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Dira'K 1/2 (TS-29)

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

"Are you going somewhere?" he asked me in surprise, with a steaming mug in each hand. "I've made tea," he said, as if the fact that he had heated the water and shoved a few withered leaves into it was some huge success.

"I'm truly amazed," I grumbled, quickly crossing the room, picking up my dark coat from the chair, and quickly putting it on a tight turtleneck. "I'll be back tomorrow at the latest," I pinned my watch to my wrist and checked the time – 4.37, how could I forget that I was supposed to be somewhere else today. It has to be all the complaints, I don't understand where they're still coming from. Do people here have nothing better to do than complain that this and that doesn't work?

"Be back from where?"

"Didn't you see," I began my own question as I frantically marched around the room. There must be a small, black diary somewhere, I couldn't leave it in Athran. I'm not that irresponsible, am I? "Well, it doesn't matter," I shook my head. If I asked him, it would only raise another wave of questions. And I don't have time to answer him every single one. I usually almost enjoy it, but this is where all the fun ends.

"Don't you want to tell me what's going on?" he put the mugs on the table, his hands on his hips and his eyebrows raised, waiting for an explanation. Adorable, but he's out of luck.

"What's happening is that I forgot it's seventeenth, and in an hour I'm supposed to be somewhere else entirely," I said quickly, stopping in the middle of the room and starting to draw runes in the air in front of me. Steven continued to wait in silence. I tried to ignore him, I need the diary and quickly, without it, I don't even know where to go today. And I'm not going to ask. I'd rather look at the runes hanging in space, I'm annoyed at how quickly I drew them — not very nicely — and now I have to look at them because the spell takes forever.

"An, you've slept for about an hour, you should rest." well, he doesn't have to remind me that I couldn't even do such a simple thing as fall asleep. Rather, I can't stand my own dreams.

"I don't need as much sleep as you do." it's not exactly a lie, one hour of sleep lasts me a surprisingly long time. "Old age and stuff, you know..."

"Yeah, I saw how this 'and stuff' helped you on the training ground in the morning." in the morning it went well, better than that. "Fine, where exactly are you supposed to be?" he added completely calmly, but it still sounds like a provocation to me.

I turned to him, ready with a biting remark he doesn't deserve at all when the sound of an object falling forced me to turn back again. I waved my hand and lifted a black book slightly larger than my palm into the air, several manuscripts alternate on the faded pages, mine and Jon's are quite similar and clearly different from Damien's scraping and Stephan's rather ordinary writing. I continued to leaf through until I found a record with today's date - Dira'K, 2, convicted. "Coincidentally, not on this continent," I hid the book in my coat pocket and walked over to him. "I know you have a lot of questions and I'd like to explain it to you, but I don't have time. See you later."

"An, wait," I didn't, I don't have time for that. I haven't even gone through the folder that's waiting for me yet. I was so busy keeping him alive that I completely forgot about other responsibilities and parts of my job. And when I finally got to them, I had no time left for anything else.

With quick steps, I walked down the long corridor of an old, half-ruined house. The parquet under my feet creaked loudly as I rushed to the door past the faded wallpaper and a few framed paintings on the walls. The door creaked open and let me into a small, modestly furnished office. Here the wallpaper is already peeling off, decades under a bad, leaky roof did them little good. Even so, it goes back and forth to recognize the original pattern. Bright lines curl with regular turns throughout the wall. I sat down on the table top and reached to the edge for the prepared folder.

I weighed it in my hand, it is unusually light, mostly Damien burdens me with the unnecessary details. I quickly opened the folder, there were only a few papers inside. That doesn't inspire much confidence in me. On one of the papers there is a portrait of a middle-aged man with a round face and a scar above his left eye, he has no hair, dark eyes with a cold look and an unpleasant smile. I put down the repulsive picture and paid attention to Damien's report, hoping he'd gather more information. Lately, he's been slacking off a lot. According to him, the man has been on the run for several weeks - I know that too. He's dangerous - logically. Unpredictable - if not, I would already have him. Really smart and knowledgeable - so he has an advantage in absolutely everything. This is really encouraging news.

I continued on the other side. Born in Narral, he spent several years on the opposite continent, only to return a few months ago to one of the provinces, Mergo. That's not news either. Damien doesn't know who exactly he visited, but a few weeks later he set out again, this time directly to Zessia. His footprints were perfectly disguised, he appeared here and there, but what he did remains a well-kept secret. Someone made sure that no one could track him down quickly. And even slow tracking doesn't go very well. Around the time the first undead appeared, he was still here in Zessia, which could be a coincidence, but it probably isn't. And as Damien adds, that's exactly what he's been doing for years, the man is fascinated by the Barrier, the places behind it, and probably the Immortals. His work revolves only around death and the possibility of life after it. So, summed up and underlined, the perfect lunatic. And a huge problem for my family.

"You're late," I said, without looking up from the papers on my lap or looking at my watch. I myself am late, so even he can't go on time, although it's kind of expected of me. I'm never on time, I've never really taken pride in it, and now I find it unnecessary to change it.

"At least I've read the reports and I'm ready. Charlie is waiting for us," Marcus replied dispassionately, sitting in one of the chairs across. He threw a heavy bag on the ground. Jonathan sent him here ready and even in his uniform, that's so nice. A tight, sleeveless white turtleneck covers a red coat on one side, and only a gold shoulder and a blue bracer on the other arm. Damien played quite a bit with this particular design.

"You've read reports that are completely useless because they don't mention anything important before I did, call me impressed..." I flipped through the papers again, hoping I had missed something. Among all the messages, Damien somehow forgot to mention how's Valle Teyber fighting. What he is good at and what magic he uses. And since I haven't seen anything like it here, I'll have to find out for myself. Perfect. What a lovely start. "It's going to come in handy." with a sigh, I jumped off the table and stretched. I hate it when Steven is right, I'm tired.

The upcoming steps are also familiar. I took a deep breath and turned around. No one here is listening to me. Heiress, Successor and all those other titles are so useful when no one gives a shit. Marcus is already on his feet and enthusiastically welcomes the newcomer. "I didn't know you were going to join us."

"He isn't," I replied to Marcus, without taking my eyes off the man in front of me. He calmly leans against the door, still waiting for his explanation. Unbelievable how long he can last without saying a single bloody word. I checked my watch, copied a circle with my hand, inscribed runes in it, and watched the crack open. I should have get out so that he couldn't follow me. I knew he would follow me. I let him follow me. Because I was curious if he would really do it. What was I even thinking about? Of course he would. "Marc, go ahead and wait with Charlie for me. Make sure he has everything." Marcus slowly got up, took his bag and threw it over his covered shoulder. "Give me five minutes."

"I'll give you ten," he laughed on the way across the room. "Just take him with you, it'll be fun."

"Mhm… hilarious and Edgar will tear us both up when he finds out. Please just go." I nodded my head to the portal.

"And since when does it bother you? You love it, when he gets pissed." he laughed again and walked to the other side of the portal.

Steven remained silent, just leaning back and waiting. It makes me so angry. I wouldn't stand it. I would have asked a question a long time ago or I would have left. Or I would just take my answers. "I'm going to Dira'K because there's someone I need to find and bring in for questioning." Steven nodded, but made no comment. Which leads me to believe that he does not agree with my decision. "It's nothing against you personally, it's just part of what I do."

"Yeah, there's nothing personal in it, it's just that I personally can't figure in it," he shook his head in amusement. "Everyone else naturally can..."

"Steven," I wanted to tell him that I didn't have time for our little arguing, but I knew exactly where it would lead. He always blames it on the fact that I don't trust him or make a small child out of him and he can make his own decisions. He just complains as a small child and tries to get his way. In addition, I promised him that I would not keep secrets from him and let him help me. So I don't have a choice anymore. With a sigh, I shook my head.

"An, I understand you're worried about me, but I don't like the way you treat me because of it," he stopped leaning back, straightened up, and folded his hands. I know for sure that at any moment he will say that he is not a small child who needs my protection and can take care of himself. It's his favorite argument. And to my misfortune, true, he does a pretty good job of keeping himself alive. Maybe better than me. The last time I dragged him to the harbour, left him in a dangerous company and went for a swim. And right after that, I introduced him to death itself. Brilliant plan. And perfect protection. It's a real luck that Edgar's spies are worth a shit and the better of them are serving me. Otherwise, he would have killed me himself, at least once.

"I'm sorry you see it that way, but try to understand me," I walked over to him, putting my hands on his shoulders. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Something happened to me in Ecrana," he grabbed my face in his hands and smiled. "and I'm still alive."

"I'm very well aware of it," the scar on his belly is a constant reminder to me that I shouldn't gamble with his life. And also how terribly irresponsibly he handles his own life. Who in his position leaves his own apartment unarmed? It's so far beyond everything that I'm running out of words. And I also feel like punching him for it, again. "I shouldn't have asked you for help."

"Andrea, stop, this is ridiculous. Something can always happen to me, whether you're there or not. You can't use that as an excuse. And you need someone to cover your back," he put on an irresistible smile. Damn, how I love that smile.

"Marcus is here to cover my back," I said. I don't want him to come with me, who knows what might happen. I shouldn't want that. My job is to keep him safe. I promised. Didn't I? But working on something with him is indescribably better, I've never felt like fighting alongside him before. I don't have to ask if he's covering my back, he's just there. Where I need it. And I don't have to give him orders, he doesn't listen to them anyway, but he knows exactly what I need. I pulled out a portrait of the man from the folder and handed it to him. "This is the man Damien was looking for in Kuzsi. It has something to do with the appendages and the abuse of power, and it goes on..."

"Teyber!?" he snatched the picture from my hand. And gave me that angry look of his.

"You know who he is?" I asked quickly, not exactly interested in his lesson, but if he knows anything... I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, and Damien doesn't seem to either. But I never thought Steven would know anything. He's mostly around the good guys and leaves the rest to his men. "I thought you were giving us all the information from Kuzsi."

"I thought you weren't looking for Teyber anymore because he wasn't a suspect," he said angrily.

Damien apparently came to the conclusion that he was important to us, not to Zessia, and he had to exclude him. My people lost interest in him and he had to present it to the Athran as well. "That's fair..."

"He's a complete lunatic and I mean it. In Athran alone, he is responsible for more than fifteen truly brutal murders, according to witnesses, he tried to bring someone back to life, and the list of accusations only continues. Believe me, some pendants are the least you should care about," he walked over to the table. He took the folder and quickly flipped through it. "Is that all?" he himself is surprised at how thin the ingredient is. That's perfect too. Damien showed off. "Fuck. You really need my help. You don't know a fraction of what this guy is capable of."

"There's everything I need, place and time." I looked at the open portal, I don't see much, just the wall of a building and a piece of empty, dirty street. What a shithole. Steven continued to wait in silence. Damn, he has to revel in it. I know Teyber is important to us and I'd really like to talk to him. "But you're right, what you know might come in handy." I know he'll come with me, I'm just not sure if it's good idea. If something happens to him, I will never forgive myself. And Edgar really breaks me, he's already acting weird. This would be the last straw.

Dira'K, a city on the less important southern continent, Slurzin. A mediterranean dark hole in which no one wants to end up. And those who end up in it have a damn good reason for it. Absolutely no one and nothing can be trusted here.

The wall of the house, where the portal ends seems to be sand, on closer inspection I found out that it is supposed to be white and only dirty. Very dirty. That's perfect, I'm really lucky, that I don't have to wear that idiotic white uniform. It would destroy itself right away, and I hate it being dirty. The tucked-away street far out of sight of the others on which I stand smells repulsive. It is a combination of rot and mold. I can imagine that in this very place, the man could try any of his experiments and no one would even notice. Even us, this is not exactly a place that is in our interest to control. It has nothing to offer except criminals, contraband and drugs. Although, even this sometimes comes in handy. So maybe, just maybe it's time to extend our Light here.

The portal has closed behind Steven, Marcus and Charlie leaning against the low wall behind them. They both straightened up, Marcus was silly about it, but he didn't comment, to my misfortune. I can't give it back to him. Charlie waved to me and smiled too, a much nicer smile than Marcus. I guess it's because of his charm. He always looks good. His black hair is carefully groomed, his blue eyes are smiling, as are his full lips. And even if we are going on a dangerous expedition, he can not miss a shirt and a nice jacket. "Good to see you, Charlie," laughing, I jumped up to him and hugged him. I really miss him. Lately, I've been running out of time for all my friends. When I'm not with the Council, I try to listen to complaints about how I'm governing and how I should improve it, and when I'm not doing either of that, I'm going through contracts and other agreements.

He let go of me and slowly examined me, with pursed lips and glowing eyes. I haven't seen him for a few weeks, I miss his stories, which I'll probably have to wait for. Because we have work to do. It never ends here. "Charming as always, even under these circumstances. I mean, Majesty, I'm amazed, charmed and completely out of words. Or should I stick to Heiress?" with a smile still on his lips, he turned and bowed. "Charles Mathis Azaïr the third, at your service, my lord," he introduced himself obediently, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a small red box, which he handed to me. I don't know why, but I expected it to be smaller.

"Azaïr? This doesn't feel like a diplomatic mission to me," Steven frowned.

"This is exactly,"

"Silence," Steven cut off Charles before he could get a proper explanation. "Don't you want to explain something to me?" the green eyes moved toward me.

"I'll explain it to you along the way. We must hurry. I don't want to be late."

"You're always late."

"I am, hmm..." I have a coat with pockets on me, but the box is too big for them. I stepped up to Steven, grabbed the zipper on his jacket and slowly unzipped it. I tucked the box into his inner pocket and smiled with a charming smile. "Keep an eye on it for me."

"After you," he motioned with his hand to guide him. Sometimes he's terribly bossy, didn't even return my smile. I repeated his gesture to Charlie, after all, he's here to guide us, not me.

Marcus remained in a dark alley, ready to make sure no one disturbed us along the way. Sometimes I feel like he enjoys watching my back more than when he's following Jonathan's orders. Here, with me, he has complete freedom.

The three of us went out into the street with several people who immediately shot glances at us. And they don't look like the kind of bunch you want to have peeked at. Charlie walked a little ahead of us, weaving his way down the side of the street among the crowds of people standing towards a big house, maybe a town hall or something like that, I have no idea what their jurisdiction looks like here these days. But it gave me a great opportunity to calm Steven down.

"You know that Theodore was a member of the Athran Council, his family practically owns a third of the North, why the fuck is his son here?" he asked in a whisper. Even if he speaks quietly, I know he's angry.

"Like you, he can't help it. He likes to risk his life for me."

"Andrea, if anything happens to him, his father won't leave me alone," he continued in a whisper. "I can do a lot, but even I don't have arguments why his son got killed on this continent where he's not even supposed to be in the first place."

"So you understand how I do feel like when you're here. I also don't have arguments why you want to get killed here."

"This isn't funny, why is he here?"

"Because he's my advisor," I replied calmly. "and currently a translator."

"What kind of bullshit is that?" he frowned again. "You don't listen to any advisers."

"Not a bullshit," I replied with a smile. "Charlie is my advisor on all things to do with the North, and right now we're going to see a man who knows how to get to Teyber. He's an Athranian who used to hide here from Edgar and now probably from you. Funny, isn't it?"

"Since when do you need advice on matters of the North? And why do you need him?" he looked at Charles' back. "Am I not enough for you? I literally represent the North."

"Hmm... that's what I call self-confidence. I needed someone who knows the North and the people there and has no problem talking about them openly before I even knew you. And it turned out that Charlie was one of those people. The Duke was basically against it, he found it - let's say disloyal, he wanted his youngest son to work alongside him, just like the others, building their, whatever they're trying... But Charlie isn't very suited to the job for a variety of reasons. Maybe because he's a terrible underdog," I looked at my friend's back. In addition to being a terrible womanizer, he attracts scandals like a magnet. Especially when he drinks, which I don't blame him for. It's fun, but it doesn't fit with someone who is expected to set an example for others. "In the end, the Duke and I came to the common conclusion that as long as Charles is a diplomat in my service and I make sure that no one comes up with his one scandal, we will have no problem and I can do whatever I want with him."

"Yeah, well, I don't like it. Since when do you need a translator?" he continued. I just sneered, of course I don't need a translator. I speak all the important languages and I can learn the others quickly.

Charlie turned into one of the side streets and added to his step. I checked the watch face on my watch for the umpteenth time. I also added to the step, I don't like this city at all. Dark, dirty streets are no different from each other. All the facades of the houses here stick to faded colors and everywhere it smells. In some places more than elsewhere. And I really have no desire to find out why. In addition, the locals look at us with such glances that make me wonder if I should pull out my dagger and mutilate several of them. But just for such cases, Marcus is behind us with his arsenal. I joined Charlie. "How far is it?"

"Not much, I can slow down," he looked at me and put his arm around my shoulders. "I think he'll be happy to wait for you. Like everybody," he laughed at his own joke, the point of which I missed. He winked at me and let me go again. In doing so, he slowed down a bit. I don't want him waiting for me, I want to get it all out of my neck as quickly as possible.

We turned again, crossed a narrow path and continued along a straight, slightly ascending street. The small cubes that made up the entire pavement were quickly replaced with new ones, leaving the old ones behind. Steven frowns at every single one of them. I don't have to ask him to know that he doesn't like Charlie one bit, but I love him. He never pretends to be anything. And this is an invaluable quality in my position.

He stopped in front of a half-open door, an inconspicuous sand building squeezed between two larger ones. "Let me speak and don't interfere with anything. He's a pretty weird and paranoid guy." he turned around on his heel and walked in.

Three wide stairs led us to a smoky, dark room. There is a single oval table, several chairs and something resembling a filing cabinet. But who here would need just such a thing. There is only one man sitting behind the table, although his size would make for two. Apparently he is waiting for us, as well as his security.

Two men have carefully searched each of us, I have only two daggers with me, each tucked in one shoe, but I know full well that they will not find them. I've already tried it several times. They looked at me incredulously when they found out that I had no weapon to seize. I just smiled innocently. I mean, what can I say, right? Steven and Charlie's weapons weren't so lucky. Charlie had his own sword and a small pistol with him. He always carries it with him, but I've never seen him use it. Steven, on the other hand, was hiding a whole set of weapons. I never felt like he's armed, but aside from the sword, I counted five smaller daggers and what looks like a small set of poisoned darts. Maybe he'd learned from the last time or planned to kill someone before this came his way.

Charlie began with a respectful compliment, greeted the man at the table, and elaborated on his monologue in Athran. I missed much of its content. It's something about the fact that we came to an arranged meeting and we really appreciate the time that the guy gives us, then I stopped listening. It's not like I really need to give him some of my time, I could take everything I need from his mind. But I don't want to. The man at the table is nothing interesting, in a cheap suit he hides a thick, soft body. He undresses me with his pig eyes, and his expression can only be described as disinterestedly bored.

I'm much more interesting is his security. I know two of the four members well, they are men who have searched us before. I issued an arrest warrant for the taller one after he committed several murders of young women across my cities. The other is similar, the same cruel and cold-blooded killer, only they are looking for him in Tre'Asco. Neither of them deserves to stay alive. Although, from what I saw on the way here, this is true of most of the city's residents. Dira'K offers a perfect place out of sight for all types of criminals. Someone should do something about it. Maybe someone who is in charge of everything else here. Moreover, it's been a long time since we've pushed our empire somewhere.

As if that weren't enough, the other two security guards belong to the Dishonest. I could recognize their puffy expression and repulsive brow niform anywhere. Both women don't look as scary as men, but I have no desire to fight them any more. The strange thing about their order is that despite their rules, any member can fight in any way and with anything suits them. That's why Catarina has her fucking whip and the last Dishonest I killed held a curved saber in each hand. And I'll have to be careful about using magic in their presence. I know how to get around them, but I need time to do it, which is why Charles's exhaustive speech is just perfect.

The man behind the table is always watching me. He's starting to annoy me. With Steven by my side, we'll be able to get rid of his security and probably him. Provided he won't be killed by a heart attack sooner. He's terribly obese.

While Charlie was talking, I was working on my little plan. I need to cast two spells at the same time, one that would imperceptibly move the dagger from the shoe into my hand without anyone being able to see it, and the second to disguise the former so that the Dishonest would not notice anything.

Charlie turned to me with a fake smile on his lips, he looked convincing, I just don't believe him. He have the same opinion of the guy. "Mister Zal expects you to give him his little gift."

"But of course," I smiled with an equally fake smile. I turned to Steven, well aware that everyone in the room was watching me. In slow motions, I pulled out the box and carefully exchanged it for a dagger, which I managed to get out of my shoe and into my hand after a few minutes of trying. I look directly into Steven's eyes. I know he's ready to intervene. He must be. He always knows what to do without me telling him. And my plan is kind of based on that.

I could finally breathe a sigh of relief when I let go of his jacket. The smell of cedar perfume calmed me down a bit and the fact that he is now armed too. Like Emmett, he can handle even the smallest knife.

With the box in my hand, I turned slowly again, and with a few steps I gracefully walked across the room to the man's table. The two Dishonest took a step closer to me. They suspect something is going on, but they probably haven't figured out what it's going to be. Zal is even more repulsive up close. Grayish skin does not look healthy, and an unpleasant, sour smell precedes him. My stomach tightened. I have to concentrate with every bit of my body so I don't stop smiling and vomit. It turned out to be a much more difficult task than what I had been trying to do since we came here.

I put the box on the table top. I left my hand on it. "The information," I said calmly. Zal's pig eyes look at me almost incomprehensibly. I know he understands me, even though I don't talk to him in Anahran like Charlie. The chances that someone doesn't speak the imperial language are pretty small, especially when it comes to business. Zal's gaze slides to the red box, looking at it anxiously. He can't wait to put my hand aside and look inside.

I picked up the object that had so caught his attention from the table so that I could press on the lid and show him the contents. His eyes lit up at the sight of a flat vessel full of bright orange substance. A damn junkie, a single bottle of that crap filled his whole face with genuine joy.

"He's here in town," he spoke in a screeching voice for the first time in all that time. "Valle will be here all night, up in the fortress," the fat hand reached for the box. I closed it again and put it back on the table without taking my fingers off it.

All this time I was careful about slow movements, hoping that if I speeded up others would get a bit suprised. I sent the box far down the table top, shouting, "Right!" while bending down. The dishonest are a much bigger threat to us, I just have to believe that Steven sees it the same way. I pulled the dagger out of my shoe and sent it to the left.

I heard a loud crack of the bone, but I do not have time to check what damage the dagger has caused. In the confusion that ensued, I could have summoned my sword. A tall man rushed towards me with something curved. It's probably the equivalent of what they would call a sword here, but I miss the guard and at the end it has a strange pendant in the shape of a star.

I jumped aside, heard someone's scream, but before I looked back, I had to jump again. I didn't get a chance to attack and had to take a step aside a third time. I blocked the next blow, it was not strong, but violent. It allowed me to counterattack, the guy is skillful, jumped aside and smiled provocatively. He is used to such fights.

A flash of bright light baffled him, instinctively wanting to jump away from it, but he ran out of space. A lot of people react to magic like that, who knows whyit scares them. Almost glued to one of the walls, he still didn't give up. He managed to block three more blows before my blade slid down the curved blade and wounded him on the stomach. And when I think hurt, I feel like that too could be considered a fatal injury. With another blow, I stabbed him through. I jerked my sword, the blood rushed out, and the chahoun finally fell to the ground.

I turned around, I could finally see what was going on behind me. Steven bent over another body, rubbing the blood from his own sword into the dead man's pants. Charlie mines my dagger from the head of the Dishonest a little further. So the losses are not on my side. And I nailed a perfect hit.

With quick steps I returned to the vile man, the open box in front of him empty. He holds the glowing bottle in his hand. While the people around him are dying, he calmly fetishizes. The man is really the flower of society.

I waved my hand and with the help of magic moved the table away. The thick belly, still hidden behind a wooden board, peeked out of the suit, trying to break to the light of day through the shirt. Zal smiles contentedly at his drug-induced fantasies. "Does Teyber know we're coming for him?" I asked the man a simple question, stopping the tip of the sword at his bulging navel. I feel like slowly sinking it in there. How long before he realizes that something has passed through his fat. Five numbers? Eight?

Deep down, I hate people who have found a way to abuse magic. Drawing it is one thing, forbidden, but within limits natural. But to make it a drug is contrary to everything I believe in. I've heard that it's one of the most powerful hallucinogens that doesn't destroy people's bodies and brains as much as other drugs, but my experience is different. People like Zal would never be able to give up the orange substance, their body, although it may not be destroyed, has completely fallen for the substance and cannot continue to live without it. And even more devastating effects the drug has on the body of the mage. After some time, and it usually does not take long, the body cannot distinguish the drug from the mage of its own power. And the person in question dies within a few hours in tremendous pain accompanied by colorful figments of fantasy. It should be added that this is probably the only 'allowed' way for one mage to deprive another of power. At small doses, naturally, but it's still just as bad.

Zal burst into a hideous laugh, a little bit like he's gasping for breath, a little bit like he's choking. Red cheeks suggest that either. "He's waiting for you. He knows you're coming," he continued to laugh. He tried to smell the orange sinbstance in the bottle again, he didn't make it. His head popped to the other side after my dagger got stuck in it, but I didn't throw it.

I walked around the body, carefully, half-resistance, lifted the lid of the bottle from the ground and screwed it back. I was very, almost paranoid, careful not to take a breath. I safely hid the bottle in the box and sealed it with a rune. Damien will want it back. And I'm very happy to get rid of it.

Steven plucked the dagger out of the dead man, wiped it off, and came up to me. "You'll probably want this back," he exchanged the dagger for a box and hid it from sight, to the safety of his pocket. "By the way, I'm really glad I didn't ask what's inside," he said quietly, with a dose of disgust at the contents in the bottle. I'm also glad he didn't ask. And even happier, he has the same opinion on the matter. I had to smirk, it would be really worth the shit if he approved of it. Then there would probably be one more body.

I quickly checked him with a glance, the blood on his hands apparently does not belong to him, and I did not find any other traces of the struggle on him. "I'm fine," he whispered, kissing me on my head and stepping back.

"I told you not to interfere," Charlie reproached me with my second dagger in his hand. I was quick to hide it back in its place.

"Yes," I confirmed. "That's what you said. So what?" for the umpteenth time that day I checked my watch, on the way to the first dead Dishonest. I removed the bracelet from her hand and repeated the same thing with the other corpse. Maybe there is someone who cares if they are alive or not. It's common decency to tell their commanders that they're gone. "You should come back, find someone to confirm the identity of the dead," I put both bracelets in his hand. "Send a message to the Palace with the bracelets and wait for me on Lemford."

"Can you manage here on your own?" he asked me suspiciously, paying no attention to his own king. So impolite.

"Don't underestimate me, Charles," I replied calmly. "Besides, I'm not alone. So, be a nice puppy, bow down nicely and get out."

"No, you really aren't," he said sneeringly. He looked at Steven, bowed deeply, and disappeared just as I asked.

Steven shook his head disapprovingly. "You're choosing strange friends," he said in that annoyed tone, not believing Charles and I are friends at all.

"They may be strange, but I know I can trust them."

"Trust? Azaïr? Hardly," he said haughtily. I left it unanswered. I could have started a discussion with him about Charlie, his family, and how the youngest child of such an influential family would rather join me in the South than help build an empire on his side of the border. I could also have had a conversation with him about the fact that I could trust him more than some of his own countrymen, and he certainly deserved more trust than his naïve friend Pelletier, but his jealousy wouldn't care about any of that anyway. And that's why he wouldn't even believe he's just my friend. I don't know if it's by his nature or by how young he is, but he's terribly jealous. And I'm not interested in playing this game with him.

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