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And now I know all this! (TS_40)

"So, have you figured out what you're going to do all day?" he asked while buttoning his shirt. He mentioned that he has some kind of meeting with Lucien, but it has nothing to do with the Council, and then he's off to another mass, the meaning of which escapes me completely. All I know is that his presence is expected and that is reason enough for him to be there. What motivates him to listen to another sermon in unnecessarily complicated language is a mystery to me. Although the Athrans share our faith, they have adapted many things to their own needs and shaped it to their own holidays. In doing so, they significantly expanded the content of the golden book without adding anything fun. So, I can only admire his devotion to his people, traditions and so on.

"Actually I do," I lift my head off the pillow, long hair tickling my back. I should get dressed before I’ll start offending him. After we returned from the sun-filled Lemford, it is so difficult to step into the cold morning in the North. "I need to talk to Emmett."

Steven stopped, taking a dark tie with a silver pattern off the hanger. Green eyes focused on me. "You want to tell him about the engagement." he guessed, turned to the mirror and began to prepare for the difficult task of how to tie the tie. He always has to concentrate so much and it takes him an awfully long time. I would expect it to be mundane and simple for someone who wears a tie every day. Or he could just use a simple spell to do so. I don't braid my hair with my hands. Why should I bother?

Unable to watch it, I pushed his hands away and folded one end over the other. "Yes, I want to tell him I'm going to marry you and with any luck he'll throw a tantrum on the training ground." instead of looking into his eyes I’m focusing on the task. I take special care to make the knot perfect.

"Do you think he'll get mad?" he grabbed my chin and lifted my head so I had to look at him. I don't like when he does that. He acts like Jonathan when he instructs me. And he's neither old enough or annoyingly important for that. Okay, maybe the latter, but he's definitely too young for that.

"Probably not, worst case he'll disappear for a few days." I kissed him lightly. I don't want him to worry about it. It's enough that the conversation has been scaring me for days. I don't want to hurt Emmett.

"Maybe I should be there." he suggested worriedly. He caressed my cheek, just as gently as he did the night we first met.

"You think I can't handle Em?" he is so cute I have to laugh. I handed him a simple jacket, almost so elegant he would fit in the South. "If he’s civilized, we'll discuss it like adults. If he isn't, I'll send him to the ground and we'll get back to it after he wakes up. Besides, if he should get mad at anyone, it'll be you, not me."

"That's fucking perfect. It is my brother!" he shook his head disapprovingly. I just shrugged, knowing Emmett -and knowing him long and well- he only gets mad at us after the wedding. He always figures everything out when it's too late to do anything about it. "I won't be back until the evening, but if you need me," he paused as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I'm a big girl now. Just focus on your duties and I'll take care of the rest. As usual. Which reminds me, I have to talk to Daniel, so I don't know exactly when I'll be back either." I frowned to myself, pulled up my pants and adjusted dark shirt. I have a feeling I won't be coming back so soon. I have a busy day ahead of me.

"Why him? I thought you were on a vacation." he frowned. I don't think Steven likes Daniel, which is probably understandable from his point of view. It's still death. In reality, he is a very nice man. Well man… creature. I like him.

"Because he has a lot of work ahead." I said dispassionately. At least I can prepare for something in advance. "And as he would say, death usually cannot be postponed."

Before I could finish my tea, Steven said goodbye to me and ran out the door. I keep trying to explain to him that he's the last person to have to rush somewhere, but he's totally obsessed with being everywhere on time. And this behaviour of his has a bad effect on me, I left the mug on the table and went to get my watch.

I just touched them, another one of those annoying flashes of the future came over me. My hand and the watch hit some rock and the glass protecting the dial turns into a pile of shards. In what appears to be a dark corridor full of magic. Where the fuck am I going? Before I could curse, Emmett appeared in front of me in a tight turtleneck and dark pants. Where the fuck is he going? He just freaked me out. I thought he was ready for the training ground, but he usually goes there in a t-shirt and his expression also shows something else. He is angry, very angry. "Where is he?" he asked quietly.

"He already left. He'll be gone all day." I answered quickly. Something happened, Emmett found something. He nodded and took us both to his place.

There’s a terrible mess in the apartment, which is quite unusual for him. He pretends that order and rules have no meaning for him, but the opposite is true. He loves it. That's why I'm surprised he left colourful pillows scattered on the floor and a mess on the table. He just picked up an open bottle from the table top.

"Drink," I obeyed, black tea and vodka aren't the ideal combination for breakfast, but I've had far worse - especially when my dear friend lets me cook. "You asked where his boundaries are, but he's so far beyond it that he can't even see it anymore." he snatched the bottle from my hand. His hospitality also seems to have no bounds. "I don't know if he had anything to do with Mallette's escape, I'm guessing he did. He's so fucked up. He meets with someone in Narral regularly, he sends orders that I can't repeat to you because you'd kill him outright and best of all, one of the orders sends Catarina to find Samson." Emmett looked desperately at the bottle in his hand, placing it on the table and running a hand through his hair. I hate when he is like this. Whenever she gets involved, he makes bad decisions.

"Why would she do anything for him? I thought he only tolerated her because of you."

"I plan to ask her, I need you to come with me to Bal'rez." he said, already determined to go there. That’s another thing I hate, he’s too stubborn and won’t let me talk him out of it.

"We can't go there," I began.

"You'll be back in a few hours, Steven won't even notice."

"That's not the point, Bal'rez is almost at the border, crossing the path their army is taking. If they haven't gotten there already and the city isn't full of undead and Dishonests, it will be soon." I have a feeling my arguments won't make the landing, but I have to try. I'm not in much danger there, he will be.

"Ans, I'm asking you for one thing. She and Samson will be there, I know it and I have to get there."

"With or without me." I finished instead of him. Vodka on the table suddenly seems perfect. I drank more of the pleasantly strong alcohol. I need something to banish all those nasty thoughts of the undead, their teeth and claws and everything else, digging into the skin, tearing the body apart. I don't want to come to deep scratches again and I don't want to see any more torn bodies. I don't want to see his body in such a condition. "It's a protected city, once we get close to it we'll be out of magic and who knows how far away from the city we'll appear, have you thought about that?"

"Sure I did, who do you think I am? The alarms only work in the cities because of the undead, not in the surrounding areas. And they're completely out of order at the borders. We get a couple kilometres from Bal’rez and we should be fine. We'll only have weapons once inside, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Right?"

"How do you know all this?" I looked at him in disbelief. Even I had no idea until now that they had lifted their measures against magic. Narral does not allow the use of magic anywhere outside of designated areas, and they have all sorts of alarms and patrols everywhere to take care of anyone who breaks their rules. Although, what he said makes sense. Marching corpses, kept alive only by magic, would set off just about every alarm in the entire country. But still. How in the name of Light does he know?

"Because he had it in that bloody notebook. I'm telling you he goes there regularly. He has more information about their army than all of us put together. The Chastisers have new orders, they are not to kill mages until further notice. They must be brought to justice, as well as the enemy commanders' units." he retorted. "Are you coming with me or not?"

"Of course I'm coming with you. Who do you think I am…" I rolled my eyes and waited for him to prepare to take us to the place he had chosen.

"Where the fuck are we?" I asked after we appeared in front of a high and more than anything steep hill. A mountain of dirt blocks all view. And the empty field behind us is another shitty clue.

"I thought we could see the city from here. Damn topography on Narral maps!" with a sigh he began to climb the hill.

"Reassuring… a general doesn't know maps." I giggled. I'm not surprised he got it wrong, Narral maps are overly complicated, they include information about every tree, road, barrack, but don't bother to highlight the important stuff. So the fact that there is a hill like this somewhere gives a small number on the side, but the trees have their own, clearly visible marks. I will never understand the system.

"I'll remind you of that when you mix up your left and right again." he replied teasingly. I laughed, but it happens more often than it probably should.

"Has Narral always been this hot?" completely out of breath he suddenly stopped, we are not even halfway up the hill. We've been scrambling up for a good ten minutes, and the fact that there's no path here, only an area overgrown with weeds, annoys me and doesn't make it any easier for us. It's a pretty big weeds, halfway up my thighs, replaced from time to time by an untidy ball, resembling a bush. But it could have been worse. Narral is mildly said a shit hole. Apart from the swamps and similarly horrible hills, there are dry places without life and isolated cities full of scared people. So technically we are on the nicer side of the country.

"Always." I confirmed. “Narral is in the same climate as Zessia, but all that drawing warms it up considerably. They themselves draw life from the soil along with magic,”

"I didn't care about the lecture!"

"Don't ask if you don't want an answer."

"It was a rhetorical question..."

"It wasn't…" it definitely didn't sound like that. If he doesn't want to talk, he should just keep quiet. Or learn to read maps. "Next time, I'll take us, I'll pick a nice place at the top."

"Oh yeah." he plucked one of the bunches of weeds all around us, only to drop it and do it again. "It's your turn anyway."

"Stop it! What if someone comes after us? You can leave a note with our names right here."

"Pff… I'm not going to list your full name, with all the titles." my name and titles? I have two titles and three names, that’s it. He is the one who collects titles like some kind of awards, His Highness, lord General, the Duke, Protector of the West, hero of several battles…

"You're in a terrible mood today." I added to my step and left my friend behind. I understand why he's angry, it annoys me, if only because of him, but it's not my fault. Catarina can't be trusted with anything and Edgar does what he likes without thinking of the consequences. And Emmett knows damn well. So why does he get angry about it?

The hill began to climb at an even steeper angle. Why don't we rid this country of its misery and raze everything to the ground? Hills included. I have to be careful where I step, not to slip on one of the stones or tall grass, and breathe regularly. Because I'm slowly running out of breath. "You know what I don't understand," I started a new conversation as he caught up. "why would she go back to Narral, isn't there a warrant out for her?"

"There's one in Zessia too, isn't it?" he replied thoughtfully. He's right, but I'm not sure if there's anyone in my country who would actually bring her in. I'd have to send someone from the Guard, probably Adrian, and even then I'm not sure of the outcome. She's still the prince's wife - not that it's a well known marriage - under the protection of Athran and I assume the new king. Steven usually refers to her as his sister-in-law and does not mind her presence. Not when Emmett is grinning like an idiot. So I'm alone in this. "I don't think she'll have any problems with the papers from father. He's probably made enough friends here over the years and if she works for him..."

“I know he was never strictly against Narral,” Edgar is not as outspoken against Narral as Zessia. He can't quite ignore their rules on oppressing mages, then or now, but he's inclined to turn a blind eye to it if he can. He intervenes only in the case of really senseless restrictions and always hides behind the contracts he made with Narral in the past. Pretty dubious contracts, if I had to judge. "but still. He can't get past working with a Dishonest." I finished, convinced that I am right. Except Emmett completely ignores that fact as well. He had already chosen her when he knew who Catarina was and calmly left with her. When we all needed him here. Maybe it's something they run in the family.

"I've been under no illusions about him for quite a few years now. I'm just surprised he's using Cat, the fact that I'm his son is clearly on his ass and she hasn't told me either. I mean… it's not like I have something in common with my wife for fuck’s sake. I just thought she might care about me at least a little. So he had to somehow force her to do it, threaten her, blackmail her with something… right?" if it weren't for the climb I would have thought he ran out of words.

“Rejecting Edgar is very hard… for one thing, and she's a Dishonest,” I started when he caught my eye. "fine, she was a Dishonest, now she's a nice, loving wife waiting for you at home with dinner," I corrected myself. "but betraying you is a bit too much even for her."

"But what if it isn't?" he said after a while. "I haven't seen her for several years, and then I run into her out of all places right in Aré. And how many people do you think knew that I was going there? She disappeared right after that." he stopped at the top of the hill, "It's just weird. I'd like to understand, I think there's only one explanation for this, but I could be wrong."

Finally! The top of the hill. Overgrown with the same weeds we've been zigzagging all the way up here. High and annoyingly sticking out in all directions, but quite pleasant to the touch. The only change here is the slightly larger bushes. These no longer stop at my waist but are much taller with larger leaves. Maybe because they get more sunshine here. "You could be wrong," I blurted out, surveying the city below us. It is still quite far, about two kilometers from us. It retains a fairly round shape, old, stone buildings in some places alternate with new, straight and plastered with colourful facades, but this will probably be the only progress that has reached the inhabitants here. I don't see any trees or other green places anywhere. It's not a very pretty town and it doesn't seem like there's anything unique about it. In addition, far on the horizon, thick columns of black smoke rise into the sky, detracting the whole view of the beauty it already lacks. “Please tell me you know where they will be. We can't run around town and hope nobody notices us.”

"Well, kind of," a sharp command in another language silenced Emmett. A not-too-tall man appeared in front of us seemingly out of nowhere, accompanied by other men in green uniforms. I don't see a crane on them, just some small sign with a gate, maybe it's a city guard.

"Herg to!" he repeated his command again, this time I understood him. Just like Emmett. Neither of us needs the other's translation to understand what he wants.

Emmett, standing a step before me raised his hands, just as the man wishes. He is planning something, he left his fingers together, only the index finger on his right hand stands alone. I raised my hands as he did. I don't have much of a choice. I'm not sure what to do. We can't draw attention to us like this. Not only could using magic backfire, but how good of an idea is it in the face of people who are famous for carrying pistols? We have to be careful. Well, at least Emmett. There are no guns pointed at us at the moment, but that could change at any moment and we both know that. They shoot first and ask questions later.

I quickly scanned the men, together with their commander there’s seven of them. Their faces are seriously worth it, one uglier than the other, but none of them is particularly muscular or agile looking. We can get escorted into town and try to escape, but I have no guarantee of that plan. Besides, getting arrested might not be the smartest thing to do. We both have our rings, bulletproof confirmation of who we are. And that could be a serious problem, because of the scandal. And apparently Emmett has another plan anyway. At least I hope so, he slowly moved his index finger to the right three times, he wants me to jump. He doesn't give me much of a choice, I can't do anything to protest and oppose him. I quickly bounced back, somersaulted and stopped a few meters away. Just as I hoped he would. He jumped to the left, behind one of those strange bushes. And angry voices told us that none of them expected this.

Immediately after that, the first shots rang out. I hope none of them hit, but if they did I'm sure I would have heard Emmett curse. Assuming they only hurt him. Otherwise it would just be wishful thinking. Oh fuck! Oneday I'll have to try to think of something in advance.

The guards in Narral are used to fearful people who automatically and completely surrender to their every command. Whatever it is. So mine and Emmett's behaviour rightfully caught them by surprise. And he surprised me too. Split up like this. Before I could recover, Emmett had thrown the first of his daggers. He hit one of them in the leg. The man screamed and fell to the ground. This upset them even more and maybe even scared them a little. This is another piece of news for our opponents. After all the time someone opposes them. I drew my own dagger and stabbed one of them in the neck.

“We need a uniform!” Emmett yelled at me as he saw a small fountain of blood after the stricken genius pulled my dagger from his throat. I haven't seen that much blood in a while. I didn't particularly miss it.

"You’re kidding me…" two of them ran towards me, two towards him. Their commander remained in the middle, shooting around like a madman, trying to hit any of us, without any success. It really must be the city guard, they all seem surprised by the fact a fight is expected. It’s not very good for us. But if this uproar doesn't stir up the whole town, nothing will. I’ll finally found out how uncaring people here really are.

I swung my dagger around and gripped the hilt tightly. Not to throw it, but to hit the face of the man in front of me with it. It hurt so much less. I had to punch him twice more before he staggered, and only with a subsequent kick to the stomach did I send him to the ground. The other, to my surprise, is no longer a problem. He was hit by his own commander as Emmett pounced on him from behind and gripped his neck until the limp body slumped to his feet. The last of them ran down the hill to find help, Emmett cursed. He yanked his dagger from the leg of the first wounded man and threw it. The man dropped to his knees, rolled over several times and disappeared in the bushes.

Carrying daggers still proves to be a good idea that has saved me a few times. It's Emmett who taught me to wear them in my boots, always said that small throwing daggers were not a proper weapon and insisted on the long ones back when, like Steven, he didn't understand the essence of immortality. Damn. If -not when- Steven finds out about this, he'll be furious. Maybe I should tell him myself as soon as I get back, before he finds out from someone else and gets even more upset. How come I keep forgetting my fiance? That horrible word makes everything worse.

“So much for the uniforms.” an angry Emmett snapped me out of my thoughts. The men around us don't look like they're going anywhere anytime soon, and neither do their bloody uniforms.

I bent down to the commander's body, I thought Emmett let him go earlier, but there’s nothing I can do for him. The only one of them still conscious is a man with a hole in his leg. Emmett tries to use his flawless Narral to get the safest route to town. At the same time, he points a gun at him, most likely his own. Emmett, although not a huge fan of guns, is a great marksman. The man said we should go through the main gate, because the city is not guarded now anyway. Emmett didn't find that information satisfying enough, pressed the short barrel touching his temple and pulled the trigger. And everything that should have remained inside his skull is suddenly on the grass. Disgusting.

"Now you're just needlessly cruel." I evaluated. He had no reason to kill the man, we could have just left him here. With any luck, he would make it back to town before he lost too much blood. And before he regained consciousness, we'd be gone.

"What!? You’re kidding??" determined to finish what he started, Emmett moved over to the one I had knocked unconscious just moments before. "They are our enemies, this is six men less to face us in the field." he flipped out angrily. "Soon enough seven."

"They are the city guard of a completely insignificant town. The only ones they can stand against are the thieves in the marketplace, and even against them they don't stand much of a chance." I hid the first dagger in my shoe and looked around, trying to find the second one. It must be somewhere with the man it hit. "So they hardly matter."

"Hardly matter? They're Narralians, we're at war with them and I don't care about anything else." he yelled again, took out the magazine, threw it to one side and the gun to the other.

"Lead with this when you see Catarina." I said, perhaps too harshly. I want to tell him that I'm the only one at war with them since his brother hasn't officially taken a stand yet, but it's pointless. In a way, Emmett is right, and he's already pissed off. I bent down to the man on the ground, blood everywhere. I carefully took my dagger from the bloodied grass and walked over to the next corpse where I could wipe it down a bit. I tucked it back into my high shoe and stood up. Emmett disappeared from my sight, I walked over to the edge of the hill and checked on him as he collected his daggers. Not only will the weapons still come in handy, but we can't just leave them here. They would make a good trail, at least for Edgar. And we are already too conspicuous.

"So, shall we go through the main gate?" I asked, on the way to town. We both cringed. The wall around it is over three meters high and the gate, which we think is the main one, doesn't seem to be guarded.

"I don't think we can make it any worse." he looked at his watch and back at me. "No one cares about the mess up there, I don't know why it surprises me, but they will. How long before they realize they're missing one patrol?"

"We have an hour at the most, they're not that stupid." I guessed, the dial on my hand showed almost eleven-thirty, the safest thing to do would be to quickly get to the city, blend in with the others, and get out before the big hand hits twelve.

"Alright, we've got about half an hour, let's try not to cause more trouble." he said, crouching on the way down the hill. I just nodded, stretching out my fingers, which still hurt from the attack - now completely unnecessary. The way down the hill is much worse than the way up, we were half running and with every step we had to be careful not to trip and roll down the hill. The weeds that Emmett was pulling up on the way up don't make it easy for us either, the roots of those plants aren't deep enough for us to grab onto and save ourselves from falling and they get tangled everywhere.

We managed to run all the way to the bottom without a single fall and out of breath. We both stopped at one of those ugly bushes, panting. So far, nothing is going according to plan and we don't even have one. “I would try to climb that wall.“ he announced, pointing to a pale stone wall. I nodded my head, it's not as tall as I originally thought. One can't see the houses behind the wall, which is why I misjudged its height from a distance, only when we are standing right next to it, I know for sure that it is no more than three meters. It's not a very well protected place, why would Samson run here? Because he knows someone in the city? "I'll help you up."

He put his hands together, waited for my foot on them and lifted me up. I grabbed the edge, Emmett waited till the last second before he let go... so much trust. I can see a small yard in front of me, another wall and the roof of an old house, but there is no sign of the owners. I personally don't miss them. I don't have a good explanation of what we're doing here. I pulled myself up, swung one leg over and reached back down to help him. Meanwhile, Emmett partially ran up the wall, grabbed my hand and pulled himself up, while almost pulling me back down.

"You should do more weight lifting." he laughed, turned around and lowered himself down the other side of the wall.

"Or maybe you should do more weight loosing." I did the same set of motions he did, feeling his hands catching me and letting go only when I was standing firmly on the ground. "Thanks." I said with a smile, he returned my favour. I haven't seen this handsome smile of his in a very long time. I missed it and I got a full minute before he realized how close he is to me and moved. Apparently he has a problem with that now. "Damn…"

"We need to get to the marketplace, from there we’ll see the town hall." he explained quickly, waving his hands and creating even more space between us.

"I suppose you don't have a map." instead of answering, he pulled a carefully folded map of the city from his pants pocket. It has everything, exactly as one would expect from a Narral map. Every unnecessary detail about the main and side streets, the guard posts, the marketplace and the town hall. Emmett ran his finger over several small alleyways that as he explained would lead us undetected to our destination. Around three important trees, which are also marked on the map, and one chapel. His monologue was interrupted at the end by tolling bells, these announce no time. We both figured out why they started ringing.

"That was really fast. The alarms are back on." he packed the map, crossed the yard and jumped over another wall. This one is much smaller so I don't need his help. We found ourselves in a dark alley, all alone. Emmett picked up his pace, weaving through similarly dark alleys with me close behind. He can find his way around much better than I can. It's always been like that, it is and probably will be, I quite envy him for this ability. My orientation sucks.

He stopped in front of one of the larger streets. The houses along it are not as ordinary as the ones we have passed so far. These have colourful facades and landscaped flower beds in the front. These are the houses I saw from the hill. Still plain, but have a nice feel to them. And they lead me to thoughts I always end up with in Narral. Everything here belongs to ordinary people who ever so carefully tend to their little gardens and some war between mages and almost undead monsters doesn't mean anything to them. Or it shouldn't. And yet, here we are. And our stupid promises won't let us change it. Because, according to those, this is exactly the life they have chosen.

Emmett grabbed my shoulders and floated with me into the crowd consisting of men exclusively. They look like traders to me, but that's just my guess. With me trapped under his paw, he leads me through the crowd. Paves the way for us. All I can concentrate on is his fruity perfume, it doesn't match Bal'rez at all. Everything here stinks of a mixture of spices and heavy scents of flowers. It lacks the sweet touch of magic that would remind me of home or anything nice and uncorrupted.

Emmett unexpectedly changed direction, pulled me into one of the side alleys and crammed with me between the walls of the houses. He covered my mouth with his hand before I could ask what's going on and who he had seen. In a narrow space, he presses on me with his entire body. I realize -with every cell of my body- that I haven't been this close to Emmett in a long time and for this long. His warmth is everywhere, like the citrus perfume, I can feel his beating heart and warm breath mixed with alcohol. I feel everything. And it doesn't bother me at all. Should it?

Footsteps are heard in the alley behind us. It's more than one pair of legs. Emmett's heart continues to pound frantically. He bit his lip. "I think I saw," someone spoke in the same language as me and Emmett. I frowned, we're not far from the border, but people here don't usually speak imperial. Because people like us are not welcome here. Emmett closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. If I didn't know him, I'd swear he’s praying. Which seems odd. And even if he wanted to start with it, he could just whisper it to me.

"I don't have time for this nonsense, obviously no one's here," my heart stopped unlike his. Instantly. The voice completely freaked me out. It changes everything. "I don't want to be late, I have to take him today." it's Edgar's voice. I wanted to punch something. Emmett's faster than me, squeezing my wrist, stopping my fist. Waiting for them to leave.

Edgar doesn't want Catarina to find Samson, he came here to get him. Personally. Why is he even interested in him? He has no value to him. But he wants to take him? What does he mean by that? Where does he want to take him? Out of Narral? But where? Why is Samson in Narral in the first place? What if he isn't looking for safety here, as I believed? He hasn't been trying to get here. They just brought him here, she brought him here. But why? The only thing that draws her to this place is her job, which she left for Emmett, or so she claims. But what if not. What if, I got it all wrong myself, because I just didn't want to see the truth that will hurt the people around me. The truth that would hurt Emmett.

I looked into the hazel eyes. His surprise is nowhere near mine. Does he not understand what is happening around him? Or he doesn't want to admit it? Or he realizes it all too well. "You need to get out," he shouldn't be here. He can't be here. Edgar must not know he is here. Emmett shook his head. Sure… now he's going to protest. "listen to me, I need you to get to the other side of this shit hole, as close to the gate as possible. No one can see you. Once there, wait for the big hand to reach ten and jump. I'm pretty sure it will set off the alarm." it dawned on me that we are still standing in that little alley, body to body. It's nice and comforting and wrong in every way. Or it should be. "Edgar can't find out you were ever here. You have to trust me, I'll take care of Samson and bring her."

"Keep going straight until you hit the main street, stick to it. It will lead you to the marketplace and then you'll see the town hall. The meeting's inside, first floor, office right above the entrance. You can't miss it." he bit his lip. He doesn't like it, but at least he doesn't protest. "Meet back at your place?"

“Parlasse." the family residence will be much safer. I squeezed his shoulder, turned and disappeared among the other merchants. I stick to that label, even though those people can do anything. Keeping the pace of this war included.

I looked at their faces. I don't expect to see happy faces in Narral - the locals never seem that way - but these faces are somehow worse. For me and my people back home this is all just the beginning of this round. The war, the abuse of magic, the undead. Most of them don't even remember the last time. But here it's… just another day. Those people must be scared to death, desperate and exhausted with no one to turn to for help. They are frighteningly alone in everything, every man for himself. And I made a promise I will let it happen. It made my stomach drop. How can a country with so many restrictions against mages and the use of magic in general have such a hypocritical government as to let the Twins do it, turning their people into mindless slaves. All in the name of a better world that will not come.

They're so deep in the ass and my weaving between people doesn't help.

I followed Emmett's instructions to get to the main street, if only he mentioned if I should take a right or a left. They're all heading left, I'm pretty sure I have to go the other direction. The town hall is in the centre of the city and all those people are heading out, it has to be that way. I ran, I don't have a good reason for it, just that I want to get it all over with.

I wasn't sure of the right direction until I saw a small patch with several rows of stalls. There are not many people there, apart from the salesmen, only the richest residents of the city seem to venture here, and it’s not too many of them either. And even those - respectable citizens in their fancy clothes - jump out of the way as soon as they see the man in front of me. Accompanied by two others, uncompromisingly heading towards the town hall. A building as ordinary as the rest of the city. Stone walls overgrown with small leaves and plants embracing two floors with a square entrance guarded by statues of some warriors.

Another group of people is already waiting in front of the building, I don't see a tall blonde among them, only a black-haired man with a giant nose, his two guards in the same uniform as those on the hill and an elderly woman. Edgar walked in without a word, he didn't even need to introduce himself. That's not a good sign. He spends way too much time here. It sent chills down my spine. He got involved in it all so easily. Idiot. Does he realize what he's doing? What is he making me do?

Leaning against the last booth in the row, I hide behind the tarp and wait for my chance. Any minute now, I'll be able to teleport in at the same time as Emmett gets out. I can run inside and look for Edgar, but I need to be sure Emmett is safely gone. If by any chance it turns out I inherited my grandfather's desire to burn down cities. I'm not very far from that. I'd watch with pleasure how this place turns to a pile of ash.

Seconds pass one after the other, I keep tracing the rune with my hand, ready to activate it. I have to wait, just a few more seconds. I'm going to be able to disappear from that booth at any moment. Every second.

One more heartbeat and one last breath.

Both the marketplace and the smell of spices disappeared. I am standing in a small room with even smaller windows, half hidden behind heavy green curtains. The cheesy chandelier in the middle tries to provide more light, but it doesn't do much. If anything, it helps the atmosphere get more tense. Ominous. Maybe if someone wiped the thing down from time to time and there wasn't so much dust on it. The wooden floor creaked under the feet of those present as I appeared. I counted on their attention, I need their attention. There are nine of them waiting for me in total, and I don't feel like taking care of all of them. I'm only interested in Edgar at the moment, trying my best to ignore the tall blonde.

My white uniform appeared before any of them could speak. The already eerie silence deepened. And it's up to me to break it. "Everyone I don't know personally, out." it's more of a recommendation than an order. The people of Narral exchanged apprehensive glances and began to move. They're only people, their deaths probably wouldn't bring me anything except a sense of satisfaction, but I don't have time for that right now. Edgar's bodyguards - if one can call them that, because he doesn't need their protection in any way - didn't budge. They didn't choose a very good job. “I see you've found my compatriot,” I said with an ice cold smile. I gave Samson a quick look, he’s absolutely miserable. Dirty clothes hang on his body, disheveled hair sticks to his sweaty skin, and I can almost smell his stench. What's more, his eyes are literally begging for someone to end it for him and put him out of his misery. "but you didn't have to."

“I would hate to waste your time. You Heirs are so busy with your own worlds.” Edgar tried to smile too. "How did you find me?" he asked calmly, his eyes downright furious.

"Remember that redhead you've been taking to bed so often lately?" I completed my question with a nice smile for a change. "I thought she'd be your type."

"Oh right, she's adorable." he laughed. Something about that laugh creeps me out, maybe it's the crazy look in his eyes. It gives me the chills. “I appreciate your efforts, but I don't need your supervision. We are on the same side.”

"I don't think we are." I said in a practiced, calm voice. At the same time, my heart is pounding and trying to escape the cage made of my ribs. One part of me is completely occupied with Edgar, his movements, his words. I need to find out if I'm wrong or if he finally chose a side after all these months. Another part of me is focused on blonde and Samson. His body should fall to the ground at any moment. It has to. "Not anymore."

Brown eyes filled with rage focused on his prisoner. What is he up to? "I'm just doing what I think is best for my family."

"Keep your bullshit. There are lines that should not be crossed.” I finally got a look at Catarina, not only is she wearing their fucking uniform but she's upgraded it with new pads. The fact that I was right all along doesn't make me happy at all. Not like this. I feel bad for Emmett. "I didn't know Dishonests get a major for desertion."

"Don't be ridiculous," she spoke, in that annoyingly cocky voice of hers. "I got a promotion for shooting you. Naturally."

I smirked at the memory, killing an Immortal probably looks good on her report, but what's the point if it can't keep me away from this world. And out of the reach of that stupid body of hers. "Don't you think your son will miss her?" I looked back at Edgar, I need a little more time and he likes to talk so much.

"And why should he? I'm not keeping her here and we both know you won't do anything to hurt him.” he is so sure of himself. He completely forgets that I was the one who spoiled Emmett's distorted views about his own father in the first place. Which started their century-long feud. "In any case, you're just wasting your time here. I will take him back to Athran and interrogate him. And then I'll let you know what I find out.” the weight of that lie caught me off guard. I almost gasped and lost my concentration. We all know that Samson will never make it to Athran. I don't blame him, I don't want him to come back either. I'm just not sure what punishment awaits Edgar for disobeying the order. Probably nothing pleasant, but he chose a side. Which, paradoxically, is exactly what I wanted from him.

Samson's body finally slid to the ground. It took much longer than I expected to stop his heart. Because I counted on the fact that -based on the way he looks- he doesn't have the strength to oppose me. And hey, he'd do anything to live a few minutes longer, even if it doesn't do him any good. "I don’t think so." I stopped his ridiculous security with my hand. I don't have time to play with them and try to painlessly stop their hearts. They both grabbed their heads and fell into a pool of their own blood moments later. Disgusting but effective. I could spare them, theoretically, but I don't know them personally and so, they had a chance to leave. They choose to stay, which means their lives were mine to take. Edgar didn't even move, Catarina drew her gun and pointed it at me. “I know you're supposed to cut his hands and rip out his tongue and fullfil other points on that horribly unimaginative task list, but it's so messy… and so primitive.”

Brown eyes found me, his interest in Samson instantly gone. "You know about it?" he gasped in surprise.

"Obviously… I think Jonathan warned you to stop interfering and I'm not going to have you taken away in handcuffs just for his sake, but… what in the name of Light do you think you're doing here?"

"I'm doing what I always do,"

"Edgar, if this sentence ends with the words, I'm just protecting my family," according to his face, that's exactly where he's headed. It's always round with him. He must be kidding. "you're going against the Heirs. Against me. Your job is to obey the orders of four people in the entire fucking world. It's that simple."

"All four of you are equally self-centered. I would do better to continue serving only Athran and my own family."

"Be careful what you wish for. You don't serve Athran and certainly not your son. And if you don't want to be part of the Senate… fine. That's the end of it for you, Edgar." I slowly walked towards him. "This is a matter that concerns the Immortals and you have no right to meddle in it. Hallies is just a symbol to you, you don't understand anything he did. Immortality has nothing to do with aging. And you don't even understand that part… but if you have to, be useful for once.” I stopped just a step away from him. Without letting Edgar out of my sight, I held out my hand in front of me. It turns me on that she keeps pointing the gun at me, it really insults me. And it's only with the metal body of the gun, I let my own hands do the work without thoughts getting in the way, I slid the bolt back and fired.

The loud bang was replaced by voices. His and hers. She screams and he demands an explanation. I should say something or use the extra round in the chamber and aim a little higher. Finally get rid of her. But I probably can't. She's always the least of my problems.

"Tell the two bastards that the four of us got together and decided to exceptionally ignore the one rule we made. This time we will kill them. I will kill him, cut his throat and watch him drown in his own blood. And I won't even blink until his blonde hair turns red, just like the body left on floor for no one to mourn.” I let the magazine fall to the ground and thrust the gun into his hand. I have to get rid of that gun before I kill her. "So if you don't want to join their hide-and-seek game throughout eternity, I'm giving you one last chance to stop digging and back off. If you try anything, I'll make sure you never leave Narvin again. Ever." I finished almost in a whisper, just a short distance from his face. I gave Catarina on the ground one last look.

Turns out I don't care about Bal'rez enough to lit up the match and watch it burn.

Emmett is waiting for me at Parlasse, just as we agreed, as a bonus he already has a glass ready. Exasperated, I picked it up from the bar top and threw it against the wall. I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to punch something and scream. My feigned peace is gone. I put all my anger into another piece of glass, this time a bottle, which I threw in the same direction. The shards mixed with the golden liquid flew apart as they hit the wall, glinting in the light and landing harmlessly on the ground.

"He's been playing both sides, all this time." I punched the bar counter angrily, running out of things within reach to throw. I stretched out my hands and, leaning against the board, I hid my head in between. I need to breathe, in and out. Edgar's seat in the Senate has officially become vacant, and this is only the first consequence of his decision. Fuck!

"Was she there with him?" he asked in a broken voice as if he already knew the answer. What's up with Edgar, probably doesn’t bother him that much. I should feel the same, but my job is to keep the Senate together, not get rid of its members.

I just want to nod, avoid his gaze, but he deserves the truth. I raised my head. "She's a major now, he doesn't hold her there, she… I don't really know what she was doing there. I shot her before I could ask… I think I hit her in the leg and—"

"I," his eyes filled with tears. "I don't need to know the details." he sat down exhausted. He buried his face in his hands and started to cry. The anger left me quickly. I went over to him and hugged him. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I can't lie to him, I love him too much for that, but I really wish I hadn't told him the truth. I should have gotten rid of her as soon as I met her. All I can do now is stand here, hold him close and stay silent.

What words could I use to encourage him? Should I tell him it will be good? The first tear ran down my face, I squeezed him even tighter. It’s not getting better. There's nothing to get better in their fucked up relationship they so lovingly call marriage. I'm just angry with myself, I'm so perfectly helpless. I can't help my best friend. I would give anything to be able to change the way he feels, even if his pain remains with me. I would do anything for him. But I can't.

Not only did his father betray him again, but he also lost the woman he found to fill the void. The one I left there. On that stupid bridge, with all my promises and the ring.

He looked at me with that look again, the one that hurts me in a hundred different ways, the same I saw on that damn bridge. "She never left the order," he said in exasperated disbelief. "I knew all along that father made sure no one looked for Cat… I thought it was some kind of excuse of his. I believed she left. I wanted to believe he had changed, but then again... he betrayed me, Ans… again…" he reached for the bottle I hadn't managed to break and took a sip. “I should have known."

"You couldn't have,"

"I could." Emmett set the bottle down, pulling his ring off his finger in one motion. Ring with all three letters- E. W. S.. "I should. Since I was born, I've been his fucking toy. A piece on his board, in his game, surrounded by everything that belongs to him. He'll never stop."

"Em, you are not his property. Look at me." he's not going to take his eyes off that ring. We have dealt with this before and more than once. I took the stupid ring from him so he would pay attention to me. It's just a pretty piece of metal, it defines nothing. "It doesn't matter who he wants you to be. I know you a lot better than he does and I know you're not someone's toy. Edgar's not even at the head of your family, Steven is. Do you hear me?" he shook his head dismissively. “Emmett, dammit, look at me!"

"I will always be Steeles." he whispered.

"Yeah, always. Just like I'll be Hallies' Heiress. And none of it matters." he taught me this crap himself. He might remember it. "Edgar is done in the Senate and what he wants is secondary to say the least. I already told him. This isn't his game anymore."

"What? Don't you have to talk to Jon and Jim… and the third one? They're going to have to do something about it. All of you."

"Actually, they won't," I'm still standing close to him. He doesn't seem to mind thus time. "It's no longer their job to solve anything. Now they just have to listen." I bit my lip, completely forgetting that I hadn't told Emmett yet. Strange how little time I spend with him lately.

"Who's then?" he drunk, frowning at first, until it clicked. "No…"

I held out my hand to show him. For a short moment a new feeling filled me, the new power filled me. New or rather old and pure. The air around me was filled with a sweet fragrance, lit up with a bright light. I held out a hand in front of me with a ball of pulsing magic flowing directly through my body, I clenched my fist and let my own glow disappear. I looked back at my friend, he’s staring at me with his mouth hanging open, half in shock. "I've already made up my mind. As his Successor and everything else."

"No!" he jumped out of his chair. He took a few steps away from me before turning back. "You're running it all now? Why?"

"Because it was always my place, since the day I was born. Don’t you get it? Em, I don't trust anyone as much as you." he paces back and forth, alternately clenching his jaw and waving his arms. I'm not sure if he's angry or just thinking. Either way, his marching will soon destroy Jonathan's waxed floor. "Edgar’s position,"

"Forget it!" he shouted. "It's not my life, I don't want it to be. I'm done with it. I have a bar!”

"Damien has the whole casino," I objected. “He runs the entire island and Eagaveli,” he immediately frowned.

"Only I don't want to fight anymore. Can't you see where it got me, just after getting involved a little. I tried to help you. And now I know all this. About father, Catarina, you.” he drank again, placed the bottle on the bar and went back to pacing the room frantically. "You're not going to drag me into this, Andrea!"


"No! Don't even get me started! Besides, if anyone is suitable for this, it's Steven. You trust him, don't you?” he asked. I trust him, but he is not suited for the position.

"There are still a lot of things he doesn't understand. He's never even heard of them." I started when he cut me off again.

"Well, explain them to him." he stopped his frantic marching. "Someone has to explain it all to him. Everything that happened today. He should know before he hears from others. For some reason unknown to me, he looks up to our father." he ran a hand through his hair. "I can’t do it, Ans. I can't tell him our father is a bloody traitor. You can't ask me too."

"And you think I should be the one telling him?" I asked, confused. I would expect that this is exactly what he would want to talk about with his little brother.

"Well, who else? I can't think of anyone better. You love him, care about him." he suddenly smiled. Just like that, his expression completely changed. "Speaking of, where’s your ring?" he pointed to my left hand.

My ring finger suddenly started to itch somehow. How does he even know about it? Steven didn't tell him anything. "How do you know?" I asked in surprise.

"I'm not an idiot, Ans, damn it!" he watched me for a while. I don't want him to get angry, but somehow I'm not getting the right arguments. "You have no idea how much he talks about you. He probably doesn't realize it either. He's been talking all this time about what kind of future he plans with you. He is convinced that you belong to him. That he belongs in your world. Then suddenly he stopped, you were acting strange too and I'm really not stupid." hazel eyes scan me. I want to tell him something, anything, apologize, find an excuse why I didn't tell him. Any word would be good, if only I didn't keep silent. Emmett smiled, with the perfect crooked smile. "Come here." he came to me and hugged me. Just the way he used to. Almost as if he was pleased by the news. As if he decided to focus on the good at least.

"Aren't you mad?" I asked as he held me.

"I wanted to be, I really tried. To be angry with you and him." he let go of me, still looking into my eyes, while holding my hands. “It's just that I've never seen you so happy. Ever. Nor him. Fate or not, you two are made for each other. Just as cocky, just as obsessed with running the world, and just as stupidly convinced that you can save the other. And I want to believe that you will save him." he wiped the new tears that are running down my cheeks with his hand and hugged me again. "He may be my baby brother, but he knows pretty well what he wants. He wants to be with you and you need someone who can stop you from all your nonsense. And I think he can do it. But if you don't tell him about the vote, you're going to have a problem. With me.” he laughed. "Promise me you'll be honest with him."

"Put it back on first," I handed him back his damn ring. Obediently, he put it on his index finger. "I never lied to him or to you." I laughed, finally all my worries dissapeared. "I love you, Em." I don't care about other people's opinions, I only care about his. And if Emmett can accept that I’m going to marry his brother…

"I know, I love you too, Ans."

After a chat with Emmett, a long line of shots, and making sure he got to bed safely, I headed off to see Thalus. He is the only available member of the Senate that I can talk to openly about everything. And it took me much longer than I expected. Although he didn't try to contradict me and agreed to everything, including dismissing Edgar with immediate effect, he made some interesting suggestions. He promised to find the rest of my family and give them news, take care of Edgar, and secure the Senate. The war had already reached there, in just a few days. Incredible.

Besides, he brought up an interesting thought. There is one more thing I had to discuss with Steven, aside the vote. He wanted to talk to me about immortality, but he still doesn't understand its essence. It's not about being part of someone's family, it's about service. His Service.

The last stop was Bastien, I need a small bottle from him, prepared exactly according to the instructions. I need to have it ready for the party.

I returned to his apartment late at night. I was surprised and relieved to find that he hadn't returned yet. He sent a letter saying he would be back really late and I shouldn't wait. I don't have the strength for anything else, so I headed straight to bed from the shower.

He returned sometime between the second and third nightmare. I have no idea what time it was and I didn't care. All I cared about was that I fell asleep in his arms, and even though I was standing face to face with Edgar in my dream, who kept knocking the sword out of my hand, it was suddenly more bearable. The nightmare made me realize something. Edgar didn't want to give the sword to the Twins like I originally thought. I have a feeling that Edgar wants to keep it. Which doesn't make sense, does he want to take on the Twins himself? Doesn’t he know that my sword is of no use to him?

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