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Old fountain and big plans... (TS_38)

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Emmett is already waiting for me by the stone fountain. Once there were lots of colourful flowers around and big green leaves floating in the fountain, now there is no water. It's a painful reminder of how fast time flies and I refuse to accept it. It used to be a beautiful and peaceful place in the middle of a busy city and now it looks like this. This is inexcusable. "I thought you went to pray after all," he said irritably, sitting on the ground leaning against the stone frame of the fountain in a light leather jacket. Unlike Steven and Edgar, he looks so ordinary. It doesn't suit them at all. I like it a lot more that way.

"Why would I do something like that?" I asked in the same tone. Emmett has always been moody, but this time he overdoes it from the start. I would ask him what happened to him, but I don't really care. I have enough problems of my own without it.

"Maybe he talked you into it." he slowly stood up. "He has that effect on you."

"You can see he doesn't." Not even his brother's green eyes are enough for such a thing. If I wanted to go to a temple, I would go to Parlasse. "I'm going to need your help."

"Well, that's what I'm here for, isn't it?" he finally smiled, letting out that annoyed tone. I nodded, sat on the frame of the fountain and put my hand on the stone. The fountain slowly began to fill with water. I want to fix this place up, at least a little. To return its old beauty, as much as possible. Because of the past.

"Do you think there's a line Edgar would stop at from protecting Steven, from protecting you?" I asked, watching the rising water carefully. I don't want to overfill it and let the water spill on the pavement.

"If I were to count the number of times he mentioned that he isn't going to lose another son in the last few days, I wouldn't have enough fingers. Not even yours would cover it. And I've known you long enough to know that when you ask like that, he's already crossed some lines." he sat down next to me. "So hit me."

"I don't know for sure if he did anything. I need that book he always carries with him."

"The notebook? You can get right into his thoughts instead. Are you crazy?" he got out half in shock. I looked into the hazel eyes so he knew I'm dead serious. Getting into his thoughts is still one possibility, but then I would have to defend myself. Is there a better chance that he would notice the missing diary?

"I think he helped Mallette escape," I added. I dipped my hand in the water so that I could grow those big green leaves that I remember. It must be some kind of water lily, but the leaves are bright and when the pink flowers appear, no one can look away.

"Why would he help Mallette? I thought he didn't really know him. Besides, he's not even a loyalist, he looks like one, but he's fucking noble." he shook his head in disbelief. A high wave of his hair fell as he did so. He ran a hand through his hair, but didn't try to return it to its original state. He let them fall to the side.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know, Em." I angrily pulled my hand out of the water with the blooming pink flowers floating on it. I wiped my hand on my skirt and took a breath. "I was first warned by Daniel that he was looking for something in A Dun'Amanh and now I know exactly what it is. Then I saw him knock out my own sword in that stupid duel, and finally word came that he might have something to do with Witty and Mallette.'

"Witty? Well, fuck… isn't that in itself defying the will of the Heirs? That's fucking bad." he was silent for a while, took out a cigarette from his own case, rolled it in his hand for a while, and finally lit it. "I hope you have a plan."

I thought to myself, I don't have a clear plan, I was just hoping that Emmett would help me come up with something. Edgar is suspicious, but never of his own sons. That's probably the only thing I can use. "You get the feeling that I have one. I really need your help, please." I looked at my own work, the dark corner of the alley finally playing with at least some colours. We used to hang out here all those years ago, but I feel like even with the colours, the place has lost its charm. It's suddenly sad. Trampled by all the memories. "I have to find out what he's gotten himself into and stop him before he does something really stupid. And I won't be able to get him out of it. There are things we just can't forgive him for. Not even Jon can save him if he does something really stupid. Not this time."

"That's why you lost," Emmett said, tossing the burning butt onto the stone path ahead. If this town ever burns down, he'll be my prime suspect. Actually the only one.

"What did I lose?"

"With Ethan, you saw father and dropped the sword. I didn't think it worked like that, but it fits your world perfectly." he explained. Even with half the information, he is always in the picture. I have no idea how he does it.

"No, I dropped the sword so you wouldn't lose the bet," I lied. "You don't know how to take a defeat." I teased him. "You always want some payback until you win." I laughed. He frowned, at first I thought he's offended, but then he put a finger to his lips. I heard it too, a few quick steps in the alley to our left. Emmett just nodded and disappeared, we've done this so many times I know exactly what to do next.

I stood up and pulled out a dagger from my sleeve, how I could only guess that it would come in handy today... I slipped into the alley and prepared to attack. I saw the silhouette of a man just a few steps ahead of me, I took a few more steps when I saw a second slightly larger one join the first silhouette. Picked up the first one and pressed it against the wall without difficulty.

Emmett holds the smaller man by the neck with his paw. I hear his deep voice whisper threateningly. "…you either tell me or this alley will be the last thing you see." the scared face doesn't look very promising. I went to him and searched him. Most spies don't burn their letters for some reason.

He has exactly what I'm looking for in his breast pocket. A folded piece of paper. I quickly unfolded it, the man protested, but I know from experience that no one just gets out of Emmett's grip. Emmett is strong enough on his own, but he's aided by magic, so he's usually at an unfair advantage. I reviewed the report, plain paper and plain ink. A simple message: 'Follow her, we'll meet at the usual place.' it didn't reveal much, except that I immediately recognized Edgar's handwriting and his stupid triangle replacing signature. I showed the message to Emmett and put it in my pocket.

"He had you follow." he sighed, biting his lip before nodding. We have known each other for so long and so well that we don't even need to speak to understand each other. It especially scares me in situations like this.

"The problem is that he saw you. I have him watch too," I said. The man pressed against the wall probably didn't even see my blade and didn't even have time to reconcile with his gods. No matter who he believed in, even though I would bet everything on my family. He just took his last breath, I felt his body go limp as I pushed the tip of the dagger between his ribs and let his heart take one last hit. The cathedral bells rang out as if on cue.

Mass is over.

That was pretty quick. Or I was delayed somewhere and it didn't even occur to me. "But my spies don't carry orders with them. I hope they don't." I pulled out my dagger, hot liquid dousing my hand. Emmett covered the wound with his palm and partially stopped the flow of blood pouring out. He laid the body on the ground.

Hazel eyes found my gaze. "Give me the dagger and get back there, I'll take care of this and then I'll come to the castle." I obeyed, swapping the weapon for his handkerchief, quickly wiping the blood on my hand and handing it to him. "Keep it, I don't need it. Just go! You have to be there before father and Steven come out of the temple. He'll be furious when he finds out. And if he's not supposed to associate me with it, he shouldn't have you either, not directly.''

I nodded and headed back with quick steps. I could transfer, but if Edgar and Steven had already left the temple, I'd just appear in front of them without explanation, this way I'd be able to blend in with the crowd. Or so I hope. If he finds out I met Emmett, he'll ask questions. If he finds out we killed his spy together, he won't stop at questions. On the way, I thought about how I could get out of it if he really figured it out. If Edgar found out what I was talking about with Emmett, the whole plan would fall apart before I could even come up with it and execute it. He won't tell me what he's trying to do, and if he gets involved in something, it's Steven who will take the brunt of it. Which I refuse to admit. He has no idea what his father is really like. And I should somehow prepare him for the truth first.

I went back to the long square in front of the cathedral. People are slowly coming out, but Steven and Edgar are not among them yet. I made it back in time. I crossed the square, almost to the entrance itself. I stopped under a statue that strikingly resembles Thalus. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I suppose not, he was my grandfather's friend after all. And in the first part of the book he is talked about a lot. Not so much after that, he himself wanted people to get the impression that he had already died. Along with his own family.

I crossed my arms over my chest and decided to wait. My right hand is still covered in blood, I cursed silently. I was so lost in my thoughts that I completely forgot about all the blood. Just as Steven walked out of the temple with Edgar by his side.

I hid my hand behind my back and pulled down my sleeve as much as possible. I regret not taking the second one, it has pockets. And with both of them so close, I can't use any magic without them noticing. Steven smiles, I'd expect him to be bored. He gently kissed my cheek. "I think you'd like it," he said in a low voice.

"I don't think so." I replied, Edgar stopped right next to us. I clenched my fists behind my back and hoped I don't have blood on my clothes, I'm sure I have it on my sleeve too, I can feel it's wet.

"We can slowly make our way back to the castle." Edgar ordered, surely he can't wait for his report. Too bad there isn't one waiting for him. He beckoned us to follow him. Steven smiled, holding out his hand to me.

My heart raced. If I don't give him mine he'll know something happened, but if I give it to him he'll see blood, which I can't explain to him in front of his father. I can't explain it specifically to his father and I don't have a backup corpse to throw the blood on. I gasped just as a heavy, red cloak landed on me. "The wind is getting stronger, Your Majesty. The Lord Commander gave clear orders." Miles stated, adjusting his cloak on me, it's too big but I'm so grateful for his prompt response. The funny thing is, he's right, it really started to get unpleasantly windy. Steven looked at me suspiciously, turned and started to walk, engaged in a conversation with Edgar. "Please tell me it's not your blood," the bearded guardsman leaned toward me.

"No, it was Edgar's spy." I whispered. Miles nodded with obvious relief. "What was it like inside?"

"Terribly boring and I don't even know what they were talking about, even him," Junior pointed at Steven's back. "he kept looking at his watch. I'd rather take the extra services."

"They talked about not turning your back on the Light, even though Athran is independent. You all live in His Light, and my family will not leave you under any other flag." I summed it up, it's exactly the same every year. I laughed softly and picked up my pace. I pulled the cloak closer to my body and got to Steven, he put his arm around me without saying a word and pulled me close. Possessive as ever, even the fact that I'm here with him probably won't change that. "Why don't we just transfer back? Isn't it over yet?" I asked.

"Tired of walking?" he laughed. "It's just part of the tradition. You have to walk it, like you had to run up the stairs to Aubert's tower. That's just the way it is." I nodded resignedly. I've already made up my own mind about this whole tradition of theirs, it's stupid and pointless and makes him take risks. And he absolutely adores it. "Dad, did you know she's never been up that tower before?"

"Well… she doesn't leave her place very often. Unless, that isone from her expeditions."

A strong gust of wind makes the whole lie with the cloak much more believable, and the first rumbles of thunder are heard in the distance. It will start raining soon, we added to our pace, it's still another ten minutes to the castle. I hate when I have to rush somewhere, long ago I could transfer, wash my hands and change my clothes before it gets really drafty and we all get wet or someone notices my bloody hand and starts asking questions. I'm tired of going uphill on stupid, grey rocks, and I'm sick of Steven holding me close and refusing to let go. I'm not his property. And I don't care for Edgar's company anymore, he talks about some lord who sold most of the estates like it's the most interesting story in the world while watching me out of the corner of his eye.

We finally made it to the castle, the first drops of rain falling to the ground as soon as we entered the front courtyard. This definitely ruined my good mood. I miss warm spring evenings in the South. I'm starting to dread the thought of him wanting to spend his life with me in the North when we get married. Among the boring grey cubes…

"…do you agree Andrea?" Steven waits for an answer but I don't know what the question was. He must have been talking for a long time, as if he ever minded.

"I'll just talk to the Guard and catch up with you." I said as he shrugged and turned around. I made sure they were all far enough away before I took off Miles' cloak. "Thanks." I returned it to him. I checked my hand, I thought I had wiped away most of the blood, but now I can clearly see the dried drops and smudges, as well as the bloody ring. Meanwhile, the sleeve on the dress had hardened. I pulled the handkerchief from the sleeve where I had stuffed it and moistened it with a simple spell.

"Where's the body?" Junior asked quietly, he's a bit taller than Steven so I have to look all the way up. I took off my royal ring and carefully wiped my hand.

"Emmett took care of it," I replied. I handed the tissue to Junior and put on the ring. "Throw it away. When you come back, tell Ethan that I want two couples with him at the closing party, but he won't wear his uniform." They both nodded obediently.

"I have this nagging feeling that there's something going on and I should know about it," Steven started as I returned to him.

"There's absolutely nothing going on that you need to know or want to know about," I stated, walking straight over to his desk, grabbing one of the papers and a pencil. I thought for a moment about what to write in the message, I need to warn Will. Edgar will be furious when he finds out what happened to his spy. And he will be more suspicious than usual.

"I'll pretend I believe it. You know I love you, but I'm warning you." he took off his jacket, threw it over the sofa and ran a hand through his hair. "You are my guest, my laws still apply to you."

I pulled a crumpled piece of paper from my sleeve, placed it next to the message for Will, and let them both burn in my hand. I looked into the green eyes and laughed. "You warn me, that's adorable. You submit to the Light, like the others." I reached for the only letter that was waiting for me, there's no seal on it, but a burnt-out emblem of the Northern Army, it's a report from Remis.

The enemies moved along the border to the north and tried to cross at Neticco, I warned him that they would go in that direction. I knew they would try to get to Alryne. Remis's part of the army was not ready in time, part of the city is damaged, I lost people and soldiers. I slammed my hand on the table, crumpled up the paper and threw it away. Steven turned sharply. "Caelen lost an entire battalion at Neticco, twelve hundred men gone and counting. Plus civilians. They made it to town… as if I didn't tell him!" I summarized the contents of the message, standing up and taking off my coat. I'm suddenly very hot. The traces of blood on the sleeve ceased to interest me. I am so angry with Remis. I told him what to do. Exactly. He did not follow my order. What did he think he was doing? Improvising?

"Do you want to go back there?" he asked calmly, handing me a glass of blue alcohol. I have no idea how he poured it so fast. Maybe he's learning.

I put it on the table, I'm too angry to drink. I'd rather throw that glass. "No, it wouldn't do any good. I would just get more angry and probably kill Remis on the spot."

"What happened? Maybe it's not his fault." he tried to calm me down. It just turned me on even more. How could it not be his fault. He commands my army when I'm not there. He has his orders. And he fucked it up. Or he can't write a report. He's not really good at this job. Not a damn bit… perfect! An army belonging to a family that never loses, just lost. Fucking perfect.

"Don't excuse him, Steven!" I blurted, throwing off the coat I'd been holding on to and letting my hair down. "He has the entire Eastern army at his disposal and the Southern as well, he wanted to command both instead of Darien, and he can't keep a single city safe! I specifically pointed out to him that Neticco is the perfect target for them, damn I knew they would go there and he said that he didn't have time to send troops there. So he's either an idiot or ignoring my orders on purpose. Either way, it's his fault. And in either case, I should remove him from command immediately!'

"How's the city? People?" he asked. I'm beginning to regret that I crushed the message, I don't feel like explaining everything to him, but I guess there's nothing else left.

"Bad, I'm saying they got inside the walls." I took a deep breath and exhaled again. "It hasn't even been a year since the city was repaired! And now it's in rubble again. Seriously, Neticco was shit hole before, but they just finished the repairs." I got angry again as I remembered how much it cost to repair the cathedral, town hall, and library there along with other major educational institutions. I ran a hand through my hair and took another deep breath. I have to remind myself that Steven is trying to help me. It is not his fault that Remis is incapable of leading my army. "For now, he only has estimates regarding the victims, he didn't even have time to evacuate the city. He writes about five thousand, I can tell you straight away that it will be more... Seriously, why am I bothering to tell him what to do when he then does the exact opposite?"

"You should go back there," he urged. I shook my head, picked up the glass from the table and drank. The sweet taste of strong alcohol calmed me down a little. Just a little bit.

"If I go back there now, I'm going to take those gold strips off Remis' shoulders and stuff them in his…" I smiled to myself and finished the sweet, blue liquid in glass. It's clear what I would do with those strips. "There is nothing I can do in Neticco. Plus, someone from the Council would be there, probably Iamis, and I couldn't stand that right now. It's their damn job to take care of Zesia when I'm not there. Instead of their bullshit, they can do their job." I put the glass down and finally looked into the green eyes. He seems worried, I don't see that very often. He keeps his cool as long as he can. I mean, he looks like that, I have no idea how he really feels.

"They're moving north along the border." as usual it's not a question, but I nodded. "We should agree on a course of action together before they knock on my door." he joked, his expression unchanged.

"That's not going to happen," I said calmly. "I'd rather summon the Fifth and burn Narral to the ground."

"I'm going to schedule the meeting anyway, is tomorrow okay with you?" he asked on his way to the door without waiting for my answer. He knows I'm trapped here with him. Exasperated, I marched into the shower.

"Steven?" I whispered to him. I'm not sure if he's awake yet, he still looks as calm. Unlike me, I'm lying on my back trying to ignore the rain outside the windows. I know it rains the most here in the spring, but I'm tired of the gloomy weather. Must the North wrap itself in an impenetrable wall of clouds every morning? Can't the clouds let in a single ray of sunshine?

"Yes?" he asked sleepily.

"I don't want to live in the North." I turned to him, hiding my hands under my head. Lying on his back as before, he opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling for a while. Before he laughed with that perfect deep laugh of his. Honest and happy.

"I know that." he smiled and gently caressed my cheek. "Anie." he whispered, I frowned at the childish nickname. Already before, I asked him several times not to call me that. As much as I asked Jonathan, neither respects my wishes. "You're still so cold I'm afraid you wouldn't last a single winter here." he laughed again.

"The North is your home," I argued quietly. I don't expect him to agree so quickly. I rather expected that he would want to discuss it and try to convince me that it is not so bad here.

"It is, right now." he smiled. "As long as I'm here… but that doesn't mean I have to stay here forever."

"You are expected to be here." he always acts as if it is so easy to change all the established rules. "As I am expected to be in the Palace."

"Many things are expected of me. That doesn't mean I'm going to give up what I want."

"And what do you want?"


"Well, while we're in the North, we might as well take advantage of that and stay in a warm bed all day."

"We can't do that, we have about half an hour." he said as he checked the watch on the bedside table. "Then it's shower, breakfast and a meeting with both Councils."

"Do you have to have everything so planned out?" I turned on my back and frowned at the white ceiling. The council is not going anywhere. Part of their job is to wait for me to make time.

"I'm too young to be late all the time, you know?" he joked.

"I'm too old to get up this early." I protested. "And I'm not late all the time."

"No," he admitted. "but you're not on time either." he headed to the bathroom with a laugh. He's right about that, I'm never exactly on time. Especially when it comes to the Council, I much prefer them waiting for me than me waiting for them. There is nothing wrong with that.

"I have my reasons for that." I looked out the window again, the weather is not going to improve. It will be like this all day long, at least the sun is waiting for me in the South. I sat up, what did he say? Shower, breakfast and Council?

We agreed that I would spend the entire week in the North, but the map of the South in the small hall of my Palace is completely unique. We showed up there on time, I didn't want to argue with him about what delay I thought would be adequate. He already seems quite nervous, which is not usual for him.

In the long corridor in front of the hall, Remis sits with his eyes closed on one of the benches. Ethan sits next to him, absent-mindedly twirling with the commander's ring in his hand. "Do you have a moment?" he asked without looking up. The sound of Ethan's voice woke Remis, tired blue eyes looking at me, waiting for me to say something, start screaming straight away or send him to his knees.

Wordlessly, I opened the door across from the small hall and motioned for them to move. Ethan helped Remis to his feet. He forgot to mention that they hurt him. Steven frowned beside me. "I should talk to the Council," he said quietly.

"Don't you care about what really happened in Neticco?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside before he could protest that we were going to be late and I might change my mind. And besides, I would have to retell it to him anyway, and I certainly don't want that. I closed the door of the smaller lounge and slowly turned towards them. This is going to be a very interesting conversation. Ethan is standing at the back by the window, Remis is leaning against the table top looking like she's about to pass out, Steven has stopped between us. "Caelen, what happened to you?"

"I was playing hero in a pretty unstable house," he said apologetically. I want to be mad at him, I'm mad at him, but I can't be mad at him. Not when he's in this state. That would be cruel and would help no one. Obviously I don't know everything. He has the same quality as me, he allowed himself to be crippled, for the sake of a single life, even though he knows his responsibility is to take care of the entire army. That's exactly why I like him and exactly why he makes me so angry.

I waved my hand and grabbed a bottle of bright orange liquid that appeared in the space. "I hope it was worth it." I walked over to him and handed him the bottle.

"I've already been treated and,"

"Drink it before I pour it down your throat myself." I said calmly, Steven chuckled. Before Remis dealt with the contents of the bottle, Steven prepared glasses of alcohol and immediately handed one to me. I didn't drink, I want to hear what happened first. And what should I prepare for when I stand before the Council.

"It was worth it." Remis straightened up, unzipped his dark blue uniform coat, and handed me crumpled orders. They were sending Remis and his army south of Neticco, to a completely different city. They look exactly like the orders I would dictate to Riley myself, but they aren't from me. Some of the words in the orders from me have a different meaning than it might appear, and Remis or another commander can check and verify the selected words in the appropriate book and thus verify their authenticity. Which the forger could not know, the only prerequisite for that to work is that the commanders had to actually verify them. Plus, the vast majority of my orders have my seal on them, this one doesn't. Which should have put him off, too. It's a good copy, though. "I should have known those orders weren't from you, but I didn't realise. Not until it was too late. It all happened at once, I was preparing the troops for Neticco when this came. The messenger said it's urgent."

"How many soldiers did you lose?" I asked.

"About eighteen hundred, we haven't counted the civilian casualties yet, but it will be a little more." I threw the fake orders on the table and picked up the drink. The smooth whiskey calmed me down a little. These are big losses, but not massive. And gold liquid works much better than the blue one. "Besides, half the city is in ruins," he added, making me angry again. I hope that's the old part of town, not the new part.

"Which half?" I asked measuredly.

"They came from the gate in the north-east." so the repaired part of the city, of course. I put the glass down before I could slam it on the ground. I took a deep breath.

"Did they withdraw or did you win?"

"They withdrew." Remis replied in surprise. It still surprises him that I know more than he does.

"If they weren't such good fakes, I'd send you back to basic training. I should send you there anyway. You should have checked!'

"You think I don't know?" he fumed. "If I did, they wouldn't even come near the gates, but I didn't. I don't know what else you want to hear. I'm sorry, but I can't take it back…"

"What do I want to hear? Have you seen any of those banners around here? You know our rules! We don't lose and we won't start because of you! I honestly don't care how sorry you are," it's nice to know he'll blame himself, but it doesn't solve the situation. And it's only a matter of time before Damien turns that run of theirs into a victory for us, even though we lost outright. "just find a way to fix it before you lose your place for good."

"We need to find out who sent those orders," Ethan said, interrupting our small, almost private conversation.

"Not that,"

Steven took the papers and looked at them for a moment. He bit his lip and put them down again. It is clear to me what conclusion he came to. It is the only logical conclusion that could be reached. "Riley must have sent them," he said, sure of his own conclusion. "He alone has access to everything he needs to forge such an order. He writes down your orders every day. He knows how to send them and to whom."

"I know." I confirmed. There was silence in the room. All three look at me. They wait tensely. I turned my gaze to the window, the sun is flooding the small courtyard with the fountain behind it with golden rays. The water runs down the coloured stones, disappears in them and reappears at the top of the fountain. At the same time, the drops of water glisten magically in the light. It's a soothing sight. I miss the South terribly, in the North I can only observe the curtain of clouds. And that's a pretty bad idea. Although, I have to admit that gloomy weather suits my thoughts much better.

Riley is acting weirder and weirder. He wasn't where he was supposed to be a few times, but that doesn't prove anything. I'm also in a different place than I usually say. But suddenly he's closed-minded, I'm not forced by his stupid views on the world that was spinning even before he was born with me already in it. It's the simplest conclusion, he really has access to everything he needs. And recently, he often turns to his faith, perhaps as if he were looking for solace for his troubled conscience. Is he looking for forgiveness? But I don't know what he would get out of it. That's the only missing piece of the puzzle. He's too much of a coward to take that risk. And smart enough to know that even if he succeeded, he would give himself away. So why does he risk so much? Because of what? The Nobles?

"Could he betray you?" Steven snapped me out of my thoughts with that question, I nodded silently. Riley, like Jasce, were in their positions before I came, mainly because I don't have time to fire them all and find replacements. I never claimed he had my trust, he just hasn't earned my suspicions so far…

"Anyone who can betray me is an occupational hazard."

"Sure!" Ethan slammed his hand on the table. "He can't be trusted!"

"But why?" asked Steven.

"How do you know they've withdrawn?" Remis continued with another question.

"Riley is just a clerk, and like the rest of his friends, he's rooting for the Nobles. They would prefer to decide everything themselves, and they still think how original their idea is... Besides, he will soon be a corpse, so it won't matter." I started, took another drink and left the glass hanging in space. "Neticco used to be part of Narral, as was much of the territory around the border. We already razed it to the ground once, Damien decided that because," all three watch me closely. "well, that's something he does with cities that stop entertaining him. It used to be the perfect place to draw, but it's not anymore, we've taken care of that. So I know that when it dawned on them, they called off the attack. There was nothing more they could want. And about the first question," I looked at Ethan. "if it seemed so obvious to you, you should have stopped him yourself. It's your job, if you haven't noticed."

"Who?" Remis asked again. I didn't answer that.

"You can't kill Riley," Steven interjected.

"Why can't I?" I asked slowly. I don't see a single reason why I can't get rid of him. Traitors don't usually live to a very old age in Zessia, and he's already overserved. "Zessia is part of the Legacy and he compromised that particular part. I have everything I need to separate his head from the rest of his body."

"I spoke to him this morning and I don't think he's worried about not getting away with it, quite the opposite. According to him, you are distracted by your stay in Athran and namely by me." he looked at me with an uncompromising look. "He will still come in handy. Did you see any letter with him? You've already complained several times about him not being where he was supposed to be. He had to meet someone in person." I didn't even realise I was complaining about it. And also that he listened to the complaining.

"Or he's not that stupid and just burned them. He didn't meet anyone personally..." I almost said… because he couldn't meet any of them. But they, like me, do not work alone. That's what Daniel said too, this time they rely on other people, much more than before. I guess I have an idea who he met, a hideous hulk who could alone scare Riley to death and where he is, they are. And with Damien disappearing like that… it's not good, not for Steven. "You want to be one step ahead?" I asked him angrily. He has no right to defend Riley. He's supposed to be on my side. Damn, he wants to join us, these aren't the words of one of us. "Ethan, take him in for questioning."

"Don't do it. You'll make everything worse, An," he urged. I heard Ethan's footsteps behind me. "if there's even a chance this is going anywhere… you have to try." I raised my hand before he came to me. Why does Steven care so much? He will have no part in it. "You have to trust me on this. If there's a way to end it all, can you afford not to take it?"

"Wait," Steven is convinced he made the right decision, Ethan doesn't like Riley just on principle, and Remis is furious because he lost his man. The three quickly agree that Riley is a traitor and they can get information about the enemy from him without him knowing, but it doesn't bother either of them that it works the other way around. "Steven," I turned only to him and took two steps. "you remember what we talked about in the old mansion, don't you? You saw how far the place was from everything else and even that never stopped them. Neither did the white walls of the Palace, nor Arlintanga. I'm not going to risk Riley passing on information about where you are and what you're doing. Do you understand?"

"So many people know my daily schedule that no one needs Riley to get information, but we can use him, do you understand? Let him watch, but don't interfere. Not yet. And we can stop it once and for all." He stood about a meter away from me, folded his arms over his chest and leaned in as he spoke. He is so stubborn!

"It's not about your schedule, it's about what you do in your free time. Who do you spend your time with."

"I'm with you, which is probably the safest option, according to you. Now that we've cleared that up, we should move on to the meeting." he walked through the door and stopped in the opposite hall. Remis followed him, this time he was able to walk there alone and without help.

I wouldn't say that being with me is the safest option. I will do anything to keep him safe, but it may not be enough. Not when she shows up.

"Can I kill Riley?" Ethan asked in a whisper.

"If you find a really good reason for it, I won't stand in your way." I said calmly. Steven banned me, not Ethan. We both followed them into the small hall. Ethan joined Remis, I stopped at the door. I kind of liked the idea of the others being trapped with me and not a single word getting out. Well, at least until they leave the place. My small rune flew across the room, illuminating it with golden light, reliably silencing my guests and allowing us to begin.

His Council has only five members, but they are all present. Steven introduced them to my Council members in turn, although I feel they all know each other intimately. On one side of the hall stood Baron Gaetän Cormier, a man so annoying that he could easily match Iamis. Priestess Muriel Lortie, a constant reminder of what a world we have built around the Hallies' name. Lord Luc DuChamp, a man Edgar brought to vote for anything he pointed at. Steven's fragile friend, the young Lady Jossellin Pelletier. And Maxime Lucien Jaubert, the owner of the largest blue steel mine ever, a great businessman and the only one of them also my friend.

My Council is not complete against them, Lord Haiden Beau Galeren stayed in Neticco and Lord Cassius Bearon joined him in the morning, they couldn't do it without each other. And it's getting unbearable. That means on my side is present Peter Allaway, the Duke of Alryne, and my father's dear friend rather than mine. Lady Iohanna Pare alongside her new ally Baron Migsett Iamis. Retired General Lord Wolstan Terrick and newly joined member Lord Tavin Nazzaire Gallien. On top of that, here's Ethan, Remis, Thorton representing Darien, the two of us, and Emmett.

We all gathered around the map and it almost looked as if the Athrans were really deliberately sticking together on one side of the hall and my people on the other. Divided by a large map that serves as a clear boundary. The only exception is Emmett as usual, he hugged me first and then gave me the news. "I'm gonna need a cigarette after this," he whispered.

"Smoking will kill you one day." I laughed out loud and walked over to the map. Almost the entire border with Narral glows some shade of red. "Ladies and gentlemen, my dear advisors, I'm sure you all know very well why we're here, but for the record," I began, turning to the Athran Council. "as we speak here, the Eastern Army is formed on the eastern border with Narral, currently under the command of Lord General Darien, otherwise led by Lord General Caelen Remis, the commander of the combined divisions of the Southern and Eastern Armies, who will guide us through the current situation." I don't feel like commenting on what's happening on the map, just like I don't feel like browsing the news. The chances that they wouldn't get me angry are zero, and I left the glass of alcohol in the next room. And since I completely forgot about it, it's probably a pile of shards now.

"I'm sure you all know what the situation is, but let me summarize," Remis said. "almost the entire border between Zessia and Narral is in a war zone. We've managed to set up barricades along the entire length with little loss, mages guard most of our border. There is damage in a few places, but nothing major, those are the bright spots on the map. The problem is of course the portals, the enemy can't seem to move them beyond the twenty kilometer, hence the dark zone." he pointed to a thick, dark strip in front of the border. "People are being moved away from the area and of course we have restricted the use of magic in the area and put other restrictions in place to match our protocols. Everything is written in our reports.

Unfortunately, we suffered losses in Neticco yesterday." he pointed to the largest of the red dots, about a third of the way up the border. "It seems that the enemy is not trying to occupy our cities, but to cause as much damage as possible. From the frequency of the attacks, we can clearly see that even without the portals, their army is moving north. We assume they are trying to get to Alryne and the open area around the city would be ideal for a clash." Remis finished. There was silence.

"To clash?" a startled Lady Pelletier broke the silence, her brown eyes fixed only on her king.

"But that's already at our border," Cormier pointed out.

"Did you notice? That's why you're here." Gallien said with his gaze fixed on the map. "Do you think that we are inviting you here just to inform you that we will be fighting far from your border?"

"Then why don't you stop them sooner? Why wait until they get to our border?" Cormier asked again, I feel like he's still angry since our conversation about Lemford and now he's just provoking. "Zessia has the biggest and strongest army, you keep saying that! You have our weapons! Forged from our steel! And the advantage of home conditions. And you can't stop them?"

"Numbers don't matter and weapons don't either, Alryne is a strategic place, they can only come from one direction and have nowhere to hide. We can prepare that way," Remis guessed. "at the moment there are big lakes in our way and a little further north there will be mountains."

"So now we're just going to wait?" Pelletier can't take Steven out of her sight. And he didn't even look at her. Do others see the same thing as me? Or am I just jealous?

"Attacking now might turn out to be a pretty bad idea. It should be decided at Alryne." Terrick frowned at the map. "We will have a smaller advantage, but that space is dangerously open. A small mistake on our part can turn everything in their favor."

"It doesn't shine to the enemy and it doesn't look bright to us either..." Iohanna commented quietly, a cold sweat broke out on me when I heard that.

"What?" I asked surprised, looking at her. I've never heard anyone other than my uncle say that stupid line. But even Damien isn't that stupid to start something with her. He can't be that stupid. He follows his own rules because he made them up himself. They make sense to him alone. So he wouldn't break it. But where else could Iohanna hear this, she couldn't come up with it herself. Not word by word. Such a coincidence would be a greater miracle than our flawless power.

"Are you sure they're heading to Alryne?" Emmett asked me suspiciously. And with that he interrupted my thoughts of another betrayal.

"Sure enough… it's a transfer station to Athran." I explained to silence him, looking at Johanna. She went back to her usual pink dress. "Where did you hear that?"

"I'm not sure..." Iohanna stopped, she didn't look away from me, but she knows damn well.

"Are they approaching Athran?" Pelletier's daughter isn't just scared, she's slowed down. How had none of them figured it out yet? Surely they are heading for Atrhan, we are ready for them here and they have to expand their land somewhere. Plus, Athran is full of power that we got rid of here a long time ago for that very reason.

"Think, Iohanna." I encouraged her. "Or at least try."

"I suppose," she hesitated, but she didn't budge either. Blue eyes narrowed. She very carefully looks for a lie that is not a lie. As if someone had taught her how to lie properly while telling the truth. Someone like Damien who taught Emmett that too. "that I saw it in one of the books."

"Are they trying to get to Athran?" Jossellin repeated her question. "Why?"

"That must have been a very interesting book." I smirked. One that can't be found in the local library. I left the blue eyes alone and exchanged them for the poor naive ones on the other side of the hall. "As if Narral ever needed a reason to attack..." Steven didn't even move, he probably didn't want to explain anything. "Remis is right, they are not trying to get to our territory, they are constantly moving to the North all the time. The only city they have shown interest in is Nettico. And that's only because of the raw material they desperately lack. That's why I'm sure their next stop will be Alryne. The city is imbued with magic, it grows through the stones, changes the colours of the leaves on the trees, it directly entices someone to take the power here."

"Do they want to get in there to drawn?" gasped priestess Muriel. To her, that must be the worst kind of blasphemy. Well, almost.

"With enough power, they can increase their army." Peter completed me. "And continue anywhere."

"The whole city is closed, we have started preparations, our soldiers are gathering in front of the city. But it's so close to the border that it's impossible to rule out Athran entirely. The problem is that your country has not yet officially taken a position."

"I would rather see it as an advantage." Emmett leaned over the map and studied it for a moment. The Athran Council started talking about something, but I couldn't understand them, they were speaking too quietly. "Lomingriam Forest," he smiled, raising his hazel eyes to me and straightening. "an ideal place to hide a large army. The question is which armies?"

I smiled too, I like planning things with Emmett, he doesn't like long debates, he just comes up with a plan and sticks to it. "That's no question, part of the Southern Army will move there with General Addington. And Remis and Darien will join him from the other side."

"They'll have to hand over command to me while they're in Athran territory." Emmett returned to the map, wrote something on it, then straightened up again. Steven watched him take notes. He measured something, frowned at his own notes, and continued. "Saulés," he jabbed his finger at the map, far from my border and the forest. "It's perfect for gatherings. We'll open portals there and get them into the forests along our own border and vice versa."

The inexplicable feeling came over me again, the tent city in which I saw Steven and myself would grow in Saulés. We are preparing for a battle in which we will each stand alone. A battle in which, in addition to the lion battalions, those belonging to the Fifth Army will also fight. "Can't you find another place?"

"No, I," Emmett trailed off as Steven folded his arms over his chest and began to glare at him with green eyes.

"Go on," he told him in an icy voice.

"...I think it's the perfect place." he finished, for a brief moment I had the feeling that maybe the colour green scared Emmett. Does he not want to upset his brother or his king? "Saulés is a military base, and like the Lion's Tail, it has everything we could need. It's a perfect place, Ans."

"We will mainly need a place. The Lion's Tail battalions can move out at any time and the rest will join them later." I agreed looking at Saulés on the map, it's almost an exact square, bordered by forest on the side. What other option do I have? "Once the troops cross the border, Addington and the commanders under him will obey you, that shouldn't be a problem. And when the time comes, you'll go back with them and hand over command again. It's not very elegant, but it's the plan."

"It's a very nice plan, but you know," green eyes released Emmett and focused on me. I am able to resist them much better and longer. "I have to approve of it."

"Well, if you don't have a better idea, you'll have to anyway." I said calmly, this is exactly what I want. Picking up his pen, he signs me to take care of it with Emmett and clears the field. I suspect he won't, but it would be nice. "Just sign it."

"Actually, I have another plan, the Celadon division will move there. To Saulés." he turned to me. That uncompromising look again. That's why he was wearing that black armor in my vision, he wants to lead his own men into battle.

"But only you can command it." Emmett objected as the Council members on both ends of the hall began to speak. Steven ignored them all, just looking at me.

"Your soldiers will stay on your territory," he said again, in that decisive voice. "And mine will join them with me at the head. You don't have to involve the Southern Army at all.''

"It's just that I gave orders to my commanders, I won't be there," I objected. With a heavy heart, I realised that I was telling him the absolute truth. I don't plan to be there with the Southern army.

"At least I'll see to it for you."

"What about the other commanders? Are they going to watch you play on the battlefield from safety, Steven?" I suddenly asked angrily. I would much rather he sent the others there. I'd be a lot calmer if Emmett took the risk. He can take care of himself, always, in every situation.

"I'm not playing anything Anie, I'm just giving you my terms." that nickname again, trying to get me on his side. I notice that the Councils have gone silent, I can feel the gaze of every single one of them on me. They are waiting to see what I do. They burn me with their disapproving looks. They are waiting to see what he will do, because no one talks to the Heiress like that. The whole time I was looking only into his green eyes. I didn't flinch, I don't have much of a choice. I have to stand by my decision. After all, everyone wanted me to stay away with him. Away from all danger. So why can't he understand and see the same.

"You're not giving them to me, you're dictating." he does exactly what I would expect Edgar to do.

"It'll be best this way, Anie..."

"You don't care about compromises or my opinion, you just want to fight."

"I do."

"Forget it, Atwell," I took a step towards him, hands behind my back. I'm losing my footing faster than I can find the right words. He doesn't like his middle name, and I don't like that stupid nickname. "My plan, my troops, my commanders in my war."

"Your war?" he also took a step towards me. His hard features turned into a piece of stone, as icy as his voice. "My responsibility and my decision in my country, Ph…"

"That would be enough! We should take a little break." Emmett jumped between us before Steven could finish his sentence. If he used my middle name, I would be really pissed. Enough to knock him to the ground and stop any more words. No one uses it, not even me. For one damn good reason, it's not mine. "Andrea, get some fresh air, now!" Emmett ordered. The green gaze released me, turning to Emmett, I frowned but obeyed my old friend. He's probably right.

I need some air.

I pushed open the door with my hand before I even got to it. Both halves crashed into the stone wall with a loud crash, during our little argument I forgot about the rune I sealed them with. If I don't like that stupid baby nickname, I hate my middle name. I hate it when someone tries to use it, the only one who dares to is Jonathan and only if I provoke him for a really long time. Both Stephan and Damien avoid it. It binds me directly to my family, in a way that infuriates me. It announces to everyone that I am his Heiress even before he showed me the stupid book with the red plates and his initials on the cover. From the first day I was born, I belong only to him, I am attached to him. And I can't do anything about it. His first name was transferred to me, along with everything else…what an honour.

I walked quickly through the long corridor and went out into one of the small courtyards. A few green palm trees provide just enough shade to hide from the scorching rays. I had only been in the North for a few days and I had already forgotten how hot the sun can be here. I unbuttoned the long coat he made me wear. I didn't want to wear a dress in the morning, but he insisted on something less ordinary than a shirt. Instead of a comfortable coat, I put on a long red one with golden rays of the sun embroidered on it, so he couldn't complain about anything. I took it off of me and threw it on the nearest bench.

"Did that piss you off that much?" laughed a voice behind me.

"Don't provoke me," I retorted. I found that the coat is not a problem, I'm hot even in a decorated shirt, I have to roll up my sleeves. I have a habit of doing that, I just couldn't do it on my coat. "I hate the name and I hate the stupid diminutive. I hate how stubborn he is!"

"He doesn't like his middle name either. I carry an offer of peace." he patted me on the shoulder and handed me a cigarette.

"No thanks." I gave it back to him as I examined him with folded arms. I haven't seen him in uniform for a long time. The Athran one is quite similar to the ones my soldiers wear. The difference is their lighter blue color, highlighted shoulders and rank insignia, instead of gold triangles, Emmett has five silver trapezoids lined up in a row.

"I hope you haven't quit." he looked at me scared and blew out a puff of smoke.

"After all these years, why would I quit now?" I shook my head. Emmett dutifully put away the cigarette. "I saw him in Saulés. He's supposed to be there and I don't know how to get him out of there."

"Will it happen there?" he asked cautiously. I could clearly see him standing in his armor, but was he still wearing it after that? Did I see him die in Saulés? All I could see was his eyes and my bloody hands. And then the hands also disappeared and only the eyes remained. It's not much of a clue about place or even time. Such important things I might need.

"I don't know." I admitted.

"Well, I hate to admit it, but Steve is a really good commander. What you want to send the whole Southern for, one division will be enough for him. He's a bit like you."

"Shouldn't you be on my side!?"

"I am on your side!" he defended himself immediately.

"The Eastern won't move and remains on the borders. I need Southern and Remis out of the way to be able to engage the Fifth. No one else can command it, and I can't tell everyone that the army is slowly waking up. But I can handle the rest with you, why does he have to be there?'

"Ans, I bought a bar, remember? I'm not exactly thrilled to have to have this again." he pointed at the uniform and slowly released the smoke. "I don't give a damn what you see, I don't care what father wants, how stubborn Steven is or isn't, or your exaggerated concerns. The fact remains that new perversion is coming and we have to stop it, one way or another. And I'd much rather face it with both of you by my side. Forget everything else and just think about who you want to be standing there with when everything else goes to shit."

He's right and I can't take it away from him. Brown eyes look at me carefully, studying me directly. It would probably be easiest if all three of us stood side by side and faced it, but that's not going to happen anyway. So it will be up to Emmett to take care of his younger brother. And it will be up to Steven to bring my best friend back in one piece.

"Do you agree?" he asked urgently. I nodded, there's no point in explaining anything to him, he had already made up his mind anyway. "On to the fun stuff then. I need you to entertain Steven for the whole night." I raised my eyebrow in surprise. If I didn't expect Emmett to say something, it was this sentence. He didn't want to hear anything about our relationship and now he's encouraging me? "Don't look at me like that. Father wants to talk to him and invites him to his house in the evening. I need him not to be there, I'll go there in his place, but I need it to look like Steve forgot about it."

"May I ask why?"

"Because if he doesn't come, father will get mad, and if I show up and tell him he's somewhere with you, he'll be even more angry." he smiled proudly and bared his teeth. I'm sure he thinks it's a brilliant plan, but I don't see the genius in it. He rolled his eyes and continued to explain. "You don't think I'm going to bring you that stupid notebook. I'll see what's inside and leave it there. And I need father to be quite distracted and not give me attention, not all of it. He'll be cursing that Steve doesn't have time for anything and won't notice anything."

"Well, that's great and all, but he'll never believe you," I said, remembering this morning. "Steven notes everything like when he has to take a shower and such."

"I can't do everything for you, Ans. For all I care, tie him to the bed. Just take care of it. We'll meet at nine in the morning at the training ground, as usual." with those words, he stood up and left again.

Picking up my coat from the wooden bench, I considered whether I should put it on. I am faced with a series of decisions and this one, although the smallest of all, makes me think. What about all the little decisions that lead to an inevitable fate? How much will his fate change if I just leave the coat here? Will our world stop spinning when I wear it? What if I just carry it in my hand and later put it back in the closet to wait for the next Council or to never be taken out again?

Neither of those decisions can change absolutely anything, I know damn well. My coat is just a piece of cloth held together by meters of gold thread. Glimpses of the future, trying to warn me of a future that I myself want to avoid, that I should avoid because it's better for me. They should give me enough time to avoid making decisions I don't want to make. A unique opportunity to change that. It sounds perfect, but whatever I change will have consequences of its own that I know nothing about.

Also, it doesn't tell me which part of the vision I should change? Should I have changed my mind about awakening the Fifth? But it's not just my decision. Like the whole plan in Saulés, I didn't come up with it myself and I haven't even made up my mind yet. The only decision I will make is handing over command. But who could I put in command of such an army? Certainly not to anyone present in the hall. My family wouldn't forgive me for that.

Does this mean that Damien or Jonathan will return to the lead? Only then the runic designation of the army would not match. There would have to be a different number. This is how it works, I am the fifth commander in line, the Fifth serves only me. What if it's a passing lie? That might be it, I've never lied to Steven. I always told him the truth or didn't answer, but his perspective was completely different. He wasn't looking at me with loving eyes or smiling like usual, but he was looking at me with completely new eyes. He wasn't exactly angry, but I'd never seen him like that before. So something has changed between us. Is that the decision? Because we must stand together, side by side, no matter what. Who came up with that? I can take care of myself and him, so why... it doesn't matter.

With my coat in hand, I turned and walked back to the building, almost bumping into him. His hands quickly caught me. He is smiling. That's exactly the look I know so well. Totally different from the one I saw in that damn vision. "I came to check on you."

"I was just about to come back." his palms warm against my skin. I wanted to tell him that we should go back, but I don't want him to let me go. He is so terribly annoying when others are around us, especially his Council.

"Do you want to talk about it before we get back?" he asked in a commanding tone, at which point I removed his hands from me.

"It's okay." I threw the surprisingly light fabric over me and adjusted my collar.

"You don't even want to talk me out of it?" he asked offended.

"No," I fastened the two buttons and looked into the green eyes. "You've already decided. You are terribly stubborn and I hate it when you raise your voice. So, I'll just follow you and breathe on your back the whole time."

"I'd much rather you covered them for me." he laughed and kissed me.

I almost told him that I would do it, but I didn't make it. The new vision left me speechless. I watched myself as I left him behind in the tent and made my way to the other side of the battlefield, towards the city. Well, at least I verified the truth. All those decisions are mine alone. I buried my head in his shirt and let him hold me. I don't want to go back there, now we have the boring part full of writing orders, dictating exact terms and agreeing on details, but I have no choice.

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