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Lion amongst wolves! (TS_36)

“It's already four in the afternoon,” he said in surprise after checking the clock on the wall as soon as we returned from the old mansion. "that's crazy."

"Told you." I laughed at his reaction and took off my clothes. I reached for my shirt, even though I know it's pointless to change. The Steeles always have dinner at 5:30, it never changes, and Steven is annoyingly punctual, so he'll want to leave earlier. "About time to go."

"Open it." he handed me a letter from Jonathan that arrived yesterday. I'm avoiding it for some reason and he doesn't want to understand. He never understands such things.

"I don't have to. It says he's not going to apologize for being busy and we'll talk later," I broke the seal and handed the letter back to him without looking inside. I have known Jonathan very well and for a very long time. All my life. He never changes his habits and will not admit that he is wrong without a good reason. "tell me if I'm wrong." I reached for the book he was reading yesterday and tucked it under my arm. I already have the original. Maybe I can somehow convince him that reading it is not worth much - translated or an original.

"He also says he loves you and that he will be at the festivities." I tore the letter from his hand to see for myself what he said. Jonathan avoids most celebrations, especially if another family member attends. It's kind of an unwritten rule, but if we're invited outside of our little empire, one Immortal is more than enough. We draw too much attention to ourselves.

“You forgot to mention that he sends his regards to you as well.” I threw the letter away, frowning at the piece of paper for a while. Why does he want to attend the party? There must be a reason, but what is it? Does he want to talk to me and is he guaranteed that I will smile in public? Or did he come up with a bargain that he could make right there? I shrugged in the end and let it go, whatever Jonathan is up to is none of my business. He is old enough to make his own decisions.

I sat down on the couch in his apartment, right next to a tall aquarium with two books in hand. The first one is Steven's translated copy of the fate book, the second one is my original. I hope that the author of the translation was completely incompetent and the two editions will be diametrically different from each other and give me some arguments or at least space to convince him that he doesn't have to believe everything. But after a few pages I found out that the translator was actually quite skilled. Although he does not completely understand all the turns of phrase.

"Hi." Edgar appeared next to me unannounced, sat down next to me and immediately took one of the books from my lap. Fortunately for him, the translated one.

"Hi." I replied sourly. I leaned over his shoulder and checked the next sentence.

"Where is my son?" he asked, looking at my version of the book in return. What is he looking for there?

"I don't know, when we got back, someone came here, I guess his secretary. He got upset, Steven, I mean, about some contract for wood transport and then they both left." I explained and put the book down. I'm beginning to feel that the problem is not in the translation. An idiot was the author of the original. "Why did you give him that book?"

"I didn't give it to him." he also put down the copy of the book he took from me. "I thought you brought it."

"I brought the original just yesterday, why would I read the translation?" I looked at him in surprise. He doesn't look as tired as he did last time. And much less angry.

"You do a lot of weird things."

“Same as you,” I almost asked him what he thinks he is doing in A Dun'Amanh, but changed my mind. He probably wouldn't tell me the truth anyway. And I thought of something else. “One of the commanders of the Fifth is dead."

"I know, Witty, right?" my eyebrow shot up. He hit it a little too accurately. “I spoke to Jon. he added apologetically. Unfortunately for me, it explains everything very nicely. Jonathan loves to talk. "I thought that was what upset him, but now I'm not sure. You fought with him, didn't you?"

"Not really. I haven't seen him in a long time. He will be at the festivities, did you know that?”

"Isn't that strange?"

“The only strange thing is that neither of you have started getting ready yet.” Steven commented irritably, quickly walking past us and disappearing into the bedroom.

"It's not much like him, he only goes there when no one else has time or he's not watching out for something." I answered the question without stopping to consider Steven's behavior. Edgar doesn't care either. Steven keeps stressing unnecessarily. All the time. Maybe he's too young to just let loose. We have more than enough time.

"Did you find anything in those books?" he asked.

"Just that the author was really an idiot. I thought there was a mistake in the translation, but it's just a bad book." I opened the book again and tapped on the page, ready to read him a short passage.

“Dad! What did I say?” Steven came back to us with his shirt unbuttoned. The thin scar he acquired so nicely in Ecrana is smirking at me. That's wonderful. I hate the scar and everything about it.

"I don't know, are you going to get ready?" Edgar looked into the angry green eyes as did I. Steven scowls at both of us in return. "Take a different shirt, the dark one doesn't suit you, I always tell you that. Don't you ever listen to me?”

Steven buried his face in his hands for a moment, tossed his hair and put on that look. "I said go get ready. Now! We should be there in less than an hour. And I really wish you were there on time, at least once. Mother seems to care deeply. The same goes for you, Andrea. You can talk all evening.”

Edgar got up laughing. “You're getting too upset for no reason, Steven. We have more than enough time and Andrea looks as gorgeous as ever. You probably know that." for the first time in a long time I feel like Edgar is getting back to his old self. He's just having fun and not acting crazy. It almost made me forget everything that could happen. "I should check on Emmett anyway so he's not late."

"Emmett's been in Narvin since yesterday, which you'd know if you ever stopped by. You're never where you're supposed to be." Steven shook his head desperately, “Go get dressed, please.”

"I'm going, just don't forget the shirt. If Vivian cares so much, you might as well look nice.” he started laughing again before disappearing.

Steven fixed his desperate gaze on me. "He's right, a white shirt will be better." I have to agree with Edgar, light colors go better with green eyes. And he doesn't look very Athran either, which pisses off his mother and Edgar knows it all too well. Oh, their marriage will always be a mystery to me.

"Okay." he grunted and disappeared into the bedroom again. "Do you know what he wanted?" he asked as he returned with a white shirt in hand.

"I have no idea, I guess he just wanted to talk." I said with a smile and let my hair down only to have to face another disapproving look. "What?"

"Do you think you have time to play with your hair?"

"I have time for whatever I need." I retorted. With crossed arms, I watched as he buttoned his shirt. I love every part of his body and would much rather watch him take that shirt off. The strands of my hair took on a life of their own, twisting over each other and entwining themselves into a long braid without me having to lift a finger or take my eyes off of him. I walked over to him, pushed his hands away and fastened the last two buttons on his shirt. "You act like you don't even know me."

I was about to go around him and hand him the jacket when he pulled me back. Green eyes look at me lovingly. He kissed my neck as he whispered. "I just don't like being late."

"But I don't like being on time. It's much better when others are waiting for you.” I smiled at him and let a small tiara appear in my hair. "And I must say it was worth waiting for you."

Steven laughed softly with that perfectly deep laugh that I love so much. "Go get dressed now, please. We'll be there on time."

I don't have the heart to argue with him. He looks absolutely irresistible and cares so much about the dinner that I want everything to be absolutely perfect. Almost as much as him. And while he struggles with the embellished blue waistcoat, I adjust the gold straps and chains on the corset, complete with gold leaves, luckily the gray skirt needs no care. I threw my braid over my shoulder just as he appeared behind me. All he's missing is the jacket. "Ready?"

"Ready." I smiled. I managed to take another deep breath before he took us to the house he grew up in, their family home in Narvin. I always had the feeling that Edgar was trying to compete with my father in a non-existent competition with no rules. Always. I have a feeling that his family residence is a copy of ours, only everything goes to the extreme somehow.

While there is a large stone lion head above our front door, here is a whole pack of stone wolves in front of the entrance. Instead of a carved wooden staircase, here is a stone staircase, decorated with hundreds of carved ornaments, interwoven with silver rods. Here he replaced simple, tall vases with entire flower installations. Portraits of my ancestors alternate with statues cast in silver. If he's not trying to prove something, I really don't know what he's trying to do. Anyway, I think he's losing, it's too cheesy.

Emmett was already waiting for us, leaning against one of the white columns supporting the upper floor. Just as I expected, he is wearing only a shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a big smile. "He's waiting for you upstairs, he says he needs to talk to you."

"Told you about what?" Steven asked, Emmett laughed again and shook his head. The younger of the two brothers sighed, kissed my cheek and began to climb the stairs. I don't envy him the journey, nor the talk that awaits him. Whatever it is about.

“Daring as always?” Emmett assessed my choice of outfit. He slowly straightened up, came to me and carefully put his arms around me. It's not the warm hug I was expecting. It's more like he's afraid to touch me. He's been enjoying that lately. I just don't know why. What happened to our friendship? "I need to talk to you, alone." he whispered and let go of me.

I looked at my friend as he pulled away. Short hair in a high wave as usual waging an endless battle with gravity, hazel eyes looking at me and smiling. He doesn't look serious or worried. So what does he want to talk about that we have to be alone for this. I bit my lip and held out my hand in front of me, in which appeared my cigarette case.

"You never disappoint." he laughed and motioned for me to follow him. I had to think about what he was saying. I feel like I let him down a long time ago. But I also need to talk to him alone, away from others, not here and now. I believe that when I tell him my happy news, he will not stay just disappointed.

"You really don't know what Ed wants? He was in Dithune about an hour ago, but somehow he didn't get to why he came."

“I didn't ask, but he emphasized that he needs to speak to him alone." He looked at me as a smile appeared on his face. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, he's in a suspiciously good mood."

"And you? How are you, have you been in Aré all this time?'

"More or less." he laughed, opening the door leading from the hall to one of the corridors. I haven't been here for a while, but I clearly remember the way to the garden, straight ahead and at the end of the corridor to the left. Emmett speaks in a calm, deep voice the whole way through. He's describing some new wallpapers that were brought to him yesterday, I can't bring myself to focus on his words. I've been going over his every move since I got here, looking for some clue as to what he wants to talk about, but I can't find anything.

"Why am I not surprised to see the two of you together?" came a voice in front of us as we turned the corner. I stand face to face with the oldest of the brothers. Out of the three, he looks the most like their mother, he doesn't have such sharp features. His short hair is much darker, almost black and he doesn't try to run away, looking at both of us with a bored look in his gray eyes. "What's the point of spending your eternity with my brothers?"

"It's all part of my over-complicated plan to get closer to you, dear," I laughed. Luke looks like he's in a good mood. I have to make the most of it.

"That's flattering, but please don't. I much prefer to spend my free time away from all that blood. It's awfully hard to get out of documents, have you noticed?" he laughed too. I had to nod. I know exactly how bad it is to get blood out of papers, even with spells it's not worth much, the paper soaks up all that liquid really fast. “Steven is going to be late?” he asked his younger brother.

"Do you see him here?" Emmett folded his arms over his chest and looked around. While his relationship with his younger brother improved, it obviously worsened with the older. Not that I blame him. Luke is very hard to get along with. Not impossible, but difficult. Too much for Emmett's temperamental nature. Especially when he's not trying.

"A simple no would do."

"But not for you,"

"Don't argue, you haven't even been here five minutes and you have a few days ahead." a young woman in an unusually loose, pink dress interjected into their conversation. I'm surprised mainly because like Vivian, she usually wears tight clothes that cover up a lot of skin. "Everything is ready," she continued in a sweet voice, pointing to the open door she came out of. “and Our Heiress, it's nice to see you again.”

“Yeah, good to see you too Laine,” I lied, to make it less obvious, adding a fake smile. Apparently it was enough for her, but not for her husband, judging by his smirk.

"I don't think we're going to get anywhere now," Emmett whispered into my ear again as I heard his deep laugh. Without a word, I pressed the case into his hand. I don't have any pockets myself anyway.

The dining room is not as empty as I expected. Already here Vivian is waiting with her sister, her daughter, Edgar's brother and his wife. In other words, when Steven talked about family dinner, he meant the whole family, well, almost the whole family. Luke's daughters and more distant relatives are missing. But otherwise, there's a whole parade of wolves here. Perfect. Fortunately for me, Steven and Edgar rushed into the dining room moments after I walked in with Emmett at my side. It's not that I don't like the Steeles, I just don't really enjoy them, I can get by with Ed, Emmett and Steven. Sometimes we chat with Luke too and that's the end of it. The rest strikes me as a necessary evil.

“Did you forget something?” Steven handed his brother a jacket, at the same time putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close.

"You know I haven't."

"Put it on anyway," Steven said forcefully, Emmett frowned.

"Is that supposed to be an order?" one of his eyebrows shot up as he crumpled his jacket in his hand. Soft, slightly lighter letters S emerge from the dark blue fabric, at least that's how it seems to me.

"No," laughed Steven. "that's a simple request." Emmett smiled, quickly pulling down his shirt sleeves and throwing his jacket over him, Steven's learning to get along with him pretty quickly.

I had to say goodbye to my friend, apparently a carefully prepared meeting schedule put me between Edgar and Steven. Emmett is sitting on Steven's other side and aside from not being able to talk to him, I can't even see him. I'm so trapped between a man who used to be my friend but now scares me to death with what he might have gotten himself into. The man I love and can't talk to about this particular fear because it would ruin all the ideals he has of him. And the meatballs that remind me of the evening when everything around me started to change from the ground up.

"So what's up with the book?" Edgar asked impatiently after we'd done all the toasts and boring greetings during which we stubbornly claimed we were glad to see each other. It's a lie on my part and also on Vivian's and her side of the family. It's hard to tell with Wolfrick, he's just as readable as his younger brother and always chooses his words so that it doesn't sound like an outright lie. Which further complicates things for me and drives me crazy.

"What?" I asked confused as I frowned at the ball of meat. Even now I don't find the food appealing, but at least I now understand why they served it back then. It is apparently popular in Athran. And since my father and his father decided that we would get to know each other in the conditions prepared by them, it makes perfect sense. "It's just a book, it has its own title, cover and hundreds of pages, you probably have a similar one lying around here too."

"My stuff isn't lying around, I have a system, thank you very much." he instructed me hastily. He learned that from Jonathan. "You said the author was an idiot, but why?"

"Because it is true. I really don't understand your question. Should I explain it to you in Athran?" I put my fork down and looked at Edgar, he narrowed his brown eyes but said nothing. "Or would you like it in Narral?"

He narrowed his eyes, he probably won't tell me what he's actually looking for in Narral. “Imperial will do."

"He's only famous because nobody really understands the problem, and he included a lot of examples in his book. Bad ones, but still. I guess it drew readers, it works like that with pictures, you know. Then people have something to look at, even if they miss the essence of the problem."

"You care to explain?"

"Not really." I answered quickly, Edgar frowned. This is his way to tell me that he's not going to just let it slide. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. "Why don't you or your dear friend have these family dinners just for fun?" and for a change Steven gets this silence from him. As if I were spinning in a circle. "Fine, as you wish. It is based on the wrong assumption that you have to make decisions in your life to get to a certain point because you have a designated goal that you must reach because everything is predetermined and my ancestors and everyone before them somehow planned it all. Free will does not exist in this scenario and you are a slave to someone else's story. Even if you know your future, you cannot change it. Either way, according to the author, you get to the only point where you were supposed to end, and it works as a self-fulfilling prophecy in that case. Such a stupid but otherwise perfect circle.

If someone told you that fire will kill you, what would you do with such information?” I looked at Edgar, brown eyes watching me with interest. He didn't answer. "Whether you want it or not, your behavior around the fire will change. On the one hand, you will probably be more careful, but there is, for example, a much greater chance that you will panic, make a mistake and your destiny will be filled. But how do you know it was your destiny? Maybe it was just an unnecessary phobia you forced onto yourself. It might never have happened if you didn't know about it. And that leads to accidents and things you can't really control.

Just take the diseases, you can't claim that someone was destined to die because of a disease, when at the same time you know that they didn't choose such a thing themselves. It would be similar to accidents, you can't choose to be the victim of an accident.” Edgar nodded slowly, remaining silent. I'm not sure if he understands me or if he's getting lost in it. I can feel Steven's eyes on me, but I didn't turn around. I preferred to drink wine, it is surprisingly strong and sweet. I'll bet anything it's a wine from the South.

"Moreover, he contradicts himself, in his own book. See, he gives an example of a fire in a building full of people, where only a few are destined to die, and everyone has a different chance of getting out, depending on what decisions they've already made, like what they've learned in life." I looked at the glass in hand, the red liquid is a perfect match. I let it rise and form a long line. It can't be more graphic. "If one person knows that the smoke sticks to the ceiling and the other doesn't, the first person has a better chance, but if they are destined to die in a burning building, what's the use of such knowledge?" the burgundy line slowly began to move. It split into two branches. "And on top of that, it doesn't add any variables, what if the other person is standing at the window or the door. What if someone else comes along? What kind of building is that? Wooden or concrete? New or old? In a built-up district?" with each additional possibility the line splits and leads to a different end." According to his theory, it's very simple, the fact is that at any point the whole building can collapse on both people and the decisions they made in life will not match at all. And someone can step in and change everything. For example, one of the Heirs, and how do you predict such a chance?” the split points joined again and returned to my glass. I got the attention of everyone else in the dining room. Perfect. Very well thought out. Damn. "Do you understand me? Everything is much more complicated than that, and the divination itself means nothing at all, it's like a note on a calendar that you can't even get to. You know about it, but that's about it. That's why I think the book is useless, but I guess that if it was useful, Stephan or Damien would have gotten rid of all the copies long ago."

"But according to your theory, this whole house could fall on us at any time..." he dropped his fork and ran a hand through his hair. He's thinking, not knowing if he should trust me or not.

"It certainly can, that's why it depends on those variables. There are four capable mages on this side of the table alone. The chances of us not getting out of here are very small. It's just a probability, but I already told you that." I drank again and put the glass down. “And maybe I could hold the building together all by myself if you didn't have so many useless statues here. Seriously, how many statues do you need in one place? Fifty? Hundred?"

"Until I have a twenty-meter tall statue here at home, I will not be satisfied," he declared, shoving a ball of meat into his mouth. Steven burst out laughing next to me. I finally looked at him. He buried his face in his hands, still laughing. Emmett leaned over and said something to Steven just as I was about to ask what he was laughing at. They both started laughing loudly again. "Isn't it strange that the two of them get along so well?" Edgar asked me quietly.

I turned to him and nodded. "So fucking strange." I checked Edgar for the umpteenth time, he's acting perfectly normal, but something is different. He pretends how calm he is all evening, and damn well. I can still hear Steven's laugh, this gives me the perfect opportunity. "Edgar, what were you doing behind the Barrier?"

“Same as you, I was looking for answers.” he replied quietly with a sinister smile. That one smile is enough to make every hair on my body stand on alert. Is there a line he wouldn't cross to save his family? I myself am not sure what would stop me from saving the man to my left. But join the enemy? That's a bit too much.

"You had no business there."

"I'm not breaking any rules." he is so sure of his answer.

"Actually quite a few," I leaned back with my arms folded. "do you want me to name them?"

"I don't particularly want it, but if you insist."

"Edgar..." I looked into the brown eyes, hard and unyielding. “be so kind as to leave the affairs of A Dun'Amanh and such places to the Immortals. You have nothing to do with what happens there and I advise you to avoid that place if you don't want to end up there permanently or explain your behavior to others. Take some time off,” I suggested, several glances at the table turned to me again, including Luke's and Wolfric's. “try to spend some time with your sons or granddaughters. Go for a hike, I don't know, Ed. Paint a landscape with Arlintanga in the foreground. Just relax, you've been working a lot lately and it's obviously taking a toll on you. Once your hair goes grey, there's no coming back, magic or not and you're real close. If necessary, attend to your wife.” Vivian gave me a ugly look, I just smiled. The chances of him spending any time with her are close to zero.

"Is that an order?" he asked provocatively.


I continued to frown as I chewed on the meatball. I find it horribly salty, not that I particularly focus on the taste, but still. Could Edgar mess with the Twins? He is engrossed in a conversation with his eldest son, calmly explaining to him the course of this year's celebrations, from what I have heard they will be extremely long.

Edgar's brother joined them, it's not much like him. He always fascinated me, they are so different, but they get along much better than Edgar's sons. At first glance, he is less handsome, obviously much older and annoyed that he even has to be here. I have something in common with him. I don't quite share his love for his brother though. And certainly not his view of my family. Similar to George's - I guess that would make sense. He also had to figure it out somehow. I drowned the rest of my thoughts in another glass of wine.

"Have you thought about how the two of you will be introduced at the festivities?" Vivian asked from across the table, her tight dress covering most of her skin as usual. It cannot be said that she is trying to appear conservative, she is simply covering up on principle. Which Edgar apparently cannot appreciate enough, judging by the vast amount of lovers waiting for him. With any luck, he'll choose one of the ladies I know.

“I think as usual they start with the name and then list all the titles, but maybe they'll change it up this year. Just for fun..." I answered her bored by all this. I'm not sure where Vivian is trying to get at with that question, but she probably just wants to provoke me and ideally annoy me enough so I'd raise my voice. She had been silent for a long time and her sister must have given her courage.

"Obviously, but you'll be there together," she continued. Her sister nodded resolutely.

"Does that change anything?" Steven chimed in, equally confused as to the purpose of the questions. "I'm still the king and An the Heiress. Regardless of the entourage. And it's still about celebrating independence, so..."

"They should introduce you as a couple," added her sister. Her tone and demeanor playfully cut across Vivian's haughtiness.

"I don't think so," I answered to her completely calm. All eyes at the table turned to me. Again. Like a pack of wolves, waiting for my first mistake before attacking. Damn, could use another lion here. "Everyone knows I'm in Athran on an official visit and only because of Steven," I began to explain with a smile. Most of the official visits to Athran so far have taken place in the boardrooms, and usually I've either yelled at Edgar or he's yelled at me. Steven placed his warm hand on my thigh. "However, just as your nephew said, this is a celebration of Athran's independence and Edgar's greatest achievement, there is no need to unnecessarily provoke everyone present." I turned to my neighbor with a laugh. "Or am I mistaken?"

"It wasn't my greatest achievement," he chuckled softly. He shot a glance to the sons on my left, ignoring the oldest son on the other side of the table. "But I enjoy Jonathan's sour face every year."

"Who doesn't?" Jonathan looks and behaves the same at these festivities as he does at other times, at least on a first glance. But he always reveals something during the celebration, and even the best pretense can't hide his famous sour face. "Still, I don't think it's necessary to go through our relations at the festivities. We have the rest of the year for that. And if anyone wants to push too hard, we'll just tell everyone that my private affairs as the Hallies Heiress are none of their business. And then no one will ask stupid questions."

"You agree with that?" Vivian's gaze settled on her youngest son.

The green eyes paid no attention to his mother, only watching me. With a hot hand on my thigh slowly moving up, I've had enough of these questions. I can think of a more fun way to spend an evening. One that would make his shirt go down again. "I have no reason to disagree." he smiled mischievously and pulled his hand back as he turned to the two judgmental sisters. "Is there anything else you need to know?"

"Are you going to attend all the events together?" her sister asked curiously. The wrinkles on her face show how much aging is taking its toll on her. A few more years and her fair hair will turn to grey straw. I'm looking forward to that quite a lot. She will look terrible. Well, worse than now.

"You know we won't," he replied simply. Vivian has a breakdown of where each of us will be on each day and she has definitely shared that information with her sister. Her sister's question is thus completely pointless.

“Are you still avoiding religious ceremonies?” Vivian teased me. She's very pious, it doesn't make sense to me considering she doesn't like me or the rest of the Hale family. All but Jonathan. And at the same time, she turns to us with her most intimate thoughts or rather to our statues. I have no idea what she is really praying for. I bet suffering for her husband and something equally fun for me. She seems like the type to me.

Edgar abruptly put down the glass he had been holding in his hand until now and straightened up, ready to direct his own wife. I was already taking a breath to defend myself. Emmett overtook us both. "We're lucky she's avoiding them. The last time I saw her was in the temple when she was scolding the Model there and it wasn't very solemn. She even made some of those present cry. And not in a good way.” he laughed out loud. Steven joined him, apparently amused by the idea.

"You'd benefit from going to a temple too, Emmett."

"Ladies in temples should wear slightly shorter skirts, then." Steven continued to laugh.

"And you're still spoiling your little brother. That's about it! Steven, this is not the least bit appropriate, you should know that!” she fumed as the two laughed.

Woth the situation settled, Edgar reached for his glass and turned back to his brother with a smile. I don't want to hear what else is in store for me this week. Mainly because I don't want to participate in at least half of those events. I stood up and tapped Emmett on the shoulder on my way around the table. Not only do I want to talk to him, or rather he to me, but more than that, I want my cigarettes back.

After almost two hours in the dining room, I finally got outside the house. The pebble-strewn space between the house and the garden is partially hidden under the roof. I guess because of cases like this when it starts to rain.

The ever-growing drops of water collide with the colored pebbles, the water quickly disappears between them. I find it strange, it rains here almost every day and the soil under the stones must have enough of the never-ending rain. And at the same time it continues hungrily swallowing one drop after another. I stuck my hand out from under the roof and let the raindrops hit my palm. Pleasantly cool.

"You know there's going to be a heated debate about what we're doing here?" he said quietly. When I turned around, he was already handing me a tissue to wipe my wet hand. He immediately traded it for a cigarette.

"You think Steven can't tame them?" I lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke with relief. After so many long minutes inside, I need to calm down somehow.

"I think we'll do it a few more times and he'll join us," he laughed. He didn't lit his cigarette, he just took another step towards me. “I talked to Jim, well, he talked. He's going to be gone for a few days, completely out of reach, he gave me a letter for you and I'm supposed to tell you that he diluted Jonathan's wine, whatever that means.''

I thought about what he said, a puff of smoke rising and disappearing in the thick rain. It's his own invention, a stupid cipher that was created long before I was born. He tells me the simple fact that the two of them had a fight, whatever Jonathan did, Damien didn't agree with it and now they don't talk, they won't even work together. Which is fucking awesome. I have a nagging feeling that I know exactly what he did, that it has to do with the dull green eyes, and that he's not mad at his younger brother for himself, but for me. But if that were true, I'd have to argue with Jonathan too. And I don't want that.

It takes too much time.

I examined the seal on the small envelope, the initials D. J. H. stamped in red wax. I drew new smoke into my lungs, its bitter taste filling me with a sweet feeling. I blew out more smoke and inhaled again before it dissipated. I let more than half of the cigarette burn in my hand. I released a puff of smoke into the rain again, which grew stronger in the meantime. I opened the letter, it is not my uncle's handwriting, the letters do not fall to the side and do not jump on the line, but stand straight in a row like little ink soldiers. Before he pulled some girl into bed, he talked her into writing a letter for him, I smiled to myself and started reading. It's so typical. Damien continues to follow Teyber. When he's done with that, he'll send me a message from Taltrone. He found nothing to protect Steven, but also no evidence that he is in any real danger. More interestingly, he found out that Edgar was checking on the Fifth, the day Witty disappeared. That alone is not proof of anything. But besides, he had been corresponding with Mallette for the past few weeks. What could he want from a man who was against the monarchy? I folded the paper back, rolled up my skirt and tucked it behind the hem of the garter. Damn, I need Stephan to finish his report from Dira'K. Then it will be clear.

"Did it help?" he asked, flicking his cigarette. This is a novelty, usually he just throws it away.

"Not really." I bit my lip. "They're just more questions I don't know the answer to." I pulled a decorated box from his pocket and took another cigarette from it. I need to calm down, but I don't expect it to work this time. The nagging feeling that I'm missing something is back. A small detail that would tie it all together.

"Can I help you?" he has a smile on his face, but I know he's dead serious. I'm considering his offer. Emmett is getting along with his family at the moment, which is a pretty rare occurrence, but I know very well that he doesn't exactly love Edgar because of everything that happened between them in the past. He tries to have the best possible relationship with him. But he can never completely forgive him. Could he work with me against him?

"How well did Edgar know Mallette?" I asked, rolling the cigarette between my fingers. It reminds me quite a bit of the moments at different type of dinners, when I similarly fiddled with the knife and waited to see if Stephan or Jonathan would lose his nerves first.

"I don't know, you should ask Steve." he said quickly, I nodded my head. I should ask him or I could ask Edgar directly. Or I can leave it at that and not deal with Mallette's death… no, that's bullshit. Someone killed him at the behest of the two. And I'm pretty sure I know who. A nasty guy who sticks to them like bad luck. And if he's here too, I'm seriously in trouble. And so is my fiance. Damn…

"Do you know you're the only one shortening his name?"

"No, you're the only one who doesn't, but while we're at it, I'm the only one who calls you Ans, Ans," he laughed a deep, sincere laugh.

“And you're still pissing Jon off with it." the memory of the first time he heard that nickname never ceases to be funny. He turned completely red. "Will you be in town tomorrow?" if I don't come up with a plan, I could use his help.

"When and where?"

"The little flower fountain in the lower part of town, the parade should be there around four" I decided, we used to go to that fountain almost every day but that was when there were flowers growing in it and Emmett let me go near him. Now the fountain is just decaying and he keeps half a meter away from me. But it's a good place to meet, away from the crowds and close to all the action.

“Won't Steve need you in the parade?” he asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"There's a temple," I said after a while. We already agreed when planning the celebration that I would skip these traditions. I have no desire to look at larger-than-life statues of myself and read distorted stories from the past. It makes me sick, and not just because most of them are far from the truth.

Emmett turned and left. He left me alone with the rain, the bitter smoke, and a strange vision where I saw Steven one moment happy, by my side, and the next completely sweaty, his face turning a particularly unnatural white as blue and white flowers fell to the ground behind him. He's definitely in no danger… I'll have to stop by Bastien's.


Time to get back. I was walking back down the hall to the dining room, a tall figure blocked my way. "I was starting to worry you weren't coming back." he laughed a deep, melodious laugh, coming over and kissing me. His warm arms reminded me of how cold it was outside. Damn North. "You should seriously stop smoking before you end up like your father."

"Or you should start to fit into our family at least a little." I teased him. It's a much safer way to fit in with us. And as far as I know, we all smoke occasionally.

"That would be too convenient for you." he laughed again. I haven't seen him in such a good mood and so happy for a long time. While an evening with his family exhausts me, he has fun. And I am very happy that's the case. I only have to survive five similar evenings, but for that smile of his I would easily endure many more.

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