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Finally some answers! (TS_23)

Updated: Jan 28

“I hope I'm not late.” I walked into one of the side rooms in the Palace, the one with red wallpaper and dark plank floors. The gazes of all the men at the round table turned to me, all as one. Only Jonathan stood up to greet me. The smell of smoke filled my lungs as he held me in his arms. I haven't seen him in years and he hasn't changed at all. A dark suit with a high collar suited him. And he even kept his beard, which made him look older and like the respected king he is.

"My dear friends, it's my pleasure to introduce you to my beautiful daughter and Hallies Heiress Andrea" he said proudly, holding me by the shoulders while squeezing my lace dress, making me angry, but I promised myself I'd give him a chance and we're not going to fight. Not tonight. From the long titles and the tone with which they were introduced, I understood that they were new business partners, it was not worth paying attention to. As he introduced me to the man at the table, I thought about everything I had missed. We all came back here only because the whole situation with our neighbour escalated and we had to intervene. All four of us.

I bowed slightly. His guests nodded with smiles. I leaned towards Jon, close to him I could smell the scent of sandalwood perfume. "I just came to say hello, I'll stay in the hall for a while and then I'll go to bed."

"I'm glad you made it. I had a chocolate cake made for you.”

"Well, I'll save you a dance for that." we both laughed, I took a step back, running my hands over my dress to smooth out the non-existent folds, leaving Jonathan to his own devices. I missed him, but not enough to put up with him negotiating the terms of the contracts.

The ballroom was illuminated by hundreds of small orbs flying high above the ceiling, vases full of colourful flowers lined the long walls, and miniature versions of them were on the food tables. I was quite surprised he didn't have it decorated with roses here, it was a tradition he didn't like to give up. Together the brisk music, flowers and light created a magical atmosphere. Although I was tired, I wanted to spend some time there. I looked around, looking for some familiar faces. Marcus and Katherine had to be around here somewhere. I hadn't seen either of them in a while and I missed them both. Besides, my favourite uncle must have been somewhere, probably at the bar. And perhaps the other one too, somewhere off to the side with a quiet group of guests where he could discuss scientific publications or something similar.

I took a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and slowly made my way through the hall. I felt the eyes of all the guests on me. It was always like this, they watched my every move from a respectful distance, too scared to come close and violate my sacred personal space. The only people brave enough to approach me were usually worth more than a conversation, and I wasn't in the mood for them. Among all the looks, one stood out, the tall blonde's blue eyes looked at me defiantly. She was standing a few metres away from me, just behind the dancing couples, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. The green dress clung to her tanned skin in all the right places, she looked simply stunning, totally freaking me out.

“I liked the shorter hair better.” every muscle in my body tensed. Hearing his voice again was like jumping into ice cold water. Seeing his carefree smile again was like getting a spasm in that icy water. I couldn't think, move or breathe. Every now and then I start to drown, lose the rest of my air and collapse to the ground. What is he doing here? He shouldn't be here, he left. He wanted to get away from everything and everyone. And instead he’s here wanting to talk to me. If he came back, I would know because I was just talking to Edgar.

"I prefer long hair, if Marc doesn't cut it short again, I'll keep it like this," I said. After a moment of awkward staring. My hair wasn't even shoulder length when I met Emmett. During practice, Marcus shortened it significantly in the heat of the fight and I then cut it because he liked it so much, but I found long hair more practical since it could be braided. And on occasions like this they could be let loose.

"Well, if I’m to judge, the long hair didn't take away from your beauty." he smiled. "You look beautiful." he seemed to mean it sincerely.

"You're looking good too." I assessed with a slight smile my old friend. Are we still friends? The last time I saw him was on that cursed bridge when I returned the ring to him. He decided to go to another continent and leave us all here, far behind. He looked good, the grey suit suited him. Like the green vest under his jacket, since when does he wear green? I thought he doesn't like that colour.

"I wasn't sure you'd be here."

“Ne neither. I just got back to the continent, I was,” I stopped. Why did I want to tell him? He’s probably just asking out of politeness. "it doesn't matter." I waved my hand, trying to watch the dancing couple in front of us. It was a pleasant distraction to something less awkward, an older man literally pulling a much younger woman instead of leading her on, smiling smugly as he did so.

"Please continue," he urged.

"Ehm, alright… I went to check on the new emperor." I looked back into the hazel eyes, tensely waiting for what I was going to say next. “He's a terrible jerk, which was to be expected, his father wasn't exactly the brightest star, but so far we could hope. He wants to expand his sweaty empire further north, so I had to give him a message from Jon, who advises him to do the exact opposite.” I laughed at the memory of meeting a young emperor who won't take orders from a woman and yet can't stop drooling over her dress. “Fareq was starting to get upset, he wouldn't take orders from any of us, Jonathan or the Heirs, because he doesn't need any of us when Ed burst in. With exactly the same demand and unlike me, he persisted and did not remain calm. He insulted him in front of the whole court and provoked him on the way back. We managed to sort it out. To make a long story short, I hope you don't like spicy food, because the spice won't get here any time soon. At least not from the west. Likewise, the trade in cloth, stones, gold…” I began to giggle again. Not only did his father try to defend my honour, but in front of the entire court he compared the new emperor to a number of unpleasant things and caused a scandal that I tried desperately to avoid.

“You two are always a recipe for disaster. Why didn't you take someone with diplomatic skills? Or at least someone who can keep his mouth shut?” he asked haughtily.

"Because Damien's hanging out on the islands and you left." I replied in the same haughty tone. What the fuck does he means? He looked away offended. I stayed, he left at the first opportunity.

"I hear you're back in command of the Fifth," he said suddenly. "I should congratulate you."

"I never gave up the Fifth, if I did, it wouldn't even be the Fifth anymore. We're just getting ready for another war, so they're talking about it.” I explained quickly. He smiled and nodded as I watched the strange dancing couple.

"You still enjoy fighting." it sounded almost like a reproach. Had to be. After all, that was what I chose, the fight, instead of running away with him, playing normal girl. Far from my family.

"It's not about whether I enjoy it or not. It's my job.” I drabk the rest of the champagne, it bothered me to hold the glass. "But hey… what about you?" I asked. Is he here with someone or is he alone? I was dying to find out and dreading the answer at the same time. Did he have a ring? Did he find a family? Everything he wanted and couldn't have because of us?

He didn't even have to answer. As if they had practised this long before, the tall blonde floated to his side, he automatically pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. Of all the people here, it had to be her. She didn't suit him at all. She smiled adorably as she snuggled up to him, but it was just a mask. I knew it was. Those blue eyes betrayed her. Cruel and icy.

They reminded me of the icy waters of the Stormy Ocean, so unfathomable. The calm sailing could change at any second, huge waves will overshadow the horizon in a second. The blue sky disappears and only darkness remains. The wooden planks under my feet turn under the rush of the water, disappearing from my reach. And only ice water remains. The frost knocks my breath away, takes all the oxygen I need and the water cuts off my way to more supplies.

I need to breathe, I can't open my mouth while I'm under water. I have to swim. I can't feel my arms or legs, they're so far away, stuck in the ice. They are receding from me just like the surface. I'm opening my mouth, it's too late now. Everywhere is just cold. Dark. And there are angry voices.

What are the voices doing underwater, in the middle of my nightmare?

"Why do you care? It's none of your business!” the one to whom the voice belonged tried to whisper, but he couldn't do it.

“How come it's none of my business? For one thing, I'm older, I'm still one of your generals, and I have the right to say something about it. You don't command everyone in Dithune!” this is Emmett's voice, he gets angry so often I would recognize that voice and that tone anywhere, anytime. Even in the middle of the cold waters of my nightmares.

“All of a sudden you're older and part of everything? Don't you want to write me down somewhere when you plan to meddle with my affairs and when you’ll skip? You're just making a mess of it.” Steven, I realised, that’s the other voice.

I sat up and opened my eyes, the sharp light immediately burning holes in my retinas. I completely forgot I’m in a living room where there are no curtains. I hid my face in my hands, both of them fell silent though I feel their eyes on me. With my eyes still closed, I found Emmett's forearm and pulled it to me. The ticking of his watch is the only thing that breaks the awkward silence in the room, and he, like his brother, always wears a watch. It’s a nice and useful habit I should have picked up from one of them.

“It's not even eight yet…” I whined, letting go of his hand and leaning against the pillows. I need to wake up and start doing something, but my head has a different opinion. I fight every thought like I'm still in the ice water from the dream and my body has given up control of all its important parts. The brain seems to have left the ship.

"Someone is already giving stupid orders this early in the morning!"

"It's a shame even this early in the morning, someone has to fulfil them!" this time, not one of them whispers. I'm really lucky they decided to talk right here and now. I have no idea what orders they are arguing about and I don't care at all, I just want to ask them to shut up.

"Both of you take a break." I cut off the bickering. I have one of the worst wake ups and they are arguing like children. Emmett is still sitting next to me, arms crossed, scowling at his brother. Steven stands behind the conference table with his hands on his hips, measuring Emmett with narrowed eyes. They seriously act like children, no wonder Edgar keeps getting upset.

"I've got to go anyway." Emmett was either patting my back or trying to knock my breath out. I can't decide, but it hurt so bad.

“You can run those errands on the way!” Steven insists. I'm starting to wonder which one will give up first.

“I'm not your messenger!” he stood up, raising his voice again.

"But I never said that. You're my brother and I'm glad you tell me what you think. But your job, like mine, is to give others orders. And if you're tired of going there to talk to your people, find someone to do it for you.” Steven's voice calmed. For the first time I see he wouldn't try to provoke him.

"Fine." I could tell from Emmett's tone he rolled his eyes before he left.

"Everything okay?" he asked me, just as angry as he had been talking to Emmett before.

Of course he wants an explanation, as always, and I don't have a good one. Naturally, I can't tell him anything about the library or what my grandfather imagines me doing. I can't tell him about the mess I have to clean up because he couldn't. And the fact that I can't tell him is killing me. "Everything is perfect."

"Perfect?" he asked, genuinely surprised by my answer. "Emmett said you were distraught."

Distraught is the perfect word to describe it. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked Steven more out of politeness than because I was hungry myself. At the moment, a large shot seems like the ideal meal to start the day. Maybe two.

"No, I want you to sign this." he speaks measuredly, pointing to the red files on the table. Business contracts were usually placed into black files, laws and directives into blue ones. Red ones are rarely used. In addition, these ones seem oddly familiar to me.

I slowly reached for the files, it's nice to know my body is starting to listen to me again. It would be a little more pleasant if the headache went away so quickly. Steven doesn't seem like he's going to sit down and act friendly. The letters on the page jump up and down as I breathe. I have to read each sentence several times to make sure I understand their meaning. I gave up halfway through the page. He's still standing there, but I can't tell if he's bored or angry. "Can you do something for me? On the table is a glass bottle with blue pills. Will you hand them to me?'

“I know you won't listen to me, but don't take more than one. Bastien.” he read the note on the bottle as he handed it to me. I took off the lid and spilled three pills into my palm, then immediately popped them into my mouth. Steven shook his head in disapproval.

"He knows me well." I put the bottle down, the bitter taste of the pills filled my mouth. This time I welcomed the unpleasant taste. It definitely confirms this is not just a stupid dream. "It can't hurt me, you know. Even if it kills me." I took the documents again. I know that in a few minutes the headache will go away and I will finally be able to focus on work. The letters stopped almost immediately, so I could finally read them. "I can't sign this, do you understand what that would mean for you?"

“I know exactly. It obligates us to come to the aid of the other.” he watches carefully as I put the documents aside. "It's the exact same contract you brought father."

“No, you are bound by completely different contracts to help and cooperate with us, this is a rather disadvantageous contract for Athran. If it came to that, you would have to give up your own army in my favour." I stated, it's also the reason why Edgar refused the contract. It's terrible nonsense. "And a lot has changed."

"Enough to make you not want a strong alliance?" he asked angrily. "You don't trust me," doesn't sound like a question. For a moment I considered nodding. Maybe if he believed such a little lie he would leave, close his own borders and let me solve the whole problem. Then I realised just like before I couldn't look into those green eyes and lie. I'm closest to it when I'm silent, but even that seems a bit harder lately. If this goes on, I'm going to have to tell him the whole truth. It's not easy with him.

"I trust you more than I probably should." I stood up, he obviously has no intention of going to me. I stopped right next to him. Finally, I can see what kind of mood he really is in, jaw tightly clenched, full lips replaced by a thin line, green eyes narrowed. A small wrinkle settled between the eyebrows. And he still didn't have time to shave. On the other hand, he's wearing a perfectly Athran jacket, so he's met his own Council.

I put my hands around his neck, the annoying image of destroyed cities appeared again. Now that my headache is gone, it's much easier to ignore the image. I hugged him, the expression on his face didn't change, but he grabbed me around the waist possessively. If I'm sure of anything, it's that he doesn't want to give up on me, just like I can't give up on him. I snuggled up to him. Even if I don't want to tell him about any of this, I don't have to give up on him completely. Do I?

"Sign it." he pulled away after a moment. "You'll have a paper in your hand to protect me, that's what you want, isn't it?"

"Like you said, the same would apply to you." I let him go but didn't back down.

"Is it wrong that I care about your safety?"

The front door flew open. An angry Riley ran in first, closely followed by Michael and Cayden. They are leading a handcuffed man between them. Beneath the large scar on his nose, there is a huge smile on his freshly chapped lip. I knew he would come back. "They're really good." he tossed his head to Michael, who has his uniform scattered, as well as Cayden, but he's also bleeding from the nose.

"Silence! Do you realise where you are!? Your Majesty,” Riley began. Looking at that group, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. They look so damn comical holding Ethan between them. "I apologise for the interruption, the man insisted on an audience and had to take a coin from the guard because… such behaviour..."

“Addison, that's enough, get back to your work. You too… let him go.” I laughed as the guards complied with my order and the 'prisoner' winked at me. Cayden wiped his nose, Michael quickly adjusted his uniform. "Have you changed your mind?"

"Depends, is everyone here so friendly?" he said towards Riley. "Can we talk in private?" I nodded, within a moment there were only three of us left in the room.

"So?" I handed him a tissue, Steven a glass of alcohol.

"Thanks," he chuckled and wiped his lip. He drank and swore in the next second. “I returned to duty two days ago. I was assigned to Oakfort and my first order was to create a unit of only new recruits and no mages. I thought it was odd, but Lord Trevett doesn't seem to be a fan of magic.” Ethan paused again to wipe his lip. I know exactly why Trevett doesn't like mages, his younger sister became a baroness in the south just because of her talent, his family moved him to the east.

"Trevett is openly affiliated with the Nobles," Steven added, I nodded again. He wanted to share that information with Ethan more than me, I'd say.

“His next order was to take those men to the border, just last afternoon. We should have waited for further orders. Those came in the evening to cross the border and join our new allies.” Ethan pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to me. He's right, the orders force them to cross the border, signed by Trevette himself. Steven took the paper from me.

“Trevett has no right to issue such orders. Where is Commander Brassi?”

“You can ask him yourself.” he laughed, the impending war lifting his spirits or the fact he could stop thinking about his family. In any case, I looked at Steven, I want to know his opinion.

“What happened to that unit?” he asked Ethan.

"That's the fun part." Ethan's gaze rested on him. “You know, you can kick me out of the army for disobeying orders or something, but I won't make the same mistake twice. That unit first distracted him and now they're guarding him.”


Ethan didn't lie, a group of frightened youths are guarding the handcuffed lord carefully. Trevett sits in his own study, strapped to a massive chair made of carved wood, which he is definitely compensating for. It was probably behind the table before, now it's in the middle of the room. Scattered papers and shards all around are clear traces of the match, this is also confirmed by the bruise on the right eye of the bound lord.

“Untie me at once! Your Majesty, those men have gone mad!” he protested loudly. His nasal voice annoys me. I've definitely met him in person in the past, I just don't know when and where. I ignored his objections for now. I went straight to the table.

"Leave us, all of you." I said in a cold voice. I don't need company for what I'm about to do. Others have this annoying tendency to look at me completely differently afterwards. With a certain disgust. As if they had never seen anything like it. I ran my outstretched hand over the table, one of the papers lifted and landed in my ready hand. Some of the men had already left the room, others were slowly joining in.

The sheet of stiff letter paper has no seal, the big J in the background told me everything, Ethan was telling the truth. Trevett sent my troops to the enemies to turn them into those things. And I had no idea it was happening. "Same goes for you two." I looked up from the paper to Steven and Ethan. I’m not that interested in Ethan, but Steven should go out. He didn't like the way I treated Fate, what is he going to say about this? None of them moved.

"Untie me!" came the unpleasant voice again. I stood in front of him. Brown eyes switching between our faces. At least those two aren't getting in my way since they've decided to stay. Lord's little nose wrinkled, teeth bared almost menacingly. A really hideous face, hopefully he will cooperate and I won't need to improve it further.

"I have a validated reason to suspect you have committed high treason," I began. I showed the letter to his face, it’s hard to refute evidence. They don't send letters to just anyone, and they wouldn't allow their sigil to appear on anything that wasn't theirs. It's one of the rare things we share. Trevett took a sharp breath. I wonder how long he can last, he is not a soldier and has never been in a battle. And judging by the starched shirt and cocky look, he's not used to rough treatment. "Where's Brassie?" I asked with a small smile.

"Untie me!" he repeated.

I leaned towards him, so close only he could hear my words. "I'll do no such thing, for better or for worse, you'll tell every little secret you hold, Trevett." I whispered in his ear. "Because, believe it or not, you don't want me to take those secrets out of your treacherous mind." I pulled away with a smile and studied his face. All colour is gone, only a frightened expression remains. "Where is Brassie?" I calmly repeated my question.

“Unt…” my clenched fist flew towards Trevett's face, the sound of cracking bones accompanying the heavy impact that followed. The man screamed and spat out blood. I stretched my fingers, punching someone always hurts so much. But, the last few days have exhausted me so terribly, it feels nice to punch someone. By the time I'm done with him, there won't be a single impact mark on my knuckles.

I looked into those brown eyes and waited patiently, I have to give him a chance to answer.

"I don't know where she is!" he shouted angrily.

I smiled, it went faster than expected. Maybe he's telling the truth and doesn't know where she is, but he definitely knows something and he'll tell me that something soon too. Still leaning forward, I reached for his right hand, grabbed the lone ring, pulled it off his finger and threw it away. It hit the floor with a clatter. He won't need the ring anymore. Trevett is silent, watching me with wide open eyes, no longer demanding anything.

"Let's try again." the smile left me, but my calm voice didn't even waver. I grabbed the incredibly hot fingers on his ringless hand and jerked them up. Magic helps me a lot with this, I wouldn't have the strength to hurt him on my own, not like this. The four crunches merged into one, immediately drowned out by his scream. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw how Ethan turned in disgust, I would say he cursed. I don't have time to see what's going on around me.

The man in front of me sobbed, I need him to talk. So I pressed my hand back onto the twisted fingers and let my magic fix some of what I had caused. "I don't know where she is, they..." he finally got out, I felt like punching him again to speed up his statement. "they said they needed a commander, they took her a few days ago."

"Who?" a question so simple he could do it without my help.

"I never saw them, only a letter came, I really don't know anything. I didn't see anyone and I don't know anything at all." he flipped out quickly. Perhaps too quickly, it almost sounds like a rehearsed answer. I doubt he would ever meet the Twins in person, no one meets them, at least not willingly. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that he met someone else.

“Oh, Theo, you don't want to tell me you got yourself into this. You're neither smart nor ambitious enough. I want the names of those who work with you here or in Narral.” I tried to convince him to cooperate, but I can see in his eyes that he is considering what will happen, if he will survive this meeting of ours, if he will have time to escape.

Making up his mind, he raised his head and tried to straighten up in his chair. He probably hinted that he would survive the broken fingers and nothing worse could happen. Sighing, I reached with my left hand to the tall shoe and pulled out one of the daggers. I don't plan to use it yet. Trevett watches me closely, not seeming to change his mind. He chose not to speak. For now.

I considered my options, I could just look inside his head and find the information I need, but I don't have the slightest desire to search for anything in the tangle of his thoughts. Broken fingers got me the result, but how many times would I have to break them for him to give me the names of the others.

I looked into the brown eyes, the iris is interwoven by green islands in several places. His breathing quickened, mine slowed. I do this an awful lot. I look for fear in someone else's eyes. Everyone is afraid of something. I'm not looking for a superficial fear, but the real one. Rooted in his very soul. Somewhere in there is an idea that scares him to death. A concern that accompanies him throughout his life. Like I'm afraid of choking on my own blood. A fear that can paralyse him and force him to cooperate. He is not afraid of pain, no more than others. Not even water. Fire? No, not the regular one. I should have thought of it right away. Of course he's afraid of magic. He's been afraid of it since he was little, and his sister's talent only made his fear worse.

I was finally able to straighten up. I don't need to be close to him. His hand, with fingers at grotesque angles, twisted even more. The sound of cracking bones replaced Trevett's screams again. I didn't stop at the fingers, the whole palm bent and the wrist crumpled. Ethan cursed, this time I'm sure, but I didn't look away. Steven is out of my line of sight and I can't hear him, I guess he hasn't moved. He's really good at pretending. I released the charm and allowed Trevett to breathe. I broke his bones in so many places I’m afraid I wouldn't be able to fix it myself and I know exactly what happened. Strange that I didn't even break a sweat. Things like this should exhaust me more.

"You see you're at a distinct disadvantage here, I can do this all day," I shifted my weight to my other leg and continued. "And that's breaking bones, of course, just the beginning. With a little imagination, we're in for an afternoon of pain. You think your sister's gift is something extraordinary, you have no idea how ordinary she is." Trevett starts crying again, looking at his hand in horror. "Ask yourself if it's worth it, for all the pain, there's no one coming to save you. We both know that, or someone would have already tried."

“Lyttcot…” he whispered in an exhausted, almost inaudible voice, after a while. Lyttcot, the name of the governor of several cities in the northeast of the country. It seems to me that Trevett is going to pass out at any moment, luckily I know just how to prevent that. I quickly drew a rune, he woke up in horror. "Bennett Samson, Mallette…" he got out between attempts to catch his breath. “I don't know anyone else, but there are more. I only met them. They said they had a plan, a world for us common people. I don't know anything specific, it was too dangerous.”

“Mallette?” Steven repeated the last name in surprise. Samson is a merchant, but like Lyttcot he is from the east of my country, near Narral. Mallette -on the opposite- is not my subject but his. And more interestingly across the continent is the noble Lord Mallette known as the protector of the fragile peace between mages and humans. "Why would he join you?"

Steven stood next to me. The worried look on his face makes me nervous. I turned to the bound man. Unable to pass out, Trevett sits with wide eyes filled with tears and whispers the three names over and over again. I shouldn't have used that rune, he went crazy faster than I expected. “Trevett, listen to me,” I leaned into him just as his whispers turned into hysterical laughter. It reminds me of a broken doll, with the head tilted back and the wrist twisted. I shifted the dagger to my right hand and thrust it into the heart with a practised movement. His body went limp and, like a doll no one wants to play with, he collapsed into the chair.

"Why..." Steven gasped in disappointment, his green eyes darkening a bit again. I wiped the blood from the dagger on the dead man's shirt and tucked the deadly tool back into my shoe in case I needed it again.

"Because he was a traitor," I replied, though I wasn't sure if his words were mine. Or if it was even a question. I'm not sure he would have done the same if he had known what I did. The only thing I could do for Trevett was send him into exile, and if his own cronies didn't find him there, the Twins would surely find a creative way to exact cruel revenge. And I really didn't want him to taste it. Besides, even if I took the rune off, he probably wouldn't recover.

"I don't think he told us everything."

"Maybe, but I'm done with him. I know you see it differently, but I follow our rules. And those hasn't let me down in recent centuries."

"I'll find Mallette, we'll talk later." his eyes are hard, angry. He took a step towards me, but as if thinking twice about it, Steven stopped. He scanned the body in the chair again, looked at Ethan and left.

"What next?" Ethan asked cautiously, I noticed he’s avoiding my gaze. That's exactly why I wanted him to wait outside. I quickly traced a circle in the air and drew the runes. I didn't expect such a change, Ethan must be used to this. And if I spoiled any of his ideas about me, I'm sincerely sorry.

“Hamilton, I need two pairs and Adrian.” I opened the portal, only a few minutes later five guardsmen walked through it. The tall blond Jonah stopped closest to me, closely followed by the slightly shorter Aron. Dex and Michael came out right behind them, Adrian at the tail. I quickly explained what had happened and gave them the names of the men who needed to be brought.

Jonah and Michael turn on their heels and disappear back into the portal, their target is Lord Joshua Lyttcot, they just need to get him out of bed. Samson, I'm not so sure about. Dex stopped a short distance from me. He's only about a half metre taller than, but made only of muscles. Fighting him was a terrifying experience.

"What if he's not at home? Should we go all the way out?” sounds silly, but it's a seriously good question. What if they don't find him?

“No, unless he's in Aré or Neticco or you have a good lead, go back. Someone else will find him.” I'll have to turn it over to Will and her people. Dex nodded and turned to leave. “Dex, take major Reese with you. A little time with the Guard will do him good.” Ethan smiled mischievously when he heard his name. I tossed him the coin back. I guess he won't give it back this time.

"What's that supposed to look like?" Adrian asked as the others left. He's the only Guardsman not from the continent. He fascinated me from our first meeting, especially his light grey eyes contrasting with his dark skin. He has a talent to make people stop asking. Which comes in handy when, for example, a nobleman accidentally dies.

"I'll leave it up to your creativity, there's a group of recruits outside, it would be nice if they kept their mouths shut." I warned him, he just smirked. "Don't forget the report."

"Have I ever forgotten?" he misses no detail.

"Not once."

“Edgar! Are you here?” I called as I walked down the long corridor of his Study. Though a study is a misnomer, it's an apartment in the mountains. Away from everyone else where he can work on his ideas without disturbing, annoying or threatening anyone, at least most of the time. This usually involves trying out new formulas and translating the old ones from the runic language into a more modern form. It is his favourite hobby, he has learned almost all the runes, but he doesn’t know the old language, which would help him a lot with translations. This way, he guesses what the original formula is trying to say and adjusts everything accordingly.

I spent several years alternating between working with him and supervising him in this apartment. Even without my new ability, I know for sure he will be in his bedroom with long windows and a view of the mountains. The same mountains that protect the Athran capital, only from the other side. The spacious bedroom is flooded with hundreds of books and scrolls. I've never seen such a mess here, like his youngest son, Edgar doesn't leave things around. He's terribly organised, with a special place for everything and some sort of system he follows when putting things away. I always found it incredibly annoying.

"Sure I am. Is something wrong?" he asked in a completely disinterested voice, slamming the book shut and moving from the large desk to the smaller coffee table where I stopped. He has a light tunic over his dark trousers. Quite a strange choice of clothes for the cold North. "Would you like some tea?"

"Are you offering me tea or the hot water you washed the fruit in?" I looked at the book he closed before turning around again ‘Noble families of the 3rd century' in the original language. Edgar doesn't speak the old language, or at least I don't know about it. "Because there's a difference," I added as soon as he turned back to me.

"Yes, yes, I know. You keep repeating it over and over.” with a sigh, he began to prepare some drinks, I hope tea. In addition to fruit, he also likes to add dried herbs to the hot water, without mentioning which herbs and what the side effects. I looked around again, this time making sure I didn't miss anything important. Next to the closed book lies a piece of paper with notes on translated words. It's a rather vague translation, but I don't want to teach him about the correct construction of sentences, I'd probably just annoy him. No, I would definitely piss him off. And winning any argument over him is completely impossible, even if he's not acting like a crazy person. I read the titles of several other books in sight, more treatises on old dynasties, several thick books on the formation of our new church, historical maps of the continent, loose papers described with long equations. And surprisingly a lot of material on the current situation in Narral. What the fuck does that mean?

He placed a mug of black tea on the wide top of the dark table. I remember the mug he poured the tea into, blue with a fine gold line around the perimeter. He poured his tea into a mug from the same set. I can't believe they didn't all break long ago. We’d sat with those mugs in the room across the hall and enjoyed our tea in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts, with the mountains behind us and the snowy plain in front of us. It seems to me as if it were a foreign memory from a completely different life. "So what's up? I have enough to do already.”

"What are you working on?"

“Probably nothing important, because none of it makes the slightest sense. Are you here for Narral?'

"Among other things," I folded my arms. "why did you have him sign that contract in Kuszi?"

"Because it's a very favourable contract." he says as if it's nothing at all, but it feels like a lie. I have a bad feeling about it. "It strengthens Athran."

“How exactly does giving Stephan the perfect excuse to cancel all of your independence strengthen Athran? You know how he looks at this. And your son has no idea what to do with a piece of Mergo!”

“Stephan can't do anything. You'd have to vote on that, all of you. And you don't have time for that right now.” he answered confidently. "Besides, you wouldn't vote against Steven." I had to smile. I don't care if Steven has the crown or not. In many ways it would be easier if he didn't. And the vote always depends mainly on what the head of the family wants. Which is currently Stephan. And his views on the world around him couldn't be further from mine.

I let the red document files his son brought me to sign a few hours ago land on the table. "Steven thinks I suggested the contract to you first."

He reached for the files, only peered into them and closed them again. He was silent for a long time. Which made me think. Peter wrote the contract more than three years ago, still in the role of regent. Edgar crossed his arms. "Does it matter who brought it to whom?"

"Not particularly. I just thought, maybe if he knew who drafted it, he'd mind the treaty clearly puts Athran at a disadvantage.” I drank my tea and finally washed the bitter taste in my mouth, hard to believe how much had happened that day. Edgar stirs his own tea in silence, sprinkling in a teaspoon of sugar here and there. He doesn't seem to plan on drinking it. "I want to ask you for a reverse copy with an addendum."

"But that clearly puts you at a disadvantage." he stirred the over sweetened tea again and placed the golden spoon on a small saucer next to the cup of the same colour. Hazel eyes focused on me, the colour is similar to Emmett's but not nearly as sincere. Although, what do I really know about the honesty of any of them? I have no idea what they can hide from me. "And you can't give up a single unit. All four of you have trouble giving up anything.”

"If anyone's going to say what we can and can't do, it's Thalus, not you, Ed. We cannot afford to argue about who will lead what. That's the way it goes, it won't be up to me or Steven to decide. You wanted me to protect him. And this is the beginning. Following your example he’ll leave the army to others.” I objected. Edgar nodded and smiled sadly. Next to the red files appeared others, identical in appearance. It's strange how quickly I got to that image, it's unbelievable. I took the documents. It's basically the same deal, just reverses the terms for the home team. So, according to this, Athran comes first, its capital would serve as a protected citadel for all those seeking shelter, its border would be the point beyond which no one could pass, and the combined army, if possible, would be subject to the will of the Athran generals and especially Emmett.

“Whatever happens in the next few months, you cannot change this commitment for the next ten years. That's long enough even for someone like you.”

I closed the file with a smile. “In other words, if you get the crown back, we'll still be allies. At least on paper.”

"Don't count on that. If anything happens to my son, either of them, our beautiful friendship will come to an end very quickly.” he dropped his hands, straightened up. His tone doesn't sound threatening, but I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He reminded me of the conversation with my father. Edgar knows exactly what's at stake for Steven and what's worse, he seems convinced I can change it. I should explain to him it is not in my power.

"I think our friendship is hanging in the balance right now. You've changed.”

“On the contrary, I'm exactly who I've always been.” Edgar folded his hands the way Steven does, so that the ring on his right index finger is at the very top. I look at the single letter on the blue stone. "You can't understand what it's like, trying to protect your own children. There is nothing more important than their safety.”

"Everything has its limits, you cross one and there is no one left to protect your kids. You know better than anyone what your sons are capable of, they don't need your supervision. Don't throw away everything you've worked on for years just for a stupid story.”

"It's not a story."

"So you figured something out?"

"No," he replied, not wanting to admit defeat. It makes me wonder about the Twins, does Edgar know about them or just suspect that someone like them exists and that's why he's going through all the sources in Narral. The twins control a part of that country from afar, but in none of the books around, he doesn't find a single mention of them. I myself participated in erasing them from history. There is nothing left to connect them to us and no evidence to prove who they are. All they were left with was their father's name and the false parentage they had appropriated.

"I was thinking…" he began, the rest of his thought drowned in a searing pain in my temples.

I can see him standing in front of me as clearly as he did until now and yet he looks different. I don't recognize where he is standing, the long corridor with dark columns on the sides doesn't look familiar at all. Edgar's black suit looks ominous. Brown eyes are hard, determined to cross all boundaries.

He holds a diamond-like sword in his hand, my sword. The red crystal at its end shines brightly, calling me to it. I dread the thought of it going dark completely. I want to take it from him. Someone is holding my shoulders, firmly, unfriendly. I feel the weight of those hands, I can't break free from them, take that sword from him. I can't do anything. Why won't he hand it to me?

“The only thing that can kill an Immortal…” he looked at the long blade as he twirled it in his hand in a trance. He carefully tested how sharp it was with the tip of his thumb. “such a strange feeling to hold it. Surely you understand I have to be sure…” hands crushing my shoulders moved me closer to him.

"...are you listening to me?" he stops, looking at me confused. I gasped. Everything is back to normal again. What was that? And why did he have my sword? What decision did he make?

"Not really." I took a deep breath, the pain disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. That's a nice change. "I have this terrible headache. I'm sorry… Can you say that again?"

"Maybe you should stop by Kate's."

“Just because you're older and my father's friend… don't lecture me.” he certainly shouldn't have that right. "Did you talk to him?"

“Not after he told me I’m crazy, foolish, idiotic... I thought about how to change it, there has to be some way to change it all. Maybe if he's not there, in that place, I mean... You don't believe in fate, so do something about it.” he desperately slammed another book he must've opened when I wasn't looking. Did he find something in it?

“Fate is bullshit, the only reason we care about what might happen is because we need to know where to send our people. I’ve tried to explain it to you all this time, everyone has some sort of future in front of them, an uncertain, but quite likely outcome if you want, for which they will take hundreds of little detours. You just have to make the right decisions to get where you want to go." I noticed the book was a long list of prophecies, i.e. the ones that came true. The others -a large portion- didn't make it to the book for some reason. I always thought predicting the possible future is just a waste of time, a numbers game. Now I seem to be a part of it all. I have to appreciate the irony.

"Everyone? Immortals have no path to follow, no outcome.” he argued.

“Nobody has, Ed! That's what I've been trying to tell you all along, it's the likely outcome. Statistically most likely. The only difference is no one is snooping around our decisions.” I drank my tea again, suddenly cold. I frowned at the mug and then at him. “Just because Fate can't see what choices we can make doesn't mean they don't exist. She doesn't see them simply because we don't want her to know. When people know what we're planning, they have a nagging need to change it or worse, rebel.”

"So you do agree it can be changed." he picked up again. He just wants to believe something is about to happen.

"Stop choosing only what suits you from what I tell you." I cut off his guesses. “You have latched onto the only possible future and are ignoring all others. Because you saw it, because it seems the most real to you. But that doesn't prove anything."

"His immortality could change that."

“I see no reason why it should. If Steven is determined to do something, he will act in such a way as to get it. He himself must understand what is safe for him. But you are correct about something, if he doesn't even get close to the battlefield, he can't die there.” I was about to leave when I added. “Actually, it would probably be safest if he stayed away from it all. You can send him somewhere. For a few months.”

"And that's where our opinions diverge. You have to stay together.”

"Are they out of your mind? You rejected immortality yourself, for several reasons.” I objected calmly. I can't believe Edgar would put up with Steven just accepting immortality. "Would you really give up your own son for the rest of eternity for something that may not even happen?"

"I'd gladly give him up knowing he'd be safe," he affirmed. Thanks to that, I’m definitely convinced he’s crazy. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I'll have to watch out for him, he might thwart my plans before I make any.

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