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Make it official! (TS_45)

"I'll leave for a few hours, while he’s in your capable hands, and everything goes to shit? That's so typical, Ans.” he laughed, leaning against the table top. Saulés is a much nicer city than I expected. Emmett has chosen the mayor's house at the end of the street outside of town as his main tent. So he can observe the entire, ever-growing encampment from the comfort of his own. I'm quite surprised by this, he usually stays with his men, but it occurs to me that maybe he doesn't want to lie to them. After all, they are expecting a fight.

"Everything? Apart from that little incident with the poison, everything went smoothly. How do you even know about it? Didn't you say you'd be here?” the flood of blue and white tents outside the window is endless. How many men is Emmett preparing for him? Did he really summon all of Celadon?

"Think, you had a fight with Jonathan, he had a fight with Jim, and then you pissed him off, so who was he supposed to complain to?" he pointed at himself and laughed again. "How's my baby brother doing?"

"First of all, Damien should stop complaining and do something. Useful, I mean. As for Steven, I made sure he was okay before I left for Aet'Reon.” I looked at the map.

The advancing army approaches Alryne faster every day. With the addition of the Dishonests it's getting serious. We've only got a few days left and that’s in the case they don’t use the portals and don't shorten the last part of the journey. I wouldn’t particularly mind if they didn’t. Preparations are going according to plan, but why rush it. A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I wanted to call for them to come in, but I thought better of it and just waved my hand.

"I bring news." reported on the entry Remis. His sonorous voice is unmistakable, I don't even have to look.

"If they're not good, you can just turn around." the blue standard flew up over the next tent. It's not very subtle. With any luck, all this drama will be a distraction. Not that I could hide the awakening of the Fifth.

“They're actually good. Is anyone else coming or can I speak?” he asked as he closed the door behind him. I turned to see my general. His voice sounds tired, he looks just the same. He must’ve slept even less than I did. Several days of stubble confirms my assumption. We're running out of time.

"Nobody's coming and Emmett knows everything." I took a report from him. I don't even want to open the dark file, we're doing well, but the daily losses climb to the hundreds.

"Percy took care of re-securing the border from Oakfort south, there was some minor skirmishing but I guess that's good news." he walked over to the table, his gaze landing on the map that Emmett had very tactfully fixed to the table top with knives. They strikingly resemble a silver dining set. The owner will surely appreciate that. "We crammed a whole division into Alryne, the city is already overcrowded, getting more soldiers there will be a problem. And His Fuckness Duke Allaway is furious.” he looked at the forest of unit markings for a moment before continuing. "We're basically ready, I'm just waiting for the mages. They say Vas'Tarre took over.”

“They will arrive before the battle.” I announced simply. I want to give the new mages as much time as possible to prepare so they can give the soldiers a better chance. And ultimately me, because I'm gonna need all the time I can get.

“I need them at least a day early! They must join the units, get to know the commanders.” protested the general in a raised voice.

"They must prepare if you are to have any chance, Caelen." I answered calmly.

“I have to form them too! I've never commanded so many people by myself, you've brought out two armies and there's still the possibility of Athran joining in.” he bent over all those little figures, he's right, there are too many people under his command, but I never said he had to lead them all alone. He has his people for that. People like Darien. "If we are to have any chance, you must give me time to prepare all of this."

"Well, since our goal is not to involve Athran, I can help you." Emmett suggested.

"No," I cut him off quickly. "You could tell Steven straight away he can leave with Celadon. You must stay here and take care of his army. Besides, I have a better idea.” with those words I left. Just for a little while.

I returned with a tall man by my side. Emmett gave him a nod in greeting, they had only met twice, but you can't forget someone like Lessius. He looks exactly like the hero of the old stories, the legends of which have been told for generations, partly because he has lived through such times. The stern look of his grey eyes is complemented by thin lips and a more or less straight, several times broken nose.

"Lessi, you know Emmett,"

“Temporary Second in Command.” he confirmed excitedly beside me. “I like seeing familiar faces.”

"I'd rather not bring it up." he wouldn’t, but I had to fix it. And figured it all out afterwards, not that I didn't count on that.

“Lord General Caelen Remis, Commander of the Combined Divisions of the Southern and Eastern Armies,” I nodded towards Remis and then pointed to the man next to me. "Second in command of Hallies' Fifth Army Hanno Lessius." the secondly introduced man took a few steps across almost the entire room and held out his hand to Remis.

"Fifth…" Remis whispered admiringly. "I am honoured."

“Likewise.” he laughed and squeezed the outstretched hand, patting Remise's shoulder with the other in a friendly manner. It occurs to me that for Remis, Lessi is more of a legend than a living person. He must be so happy to meet him. Somewhere deep down, under that frightened look.

Lessi continues to ignore him. He turned to the map, ran a hand through his brown hair, and surveyed the situation in front of him with his hands on his hips. "As we stand, there are so many signs and figures, one legend will not be enough."

"Don't worry, we have no legend." laughed Emmett, handing him one of the four glasses that appeared on the table.

"It never changes here, does it?"

"You'll only know how fucked up it is when it changes. I'll walk you through our plan. If you allow?” hazel eyes fixed on me. I nodded. There is no one better to explain it to him. “We're trying to come up with a plan that will involve the divisions from the Southern Army that are moving right now to Alryne where the battle will take place. The Eastern Army has spread out around the border and will be watching our backs. One group from the South is already stationed in Alryne and will be ready to help us, a job that originally fell to the Celadon Division. However, Andrea and the other Heirs believe this threat calls for a different solution. The Fifth will therefore lead the entire attack.”

“The enemy army is slightly smaller, but much more dangerous. We only have a few days to prepare, I guess four or five. You stay here with Remis and help him with his preparations, you should familiarize yourself with this whole mess anyway.” I added.

"As you wish," he nodded obediently. "maybe this is going to sound like an odd question but why are we in Athran if the enemy army isn't supposed to get here and this army isn't supposed to engage?"

“Because I have orders from my beloved ruler to engage and prepare an army for him. And I have further orders, from our beloved Heiress, not to involve this army or my brother in any of this.” Emmett looked out the window, shaking his head with a smile. "It's a terrible waste of time and everything."

"He probably won't like it when he finds out." pitched Lessius.

"He's going to be downright furious." the smile left Emmett's face. "If there's anything he hates more than others change his plans, it's others think he can't do it." he has no idea how close he is to the truth. Steven will not only rage. He will have every right to doubt me. I gave him my word and I'm ready to break it. Purely for selfish reasons, but there is a first time for everything. I can put it down to the fact that I'm the Heiress and he's supposed to obey all my orders, but that's bullshit. The truth is that I'm just scared and I don't want to take unnecessary risks. I don't want to risk anything anymore. I need him to survive.

"You know very well that's not the point." I glared at Emmett.

"I don't care how you justify it to yourself or to him," he shrugged. "I'm just following orders."

Emmett always follows orders. He only gives them after someone dictates them to him. He idiotically avoids responsibility, while his own decisions are correct. “Emmett, I'm,” I was interrupted by another knock. More urgent this time. I went to the door and snatched the message from the messenger's hand before he started with all the titles. The seal of the commander of the Eastern Army didn’t last until the second. "That's enough, thank you, you can go." I stopped him with my hand. I closed the door and turned to Remis. “Caelen, do you have a particular fondness for losing my cities? Didn't you happen to say that Oakfort was safe?” I asked with certain coldness, handing him the newly arrived message.

My thoughts immediately drifted to Oakfort in ruins. The city has an ugly future ahead of it, and when he mentioned earlier the city is safe, I quickly made myself believe the vision must have simply gone wrong. Not all of them are fulfilled, sometimes I have to try a little, but their fulfilment can be prevented. And I'm not going to lose another city.

"Why would they attack Oakfort? It doesn't make sense, they'd have to come back for that!" he got angry, ran over to the map and looked at the little gold and silver figures on it from all angles.

"Maybe they decided to cross the border early and come back. Not a bad place for that." suggested Lessius another explanation.

"I wouldn’t say." Emmett drank and waited for us all to pay attention to him or at least it seemed that way. "Steve has a meeting at Oakfort today. If he's done with Jon…"

"Why?" Remis asked before I could. It is not a coincidence.

"Something about the Academy," he looks me straight in the eyes. A wave of heat washed over me, I sent him there, because of his students who are to join his army, which he won't even need. That's a really bad joke.

"When did he go there?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know."

"Is he back yet?"

"Andrea, I do not know, I'm not his babysitter nor his calendar." he replied irritably. Not so much because of my questions, but because he's as worried about him as I am.

"I'll send the troops, we can take the ones north of the city," I looked where Remis was pointing, a smaller golden crown marking the entire regiment.

"Just send them quickly." I said as I focused on my armour, this time I plan on taking all of its parts.

"We'll go first." Emmett confirmed, putting on armour as well. His is dark blue. He's been claiming for years it's to avoid attracting attention. I think he just likes the Athran colours, although of course he wouldn't admit it.

"I will go with you." Lessius immediately offered his services.

"No…" I started.

“Actually, we could use him.” Emmett stopped me in a firm voice. I don't feel like arguing with him, he's probably right. I quickly opened a portal to the city, the sooner we got there the better.

We have the best chance of finding him in the Academy building. Unlike Tayonne, I can be sure this building won't fall on our heads. There are a number of mages inside who wouldn't let that happen, not to mention that the building itself is protected by some really sophisticated spells. If there’s one building that will survive, it’s this one.

The academy has a room designed for mages to safely transfer into. Like all such places. It is very conveniently located right next to the entrance hall. Everything looks as peaceful here as ever. Wood panelled walls, polished parquet floors, huge vases of red roses, and giant paintings including portraits of my family members.

"Your Majesty, why..." one of the professors ran up to us as soon as we appeared there. I have no idea what his name is, but the fourth class rune pinned to his chest indicates he is one of the Academy's staff.

"Hush, where is the king?" I asked quickly.

"He's already gone." the man with the goatee and blue eyes got out just as slowly.

"Has he returned to Athran?"

“No, he went to city with a group of mages. “ he corrected me promptly. “Students begged to join.” he added proudly. I can't admire their decision as much as he does. They probably signed up for a suicide mission and are still looking forward to it. All the stories about real heroes just mess with their heads. In this case, luck is needed to survive, not skill.

"Shocking. The kids are always eager." Emmett laughed behind me. It's not fun, it scares me to death. Steven is so rash and careless. We'll be lucky if he bothered to take the sword this time.

"Where did he go with those mages?" my nervousness grows exponentially. He seems to be deliberately giving me the information in small bits. And I don't want to waste time here. Maybe I don't even have time to waste. They attacked tens of minutes ago, and that's a long time for someone to survive even a minor injury. And Steven usually goes for the bigger ones.

"I don't know," he added slowly, shaking his head. "they could have headed for the walls, Your Majesty. That's where it all started, but they could also have gone elsewhere." that's fucking perfect. He can be anywhere.

"Give me a ma..." oh great, one hangs on the wall. It fits quite well to my plan. He has his ring and this is an uncomfortably large city. A few runes, a short formula and a small dot will have to do. "Lessi, you and Emmett will take the shortest route north to the walls, if nothing else, wait for Remis's reinforcements there and get people to safety along the way. I'll go the other way, find Steven and find out how the city is doing." I headed towards the door with a vigorous step. Two pairs of not so confident steps follow me.

“You can't run around here alone.” Emmett protested loudly.

"I didn't ask your permission and I don't plan to run anywhere." I opened the door, for a moment everything looked beautiful and idyllic, exactly as I remember the stone courtyard in front of the Academy, with tall trees and lots of benches. Students usually sit on them, discussing all the woes of their studies, laughing loudly. Now this place is a desolate void. And as soon as I stepped out the door, I saw columns of thick black smoke on the horizon. "Besides, it looks like you'll be having all the fun."

"If you find him first, kick his ass for me." Emmett growled, keeping just a step behind me on the way down the stairs.

"I will." I winked at him and walked away in the opposite direction. I stopped and turned on my heel the next second. “Em, please be careful.”

“Same goes for you, Ans.” with Lessius at his heels, he turned and walked down the broad street to the walls.

With a strange sense of relief at being alone, I steered away from my friends. I can't explain it - as usual - but I'm sure nothing good is in store for me and I don't want Emmett anywhere near. I'm sure he'll be much safer on the other side of town, where there's burning and fighting, than here, in this perfectly calm, quiet part.

Oakfort is a very old city, one of the first great cities in the East. It follows the old building template established by my grandfather. The streets are as straight as the rugged terrain allows, they are lined with buildings of light stones and, just like in the capital, they look perfectly clean. Maintained for centuries by a magic that does not allow the facade of the city to change. Considering how far east I am, I still can't mistake the architecture for anything, straight walls, an entrance buried under a vault and tall, narrow windows. Unlike the capital, there is more green here, perhaps every house can be proud of a blooming flower bed, bushes or trees in front of them.

My walk was interrupted by a group of young people running from a side street. It wasn't until they stopped I noticed they were wearing dark blue uniforms from the Academy - maybe the group of mages the professor mentioned? Who else could it be? Students shouldn't just run around here. Their job is to help others out of this mess. "Where is the king?" I asked the closest of the girls, she looked at me confused, I grabbed her shoulders. What is everyone's problem here? Can't anyone answer quickly? "Speak."

"Stayed with the others," she stammered out in a thick Athran accent, pure horror on her cute little face.

"But where?"

“In that big house at the end of the second street on the left, Your Majesty.” a red-haired youth appeared next to the girl. By the way he talks, my countryman. “I can take you there.”

"No, I can handle it myself. Take care of her." I nodded towards the girl, letting her go. “Go back to the Academy and prepare to help the injured.” I continued along the street.

Second street on the left? Why is he so far away? I mean, it matches what I saw on the map, but why? It is completely quiet here, there are no undead running around, there is no fire here, just a strangely calm atmosphere. This makes me even more nervous. I hate this seeming silence and peace. An unpleasant feeling, it makes me pick up my pace. I almost ran past the 'Little Hopper' inn, I don't dare to guess what they serve there, but I've definitely eaten worse things. I turned the corner.

In the distance I see a house at the end of the street the boy mentioned, it's more of a villa than a house and that's all. With a small balcony above the door, tall columns supporting the first floor and bold sculptures in front of the entrance. That house must belong to some really wealthy citizen, someone important enough, but I can't think of the name of anyone secure enough to build such a house in Oakfort, as it is obviously new construction.

The carved wooden door is wide open. I peeked inside, the surprisingly dark corridor leading only to a closed door corridor. That house is empty, I'm sure of it.

I went back to the front of the house. My only companions are statues. I think I hear something, a muffled whooshing sound. And something else, a deep, wild sound, like a growl. An icy hand gripped my heart, of course it had to be the menacing growl. And it doesn't go from the house, but from behind, from somewhere behind the house. I ran in that direction, realising there was a paved path leading all the way back. Seriously, who does that house belong to? If it's new, I had to sign a release… but for whom? Who knows why, it seems important.

I saw an interesting sight, in a small park behind the house, Steven, surrounded by a group of six students, is hiding under a blue bubble and the crown of a large tree. And while they try to keep the undead away from their body, he spins between them, sword in hand. Even from that distance, I can see he is running out of strength, unlike the undead monsters, who are not hindered by anything.

My heart pounded wildly, but not with fear. If anyone's going to kick Steven's ass, it's going to be me. What is he even trying to do here, his ass is supposed to be the first one out of town.

I drew two runes in front of me and sent them in Steven's direction. In the air, they turned into an unnaturally strong gust of wind. A few of the nearest undead tossed it aside, others knocked it off balance. Before they landed, I already had my own sword in my hand. I sent two of the attackers straight to the ground, the other two on the way to him. "What in the name of Light are you doing here?" I have to raise my voice so that he can hear me over the grunts, I cut off the head of the fifth one. Either I'm getting better at killing them or they're getting worse at ours.

"I'm helping, what else?" he replied as simply as if nothing had happened. I can go crazy looking at him, he doesn't have armour, instead he's still in an ornate suit, now ruined by that black sticky shit. All he needs is a crown.

"So stop it, Remis's reinforcements will arrive any moment." with one hand I sent another wave towards the approaching undead that would get them further away from us. With a slash of the other hand, I knocked another to the ground for good. "And where the fuck is your armor?"

"There was no time." he finally stopped his frantic rinsing and gasped. What the fuck does he think there was no time? It would take him less than a minute. "But it really suits you." he smiled and straightened up again, ready to attack again.

“Why are you here? There is fighting on the other side of town.” I drew new runes. If he wants to fight, he's out of luck. He could have taken the risk before I came.

"People were hiding here, I took students from the Academy, they opened a portal and people got out. I didn't ask why they came here." green eyes scanning the surroundings, mulling over what he's talking about. “I think we might go as well.” he looked at me. “Why are they even attacking this,”

The rest of the question was lost forever, at the sound of a loud explosion. The blue ball landed between us and threw us high into the air. I had just enough time to form a shield around myself, Steven, and one student to soften our impact. Meanwhile, I hit the hard ground, Steven ended up in one of the flower beds on something that very strikingly resembles a rose bush, and the student completely disappeared from my sight.

Falling on hard pavement is not pleasant. I struggled to stand up. Everything hurts, every part of my body, every muscle, even every bone. And to make matters worse, I don't have my sword with me. I had to let him go when I was in the air. This is not an attack by any undead or ordinary mage. My head is spinning as I look around trying to find my sword. Not pleasant either. Where is the pointy thing? It is not on the path blurred before me in pain and shock nor in any of the flower beds around. The red crystal at the end of it pulses in the grass, a good fifteen metres away. I ran up to him and held him tightly, the small, nasty sharp thing interested me more than Steven. It could get us both in real trouble. Much bigger than the one we're already in. Only with that sword in hand could I turn back to Steven.

He hasn't gotten off the ground yet. A figure in a long coat with a wide hood on its head approaches him, with a calm, slow step. It's a walk I know very well, the walk of someone who has all the time in the world to himself and knows it very well.

I almost dropped the sword again when I saw him. All the horrible memories came back at once, knocking me to the ground in a huge concentrated burst, with bigger force than the previous blow. I'm not faking it this time. He's here, with me. Just a few steps from me.

He really is here!

I can't breathe. I can't breathe! I feel like I'm suffocating. My own memories are suffocating me. The oxygen escaped my lungs. Replaced by a thick, warm liquid. And I can't get rid of it, I just gasp in vain. I crash helplessly to the ground, knocked down by the past.

He removed his hood, as calmly and slowly as he does everything else. He talks the same way, moves the same way, touches me with the same deliberate, light movements. Long, blonde hair billowed in the wind. As silky as my own. I know it's him. I knew it the whole time I was gasping for breath, and yet the confirmation scared me even more than my own assumptions. Not because I'm afraid of him, but because he's only a step away from the man I love and I promised myself to protect.

And I fail perfectly at it.

I can't do anything about it. This is the opportunity I've been waiting for for years. And it's so far from me. I should catch him before he disappears with his sister. I should get up and finish what they started all those years ago.

And I do nothing at all. Paralyzed by my own fear, I just watch helplessly as the blond man pulls out a short dagger, the blade glinting ominously.

I closed my eyes, I need to breathe. Concentrate on my work. Protect him. Of all the people here, I won't let him die.

I can't let him die.

It's supposed to be simple, all the power is on my side. I am his Successor. And every little child can breathe. It should be natural. Just like before with Steven on Lemford. Or even before in the library. Both claimed it was enough to simply inhale.

But it isn't. It's not easy. It's awfully hard. And I'm so tired of nothing going my way. Nothing is ever the way I want it to be. And yet, it should only matter about me. I'm not an Heiress. I am Hallies Successor. And none of that matters.

Or does it…

Something within me awoke, a primitive desire to hurt the man. A desire that doesn't know the word fear or reason. I just want to stop the blond before he passes on another piece of his cruelty and breaks another soul. That's my job. My Service.

I gripped the hilt of my sword. My body knows exactly what to do, I don't have to think about my actions, I don't have to think about breathing, I just follow my instincts. This is the only plan that has never failed me.

Still on my knees, I moved to the ominous figure. I swung my sword up, and felt it hit the other blade. The dagger flew away. The figure took a few steps back in surprise.

He's fast - I have to give him that. Before I got up, he already had his own sword in hand, almost identical to mine, with an ugly green crystal that looked almost poisonous. It's a potentially very dangerous weapon for me. Not just for me. But if I'm ever going to die, why not today? In the end, does it matter?

"I always said you lacked motivation. It's nice to know we can finally find something new to do." his voice is beautifully warm, unfortunately, the words are cold as his heart, cruelly digging under my skin. I hate how his voice reminds me of everything. I hate how I missed it. “I'm not here to fight you. I just came to get something.”

"So you're still running errands?" I smirked. He seems to me to be the smarter of the two siblings, but she always decides. He submits to her for a reason I don't understand. But as for those two, I don't understand anything. "You must really enjoy it." I kept my voice calm, but I'm ready to fight even if I don't want to. I'm not sure what my chances are. Unless his sister shows up, I have decent prospects. I therefore focus on his eyes, if he decides to attack, they will give him away.

"I just had to see the new puppy you picked out this time." he leaned to the side and shook his head sympathetically. I wanted so badly to turn around, follow his gaze, but I didn't. I can't afford to let him out of my sight. If this doesn't end well, I hope he just kills me this time. I'm not going to repeat the whole thing. "I didn't mean to hurt him, but the blood is only on the inside, so you understand..." a wide smile spread across his face, it freezes my blood. And at the same time, secretly, somewhere deep inside, I long to watch it.

I want so badly to turn around to check on Steven, but I can't. It must be a trap. And even if it isn't, it doesn't matter. If any of us are going to leave, it's going to be Steven. If it was the last thing I do. I attacked, he deflected the blow at the last moment. I shifted my weight to my other leg and attacked again. He's ready, but I knocked his confidence down. A little bit. The smile left his face and never returned.

Finally, I can somehow use all the anger I have at him, that I have at Edgar, and Jonathan and Elizabeth. I put some of that rage into each of the blows. He quickly and skillfully dodges while retreating slowly. As long as he has somewhere to go.

I'm already out of breath, but instead of letting it slow me down, it's pumped even more strength into my veins. He tortured me so many times with the feeling I can't breathe, I'm drowning in my own blood. He watched with delight as I struggled to breathe until he graciously allowed me to. Just so he could keep doing it. And all this time he was waiting for his fucking answer. He kept asking questions and I couldn't stop any of it. I just waited for weeks until I robbed him of his smile just like now.

So the fact I'm out of breath right now doesn't matter. Under the weight of all those memories, I twisted my hand. I didn't take the blade down like I originally planned. The tip of the blade flew past his face almost horizontally, cutting through the skin on his cheek and leaving a red line behind. He ducked aside out of my reach before I could slash again. He clutched his face and examined his bloody hand.

He looks at the hand as I do, surprised by the turn of events. I wounded him with my sword. I hurt him. And he's bleeding.

"You won’t stop us!" he snapped.

“Watch me, Julien.” I answered calmly. "This time we play by my rules. There is no one and nothing to protect you.” the anger slowly left my body. I myself feel like I should be more angry, but the irritation is replaced by a completely different feeling. Still new but well known. The warm, electrifying feeling I always get when I use old magic. Only now it is much more urgent and intense. I feel the magic flowing through my body. It's not concentrated in just one place where I need it, it's everywhere.

The warm feeling continues to spread and with it the blinding light. The light that reached my palms where it continues to grow. The glowing ball keeps getting bigger. I can see why he liked the depiction of that light so much. I finally understood, it was because of this warm feeling. I don't know anything that can match it. Everyone and everything must feel exactly the same in its glow. Calmly and safely. I raised my hands, the ball slowly rose. It is still growing on the way up. It bathes almost everything in the city with that warm, golden light. It has to be, I feel it. All of Oakfort is bathed in that brilliant light that can outshine the sun itself. It's so uplifting.

That was, until it caught up with me and I lost consciousness. Darkness replaced the warmth and glow.

It doesn't feel as eerily empty and dark as usual. It opens its arms to rest in. I'm tired of it all, I want to snuggle up to it and let it rock me, but something keeps bothering me. First it was Steven's voice repeating my name. I don't have the strength to answer him, but he's alive and that's enough for me. And then it was someone else. That velvety, soothing voice. Why won't he let me sleep? He whispers something to me, patiently repeating the words. I don't understand him, I don't want to listen to him. “…Heir…” is it possible that he said that? I have to start concentrating again to catch at least something from it. "... my Successor, ... you will fix it..." I heard no more. I definitely lost consciousness. It's good to know he's rooting for me no matter what, but he couldn't have picked a worse time to have this conversation.

Something has disturbed the blissful darkness again, it seems like a few minutes since I immersed myself in it and something is disturbing me again. The brief glimpses of anything that might happen make absolutely no sense. A field full of fallen soldiers, a Barrier with an almost invisible crack, the faces of people who say nothing to me... An angry look in the green eyes, Jonathan and his brothers side by side and those green eyes again, full of tears. If these visions are going to help me in any way, they should start making sense. I opened my eyes angrily, one just can't sleep in these conditions.

I don't recognize the ceiling above me, even in the dark it seems to glow slightly white. Someone has drawn the curtains, but it's still light outside. Where am I? This is not my typical view of a wooden beam after waking up. This is something new. And not exactly welcome.

I took a deep breath and shifted on the bed. I found that every damn part of my body hurt. My head is pounding, probably from the explosion, my ribs are trying to crush me from the inside, as if my lungs can't hold the new breath I've found there and it's purposefully hitting my bones. My stomach is moving on its own axis, apparently trying to tell me not to even try to get up, because then it would have to protest a little louder. And I know for sure I would have lost this painful argument.

I slowly turned my head to the side, very slowly. The satin sheets rustled as my hair slid down the pillow. More proof I'm not home. To my right, opposite the bed, is a glass door through which more light streams in. Where have I seen that door before? I know them very well and at the same time they seem strange to me. It's definitely not my apartment, nor the old mansion. The door is too modern for that. And it can't be Steven's loft in Alryne either, I don't think there are any doors.

I took off the thin blanket, whoever put me here knows I hate thick blankets. They always suffocate me with their weight and make already bad dreams worse. Maybe Damien? He knows my nightmares very well, but he hates glass doors. He values ​​privacy in the bedroom far too much. I carefully sat down. All my organs swayed uncomfortably as if they were swimming in oil, and every movement I made sent them in a different direction on the greasy surface. It's a nasty feelin I want to get rid of as soon as possible.

A shadowy figure stopped in front of the door, seeming to reach for the handle and then hesitate. I would call them to go on - at least I would find out who I was with - but I don't have the strength. So I wait until the shadowy figure gathers up the courage to take the doorknob. In the meantime, I hid my head in my hands, I have to support it because it feels heavy. And yet I try to keep it completely blank, all the thoughts make the pain worse and make me think about what happened. And I don't have it right now.

Quick footsteps broke the silence around me, a figure sat down next to me.

The smell of tobacco precedes him and revives all memories, good and bad. Without looking up, I held out my hands to him and let him grab me. The soft shirt keeps me pleasantly warm. Who knows why I'm always the only one who cold. “My little Lion cub.” he whispered exhaustedly, spreading his protective arms around me, hiding me from the world. All the rage has left me, leaving only a nasty pain I can't ignore and still can't let go of. I need him. It dawned on me again how little time I had given him in all eternity. No wonder he hardly ever smiles. He must miss me terribly at least as much as I miss him.

"Dad," I whispered back, not having the strength for anything else. I don't want to explain anything.

"I am here, you're safe." it's enough he holds me while lightly stroking my arm. It's so easy to let him be here with me. For once, neither of us is saying anything, blaming the other, just being there.

And when I finally let go of him, I almost apologised to him for how long I kept him. I can't just appropriate him for the whole day. I know he doesn't have that much time and neither do I. It was always like that, he came for a while and left again. I know very well I can't keep him with me. But it's so simple. For once, I don't want one of us to have to go back to work and something more important.

But the blonde monsters will have to speed up their plans considerably. They got none of what they wanted. They didn't get him. I know for sure they didn't get to him. I just have no idea where Steven is right now. And what should be my next step? "Can you summarise the whole thing for me?"

He shook his head. "I promised Steven I'd let him know as soon as you woke up."

"He's here?" I asked confused. If he's with him, why didn't he come?

"No, he's already gone. I tried to talk him into resting, but he wanted to talk to Edgar about something. He's fine, you don't have to worry about him. Just a few broken ribs.” Jon looked at me, he must have concluded I was going to stand my ground and Steven could wait for a few more minutes. "I would say that you are a true Successor, with everything. That little act of yours saved the whole town. All the transmuted fell to the ground, getting back to their original form. I'm afraid none of them survived, but Stephan was absolutely amazed. To be fair, not just him. All of us are impressed and of course indebted to you. And Damien… well, is Damien… he wants to celebrate. I don't know how you did it, but you passed out before it killed you. So I can't even be mad at you. Not that I don't want to, but well… you know how it is.” he kissed my hair, stood up and checked me again, with a slightly more concerned look. "And in any case, I'm really glad you're okay. I'm not too fond of your kinks." he added with a sad smile. It's his way of covering up how scared he is.

"That would explain why I'm so miserable." I replied. What was I thinking, saving the whole city? I didn't even plan on it. How did I do it? It felt natural and simple to me, but Oakfort is a giant city. It should have kill me.

“I can call Katherine.” he took a worried step back towards me.

"Well, she's definitely not going to help me with this. I'll be fine, Dad." I smiled, it seemed to me he understood, judging by his sigh of relief. It's not that I'm sick, I'm used to it. I'm just terribly tired and not sure when I'll be able to cast my own spells. I estimate my power reserves are at zero, just a few days before they reach Alryne. What the fuck was I thinking?

“Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to keep my word.” he turned to leave.

"Dad, tell him we'll meet at the camp at Alryne." I asked. I have to talk to him and I don't have time to visit Athran again.

"Andrea," his gaze returned to me.

“Just do it, please.” he sighed in desperation and left the room. He doesn't have the strength to argue with me and I have to take advantage of that.

I stood up and stretched. The pain isn't as bad as I thought it would be when I woke up. It leaves my body much faster than I expected. Maybe I was just in a hurry and it was never that bad. I reached for the switch to turn on the light when I noticed the clock. It's only three in the afternoon. I was only out for a few hours.

Mindlessly, I waved my hand to the window to pull back the curtains and open the window. I was about to tell myself this wasn't going to work when a bright light appeared in the room and sea air began to flow in. This is beyond weird. I was so exhausted I passed out, I almost killed myself. My power is gone. It can't all come back so quickly. I realise that everything has changed since the day I found the red diary. Mainly my power and abilities. But if I cast a spell on the whole town, just like Jon said. Alone. As I remember it, I shouldn't even be able to move the curtain, let alone open the entire window.

Ready-made clothes, high boots, light trousers and a light shirt with a red coat are waiting on the sofa by the open window. I'm lucky Jon doesn't try to force a dress on me. While I'm getting dressed I hear the sounds of the city, the temple bells are ringing like an alarm and I hear voices, lots of voices. I looked out the window, but I couldn't help myself. All I can see is the vast garden that Jonathan built in the middle of the city because the ones in the Palace and the mansion just aren't enough for him. Not that it's not a nice garden, it's beautiful.

I stood in front of the mirror. I don't look as tired as I would expect. The brown hair isn't dishevelled, it falls obediently over my shoulders, straighter than ever, the light circles under my eyes don't stand out much, and I don't see any bruises or similar reminders of the events at Oakfort. I put my hand out in front of me, I have to check. All I need is a small ball. I feel the magic flow through my body and lazily slide to where I want it. Just as tired as I am. A ball of light appeared and shone directly into my face without too much trouble. Seriously weird. This goes against everything I know. All that magic has to come from somewhere. All the energy I spent has to come from somewhere. I can heal and make the memories of all the tears disappear, but I have to have the energy to do it. I have to take it somewhere and then spend it. I spent all my energy. I did it and now it's back, no delay and no more work. Just like that? That means I'm missing a pretty important link in the chain of events.

I wouldn't just get it back in a few hours. So what, I borrowed it somewhere in Oakfort?

But that's stupid.

Another Heir could give it to me, but Jonathan was here, Damien is who knows where and Stephan’s in Mil Adorei. So…?

I left thinking about what was happening to me and my power and went out into the corridor. It doesn't matter anyway, as long as I can do magic, nothing else matters.

I have to somehow stop the whole army of monsters.

The rest will wait.

I didn't spend nearly enough time at Jonathan's place in Nerkam to know the layout of all the rooms. He calls it an apartment, but he has taken two whole floors of the spacious building to himself. As if he could somehow fill all that space. Hitting the common room, as he calls the room, is not such a problem. To me, it's just a living room with a grand piano and a beautiful view.

“You dressed quickly.” he said as soon as I entered. He is holding a pad in his hand, taking notes in his perfect handwriting. I just shrugged, picked up the crystal carafe and poured whatever the caramel liquid was into the glass. I’m guessing it is a very expensive whiskey from Tre'Asco. And I know I'm right, because it smells like oranges. And its taste confirms it, only their drinks are this soft. As if they wanted to piss me off even more. "Shouldn't you eat?"

"No. Why aren't you home?" I asked on my way to the window.

"Because I have work here, does it matter where I am?" I have to laugh at his lame excuse. Mother hates the family mansion, he loves it, but he stayed here, for her sake. He must be serious about her. I shook my head to rid myself of the thought. I can argue with him after everything. "She's not here either."

"That's pretty clear. It's the only thing I can count on with her. She won't be here when I'm miserable. And when I'm not, well… we have nothing else in common." Jon frowned. As if he's the one it should hurt. "Where's Emmett? Have you talked to him?"

"He doesn't have a scratch, you don't have to worry."

"Right… the world’s such a beautiful place, no one would ever try to take it." I looked out the window. Jonathan's apartment has a beautiful view of the giant cathedral from this side, in front of which, as I noticed, most of the city had gathered. Its towers reach higher than the window allows me to see, the white walls are decorated with golden statues of us all, the door with a huge golden sun is wide open. The bells are still ringing like an alarm, but this close to the cathedral it would soon start to annoy even him and all outside sounds are muffled. "What’s going on outside? What day is it today? Did I miss a holiday?"

"Seventh. And what would you think?" he put down the notepad and walked over to me, watching the events outside the window with me for a while. There is no holiday on the seventh. The next significant date is the celebration of the end of the revolution in Tre'Asco, and that's two weeks away. So what are all these people up to? They don't even fit inside anymore, they remain standing in the square in front of the cathedral and most of them are laughing. So it can't be that bad. "The granddaughter of their beloved Aner just lit up the entire city with his… her Light and saved it from attack. She single-handedly drove the enemy back and put her skills on display. His skills. It's not a holiday yet, but it will be soon. Damien will take care of that. you can count on it. I mean, you know him better than I do. You’ve just officially shown the whole world who you are, what you are."

"I didn't know it had to be confirmed officially."

“Don’t even… kid."

"Well played, old man. Why aren’t you down there, praying with them?" even after all the centuries he didn't lose faith in his father's well-thought-out plan, like Stephan. I never even found such faith. I don't think he had a plan, I don't have one either.

"What's wrong with a little faith?" he asked, hurt.

"Well, nothing. Unless you're the one all these people are praying to." it's pretty unfair. Jonathan is his son, I'm just his granddaughter. He was born the youngest and his only duty is to take care of me. I was born as a Child of Light, destined for great things, and my duty is to take care of everything. Just unfair.

“You are my little ray of hope." he laughed softly and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Dad, please, you were never funny." I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I'm not mad at him.

"You can prepare a nice speech for them." he nodded to the people in the square and let me go.

"I don't have time to play their goddess. I have to get to Alryne." I finished the soft drink. “My guess is the Twins will speed up their plans now."

"Why?" he asked, confused.

"How come, why?" I frowned. I was out for a few hours, not him. “You said you talked to Steven."

"I did, but not about them, why would I?" he really doesn't know anything. Why didn't Steven tell him? Jonathan could have warned the others long ago and prepared them. What the fuck is he up to?

“Because Julien was at Oakfort." I explained calmly. Jonathan's expression changed in a second, fear giving way to anger and then horror again.

"Did he see you?" choosing to remain horrified, he grabs my arm and looks at me anxiously. I understand why he's so scared, but there's no need for it anymore. I may not get rid of the fear of choking on my own blood, but at least he doesn't scare me anymore. Actually, it just pisses me off. I could have killed him straight away, but the fact I injured him completely freaked me out. It's not the first time, but I didn't have my sword before. This time I really hurt him.

“Actually… I fought him, I scratched him on his cheek… with my sword." I announced hesitantly. I'm quite proud of it, but he probably won't appreciate it.

"Do you… have you lost your mind!?" he cried desperately. I expected him to do that and he still startled me. He doesn't scream very often. Never actually. He doesn't raise his voice, nothing. Only in situations like this. "You shouldn't have fought him at all!" he took a step back, still screaming, his hands desperately buried in his hair. "What were you thinking? He could have killed you! For fuck… Anie! How could you!?" he finished in disbelief.

“Dad, calm down." I reached out my hands to him, he didn't move. He remained frozen in place. "Nothing happened to me. I'm back, look."

“No way you're going to Alryne." it doesn't sound like an order, more like a request. Somewhat desperate. "You will stay here while Damien takes you to Parlasse. Stephan will come with me. We’ll, we… figure something out."

"Something? I'm fine. You can't stop me. Besides, Stephan still hasn't changed his mind. He's not going anywhere with you. You’re not going anywhere." I tried to calm him down, another glass appeared in my hand with the exact same alcohol I myself drank a while ago. "Drink. And take a deep breath. If I can do this, so can you."

He took the glass from me and again shook his head in disbelief. "How?" he wondered. I just shrugged, that's as good an answer as any. I don't understand it myself. "I will go to Alryne with you." he decided.

“Actually, it would help me a lot more if you stayed here and kept an eye on the Palace." I don't want to leave everything in the hands of Council and Riley. Especially Riley.

"Don't do this to me, I can't leave you there alone with them." he drank the alcohol, let the glass disappear. Despair reflecting in his entire face. "not again, Anie."

“At least you trust me this time." I smiled. I don't want him to worry unnecessarily. He probably does more for me than I realise. And I don't want him messing with my plans. Not that I don't like him, but working with him is a paian. "Dad, I…" I hesitated, how should I give it to him? "I've seen Oakfort in ruins before all of this. The whole city was razed to the ground and yet it still stands."

"You changed it." he frowns like me but seems to understand better.

"It does not make any sense." I bit my lip nervously. "If I hadn't seen it before, I would have sent Remis's troops there. They would have stayed at the north gate and not even reached the other end of the city." I leaned my back against the windowsill. "It was the same at those celebrations, I knew it would happen. He is constantly in danger and I don't know how to get him out of it. But I see it anyway. Everything revolves around him. He wants to join us and I I can't imagine anything worse."

"Because you would have to protect him?"

I shook my head, protecting him is my new obsession. And putting my own life on the line for him is not difficult. Rather the opposite. It's too easy. I would trade more for him than my life. "Edgar turned you down outright and even Emmett understood how onerous the offer was. So why the fuck doesn't Steven see that?"

“I think you know the answer very well." he stopped frowning but didn't smile. He kept his expression serious. "I didn't want that for you either, Anie. I never wanted this for you. But you were too much like the rest of us. Just like him."

Just like me. Perfect. "Don't call me that, I'm not a little girl anymore. I've got a crown and all. No Anie."

"It doesn't matter, you'll always be my daughter. My little girl. My cute little Anie. Just the same as when Damien first brought you," he sighed, his brown eyes locked on me. "I tried so hard to make sure nothing happened to you. I promised myself you'd be happy, away from it all. But I've let you down so many times…" he trailed off, probably searching for the right words to finish the sentence. "I owe you an apology."

Is he really trying to apologise to me? My father wants to apologise. He never does that. "You're right, you do. But, you never apologise, so please don't start." I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "And don't act like it's the last time you've seen me, you're not going to get rid of me that easily. Damn it." I pulled myself up to him and kissed him on the cheek. Enough emotional outpouring for one day. "Look after the crown for me. I'll probably still need it."

"Come back in one piece!"

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