it happened. It just happened. One minute I wanted her out of there and the next she was bossing me around. No idea how. When I find out, I'll let you know!" he lashed out at me. In anger, he drew runes right in the middle of the street. It violates the rules of his own propaganda. And what's worse, I know he's not telling the truth. Damien knows damn well what happened yesterday and how. "Ready?" without waiting for an answer he passed to the other side.

A spacious hall opened in front of me, a fresh breeze flows in through the open glass doors. Among the tall flowers, tapestries, polished tiles and high ceilings, we are all alone. Statues of several women and men are our only company. "Where the fuck are we?"

"Kuzsi," he took a few steps and closed the portal. I threw up my hands in confusion. I know what city it is, I asked about the building. The reason for our visit, if possible. "He'll be back here any minute now. So please shut it."

"Tebyer? He'll come back?" I continued my questions.

"Let's hope so." he grunted softly, checking his watch, folding his arms and staring intently at one of the statues. The tall white stone woman looks back at him with a stern, almost hostile expression.

"Is that your plan? Just wait?" what chance do we have that someone will actually come? This place seems deserted. So why does he believe it so much? "That doesn't sound like a good plan to me."

"For the love of the Light, Andrea…can you shut up for two minutes!?" he turned his back on the statue. His uncle-ly look all over his face. He wants to lecture me so much, but he can't after he just scolded me. "If you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it."

"How could I, I still don't even know where," I stopped. The door on the left opened. A small, strange-looking woman walked in.

She didn't notice us until she was about halfway across the room. She stopped calmly and only then looked up. She was probably expecting someone else. She looked at us in shock. We have to look like the statues around in white uniforms. Just a little more dangerous. With her mouth open her gaze slid to the nearest door and to my surprise it wasn't the one she came through. She chose the glass ones, maybe they lead to the garden and out. Before she decided to head towards them, I stopped her. I tied her hands behind her back and sealed them with a spell. Invisible handcuffs keep her in place and still. "Didn't you say there’s a guy coming?"

"Yeah I did and if he ran away," he walked over to the woman with quick steps and examined her carefully. Her dark hair, pulled back in a bun of some kind, a square face with scary glowing eyes and a big mouth. Her green uniform and a chain with what looks like a crystal. She doesn't even try to hide it, which is quite understandable given the colour of her skin. Stolen power became her accessory like the equation embroidered on her coat. "we're going to get into some nasty trouble." he brought the woman to her knees with a single wave of his hand. Her smile did not disappear.

"Well, that's perfect.” I muttered quietly. The woman watches me with interest. I would even say she understands us. "Where is the man you were supposed to meet?" she smiled and shrugged. She is arrogant enough to think nothing will happen to her.

I held out my hand in front of me. So that she has an unobstructed view of it. I started hiding my fingers in my palm, one after another. With each hidden finger, the level of pain she feels increases. With the first finger hidden, the woman stopped laughing. With the other, she began to squirm in the grip of the bonds. With the third she started screaming. I didn't get to the fourth one, the guards burst in. With a very well-known uniform in dark blue colours accompanied by a silver wolf.

Damien and I exchanged equally angry looks and drew our swords. When the mayor mentioned that Kuzsi is not under his jurisdiction yesterday, I thought the city had reverted to their ridiculous independence. It never occurred to me in the slightest the city could belong to Athran.

"Lower your weapons, now!" Damien challenged them sharply. They didn't listen. They are slowly approaching us. There are eight of them.

"They will do no such thing," said a woman on the ground. "this is not your country. They are not subject to your will."

“And that's exactly where you're wrong.” if there's one thing i hate, it's when others lecture me about my family. What the fuck does she know about us? They have one single book, full of Damien's mystified stories.

The men took a few more steps. They all have swords in hand and their determined expressions assure me they have no plans to lower them. I know exactly what I have to do and I'm pretty sure I'm going to regret it. I let go of the hand holding the heavily breathing woman on the ground and focused on the men. “Gentlemen, if you would be so kind as to put down your swords.” I asked calmly. Mastering all eight at once is not nearly as challenging as other spells. I just need to stand by my demand and mean it. I have to convince them that it's better this way. That they want it that way. The first sword fell to the ground with a clatter, others followed. Surprised, the men took a step back. I think they would even start cursing if I let them. Hard to say what got them more. The fact they let go of their own weapons or how they simply lost their will. “Now turn around and exit with a bow.”

Distracted by the guards, neither Damien nor I noticed the woman rise from the ground. We should have checked if she was carrying anything dangerously sharp that she could very recklessly thrust into one of our bodies, but it seemed inconsequential. At least according to me. And now it doesn't matter. Damien was too late to react. And so was I.

It went dark before my eyes. I lost track of what was going on around me. The white glove drew in the red colour flowing from under the handle of the dagger. It's an ugly handle, worn down by many years in the service of several pairs of hands. It looks exactly like the ones the locals pass down from generation to generation. A stupid habit of stupid, superstitious people.

My hand and the handle disappeared from my sight. All that remained was an ever-growing dark spot on the white cloth. I pushed the approaching hand away and covered the mess with my palm. "You should have chosen," the first wave of pain is here. I have to trade it for heat. And quickly. "a different colour. The white is..."

“It seemed like a good idea.” he laughed softly. "Can you manage?"

"As always." I gasped instead of laughing. Pain and heat merged into one. It's an uncomfortable, yet comforting feeling. "Give me a few minutes."

Damien stood up and left me to pull myself together. I didn't even notice how I hit the ground or when. Maybe he helped me, maybe I just fell. I guess it doesn't matter. What happened or how…

I hear him giving orders and to my surprise in Athran. Someone else had to come. I'm guessing those who command the disarmed guards. He's arguing with someone about what rights he has here and if he can afford to kill someone. But whol did he manage to kill?

I took a slow breath and raised my head. In addition to my bloody gloves, there is another spot with similar paint spilled on the tiles. So he kill her. Well, at least I don't have to bother with it. I got up, the pain hasn't left completely, but it doesn't restrict my movement. And so I can join Damien and offset the odds the two of them might have.

“He says they serve the wolf, they have their uniforms, banners… the governor has a ring.” he ruffled his hair. I understand what he's trying to tell me. "they broke our agreement and I don't feel like anyone here follows the same laws North does. Let alone the empire."

"How come?"

“He said she worked with him in city government.” he fished in his pocket, carefully pulled something out and showed it to me. "She had it around her neck. I know you noticed. Only this moron denied it."

I took the glowing crystal, his gloves turned red as well. The liquid inside the crystal lazily spills over, shimmering as it does so. The thought of holding a piece of someone else's power, perhaps all of it, someone had unforgivably taken away made me furious. "The barmaid had one yesterday, too. Jim, what the fuck is going on here? Since when does Athran claim anything that's ours? And how come they don't follow our rules?"

"I don't know, princess. The guy who could tell us is probably gone." he lowered his voice, walking away from the two jesters. I almost forgot why we are here.

"He couldn't have disappeared without a trace. And if I'm not mistaken, it's your job to find people who are running from us. So go ahead, my dear uncle." I looked at the two. “I'll find out how Athran is involved.” I filtered through my teeth.

“Jonathan's pet must have had a hand in it.”

"Don't be so sure about it. Steven has been handling his paperwork for a while now." I am convinced that he is behind this little coup. And I hope he just screwed up here. Would be really bad if the people here had his support. "I have the feeling he is overly ambitious. And is one of the thing that gets people killed, monarchs included." I handed the glowing thing back to him, it makes me sick. "I'll meet you in Parlasse." I took off my bloody gloves.

“I was hoping for Lemford.”

"Do you have contracts on Lemford?" I lightly squeezed his shoulder. I would also rather avoid it and go straight to get drunk. Or try to. “We need to talk to your little brother.” he scowled sourly and disappeared.

"You can't!" one of the two men shouted. “You will pay for this.”

"I have no such plans." I dropped my gloves. I’m never going back with them, it's almost a tradition. "I don't think you realise who you have the honour to be with." instead of a proper introduction, I let a golden lion's head fly across the room. A deafening roar created perfect silence. “The Hales can do anything, this independent city of yours… is breaking the rules set by the Heirs themselves.”

“We don't follow your family's rules.” the governor tried his best. He no longer sounds so convinced of his own truth.

"I don't think we would give anyone a choice." my gaze fell to the bloodied uniform. I look like a thug. I can't lecture them like this. I disguised the blood stains with an illusion and returned my gaze to him. “But still, I'll need to see a contract to back up your words.” I indicated to them to take me to one of the offices.

They led me down several long corridors, I'd like to say I read something from the furnishings, but considering we built this fucking building… everything here shines with white simplicity. Except something dwells here. A royal banner with a wolf's head hangs just behind the desk in the spacious office. Exactly how I would expect it to be in Athran. Except this isn't Athran. And until now I have lived in the belief the country does not acquire its own provinces.

Kuzsi is a city with a few ten thousand inhabitants, and it rules all the surrounding cities. All in all, it's a nice piece of land inland with a nice supply of minerals. However, the main dominant here is trade, the place lies at important intersections and the returns from diverse transactions are high. And if the monarch were to avert his gaze for a moment, the returns could be even higher.

The governor is frantically searching for a contract that will hold his head securely between his shoulders while his friend manipulates him very skillfully. He puts his own thoughts into his mouth in fluent Athran. He probably thinks I don't speak the language, it's a generally well known fact after all. And Damien summarised the content of their conversation in imperial for me right in front of them, which he definitely didn't do because it's more comfortable for him. I decided to take advantage of it for the time being, listening to what was going on between the two while looking at the giant banner. I would prefer to tear it off straight away.

The Athranian's name is Alceste, he insists they won't show me the contracts and instead call someone he identified as the Occupant. I have an unshakable feeling that is the man Damien is looking for.

The other man's name is Gaby. And he is still rummaging through the document drawer with the same passion.

It took several more long minutes before he finally pulled out what he had been searching for so hard. Black folder with a wolf on the cover. Proud of himself, he straightened up and handed them to me.

I invited him to show me the contract and walk me through its terms. He must be credited for being a capable translator. According to the papers, Athran is occupying all of this territory without any of the Steeles bothering to mention it. According to Gaby, Jonathan's contract has simply expired and the wolf is offering them independence and the possibility of free trade. At least that's what the damn contract says. And it would be so much better if I could throw it at Edgar. He wouldn't try to deprive us of something the first time, but he's not that stupid. At the bottom of the page, his son's name is elegantly drawn. And for his own sake, I hope this is all just a misunderstanding and he doesn't know what's going on here.

"What exactly does this independence and free trade mean to you?" I asked calmly. Although it's starting to really annoy me here. I'll have to talk it out with Steven. "Do you think that includes illegal activities? Because what is not allowed in Athran is not allowed here. According to this contract of yours."

Alceste and Gaby must be really close, one is waiting for the others reaction. The Athranian motioned for his partner to remain silent. Not bad advice at all. “Such activities are naturally prohibited here as well.” Gaby got a nasty lie out. He wants to believe it so badly it made my stomach drop.

"Which one of you is a mage?" I asked another question. I would like to believe that I am mistaken and do not know in advance about everything that is going to happen.

Gaby backed away, Alceste muttered something. Before he could finish his meaningless attack attempt, I was enveloped in a bubble of my own shield. With a single thought, I stopped both of them in place. Both Alceste and Gaby are lying, which in itself gives me a good reason to kill them. Alceste added the crystal on top, which he keeps in the work between us. To everyone's admiration. "Despite popular belief, there is enough power in any person to kill them quite comfortably. So this," I ripped the crystal from Alceste's hand and tossed it onto the table. "you won't need."

“I have simply taken back what is mine. Alceste's voice sounds different when he's not speaking Athran, harsh and angry.

"Took how? Where?" I encouraged him.

"You can guess. I won't tell you anything." he looked away. Everyone always says they won't tell me anything. Nothing will make them do it. Until they collapse like a house of cards. I paused before I began to demonstrate how much power he actually had left. I turned his head, one of his eyes is darker than the other and both are trying to avoid my gaze.

A single question resonates in his mind. I want to see what is he really afraid of. Something that scares him more than ordinary worries and superficial fears. I'm looking for the fear rooted deep inside. He's not afraid of pain, I could probably get somewhere with that, but why waste time. I caught a glimpse of it for a brief moment. Exactly what I need.

I backed away from Alceste, I slid my hand down my waist and walked over to Gaby with a slight smile. I thought he was telling him what to do because he wanted to control him. I completely misunderstood their relationship. "I understand you don't have much to lose. But what about poor Gaby?" Alceste hypnotises… and he didn't even want to look at me at first. He put on a very good mask, but it's just another lie. "I'll explain how it's going to be. I'll ask you a question and you'll answer. Every true answer will spare him, every lie will - let's say - gets under his skin. Do you understand?"

Alceste didn't respond in any way, he's really good at it. I'd bet he belonged to some sort of law enforcement or military and his function here is not just as his mentor. Without hesitation, I pinned Gaby's hand to the table and the now ruined contract. The man next to me screamed in pain, Alceste cursed. "Silence is the same as a lie." I added. "So, who gave you the crystal?" he's not capable of depriving anyone of his power and he doesn't even look like the type, so he had to get it somewhere.

“Nobody gave it to me.” he answered after a while of Gaby's pleads qnd unfortunately for me truthfully.

"Did you buy it?" I asked the next question. Alceste nodded. "From who? Give me a name or description."

Alceste is stubbornly silent. I gave him a moment to think before yanking the dagger from the table top and Gaby's hand. “I don't know his name, I haven't seen him.” more lies again. I shook my head and dropped the dagger.

“I suppose you want him to keep all his fingers, but I'm sick of your lies.” I stretched my fingers and twisted my wrist. He mentioned something earlier I have to come back to. "I wonder if you've shared with your partner what it's like to lose your own power. Words can't describe the pain that makes you just a normal human." all the colour had vanished from his face. Now I hit the right spot.

I turned back to Gaby. "It's a whole new kind of pain. The hole in your hand is nothing compared to it. It's like someone is tearing you apart from the inside, piece by piece, cell by cell. You feel like you're losing a part of you and you can't do anything at all. Paralysed by fear and pain." I leaned towards Gaby, his pupils widened in fear. "And when it's all over, when you're unlucky enough to survive, even when you think it's over, something always comes back. It haunts you day and night. Even now that Alceste is using someone else's power, he still feels the pain." Gaby mumbled something. If he knew something, he would probably start talking by now. “I'll be happy to show you so you can really understand.

"He had a mask!" Alceste shouted behind me. "I didn’t see his face!'

“I trust you that you did not see him at that handover.” I drew the first rune right in front of Gaby's face. He seems to burst into tears any minute now and doesn't even understand the symbol in front of him. It's just vitta, laughing at him. "That doesn't mean you don't know him." the second rune glowed.

“Shealon, he calls himself Shealon.” he cried out more desperately. I didn't even turn around and add another rune. "I have no idea whether that's his real name. I'm telling the truth!" he wailed. "He works out of town, he wants mages who won't be missed. Sometimes people who look interesting." we are finally getting somewhere. He got my attention, but not enough to get rid of the already drawn runes. "He's the same height as me. He has short hair."

“You've just described about half the continent.”

“Please… I'll tell you everything.”

And here it is, the sentence I've been waiting for. "Where do I find him?"

"He stays here once every forty-four days, in an establishment opposite the main gate. He was just here, a few days ago. I've never dealt with anyone else." he explained dutifully. Not that it was too much.

“I was really hoping there would be more.” I turned back to Alceste, I gently touched his face. It is unpleasantly rough, almost hard. And while his description isn't worth much, his memories might. I need to find out who the fuck Shealon is.

I was quite surprised at how accurately Alceste had captured him. Shealon looks ordinary, he blends in with the crowd and there's nothing special aabout him at all. Short hair, average build, dark eyes, black shirt and hooded jacket. Perfectly forgettable, like my spies. Which is amazingly helpful.

I found at least a second, sufficiently useful piece of information in his memories. They met in a rather posh establishment, with separate guest lounges that were more attention-grabbing than advantageous. And Alceste came to him, not the other way around. Shealon had him paraded, so someone there must know him. "Anything else you want to say?" I asked, looking into differently coloured eyes.

“I just want it to end.” he exhaled softly and closed his eyes. For a small moment I had the feeling that he understood what was waiting for him. Both of them. When he opened his eyes again, I no longer had that feeling.

"Hold to the Light on your journey through the Darkness." I whispered. The dagger from the table moved to my hand, piercing Alceste's heart. He faced his own death quite bravely, Gaby behind me didn't. He started yelling and cursing as his partner's body hit the ground. Drops quickly ran off the blade and fell to a puddle near the body.

I turned back to the governor. "I don't want to die… please." he begged. "I don't want to die." I came to the conclusion he cares much more about his own life than the one that just ended. "he came up with everything. ‘Ceste wanted this." he lied again. Apparently he was not as devoted to Alceste as he was to him.

"Who is your representative?" I wiped the blood on the sleeve of my already ruined uniform. Gaby's expression changed. He stopped begging and calmed down a bit.

"Amer, lord Amer, why are," he didn't have time to finish his thought. The blade went through his heart. Stopping it.

“Because someone has to take over here temporarily.” I summed up quietly. I let my body fall to the first one. They can lie here for as long as they want… eternity for all I care.

I took the destroyed contract and the crystal from the table and got out with them. I don't want to spend another minute there if it's only one. With the trip, it went from zero to shit. Damien is unbearable. Apparently nobody respects our rules in the east. We’ve lost part of Mergo. And Steven effectively became part of the problem, even though I tried so hard not to get him involved.

"Anie!" Jonathan shot out of his chair toward me. I completely forgot he would see through the amateur illusion that was enough for the people in Kuzsi and see the bloodied uniform. It's nice even after all these years the sight of a little blood on my clothes freaks him out.

"I'm fine." I objected as he began to look me over, searching for an injury that would explain it. I don't need his exaggerated concerns. I threw the contract on the table and took off my coat.

"Damien!" his voice grew louder as he turned to his brother. I didn't even notice he’s here already. I had to spent more time in Kuzsi than I thought or he couldn't find anything and quickly gave up his efforts. No, he probably send someone investigate our leads. "This is how you envision protecting her!?"

“Calm down, it's just another ruined uniform." he laughed from across the room. He stands as far from Jon as only the walls of our magnificent mansion allow. I smiled sourly at him. This is exactly why he keeps bringing me new uniforms.

“And most of that blood isn't even mine.” I added.

"And that's supposed to calm me down, why, exactly?" the angry look of the dark eyes returned to me. I hate that look, it makes me feel like a little kid. "And what in the name of the Light is this?" he picked up the contract, or rather what was left of it, from the table.

"That's the contract," I took a moment to admire the way he flipped through the blood-soaked pages in disgust. Wonderful sight. "well it was… I have one more treat." I took the crystal out of my pocket, showed it to him and safely hid it away again. Jonathan frowned in concern. "I'm guessing they have a second copy in Athran. I'd be happy to bring it to you." I added with a fake smile. I don't want to bring it to him. I don't want to go there.

"In the same condition?" Jonathan dropped the folder on the table like I did earlier. “Because I'd prefer a legible copy.”

"You don't know anything about it?"

"All I know is that they didn't like our new terms. No one mentioned Athran in a single word. And if one of the Steeles signed this knowingly," he stopped. His gaze drifted back to the table.

“Steven signed it.” I answered without him having to finish his question. "And he's not the type to sign something without reading exactly what he's committing to." I answered his unspoken question.

"That's perfect," Damien laughed in disbelief. "think about it, he's still a little boy. What are the chances he understands what he's doing in Mergo."

"Thanks Jim. When you say it like that, it sounds so good, like I'm fucking a child." Steven is really young compared to me, but he's always been smart enough to know what he's doing.

“Well, you are,”

“At least he's not married like Arbatta.”

“Don't even,”

“Enough! Both of you!” my father's stern voice stopped both of us. Something about it makes Damein shut up just as quickly. “Andrea, you need to talk to him.”

"What is she going to tell him, Jonathan? I'm sorry honey, can't you play with my provinces? Don't be ridiculous… we'll just take Kuzsi back and then secure all of Mergo. The East is ours and always has been. I see no reason to change that. " Damien urged.

"Steven or the other Steeles have every right to change those treaties. Mergo Hensya is an area of ​​independent trading cities. We never owned a single one of them, those were just bound to us by treaty. The only one who doesn't understand that is you, Damien." he corrected him haughtily. "The problem is that he has to make sure our family rules are upheld and he should have reported something like this. We have to stop that illegal business regardless of contracts. That's our job after all. I'm just worried about the consequences for Steven, if only,"

“Jonathan, please… you don't understand the good half of our job or its implications.”

"Can you just skip this for once and act like I don't know… brothers?" I asked Damien on my way to him. Just to be sure, I silenced him with a demonstration of what I had found out and immediately afterwards, I repeated it with Jonathan. "One of you needs to go to Stephan, tell him what we found out and the other needs to find someone reliable who can keep an eye on Mergo. Before its settled."

“I prefer Mergo to Stephan,” Damien nodded in greeting and disappeared before our eyes.

"I thought you would have to go there." I laughed with raised eyebrows. Damien isn't exactly in the mood for travel, I'd expect him to want to pass on information and head to Lemford. "Did I miss something?"

"And how would I know? He doesn't confide in me." father commented, irritably looking at the spot where his brother was standing. "Both of you lack common sense. You have to fight everything that moves. It's like I have two children, not just one." he frowned, straightening his perfectly fitting suit and assessing me with a look. "Please change before you go see Steven. You look terrible."

“We both know I look great, as always.” I looked at my blurry reflection in the decanter, poured the dark liquid into my glass and drank. I know I look fine except for the blood stain and a little hole in the uniform. "And he doesn't care anyway. I just let my hair down and smile."

"Don't you have way too high self-esteem after what you showed in Mergo? What's the point of having rules if you don't follow them?" the scolding look turned into a disapproving one. Perfect. "Ignoring orders, endangering bystanders..."

"I didn't threaten anyone, I only stabbed Jim."

"So the stain on the contract is Damien's?"

“No. But they weren't bystanders.”

"You don't usually act like this, what's going on with you, hm? Where's the sense for morale?"

“Usually I don't have to deal with Athran, led by my boyfriend, getting in our way.” I threw my hands up in frustration, the liquid flew out of the glass and headed for the floor. Jon waved the drops away before they could ruin his polished floor. As if I could destroy the perfect illusion.

“That doesn't answer my question.” he folded his arms to wait very patiently. Maybe Damien mentioned the dream, maybe he just knows me too well. He's my father after all, but his behaviour really annoys me.

"It's an answer that will have to do for you." I swapped the glass for a folder and picked up my coat - or rather a useless piece of rag - on my way to the door.

"Andrea," my father's stern voice stopped me again. The silence that followed made me turn around. Damn, he's good at it. "I'll talk to Stephan and explain what's going on. I know you're angry, but try to stay calm when you talk to Steven."

"Are you afraid I will ruin our family's reputation,” I'm not far from it. In terms of looks, I'm not much different from criminals right now. I have to get the blood out of me. _or chop his head off?”

“I'm afraid you'll say something you'll regret later.” he means it, but it's pretty useless advice.

"The same goes for you. Stephan won't care the cities are independent. He'll tell you we lost Kuzsi because of you." the chances of the two getting into each other are quite high. Mainly because Jonathan takes care of all the contracts and he completely missed this one. Usually something like this doesn't escape his attention. So something is up with him too. "Unlike you, I have no problem admitting my mistake and apologising."

It took me longer than usual to wash off all the blood. I made sure there was not a single trace of anything Damien and I encountered on the perfectly white skin. My blood is boiling hotter than the water hitting it. I decided that if I was going to argue with him, I would look good doing it. I carefully combed my long hair, framed my eyes with black pencil and then mascara. I highlighted my lips with red lipstick. Quite reminiscent of all that blood.

I spent a lot of time thinking about what to wear. I don't even want to see the uniform anymore and I've lost my desire for white. I effectively eliminated almost half of the closet. I just as quickly discarded all the clothes, simply because he likes them. And finally I gave up the colour red, because if anyone in Athran can't recognize me without it, I'm going to force Stephan to take back the land and force people to remember our faces. One by one. That leaves the last two colours that I like. Black pants and a turtleneck capture my mood perfectly, while a teal coat sums up the South, with its high collar and slim fit.

Finding Steven in a maze of corridors carved in stone did not add to my mood, and the fact I was accompanied by his castle guard like some kind of criminal offends me. I probably know the castle better than he does, I used to walk around here before Edgar hung his banners and claimed the whole place as his home.

The guard stopped in front of the door of one of the meeting rooms. I didn't give them a chance to open or let them know I was here. I opened the door with a wave of my hand and marched inside.

Tall windows divide the grey stone. The view of the mountains from the lower floor is not as breathtaking, but it is still a beautiful sight. The cold rays of the sun warm the snow on the stone and bathe it in warm tones. The wooden parquet is partly hidden by the grey carpet. Steven is leaning against the table top and just a step away is a young brunette in a tight yellow dress with those pointless Athran buckles and leather details. She's standing too close for my taste, but he obviously doesn't mind. Rather the opposite. They both laugh loudly at something.

"An! You came back early." he called from the table without moving away from the brunette or she from him. He forced me to pay more attention to her than I intended. She is quite pretty, with big brown eyes and a sweet, slightly goofy smile. Probably his type. Unfortunately, beauty is most likely her only quality. In other ways, she is quite similar to her father. "This is,"

“Pelletier's daughter, Lady Josellin.” I cut in. I don't need him to introduce her to me. There is no one to be confused with. Like her father, she is in all the important places and yet has nothing to contribute to any discussion.

"Your Majesty," Jossellin stepped back from Steven, just far enough to bow. And her gaze returned to him the first second the situation allowed. But he doesn't notice her anymore. So whatever was between them only ended for one of them. "do you know my father well?" even her voice sounds like Pelletier's, just as condescending.

"No, not particularly. I've just always wondered how he managed to keep his title and lands, after he publicly declared himself being of the Nobles. In the South, we have somewhat stricter rules about that." I looked away from that naive face, straight into the green eyes. In a sense, the two of them - Steven and Jossellin - are a perfect match. They are both quite young and full of ideals that have long since left me. “It makes a lot more sense now why he didn't lose his head or anything else really.”

"Are you trying to imply something?" he asked, a little colder. He suddenly doesn't seem so happy I came back a whole day early.

"Obviously." I smirked and threw the blood-stained documents on the table. “We need to talk, preferably alone.”

Steven looked worriedly at the folder with the wolf's head. The sight of a few bloodied documents didn't throw him off nearly as much as one look back at me did. Jossellin's expression changed too, but instead of backing away from the disgusting bundle she leaned closer to him. “Jossy, we'll talk later. “ he stopped leaning, turned his back to her. She had no choice but to leave.

Steven didn't give her another look. The door clicked shut behind her and he didn't even notice. Even the contract didn't interest him enough to ask his questions. He waits in silence for an explanation, and I've had enough explaining for once. It's up to him this time. “I have a feeling your trip didn't go as planned.” he broke the established silence with a slight smile minutes later.

"I have a feeling," I began the same way he did, not even a hint of a smile. “you forgot to mention part of Mergo now belongs to Athran.”

"Is that what you're mad about? Because I offered them a better deal that," he tried to split the conglomerate on the table, quickly giving up, wiping his hands to the black pants. "you destroyed very tactfully. I hope it is not the blood of one of my people."

“It is the blood of your governor.” I clarified without much interest. I'm not even that mad about what happened there, but how long it took to get rid of that blood.

"Did you kill him?" like a child, he asks questions to which he knows the answer well.

"And what would you say?" I replied ironically. "First I stabbed his hand, threatened him and then I killed him." Steven let out an angry breath. I didn't let him speak. "Did you even read the contract? Do you know what you allow with your benevolent terms? Of course they chose Athran when they can literally do anything there!"

“They follow exactly the same laws as do people here.” he defended himself immediately. Well, if nothing else, it proves he doesn't know about anything and is just horribly naive and nothing else.

"The same ones!?" I shouted. "Is this supposed to be a joke? You have no idea what those people are up to! Have you ever been there? Did you bother to send someone trustworthy from here?" Steven frowned. I didn't expect his reaction to be so calm and mine to be the complete opposite. "They violate the highest law and you don't even know it! They reject the Heirs and the Light! People there wear crystals full of power around their necks like ordinary pendants! They draw power and use it do calmly! And you have no fucking clue!"

"Mergo is synonymous with the black market, it's always been that way. You must know that. If your family's influence there is declining, it's not my problem and it's not within my competence."

"You don't understand. This is exactly within your competence. Athran follows the Light, as does his province, your province, which is Kuzsi right now," I took a step back. I need space and he doesn't give me much. "you signed it. Your name is on that very contract. Everything that happens there points back to you. Do you realise how deep in the shit you are? Kuzsi opposes us under your banner." Steven doesn't seem to realise the seriousness of the problem. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a hollow crystal filled with a glowing liquid, and tossed it onto the table next to us. I'm not interested in holding onto the thing any longer than necessary. And he may need proof.

He cautiously held out his hand to the crystal, slowly picking it up. "Is it yours?" he asked even more cautiously.

No, how the fuck did you come up with that.” I watched as he turned the crystal in his hand. It's not exactly something he comes across on a daily basis. "Damien has another one with him. It's a colossal shitshow. It's one thing to use crystals as sources of power, but to wear them as an accessory? That's something quite different, far more twisted."

Steven acts like he didn't even hear me. Fascinated by the white liquid inside the crystal. I can understand why he’s so intrigued by it. It slowly pours and glitters, hitting the irregular walls and creating an incredibly beautiful spectacle. "Steven?"

I think I overrated him a bit. I stopped his movements and gently pulled the crystal out of his grasp. I hid the glowing thing again as quickly as possible. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Do you realise how bad this is? Stephan is going to want to punish someone. He doesn't have much of a choice." I went back to why we are here.

Steven frowned again, this time looking more worried than angry. “I want to talk to him.”

"He won't discuss it with you, he,”

"He can't just accuse someone," he came closer, I took a step back. I need space. "An,"

I shook my head. I don't want him so close. Not now. "He doesn't just accuse someone, he needs evidence and,"

"What's up with him anyway? Who does he think he is?" he cut in again. This time he pissed me off.

“Stop interrupting me.” I asked taking another step back. "Stephan is the head of our family and therefore the head of all of this." I waved my hands in the space around. "I respect him more than anyone. His word is our law. Mine, as well as yours. I know I've never spoken to you about the Service, but Athran is beholden to the Heirs. The same rules apply to you as to me. King or No."

“I really don't see where you're going with this.”

“Steven, taking away even a fraction of someone's power is forbidden for several reasons, excruciating pain being just one of them,” I hesitated to continue. But since we're that far. "you broke our agreement. You signed a contract that goes against Athran's promise to the Heirs. You made it yourself. You are responsible for making sure that the people of the east follow the law. And right now you are failing miserably. Stephan will decide based on evidence, and finding evidence against you is my job. If you knowingly supported anything that happened in Kuzsi, I won't be able to protect you."

"But I don't need your protection." he got angry.

"Of course you do! You have no idea how our decision making works or what a meeting would mean to you."

"If you believe I would support any of this, then you don't need any more evidence." he replied disappointedly. The green in his eyes faded. "Your word will surely be enough for him."

I thought about everything he said. I'm sure he understands some of the reasons why taking away power is prohibited. I honestly believe he could make the mistake of signing a contract that could jeopardise everything without knowing it. Without understanding how dangerous this situation can turn out to be. I even believe he would try to explain it to Stephan with the same arguments. There is only one question left I cannot answer myself. "Why didn't Ed warn you before?"

"Because he wanted me to close the deal?" my question seemed to confuse him.

“I,” why would he want such a thing? He never made such contracts, because he knew how big a risk it was. "I'm going to need your copy of that contract. This one is of no use to us."

Steven looked over the destroyed documents again. The pages stuck together inseparably, almost hiding the hole in the middle. "I'll need a new governor." he glared at me, green eyes alive with rage. It burns directly. "Did you really have to kill him?"

"What don't you understand about both of them breaking the law?"

"Both?" he exclaimed in surprise. "How many of my people have you killed?"

"The guy who was supposed to be running it and his friend. And Jim killed some councilwoman after she stabbed me." was there anyone else who didn't survive our visit? Nothing happened to his guards. I guess that's a plus.

"Are you hurt?" he asked carefully, suddenly close to me. He explores every part of my body. He needs to see that I'm fine.

"Do I look hurt?" I can't forgive myself for the snide tone. "She stabbed me this morning." I added, as if that should give him an idea of ​​how I'm doing. He buried his hands in his hair desperately. "It's just another destroyed uniform. On the other hand, you'll be pleased to know nothing happened to your guards. They seemed innocent enough and all dropped their weapons in unison and left. Not that they had a choice."

"So you just decide who is and isn't guilty based on who submits to you? Is that your job?" he breathed contemptuously. "What happened there Anie?"

His questions left me speechless for once. How am I supposed to explain to him something I assumed he already knew by heart, understood and follows.

“My service and duty is to protect the innocent. I started slowly. "I didn't just decide. I follow the rules we agreed upon as a family. There are many things that can still be forgiven and there are many transgressions that lead to a single punishment. Not only did those two lie to me, they lied about this." I looked angrily into the green eyes. "And I know you don't want to get involved in any of this. I won't let you get involved. Just give me the damn contract."

“You can't tell me what to do.”

"Sure I can. Everyone’s a subject to our will or have you forgotten? People in Zessia, Athran, East and West. Me and Slurzin and Aet'Reon. It doesn't matter!" I blurted out my thoughts to him. "They don't even have to believe in our family or the Light. Their will is ours anyway if we choose it."

“You can't take away someone's free will.” he countered much more calmly. I usually have no problem staying calm, but I hate these comments about my family. I know damn well what we're capable of! And the fact he doesn't know that makes me furious. It's just a part of it all. "It's just a story."

“No, it's not, Steven.” I immediately felt the urge to argue with him. If I didn't need the contract, I'd just left. Headed for Lemford.

He really doesn't understand anything. He just sees a little girl who can't do anything. She just happened to inherit most of the world's gold and now she's free to jump from place to place, boss everyone around.

For him, Light is just a word we brandish, because that is the best argument we have come up with and the world is somehow satisfied with it.

I should have gotten some sleep. "You know it isn't. Look at me." I gave him time to look, to think. "There's something fascinating about me, isn't there? But you can't name it. It's there and you don't know how to get rid of it. Like a little voice inside your head that makes you listen. The same feeling you had when you met my father or Damien.” Steven is silent, green eyes filled with defiance. He doesn't want to admit I'm right. That the fact he loves me is partly based on obedience and admiration he can't resist, or maybe he can, but he doesn't know how yet. "You can defy that voice, do whatever you want, but it's still there. And thanks to the Light, we can control anyone." I stopped when I wanted to show him. “You are not wearing a locket.”

"No, I’m not. Never am." he confirmed seriously. How come I never noticed? "why don't you tell me what you want from me? We can just end this fight!" he burst, threw up his hands in exasperation.

Why don't I tell him? I could tell him anything and he wouldn't even have to remember it. I could bring him to his knees and make him believe everything I just said.

I looked out the window, I need to avoid his gaze for a while. And the snowy mountains look so peaceful. The snowflakes are resting next to each other, soon they will all merge into one big puddle, but they don't seem to be bothered by it right now. They'll just stay there as long as circumstances allow, continuing to glitter next to each other and waiting for the inevitable meeting with their destiny. Wish it wouldn't feel so reliable.

"Why don't you?" he repeated quietly, stopping in front of me, shading my view of the mountains with his body.

"I can't. I don't want to." I looked up. He softened his. “Because if I did, I would lose your trust.

"You're right about that," I expected some resistance from his side, but he smiled. He stroked my face lightly and pulled out one of the strands. "I'd like to think that I fell in love with you on my own. And that I love you because I want to." he wound the strand on his finger. I wanted to take another step back, but I can't.

"Doesn't scare you the least bit I could control you and you wouldn't even know?"

"No, not one bit. I just know you won't."

Something always surprises me with this guy. Right now his trust in me. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. “Just bring me the contract so I can sort it out.

"Should I obediently give you my documents so you can disappear again? I don't think so."

"Do you always have to bargain?" he nodded with a smile. "Hmm… that's what I get for starting something with Steeles. So what do you suggest, Your Majesty?"

"Cooperation." he squeezed me as he whispered. “Very tight one. And I'm pretty sure, the archives are deserted at this hour.”

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