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Mergo Hensya 2/3 (TS)

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

It immediately brought me back to the dream that woke me up so early in the morning. I can vividly recall the pain such a spell can cause. It paralyses the whole body, makes movement impossible and drives away thoughts of anything pleasant. And the fact someone used runes instead of a modern procedure raised the hairs all over my body. The man's face returned as well, with a perfectly cruel smile. I had to take a deep breath and force myself to look away as my palms crushed the fingers jammed into them. Now's not the time to go back to it.

Next to me, Damien cursed loudly, completely ignoring his own lessons and the fact we are standing in a fucking shrine. "I thought you had proof, not that you are proof! Fucking job!"

"Damien, please…" I bent down to the man, carefully taking his injured hand. The skin is barely holding together, it needs stitching, and he could use something anti-inflammatory. "Let me fix that hand for you, what's your name?" there is certainly a name in that folder, I just didn't read it.

"Ledon, ma'am." he drew his eyebrows together. "There's nothing you can do about it. It won't heal."

"Sure she can." Damien’s more sure than I am. I take it he’s ready to defend our behaviour in front of his older brother. And if he doesn't mind…

I removed the white glove and examined the wound on his hand again. They are fairly deep cuts, several hours old, a day at most. The skin is glued together with dried blood, it almost seems like someone tried the sharpness of the blade and went to the rune carving later, a couple centimetres lower. The wounds can open again at any time and invite new bacteria in to join the ones that are already rampaging there. I covered part of the wound with my palm and closed my eyes. I can't look at that injury without having my mind racing back to that dream.

A pleasant warmth filled my eternally icy palm. I focused on the heat and the deep cuts in his skin. I want to rid him of the reminders of violence and pain, at least the physical one. Without opening my eyes, I moved my palm. I have to heal it completely before I can look at his hand again. I don't want to see that broken C again. A single, ugly letter can drive the oxygen out of my lungs, it makes me sick and scared.

"How is that possible?" the woman's surprised voice made me open my eyes. She has no accent, just like Arbatta. I think it’s time for us to rethink how we see these people.

I simply shrugged in answer, it's just part of my job. I checked the man's forearm and stood up, satisfied with the result. "Both of you stand up." I ordered. The woman listened to me, he didn't.

"Am I to take it you are the missing witness?" Damien asked. Ledon nodded, completely taken aback by his healed wound, examining his own hand as if seeing it for the first time in his life.

"They thought… I was dead…" he clarified quietly. "...Mallie, la… lai…" he added in a whisper. An absent look remained fixed on his forearm.

"I don't think he can talk about it." the woman joined in. I should ask her name. "I wasn't trying to hide him from you. He was scared, I wanted to help him."

"I don't need him to talk." I looked around, a bench pushed against the wall caught my attention. "Help me with him, would you Jim?"

Damien finally did something useful. He lifted Ledon and sat him on a worked piece of wood. "You will explain this yourself."

I ignored his comments, I can explain to Stephan everything that happened here faster and much more calmly. I squeezed Ledon's hand tightly and immersed myself in his thoughts. I didn't see much from the beginning. It's just confused feelings, anxiety, fear, exhaustion. Not a glimmer of hope or happiness anywhere. That’s quite unusual. It surrounded me, keeping me away from all his memories. It's an unpleasant feeling that makes me want to leave. And I have to go even deeper, to find the source of what scares him so much. His injury could lead me to it.

How he came to it.

Several lines carved into the flesh, together forming a broken C. That letter collapses in on itself, as did Ledon. But what made him do it?

Rain, a steep path between abandoned bushes. Gooey mud making an already difficult ascent harder. Everything is wet, heavy and deserted. Just like him. All but one bright spot, at the top of the hill. And then everything faded into darkness as Ledon lost consciousness.

I need another memory. Something that was before.

City streets plunged into darkness. One succeeds the other, and at the same time they all seem equally abandoned. Lifeless, silent and desolate. Ledon keeps to the side, crouching in the shadows. Scared to death of what he might encounter. Each new sound or flash of light produces a new set of images he fears. He knows someone is waiting for him. Somewhere in dark alleys. His thoughts are filled with only such worries.

He lost his footing, hit the wall with his face, just like he did a moment ago thanks to me. Someone's hands turned him around. It could be someone we're looking for, with a white mask on his face it probably doesn't matter much. It covers his entire face, including the eye holes. Not a single detail can be distinguished.

Ledon became angry, anger filled everything around me. It filled his entire mind. It's a terribly unpleasant feeling. I wish I could somehow avoid it. And if I give in to it, I'll endanger him even more than I already am.

A blast of magic sent the man holding Ledon to the ground. Ledon is no mage, yet he has managed to amass enough power to be of use to him.

The second attacker appeared out of nowhere. He hit Ledon hard in the stomach, causing him to stagger. His thoughts scattered. Pain filled the entire memory. In one fell swoop, he snapped the cords that held his sanity together. For a moment, everything was filled with emptiness. It wasn't until the third blow the attacker sent him to the ground. Ledon's scream was replaced by laughter.

I want to get out of his head before the pain and insanity make me throw up. I'm really close to it. But Ledon did not give up. He shot up, whatever he was planning, his hands changed direction. Fingers dug into the mask. He jerked and tore it from his attacker's face. Which gave me a perfect view.

At first glance, he is not a pleasant young man. Thick eyebrows and narrow eyes cannot hide the fact he is filled with rage. The reminders of a broken nose turned into a perfect identification mark, as did the scar on the left cheek. Damien will find him easily. Or he damn well should.

I left Ledon's memories in his mind and got out of there before I got to the rune part and had to face my own memories that would most likely kill him. I took a slow breath, trying to sort out my own thoughts, still with my eyes closed. I can smell Damien's spicy perfume, he had to catch me from falling. "Don't know what you've done, but he's not taking it very well."

"Jim, roll up his shirt." I asked, shifting my weight to my own feet and opening my eyes. He looked at me, doubting my sanity, but finally did as I said.

A dangerous looking bruise appeared as he lifted the fabric. It cannot be overlooked or ignored. A dark red-purple stain spreads over the muscles, making me wonder what actually happened and how much it threatens Ledon. I can try to heal him, but it's quite different from a small gash on the forearm. This could very well kill him, as well as my attempts to fix it. And my poking around in his head didn't exactly help the situation either, quite the opposite.

"He needs to get out of here. He needs someone who can take care of him, not prayers. No offence." I am well aware that everything I just saw in his head, he was watching with me. I made him watch again what he was running from. No wonder he passed out again. "I need a pencil and paper." I looked at the woman next to Damien. She nodded promptly and turned around.

"Did you see anything?" he asked quietly. I don't feel like trying to retell it. I reached out to him and shared the most important parts with him. How Ledon got to the shrine, who he saw and his little magic trick.

"He's not a mage."

"No, he’s not. But it's pretty fascinating what a normal person can do with a bit of power. That is, assuming it was just his and he didn't get help." I smiled at Damien, he was looking worriedly at the limp body on the bench.

"The crystals."

"It also explains his dark thoughts and why it makes me sick." and it clears up the headache too. "Can you find this guy? It's probably the best clue."

"I guess so," he thought, taking a pencil and paper from the approaching woman and scribbled something on the paper. "I'll go back to town and arrange everything. I'll meet you here." he handed me a folded sheet of paper. "If you can make it…"

"I'll catch up later," I hid his note in my coat pocket. Meanwhile, he bowed slightly and headed for the door with quick steps.

With him out of sight, I checked the man on the bench. Blows off regularly. And apart from a bleeding nose I gave him, nothing worse happened. Maybe he didn't lose consciousness so much as fall asleep. "Will he be fine?" the woman asked worriedly.

"I guess that's up to you." I put on my glove again. Wearing them has a single advantage. They hide the ring that draws attention to them and thus guarantees me partial anonymity. All efforts are undermined only by the uniform. "We've already broken most of your rules here and I'm truly sorry. However, I need one more such exception."

"Are you asking my permission?" she let out in a surprise. I nodded, it seems like common courtesy, but I guess I understand her point of view. "Please do anything."

I smiled to myself. Stephan will freak out when he finds out I violated his direct order and got the support of others to do it. But... it's not like he's my boss. I stood up, drew a line in the air and wrote runes over it one by one. The inscription glowed with golden light, it merged into a single line and cut through the space in front of me. A rift then opened like a door leading to another place, far away from here.

An elderly man in white stepped out of the crack as if it really was just an ordinary door. He didn't stop to think about where he was or how far he had just covered. He simply bowed and waited. "Take the man away and take care of him, his name is Ledon." it would be useful to know his last name as well. The man immediately got to work, carefully inspecting Ledon with gentle movements perfected over the years, picked him up and looked back at me. He is apparently awaiting further instructions. "You vouch for him with your life Mr. Tuck, Damien will want to talk to him. That's all, thank you." he nodded with a serious face, picked up Ledon and walked back with him.

"Where did he take him?" the woman asked after she regained her composure. No one has done magic here in a long time, if ever. I myself am starting to get dizzy. The lack of power around is a pretty annoying thing.

"To Nerkam." I sat down in the place where Ledon was half-lying just a moment ago.

"But that's on the other side of the continent." she exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, I know." I confirmed and buried my face in my hands.

The world around me added to the speed with which it usually spins. My body searches in vain for something to replenish the loss of power, a pinch of anything usable. And it finds desperately little.

A number of questions popped into my head. Who is the man behind the mask and who does he work for? No one involved in crystal trade and drawn power would just walk the streets. Wouldn't settle the score in person. And while I'm sure we'll never stop the crystal trade completely, I thought we knew all the players. And suddenly a new figure appears on our bloodied field in the played game? According to the runes, a pretty old, battered figure who is not afraid of bald moves. Not even challenging the Heirs to a duel? And since I've never really believed in coincidences, I dare say the figure won't be completely brand new. And he's been playing our little game with us for a centuries.

"You must drink, ma'am.”" her gruff voice dropped back to what reminds me of a loud whisper. She hands me a mug of smoking drink, I can smell the sweet dark liquid.

"The root of Azattico." I took a cup from her and drank. Despite the sweet aroma, it is an unpleasantly bitter drink. It is almost impossible to find in the South, it is a highly sought product due to its calming effects. "It still tastes exactly the same after all these years. No one ever says it out loud, but it's disgusting. My father used to make it for me frighteningly often, it banishes nightmares better than anything. It always helped me sleep when I got back." I stopped myself before I could describe the rest of my life to her in detail. The simple taste brings me back to the terrifying reality. A reality in which there are no coincidences. One that I definitely shouldn't talk about out loud. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I should be going." if I had a watch I could check how much time I've lost here already.

"You need to rest." she tries to convince me of this in such a caring voice. I almost want to listen to her. I might do it another time, but not today.

"Rest does not belong to the Immortals. I repeated the oldest wisdom I follow. Not that it was some invention of my own. The woman next to me frowned. "Do something for me if you can." I took his note out of my pocket and tore off a blank piece of paper to write a short message. "Someone asks you about the Heirs, give them this message." I bowed deeply and made my way down the hill.

With how many rules I've already broken, it doesn't make the slightest sense to go down my own path, but I did it anyway. It's a good hour walk, even though I'm going a bit faster than when we went up, I still have to watch where I'm stepping.

At first glance, the city below the hill looks like a boring hole in which no one wants to waste their time. According to Damien's note, we're going to meet at Lord Jatter's house, which is incredibly helpful considering I don't know who he is or where to start looking for his house. All I know is that finding him will be a pain in the butt.

People on the streets look at me, terrified by my presence. The more responsive onesbow straight away, the others are pulled down. At the same time, everyone is collectively trying to get out of my sight. It's pretty fun. And equal parts annoying. I know for a fact that there is no point in trying to ask any of them for directions.

A seedy pub in a dirty alley seems a more welcoming option to me than looking for Jatter's house. And maybe even more fun. Depends on what awaits me inside.

The local drunkards, pub crawlers and thieves stopped their shady activities as soon as I entered. Those of them who are not yet moulted look at me suspiciously. Because I'm the weirdest thing here... I slammed the door shut, which got the attention of those on the tables, that is, those still able to raise their heads from the dirty desks.

I slowly made my way to the bar along the cracked parquet floors. The hideous woman behind the counter looks at me with an almost lewd look. That's reassuring. Small eyes scan me, narrow lips curled into a hint of a smile. "La vi'a, a terra na." I threw the bills on the sticky-looking counter. If I have to touch wood, I'm going to kill someone here.

A broad figure behind the bar reached for a bottle of what she considered to be the best liquor here. The dark bottle helps conceal the mysterious contents. She set the bottle on the piece of wood between us and smiled with that repulsive grin again. A very strange necklace hanging around her neck swayed with the movement. I could almost swear it's one of the crystals, and from the way it sparkles, it's not empty. She quickly hid it under her shirt when she caught my eye. I nodded at her with a smile.

This city stands no chance...

I reached for my bottle. Just like a foreign hand. I stopped and looked at the brat.

He looks as neglected as everyone around him, only a little more daring. This is exactly what I was hoping would happen. He smiled challengingly at me, revealing a row of perfectly crooked mismatched teeth. I have to repay him, only my smile is charming unlike his. And while it was distracting him, I aimed a clenched fist at his chin.

The man staggered backwards, his hand at his waist before he regained his balance. His gaze returned to me only as he gripped the hilt tightly. I was honestly amused by his effort. My advantage is that I don't have to dwell on something like that at all. My sword just appeared in my hand.

The sight of the diamond-like blade brought grave silence to my hideous companions. The man in front of me dropped the dagger, it hit the ground with a heavy thud. Everyone looks at me with fear. And the fact I achieved it without a single word pleased me. All it took was the sword. I still have authority somewhere. Here among drunkards and cowards who hide from the world instead of being useful to themselves and society.

I took my bottle and got out of the stinky hole before the good mood could leave me. I almost wish he’d attack me, then I would have a good reason to hurt him. Maybe the others would join in and I could raze the whole place to the ground. But it didn't happen.

My white uniform attracts a lot of attention, which I don't need. People can easily tell by the pieces of clothing there’s someone worth attention. But the fact they have the honour with the Immortals is always definitively assured only by the drawn blade. This is exactly why I wish our uniforms were black and would allow us to blend in more easily with the crowd.

I found a pleasant view of the whole city. I took a sip of the surprisingly mild schnapps and dispassionately watched the people far below me. Everyone seems so busy with their own lives. They rush to or from work, home to their loved ones, only to repeat the same boring cycle the next day. And it doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest. Everyone here nods to greet each other, exchange a few words with neighbours and part with them with a laugh.

I would very much like to be one of those people, but I can't give up everything and just start again in some insignificant backwoods. Aside from other things, I would not be able to leave one particular person with green eyes and a terribly naive view of the whole world.

It's only been a few hours and I miss him already. I just can't imagine him being here with me. I can’t drag him into the middle of power theft, torture with the help of ancient magic, and the search for an entity that isn't even form this world. It's crazy enough even for me. And I don't need him risking his life here.

"So, I'm supposed to be looking for him, I'm supposed to be running here and there, and you're here, what? Playing with a bottle of vile alcohol?" Damien laughed, leaning against the wall, taking the bottle from me.

"Actually it's pretty good, but I don't dare guess what it's made of." I can't take my eyes off the people below me. I am absolutely fascinated by the amount of time all these people have. It must be so simple for them, their whole life just flashes by and can be summed up in a few words. Loving husband, kind mother, good friend. All of them will eventually receive a similar designation. It will be the only reminder they ever lived. A short sentence carved in stone. "It kind of reminds me of those damn leaves from Jath. Remember them?"

"You mean the ones you've always been so upset about?"

"Well..." I wasn’t upset. I said that if someone offered them to me one more time, I would kill them. With a huge portion of rationality. "you have to admit the taste was disgusting, but memorable in a way, like everything that happened back then. Do you think they still sell them?"

"I probably have some in Eagaveli… if you want, what's going on?" he suddenly asked with concern. "You never wait for me."

"I'm not waiting for you," I defended myself. "I just wanted a break."

"Is Nerkam too much for you?"

"You think I can't get the Council to listen to me and answer a few letters..." I smirked. "that offends me, Jim."

"So problems with young Steeles?" his tone changed, suddenly more interested.

"Young Steeles…" I repeated the designation. I don't like it at all. I like his name, not stupid nicknames. "Steven is fine." I took the bottle back, drank, and looked back at the unnervingly quiet city.

"So what's up?"

I don't want to discuss my nightmares with him, but he won't let me rest until I do. I can already feel his gaze on me and I can't lie to him. "I'm just trying to get rid of that stupid dream."

"What dream?" he knows the answer, he's just hoping my answer will change when he asks.

"It's always the same. I can never do anything to change. It keeps repeating itself. I stand there and choke… but he's never there. He's not in those dreams, you know? It's been so long since I last saw his face. And tonight, it was just there." I feel very uncomfortable when I have to say it out loud. To admit I saw his face, to make it all real. Without being able to change anything and become as helpless as in the dream. "I never believed in coincidences, and neither do you. And after all these years, I see him on the very day we go to look for a guy with the same rune on his hand. A rune drawn by someone who needs to draw. So either I'm losing it while being overly paranoid or something is going on and you and your dear brothers know what."

"So you're paranoid either way. However, there aren't that many runes you can use to hurt someone and only one to paralyse others." unfortunately for me he is absolutely right. I almost believed him until he frowned in concern. "What did you see in that dream?"

"Nothing important." I answered after a while. "I should just put it out of my mind. We have enough to do here, don't we?"

"Who cares about work, we've got the rest of eternity to do it. I'm worried about you right now."

"Tell Stephan this when we come back empty-handed."

"You know as well as I do he wouldn't mind a vit." he stated confidently. Yeah, I don't think so. No one takes their job as seriously as Stephan. "He adores you as much as me. And it'll be easier for both of us if I brings you back in one piece and with a smile. That's my job, after all. And I can't screw it up again." his smile changed, sadeen. With his eyes fixed on the city, he shifted to blame.

"When you left Jim,"

"Did you talk about the dream with Steven?" he cut me off quickly. Damien met my gaze. One can't escape the brown eyes.

"Of course not." what a stupid question. How could I talk to him about it? He's not ready for something like this. I don't want him to be. "He was freaking out about those two days in Narral. What do you think he'll do if I tell him this. He wouldn't understand, it's been weeks…besides, I have no reason to burden him with it, do I?" Jon promised to warn me. And it was just a stupid dream. Why am I burdening myself with this? "Damien, is there a real reason, for me to… tell him, to get..  I don't know, worried?"

"I think you underestimate him." Damien's trying to get around my questions. "He's young, but he's still Steeles and Edgar's successor. Besides, I have a feeling it would help if you told him."

"Mhm… the fact he's Steeles is pretty obvious." I remembered the wolf's head on his new ring. Wish he could go back to his S, it was so much easier. "I have no interest in explaining to him what it was like back then and why I spent so much time with two disturbed psychopaths and let them… it doesn't matter." I have closed this entire debate. "So what did you find out?"

"We'll have to move a bit. But first the fun part. Can you fight?" he nodded towards the bottle.

"You taught me to drink." I stood up, leaving the alcohol on the wall.

"Another transgression Jonathan will never forgive me for." he began to draw runes in the air with his hand. He always liked to open portals. Somehow he thrives on it.

"He would if you asked him to." I watched him work with folded arms. His runes will never shine as brightly as mine. And they don't look that nice either.

"I won't ask him for anything. Never." he assured me sternly. He stubbornly clings to his bullshit about how he never wanted a younger brother. "After you, princess."

"I know, you won't ask him and he won't apologise. It's a no-win situation." I patted him on the shoulder and went through the portal to the other side. Anyway, I've had enough of this ridiculously ordinary city.

A light breeze blew over me as soon as I stepped out of the portal. The narrow alley is scented with a sweet, fruity mix of smoke and flowers. I think it's the typical smell of festivals at the beginning of the next year. Enthusiastic cheers of people and rhythmic music drifts us to the larger street, hung with colourful flags. Doesn't seem like the right place for an otherworldly being. And it's definitely not a good place to fight. Especially when we burned down the last place like that.

"Is this the right place, Jim?" I asked after the portal closed behind us.

"Told you it would be fun." he checked my uniform and adjusted the sleeve on his own. "I don't even remember the last time we were at a carnival."

"I do, five years ago in a town on the coast. You wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the Great Revolution by having a little fun with the people without these uniforms. And you found that you don't stand a chance without it."

"How come, don't the blonde and her friend count?"

"Well, I don't know… you must’ve tried real hard. But, I did enjoy watching you suffer."

"So there's still hope for you."

"It would be fun if I didn't have to fight my way through the crowds." I pointed out angrily.

"Try to find something positive about it. And above all, follow the rules. When you come across that thing, move it. Do you understand me?" he grabbed my hand.

"As if I'm the one breaking the rules." I broke free from his grip, I don't need his lessons. "Try not to destroy the whole city."

I joined the people on the wide street. It's easy to blend in with them, even if I stand out among the colourful dresses in my white uniform. There are simply so many people, no one has room to wonder about anything. There is no room for anything else between people in animal costumes, hopping couples, dancers, jumping groups and ordinary onlookers.

Hundreds of people are crammed into a single street, each touching their neighbour, and none of them seem to have any plans to budge an inch. So I have to push through, elbows first. It's going to be pretty hard to find anything here. I can't even go back to Damien.

I spent several long, exhausting minutes in the procession. And she only moved a few metres. I can move from one side of the street to the other, but not forward. I made my way into one of the smaller alleys to think it over again.

The city around me seems to be built on a piece of flat land. It makes no sense to look for an elevated place here. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'd have to be pretty close to recognize a being from another world. That is, if it looks human. Otherwise, of course, it would be simple. I should have asked him before we parted ways.

I took a cigarette out of my case. I leaned against the wall of the nearest building, staring at the people passing by. The cold is trying to get to me, but the wall that supports me is certainly much icier than it should feel like, thanks to my uniform. He claimed it would be fun and so far I've just found it annoyingly strenuous. And I have a bad feeling about what lies ahead. We shouldn't have split up.

A dancing group of women in colourful skirts was replaced by a slightly stranger gathering. Even when they approached me, they attracted all the attention. People standing around can't stop looking at the woman in the middle of the group. I don't mind it, I actually prefer it.

I checked her and looked away again. She is sitting on the shoulders of two men and is clearly enjoying all the attention that has been showered on her. Long orange hair covers what little she chooses to leave to the imagination, but otherwise she is completely naked.

I took one last puff of cigarette smoke and left. I won't come across anything weirder here. And the way those people look at her just confirms that to me. The chances of me being wrong are close to zero.

I rubbed my way into the crowd again, elbows first. The woman is a little way ahead of me and I have to come up with a plan before I get to her. I probably won't just get rid of those men, but maybe they'll run away as soon as we disappear from the crowd.

Before I could get down to it, I had to rethink everything. The people around stopped at a command I didn't hear. Someone controls them, all in one. The music stopped, the dancers stopped their rehearsed movements. Nobody even moved. No one, except the woman with the orange hair.

She turned her head towards me, the friendly look she had just a moment ago gone. This is either very bad or even worse. "We welcome only those who want to have fun." she informed me without opening her mouth. I froze at how captivating her voice is, right inside my head.

"You have no right to welcome anyone to a country that does not belong to you." I answered calmly. According to our rules, I should offer her the option of a safe exit, but somehow I'm not in the mood. And I don't see Damien protesting. I put my hand on the hilt.

"It's a place like any other. Hungry for fun…" it creeps into my head again. How many people can it control so effortlessly? "don't you want to have fun?"

What kind of stupid question is that? I have a job here. I'm not here to have fun, but to fulfil my duties. However boring and monotonous they may seem.

And it doesn't matter that everything is always exactly the same. With the same ending. With blood on the blade and a glass in hand.

I want to have fun, and dancing and music are tempting incentives. Alcohol is flowing here and the people around are not to be thrown away. Some of them…

I could easily spend a few hours here, enjoy the festivities and return to my duties later. That's what Damien wanted, too, to have fun.

And who will stop me from doing that?

No one would know.

"You desire the same." the voice in my head spoke again. This time it made me doubt, looking at everyone around. Do I really want the same thing as the people around me?


"By your presence here, you are breaking the rules set forth by the Hallies' Heirs, guardians of the Light and everything else. Your only option is to pack up and get out. Now." Damien emerged from the crowd. He must have heard its thoughts as well as I did. So it controls everyone at once and can't focus on individuals?

The entity gracefully jumped off the shoulders of the men who had been serving her as rather uncomfortable looking chairs until now. She turned to Damien. Looking him straight in the eye, for what it seems from my perspective, way too long. I'm sure it didn't miss a single detail. And for a moment I was sure the thing would just pack up and leave. He can be very persuasive and uncompromising.

I believed it right up until the black eyes locked on me. It decided and not for the easier option. It laughed out loud, not inside my head, but for real. In the silence around it's the only sound and it freezes the blood in the veins.

Damien drew his sword first. I joined, even though I don't like it one bit. I don't like this whole situation. We should both get out of here pretty quickly. The weapon I have to watch out for is here twice at once. And we wave it in front of a being that crawls into our heads without invitation. Doesn't seem smart to me. "Jim…"

The people around me parted. They formed a circle around me, Damien, the being, and the two men.

I don't know what the thing is planning. Her porters ran. One of them pulled out a rusty sabre from somewhere, the other is not even armed. I can't just kill him. I don't want to.

I jumped to the side, swung at the armed man and in half a turn knocked the gun out of his hand. So they are both completely useless in combat. They made me do a back somersault, prepare runes, and send them both to the ground. They will wake up with a terrible headache, but they will be alive. Which Stephan will certainly appreciate. Who knows why he only excuses his own kills.

I rose back to my feet, ready for its next whim. I was sure I was ready for anything until Damien confronted me. I kind of expected it from the beginning and it still surprised me. Because of the sword. "Are you kidding me?"

Judging by how quickly he walked towards me, probably not. I refuse to cross my sword with him. "Stop it, Jim!" I shouted. I barely had time to dodge another blow. "You're supposed to protect me, damnit!" I added angrily. Apparently he doesn't give a fuck.

I managed to get rid of my own sword and pull out the dagger. I would much rather injure him with a normal blade. Just make sure he doesn't hurt me. What the Light happened to him?

"This is a lot more fun." said a voice in my head. The woman completely disappeared from my sight. Maybe I could throw one dagger at her and end it. If I could find her. And with Damien and his attacks, I don't have time to look for it.

"Stop it! For fuck's sake!" I know him very well and I know how to hurt him. I'll just have to talk myself into it. His body is decorated with so many scars that one more will mean nothing to him. It just gets lost among them. But it means everything to me. Until now, I have not come to terms with those he took for me in the past, and adding more is just not right. "Damien, listen to me, you have to stop this. Whatever it's doing, fight it!"

He hasn't slowed down, he continues to attack just as fast and hard. And luckily still the same. If I didn't know him, I'd be dead by now, but after a few hundred years, he can't surprise me. His movements are perfect, yet perfectly automated. His only fault is he always fights the same way. Most of his opponents don't live long enough to find out. I know he always sticks to learned steps and movements and never improvises. Which gives me an advantage.

"I hope you realise you're not giving me a choice." it's time to admit I won't convince him. I was never very good at it anyway. He won't give up and the perfectly sharp blade that never dulls is dangerously close.

I went to the ground with a clear plan. Damien never attacks the legs, that gives me enough space. He's already on to me. I have to stab him and try to knock the dagger out. Maybe the pain will bring him to his senses.

My dagger went through the white cloth of the pants on his thigh. I feel it dig deep into the flesh. I was trying to steer clear of the artery, I don't plan on killing him and staying alone in this. I pulled out the dagger while I still had the strength to do so. Damien cried out in pain. "Sorry." I whispered more to myself.

I heard that hideous laugh again. I turned to follow the sound. It’s coming from the left, but I can't see it. I stood up just as quickly as he turned around. The bleeding leg doesn't bother him at all. "Damien, surrender. That's an order!" I don't want to cause him further injury. Next time I would have to attack higher.

"Aren't you having fun?" the captivating voice is getting on my nerves.

"I'll start having fun when I get rid of you." I muttered. Damien prepared to attack again. The blow is coming from a different direction than I expected. That doesn't suit him. He should try to slash like he always does. Instead it goes straight for me. And it looks like he's not a big fan of the change either. He staggered, I instinctively went to meet him. With everything going on, I still don't want him to fall. It's stupid, but really close to a reflex at this point.

He bumped into me, I lowered my dagger at the last moment. I feel like he did the same with his sword. The hilt of his sword presses into my palm. He hands me his sword. I took it. It's uncomfortable to hold that thing. It doesn't belong to me and I know it very well. I want to return it to him. As quickly as possible. "Left." he exhaled almost inaudibly.

I understand what he wants from me. What does he expect me to do? I don't have time to shift my sword to my right hand. I pushed him away from me and swung my sword horizontally.

I see nothing. I follow his instructions only because I trust him.

I thought I missed it. The figure only appeared after it was too late for it. The sword sliced ​​through its neck like nothing. I subconsciously expected a scream or a crunch. And a spray of blood. The body in front of me slid to the ground, losing its shape as it did so. All that landed there was a bloody lump of flesh without skin or hair. It's a disgusting sight. "Yucky…"

People around us started to move. Chaos and panic reigned. "Andrea!" his voice stands out. His raised hand explains why my uniform is still clean. "Are you okay?" he seems to miss he's the one with the blood on his pants.

"I’m good." I caught him before he fell to the ground. I gave him his sword back before helping him sit up. I don't want to hold onto the thing any longer.

"You missed." he joked. I took off my glove and pressed on the wound. He tried to dodge my hands, he's so childish.

"Shut up or I'll stick my finger in." I wouldn't even have to try very hard and two would fit in there. "If I killed you, you'd keep reminding me." if I ever force myself to do it. It probably wouldn't be a problem for him. He just ran at me. Fuck.

I had to look him in the eye. I find him equally surprised. Probably just as scared. "Princess?"

"You attacked me." I can't force myself to heal him. He let something that didn't even have a shape to control him. "You stood against me with your fucking sword in hand, Jim."

"Well, you're still alive and so am I, so we don't have to talk about it anymore." he looked down as he added. "We never have to talk about it again."

"You betrayed,"

"Vatte il an sarra?"

"I guess we'll have some explaining to do." he nodded to the approaching men. I don't recognize their emblem, it's some kind of bird in a black field on light blue fabric. But their commander and immediately after that everyone else recognized us. And thanks to that, everything suddenly went much faster.

The mayor turned out to be a pleasant and grateful fellow. He's too tall and too sinewy for my taste. His body feels like it could snap in half at any moment. Aside from that, he is a man in his right place.

He took us to his house and we settled everything important over dinner.

According to our new friend, this whole craziness lasted for several days. He tried to do something about it, but just like we were told that those who don't want to celebrate are not welcome. And the people who remained were forced to celebrate whether they wanted to or not. Deprived of their own will. And his only option was to ask for help.

The topic of conversation soon turned to who was actually responsible. The creature didn't get here on its own, but someone invited it. And to open a gate to another world requires, in addition to knowledge, a good supply of power. And there seems to be only one person around who would be able to engage in crystal smuggling on such a large scale as to be able to get something like that entity here. A mage named Teyber.

The last part of the whole, long talk caught my attention. The mayor only mentioned it in passing, but it's absolutely essential to me and Damien. The town not far from here, as the mayor called the place we are going, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the deputy appointed by us. That tiny piece of land managed to escape our rules without us even realising it. According to the mayor, the independent city of Kuzsi is no longer ours.

Exhausted and in a terrible mood after the events of the whole day and especially the last few hours, I fell into bed in the mayor's house. The guest room reminds me a lot of houses in the South. Everything is elegantly draped in light colours, huge windows let in the moonlight, and soft pillows invite me to close my eyes, falling asleep in their embrace. I'd much rather lay in Steven's arms, but if I'm counting correctly, he's only having dinner while it's already deep into the night here.

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